Office Fuck Pt. 03


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Mary smiled with a happiness she hadn't felt in a very very long time.

She kissed him passionately and then sat astride him.

"You ready to go one more time?" she said Mischievously.

"Five minutes?" pleaded John.

"Oh I'm not going to wait that long." Said Mary going down on him.

Couple of hours later, exhausted from their intense lovemaking the two lovebirds lay in bed sleeping soundly.

Mary's deep stupor was broken by the urgent ringing of John' cell phone. She woke up beady eyed and took a moment to become coherent. By the time she was awake and propped up on her elbows, the phone stopped ringing. John didn't even stir. She decided to let it go and go back to sleep. Just as she was about to lie down again, the phone started ringing again.

It seemed to be urgent so she shook John. He moaned in protest but she kept at it until he was awake and looking at her indignantly.

"Your phone. It's been ringing incessantly. " said Mary

John regained consciousness and picked up the phone.

"What? Where?"

Mary couldn't hear the voice at the other end but whatever it was, it had made John agitated.

"I'll be right there!"

"What happened?" asked Mary concerned.

John had a worried look on his face and he was hurriedly putting on his clothes.

"It's Mom. She was in an accident."

"Oh my God."

"I have to go to the hospital right now."

"Shall I come with you?"

"No Mary.. go back to sleep. I'll see you tomorrow."

Mary started to protest but then realized that now wasn't a good time.

So she lay back in the bed.

She didn't hear from John the next day as well. She tried to contact him but her call went to voice mail.

"Call me John. I'm worried." She left a message on his phone.

She hardly got any sleep the next night as well. She wasn't sure about what had happened. There was no news about the accident so she assumed that it was all being kept hush hush. Which made her more worried as there was no way of knowing if John's mother was all right.

Finally the next day John contacted her.


"Hey John, I've been so worried. How is she?"

"She's still in the hospital.. but she's fine now. I need to talk to you. Can you see me in the evening?"

"Sure John."

"At my office around 8?"

"I'll be there."

Mary had a hard time concentrating at work that day. She kept thinking about what John wanted to say. She still wasn't very secure about their relationship status.

Finally she found herself knocking on his office door. John opened it himself and promptly took her in his arms.

"I'm so glad to see you Mary."

Mary didn't say anything, she just let him hug her. When he finally drew away, she looked at his face and it looked very worried and sad. It looked like he hadn't slept since the time he had left her to go to the hospital.

"What's the matter?"

"Sit down. I want to tell you something but you have to promise me you can never talk about this to anyone. I mean it."

"I swear. You can trust me completely John."

John sat down heavily on a couch and covered his face with his hands. Then sighing he started to speak

"It wasn't an accident Mary. Mom tried to kill herself"

Mary's brow furrowed as she tried to assimilate this information.

"What do you mean? I mean why would she?"

"I'm not his son Mary. That's what she told me when I went to see her."

Mary didn't say anything she let him continue.

"She told me that she had had a brief affair and I'm the product of that liaison. Dad.." John paused for a bit before speaking again

"I'm not even sure if I should be calling him that. Dad found out and that was the reason for their separation. He wanted to keep it under wraps to avoid a scandal so he sent Mom away to Paris to manage our branch there."

"But he asked her to come back to him John, why would he do that?"

"In spite of what had happened, Dad had loved her. All these years he never remarried and finally he made his peace with it. He called her back to mend the broken fences."

"But then why would she want to commit suicide?"

"She told somebody Mary. In a moment of weakness she talked to this guy who was her so called friend. Now he's blackmailing her. But that isn't the reason why I'm so broken up. Mary she never told me that the man I thought was my father.. all these years the man who I hated for sending us away was actually a saint. And I was some illegitimate bastard who doesn't even know who his father is."

Mary paused for a bit before asking

"So who is your father?"

"She wouldn't tell me."

Mary was perplexed at this that John's mother would want to hide this information from her son. She probably owed this to him given the fact that she had hidden this secret from him all these years.

"Did she tell you who it is; Who's blackmailing her?"

"Well she wouldn't tell me lest I do something rash. But I do have a vague idea as to who it might be."


John sighed and continued.

"Well it has to be Ballantine."

"Mr. Martin Ballantine!"

"Yes him. The Mr. Martin Ballantine. He was great friends with mom back when they were in college, hell they even had an affair. But that was a long time back. They had broken up but remained good friends throughout the years."

Mr. Ballantine was owner of one of the topmost broking houses in the city. He was a shrewd investor and had made his fortune investing aggressively in various ventures. He was probably one of the richest people in the city.

"Well if he's such close friends with her, why would he blackmail her?"

"I dunno, I'm not even sure its him. But he is the one close friend that mom might tell something like this to."

"Well what does he want?"

"Well she didn't tell me but I think he wants to pick up a stake in our company and get voted onto the board of directors. I would want that."

"John I think you should press your mother for this information. It would be vital to put a stop to any plans that the blackmailer has in mind."

"I will.. I just want her to get better first. Then I will. You should go now Mary. Thanks for being there for me."

"You sure you don't want me to stay?"

"No you should go. I'll be fine."

"I'll see you tomorrow?"

John paused and simply said

"I'll call you."

Then Mary didn't hear from him for the next three days. She tried to contact him on the third day but his phone went directly to voicemail. She was starting to get a little agitated. She couldn't understand why he wasn't allowing her to help him through this.

She wasn't able to concentrate on her work as well. A couple of times she snapped at her co-workers. Word got around and before she knew it she was in Rich's office getting an earful.

"You had better correct your attitude Mary. I have been getting complaints of your high handedness."

"I.. I'm sorry Rich, it won't happen again I promise."

Rich calmed down a bit

"Do you want a few days Mary, to get things in order?"

"No.. No Rich I'd rather concentrate on my work. That would be better for me."

"Do you want to talk to somebody, I can refer a good shrink to you?"

"I'm fine Rich, I truly am. Like I said, won't happen again."

Mary went back to her desk, angry at being treated like this by John and even more so at how it was getting to her.

Finally when she got back home, she got a text from him.


"Meet me at the usual place."

Mary got to the Huffing Pot to see that John was waiting for her. He had taken a table at the corner.

As she got to the table, he hugged her and kissed her on a cheek before guiding her to her seat.

"You look sprightly" said Mary settling down and noticing the big smile on John's face.

"I am. I am very happy."

"Well, what is it?"

"Boy I have some great news to tell you. But first, coffee?"

"Oh damnit John just tell me."

"Well I ordered a Latte for you anyway."

"Latte is fine, now cmon out with it."

"Well, here it is.. Ballantine is my father."

"Get out! Seriously?"

"Yeah she finally told me. That was why he was blackmailing her. He wanted her to tell me. But she didn't want to tell me yet, I dunno y. But I coaxed and I coaxed and she finally gave in."

"Wow, what are you going to do now?"

"I wanna go see him, talk to him. I'll probably do that tomorrow. But I am happy tonight and I want to celebrate."

"Well then shouldn't we be drinking to that?"

"Oh yes, we will.. we will drink to that my love. Have your coffee first, the night has just begun."

From the Huffing Pot they went straight to 'Marauders' which was one of the top discotheques in the city.

They headed straight for the bar first. John ordered a Vodka Martini while Mary asked for a Long island Iced tea.

They hugged and kissed passionately as they drank and soon John started to get erect.

"Cmon Dance with me" said Mary grabbing his hand as she made to go to the dance floor.

"Gimme a moment?" said John staying put.

Mary could see that he was feeling embarrassed on account of his erection.

"Cmon now.. I want people to see how much you want me."

She pulled John off his bar stool and dragged him onto the dance floor. She then turned around and started to grind her ass against his crotch as she swayed to the music.

John was fully erect now, thrusting to the beats of the music and she in turn grinding her ass to his crotch, all the time in sync with the beats.

Soon they couldn't control their desire and headed straight for the men's washroom. There they got into a stall and Mary quickly pulled down his pants to reveal his penis, very hard and very ready to go. She started to lick it, slowly, letting her tongue play around the tip of his penis, then sliding it up and down his shaft slowly, tantalizingly.

John groaned with pleasure as his thigh muscles tightened with desire.

She then took his penis in her mouth and started sucking wantonly. John held her head, guiding it as he started to thrust urgently. Just as he started to grunt indicating that he was about to come, Mary squeezed the base of his penis very hard to stop him from coming. Still he came a little bit, a few droplets of cum escaping from the tip of his penis.

"Your turn now" she said taking off her panties and making him kneel in front of her. She put one leg on the pot and presented her pussy to him. He started to lick the clitoris slowly. Mary moaned with pleasure. He could see that she was getting very wet now, her juices trickling down the inside of her thigh.

He inserted a finger inside her pussy and he continued to lick it urgently. He could see beads of sweat forming on her stomach and her forehead as she started to thrust very urgently. When her moans became more urgent, he started to finger her furiously. She started thrusting wildly now, moaning loudly.

They didn't care that they could be heard. They didn't care that there was a world out there. All they cared for was the lovemaking.

She held his head against her pussy as she came, shuddering with the force of her orgasm.

He then stood up and kissed her.

"Lets go some place else and do this again."

That night they went to three different night clubs and in the men's room of each night club they fucked wildly and loudly. By the time they exited the third night club, they were both exhausted.

As they headed out, John hailed a cab since they figured they were too sloshed to drive.

"Crash with me tonight?" said John as they got into the cab.

"Whu What, at the office?"

"No at my place."

"Wow.. never thought you would take me there."

"So that's a yes?"

"Fuck yeah" said Mary leaning and kissing him once again.

Then drawing away she asked

"You think you have it in you for one more time?"

John smiled.

The next morning John woke up to find that Mary had left early. There was a note on the bedside table that read

"See ya in office Johnny boy."

John was surprised that she was up so early given the amount of alcohol they had consumed last night.

He quickly got dressed, ate a bagel and left for office.

Meanwhile, Mary was engrossed with a presentation. Rich was being particularly nasty today so she had decided to keep a low profile.

She was interrupted by a ping from John

"Hey you "

"Can't get enough of me can you?"

"Nope. You're in my head all the time."

"I hope that's a good thing."

"Hey I wanted to tell you that I'm going to see him, I talked to him and he has agreed to meet me."

"Wow, that's great. Did he sound excited?"

"He sounded pretty normal. I'm the one who's more excited."

"Well you should be. All the best "

"I'll tell you how it goes.. see ya later?"

"Wouldn't wanna miss it."

John signed off.

The rest of the day was pretty busy for Mary and the mild hangover wasn't helping. She managed to grab a few winks on a couch but was woken up abruptly by an intern.

Apparently there were a few changes to be incorporated in her presentation so she got up immediately.

Finally, her day came to an end and she gave John a call. He didn't pick up. She rang again but it went to voicemail.

"Hey, how'd it go? Let me know ok, I'm gonna head back home now. Call me when you get this."

Mary headed home and after having something to eat, she fell asleep. She was woken up by the buzzing of her phone.

It was an unknown number.

"Hello" she croaked


"Yes? Who is this?"

"Stay away from John or there will be consequences."

Mary was alert immediately.

"Who is this?"

"Nobody. Just do as I say. If you know what is good for you, you'll stay the fuck away from him. "

The phone went silent.

Mary tried to call back but the phone was switched off.

She couldn't go back to sleep or what to make of the conversation. She tried calling John again but it went to voicemail.

"Hey John, call me soon. I need to talk about something and its urgent. Call me babe.."

Mary did not see or hear from John for the next two days. She was worried and hardly got any sleep. Finally on the third day she got a ping from him.

"Meet me in my office, 8 p.m. Don't tell anybody."

"John what the hell is going on?

"Just come to my office. We need to talk."


The rest of Mary's day crawled along and it seemed like an eternity before the clock struck 8.

When it did, she immediately took a lift to go upstairs to John's office. She got there to find the door ajar and John seemed to be talking to somebody on his phone in an agitated manner.

"No you listen to me you son of a bitch. I don't know who you are but blackmailing me won't work. You wanna tell the world by secrets, go ahead, be my guest. I'm not playing ball with you."

Mary stepped into the room as John threw the phone angrily onto his desk.

"What was that all about?" asked Mary.

"This asshole calls me up and tells me he knows my little secret, he even threatens to reveal information about our affair. You know what, let him tell the world what he knows. I love you and I don't care if everyone finds out. As long as I have you by my side." Said John taking her face in his hands lovingly.

"Are you sure John? You know it will complicate matters, I might have to leave this company."

"Would you?"

"Would I what?"

"Leave for my sake?"

"Is it something you'd want?"

"No Mary I wouldn't want you to leave, of course not. I mean, do you trust me enough to trust me?"

Mary kissed him.

"I trust you John. I wold do anything for us. I think that this relationship is going somewhere, don't you?"

"I love you Mary. I really do. I thought of saying this at some perfect moment when it felt right but I dunno now feels like as good a time as any."

"I love you too John."

They kissed again and John carried her to the attached bedroom.

As he lay her on the bed, Mary told him about the phone call that she had got.

"Must be the same guy. Forget about him. Tonight we fuck like there's no tomorrow." Said John shrugging it off.

He kissed her hungrily and took off his clothes very quickly. He was already erect, ready to enter her and make love to her.

She slid down her pants and allowed him to tear away her panties to reveal her pussy yearning for him.

She moaned as he entered her and immediately started to thrust urgently.

As he fucked her harder, she spurred him on,

"Come inside me John, Please baby, just come inside me. I wanna feel your warm cum inside me."

"I shouldn't.. Oh God I shouldn't.." he gasped as his buttocks started to tighten with each thrust, urging his penis to burst inside her.

"Go on John, don't you stop. Don't you stop for anything. I wanna feel your cum inside me John. Harder.. harder!"

John started to thrust even more urgently until suddenly his body went taut and he shuddered with the force of his orgasm, his penis exploding inside her, filling her pussy with cum.

He collapsed beside her gasping for breath as she writhed a little longer in ecstasy.

"I shouldn't have done that" said John in between his heavy breathing.

"Its ok John, I'm on the pill. We needed that."

John looked into her eyes

"You are so amazing. I want you all the time.."

"You have me John.. you have me. Nothing is going to change that."

They lay next to each other talking, telling each other about their childhood, their hopes and dreams, truly getting intimate with each other.

The next morning, they stayed in late, had a hearty breakfast that John concocted.

"These are nice pancakes John. Sinful" said Mary munching on the lovely pancakes John had prepared.

"You know you can call in sick."

"I can't. Rich would kill me."

"You're such a workaholic. Take some time out girl."

"You should meet Rick sometime. You'll know why I can't mess around at work."

"Oh I've seen him around. Looks like a dick."

"He looks like one but he's a nice guy."

"Well if you ever want him fired, I can get that done for you, you know that right?"

"Don't think so Johnny boy. He's the reason for the success of your marketing department. People like Rick are hard to find."

"What about people like you?"

"People like me are impossible to find." Said Mary finishing up and depositing her plate in the sink.

"Well I gotta run downstairs now.. I'll see you later?"

"Yeah I'll be seeing you later" said John smiling from ear to ear.

Mary had started to keep a change of clothes in the attached apartment so she had a set of new clothes to wear the next day.

As she stepped into her office, she noticed that people were staring at her.

She decided that it was in her head and headed straight to her desk. Then one her co-workers a woman named Ursula stopped by at her desk.

"You sly bitch you.." said Ursula punching her playfully.

"What, why am I a sly bitch?"

"The boss's son! You're tapping John Pasternackis! How awesome is that?"

"Wh what? Who told you that?" said Mary alarmed.

"Its on the news, didn't you see the 7 a.m. special? Apparently he works in the same building. Didn't know Peter had another son."

"Its on the news!?"

Mary immediately checked the internet to find an article about John. There she was sitting at the coffee place with John, laughing at something he had said.

The heading was

"Peter Pasternackis's new found son found gallivanting with employee"

"What the fuck!" said Mary flabbergasted.

"Who else knows?"

"Oh my dear Mary, everyone knows. You're famous." Said Ursula.

Mary felt faint. She could feel the eyes of the entire office on her, judging her, some of them crucifying her. She had to get out of there immediately.

She stepped out of the office and called up John immediately.

He picked up on the second ring.

"I guess you know" said John.

"That guy.. he wasn't bluffing. He really did post that stuff about us."

"Mary.. Mary calm down. Its ok, I'm gonna bring this under control. I'm going to talk to Peter, we will probably make an official statement to the press. We're gonna be fine.."