Office Hour


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"Yes," he deeply husked out, happy to guilelessly stare.

"And how good does it feel to know that the woman with these breasts want you to stare, and rest your mind here as if you could rest your head on my pillowy tits?"

"Uuh, really...good."

"All these feminine elements hidden under my casual dressing are rising to the surface now. They're like your desire for a woman like me, hidden even from yourself, but it's such a thin, easily-removed barrier that you're surprised you could've kept your own feelings hidden for so long. It's different now though, as clothes like this, specifically worn by me, now accentuate and strengthen the allure I have."

The way Darren's eyes ran over his TA's body made her surge with pride in her suggestive powers, and with a rising temperature in her body.

"You learn something new everyday; isn't this the best thing you've learned today Darren?"

"It's thing I've learned today," he spoke through a soft smile.

"Darren, I think we've made a real breakthrough on what to add to your paper now. We've found a new archetype you are attracted to. Please write this down in your notes. You can entitle this new archetype 'Nina,' just as a tentative example for your notes. Different from Tamara, but equally enticing to you. She can wear plain clothes, sneakers, jeans, a t-shirt or sweater, but when she wants to, can draw someone's attention specifically with focusing directly on them. Her suggestive movements and words open you up to her intentions; it is an invitation you happily accept."

Nina watched as Darren slowly filled a few pages with her words, looking forward to his new draft.

"Have you written all of it down?"

"Yes, Nina."

"Very good. Also, I'd like you to write something else down. It has to do with your relaxation."

* * *

Darren blinked several times. He'd lost track of things somewhere along the line. He was probably only out for a minute, and Nina didn't seem to notice right away.

"Did I just doze off?"

"Maybe, but that was my fault. I ramble sometimes."

"Did I just say something a minute ago? Can't remember for some reason."

"Actually you said something about feeling relaxed. I think you just read something from your notepad. What was it?"

"Uhh...'deep relaxation comes in 3, 2, 1...'"

"What happened?"

"I don't know. You said something about feeling pretty relaxed. What did you just read on your notepad?"

"'Deep relaxation comes in 3, 2, 1...'"

"What happened?"

"I don't know. You said something about feeling deeply relaxed. What did you just read on your notepad?"

"'Deep relaxation comes in 3, 2, 1...'"


"I don't know. You said something about feeling spaced out. What did you just read on your notepad?"

"'Deep relaxation comes in 3, 2, 1...'"


"I don't know. You said something about feeling blissed out. What did you just read on your notepad?"

"'Deep relaxation comes in 3, 2, 1...'"


"I don't know. You said something about feeling mindless. What did you just read on your notepad?"

"'Deep relaxation comes in 3, 2, 1...'"

* * *

"What happened?"

"Actually, a lot of things happened Darren. You've found yourself in a very relaxed state as I've told you ways to improve on your paper."

Darren noticed the wall clock and realized he'd been there for 45 minutes, but the timing felt off to him. He remembered he was in a rush to get ready for the beach trip, yet he got sidetracked by her somehow, in a way that was less annoying than he expected.

"That's it?"

"Well, not completely. You've also discovered a bit more about yourself, specifically the kinds of women you're attracted to."

"What do you mean?"

Darren looked at Nina sitting on top of her desk in front of him in a casual, yet seductive way. She inched her leg up as if wanting to cross it over the other. Darren never look at Nina as anything but a plainly-dressed TA for a class that bored him. But now he was looking at her as if discovering a new woman emerging from the old one. Like Tamara, she drew his attention, but Nina barely needed to try to catch it. Nina made it seem like Tamara tried way too hard to be attractive. It was like Nina had become effortlessly more beautiful than any woman that had come before her, and he didn't know why.

"I'm sorry, I really shouldn't say 'kinds of,' because I think you've found yourself pretty into one woman in particular."

Nina envisioned the laugh Darren would've used nearly an hour ago suggesting he thought she was attractive, but her eyes took in the pleasing sight of him unable to refuse what she was saying.

"Why..wh...what is happening to me?"

"Nina is happening to you," she said letting a little bit of arrogance slip in her voice saturated with seduction. "And I think you like it. Don't you?"

She couldn't wait for his non-responses to become eager agreement.

"Isn't it amazing how you seem to notice and be in-tune with everything I say?"

"Yeah, but I don't understand."

"Fortunately for you, there's no need to understand. All you have to do is listen."

"But why?"

"Because right now it takes my suggestions for you to realize things. This isn't a permanent state, but I can summon it at will."

"I meant 'why me.'"

"Well, I'm studying hypnotherapy because I love what I can do with the power of my mind, and other people's minds. Every so often, I pick out a handsome and unique guy, sometimes a student, and use my skills to play with them at my leisure."

What scared Darren more than her implication was a growing part of him wanting to accept it.

"It's strictly on my terms, how I want you, when I want you, however I want you. I don't plan to interfere with your life, especially not your studies, but there will be times just like this where my words are law."

"What terms?"

"Well, the biggest term, other than obeying my words, is that there will be sexual interaction, but there will never be physical contact."

"What? How..." the impossibility of her implication clashed with the surety of knowing he wanted Nina.

"The university has strict guidelines about things that that between teachers and students, which I respect. But it doesn't mean there aren't fun little ways around that. I find the mental stimulation of any sexual contact to be much more fulfilling, and you will too."

"So I can't touch you, and you won't touch me...but there will be sex?"

"Sounds crazy, doesn't it?"


"As crazy as thinking I'd be more attractive than Tamara, before you came here today?"

"Yeah," unable to restrain laughing at the change.

"Close your eyes for a minute."

They closed automatically, shocking him in his quickened response.

"Don't worry, it's only for a minute."

He calmed himself a bit, but still flustered.

"I want you to picture Tamara now in your mind, standing in front of you in the sexiest outfit you've ever seen her in. Looking at you with smoldering eyes, maybe doing a sexy pose for you. Can you see that?"


"How does she look?"

"She looks good."

"Mm-hmm," she observed as his body slid into a relaxed position. "Now open your eyes."

Darren opened his eyes and found his lungs take in a big breath, leaning back in shock, like he stumbled onto to something twice as arousing as Tamara in his imagination. What he saw as Nina simply extending her arm and pointing directly at him with her index finger.

Low moans filled the room as he looked at that whitened fingernail tip, and the woman behind it, looking intently with a pair of her own smoldering eyes.


"This is a little trigger I've given you, a simple example of my power. One of several, in-fact. Whenever I point to you like this, your attraction for me flows freely from you, with a heightened passion. Whenever I say 'Do you see Nina's point?', you'll automatically close your eyes and see me pointing to you like now and feel the same effect."

All Darren could do was lean his head back and imagine her pointing at him, and then looking to see her still doing it, already answering her next question as to how hot he thought this was.

"God, I love that passion you have. That was the unique quality that drew me to you, and eventually drew you to me. You're certainly the most response pet I've inducted yet."

She looked down at his pants and smirked appreciatively.

"I know I've blocked it from your awareness, but are you aware of how hard you are right now? Your pants look like they're about to be ripped open by it."

That blocked she established was removed and his body nearly seized as pleasure surged all over him. It was incredible to him, the difference in feeling aroused without being aware of his cock, or that such a thing was possible. She watched his hands hungrily slide over his body.

"While the university says we can't touch each other, it doesn't have a rule saying we can't touch ourselves," she drawled, watching as his mind moved at a snail's pace to realize what she was allowing. The inertia caused by trance made it look like he was underwater as his hand slowly moved to the tented jeans, trying to reach to unfasten them.

"Then again, there is my rule that says you can't touch yourself. You cannot touch yourself Darren," Nina restated his inability with emphasis, watching his hand move at a slightly quicker speed off of his genitalia to rest limply back at his sides.

Nina lowered her arm and moved off the desk to retrieve something from one of the drawers. She came back to Darren and placed a condom in his opened hand.

"Ok, you can touch your cock a little bit this time, but only to place the condom on yourself. Do that now for me."

She leaned forward to loom over him from her desk, watching him apply the condom and then return his hands to his sides. Her hands gently gripping the desk's edges, preparing to take him over the edge.

"You want to masturbate, and yet you can't because your hands remain at your sides. But that fact doesn't stop you from wanting it, wanting it so bad. Your body feels the need for it, the desire. It even harkens back to the last time you've experienced self-pleasure. And not just any random time, your mind goes back to a place and day where you were so wild and needy and influenced that nothing could stop you from pleasuring yourself. And yet something has stopped you from being able to pleasure yourself, no matter what your body tells you or wants from you or needs you to do, no matter what looked so incredibly arousing and cum-leaking where your personal fantasies were your only concern. You want to masturbate, but your hand recognizes my words as commands that you faithfully follow, and have no need to move. Of course, except for the need that leaves it to tingle internally but without motion, the feel of your cock in your hand, not when it was warm and leisurely looking for release, but like grasping an active volcano in your hand, the heat of it burning your hand as your body suggests that you can't live without that heat, because when have you felt more alive than when you have yourself in your hands, in my hands? Oh yes, what you want is so close, your hand less than a foot away from that elongated heat bloom between your legs, mere inches. Although, the physical distance doesn't account for the mental distance where my voice creates an intentional disconnect between your hand and moving it. But what is the measurement of your arousal? Is it in the proverbial "off-the-charts" territory now? Are you now in uncharted territory of bearing full testicles? Was it that way the last time you saw something that triggered the male version of a natural geyser? From the time you were triggered, probably in public, to the time you had enough privacy to take care of yourself, what was that distance? A mile? A quick jog? Moving from one floor to the next, from one room to the next? Was the wait as long as your strained cock? Was the wait as hard as that living dildo threatening to rip your jeans open? I'm willing to bet that even then, it wasn't as hard as the hard truth you face now: you want to masturbate. On top of that, an even harder truth, that makes you harder is that I will not allow it yet. The sound of my voice rests on your hand and numbs it, rests on your cock and inflames it, rests on your mind and controls it. The distance is actually relative, because all that matters is the time it takes for my voice to create a sound with meaning behind it that forms at my lips and leaves them to reach your ears, so you will know what you must do. Cumming, not cumming, needing to cum, is there any real difference anymore to you? I know it feels like it by now, how hot and bothered you look. I would've loved to have been there to see what exactly set you off, and followed you to see you furiously get yourself off. And it's amazing how you thought having your orgasm controlled was off-putting before this. Well, I have some good news and some bad news for you. The bad news is, your hand will not move. The good news is, I want you to masturbate for me. If you're wondering how you can do this, just substitute your hand with my voice, that will be easy to do now. Doesn't my voice slide over your cock like you were wearing a condom made of silk, promoting even more friction and pleasure for your partner? And because I'm nice, I'll allow your hand to still feel the heat of your stiff cock, without it ever having to keep a pace, get sticky, or even move at all. Yes, let your cock fuck the silken void of my suggestions, feel yourself giving a handshake to the hottest arousal of your life. Feel all of this because it happens to turn me on, which now helplessly turns you on. So hard, feeling it, even harder to think. Or is it just hard to think, and even harder because you obey? So many uncertainties, with three exceptions though. First, that white-hot pleasure. Second, I can command you to cum with just a word....and you will obey...because you have no will of your own, you have no control. Only my words control you. And lastly, speaking of that control, I want you to"

Nina remembered her parents old washing machine from her childhood, one that always scared her whenever she went down to the basement and it was running. It shook like an earthquake happened to be going on; her young mind feared it would cause one, or come to life and come after her. Thrashing and banging violently until it completed its cycle. She was more or less staring at the same thing 20 years later, but now it was like she was sitting in-front of a washer she turned on, and just watched it like sitting in front of the family TV when her favorite cartoons were on - wide-eyed and gleefully. The loud beep her old washing machine made was the only difference between it and Darren; she couldn't allow his beep (scream) to fill the room and vacant hallways, not there at least.

Maybe she would have Darren wash her soaked panties while reminding him that he wanted to masturbate. That thought alone made her involuntarily cum.

The sensation of it washed over her for several minutes. She let it run its full course while she watched Darren deflate in a pile of limp, spent orgasm.

"Darren. Daaaaareenn," she called to him in a sing-song voice.

He could barely find the strength to raise his head on his own, but did so slowly for her.

"Deep relaxation comes in...." she soothingly began.

"...3...2...1.." he whispered to himself, helping to trigger himself into a deep sleep.

* * *

"What happened?"

"You dozed off again, but that was my fault. Rambling again. Your beach party sounds like a lot of fun, and I was recalling the last beach party I attended; a better experience than grading papers and doing laundry like my weekend will be."

"Oh, that's ok."

"Speaking of which, the office hour is up. You said you needed to get going, right?"

"Oh yeah! Almost forgot."

Nina hid her smile behind her hand, thinking that trip wouldn't nearly be as fun as what the suggested amnesia in his mind hid from him what happened there.

"Thanks for all the good feedback Nina. I'll definitely have a new draft ready this week. You made some really good points."

"I try," she happily shrugged.

"Thanks again, Nina. I hope you're weekend will still be fun in some way."

"Don't worry, I'll think of something."

She waved good-bye to him, and bend down to reach for the recorder under her desk. She slipped on some headphones and heard their voices clearly through the playback.

"I will definitely think of something."

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NaughtyBoyHere46NaughtyBoyHere46almost 2 years ago

Just fantastic! I needed this morning lift. I'd love to hear more about Nina, as I'm now under her control too!

devildog0302devildog0302about 7 years ago
More to come?

It appears to have the possibility for several more chapters??

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