Ohope Beach Ch. 01

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My first ever experience with a married woman.
8.9k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/02/2024
Created 05/23/2024
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This is the first story I ever wrote. I have rewritten it, as there were many grammatical and context issues. It is about the first married woman I ever slept with. Not that I ever intended to sleep with a married woman. My mother brought me up well and tried to instil a good set of moral values in her darling boy. And so, at the tender age of eighteen, I was living under the assumption that I would never sleep with a mate's girl and definitely never with another man's wife.

One can't make allowances for a standing cock, though. And when the woman concerned is making most of the moves, it takes a man much stronger than I to say no. Suffice it to say, once you have broken through a barrier, the second, third and fourth times are much easier.

It is based on actual events, but I have taken some artistic licence and embellished some of the sex.


It was the summer of 65, and a bunch of my mates and I rode our motorbikes down to Ohope Beach on the east coast of the North Island. We were all eighteen and at the end of our first full year working.

A mate's father had delivered our tent and some camping gear for us as he drove through to Opotiki, where the family had a holiday bach. Shaun's father's ability to deliver our heavier items was one reason we chose Ohope Beach. But the fact that we'd heard Ohope Beach was overrun by dozens of eligible girls and not many guys also had a bearing on our decision. Rumour had it that all the guys went to the big party beaches North of there, like Mt Maunganui and Waihi Beach.

When we arrived, we found the rumours to be mostly true. However, a few of the girls we saw on the first day were not old enough to be partying with us in a rowdy lot. We were all around eighteen, and the legal age in NZ was sixteen, but many girls we saw on the first day were younger than that. One of our mates had an Anglia van, and we filled the back with more than a few cartons of beer to last the duration of our stay.

The campground owner didn't look too happy when he saw us arrive, thinking he had a biker gang on his hands. But we were all pretty respectable and holding down good jobs. Shane's father had already set up the large 12' x 12' tent on our site, so the camp owner, with words of warning about noise, directed us down to our site. He must have had some inkling of the fact we were a lot of young-blooded youths, though, as we were right down the far end of the camp, as far away from the showers and kitchens as you could get.

We began to party as soon as we had our sleeping bags off the bikes and into the tent. By 8:00 pm that night, we had our first warning about keeping the noise down and avoiding our hassling the young ladies walking by. I should point out that none of the girls walking by seemed to object to our yells of appreciation. A couple of the boys managed to lure a girl back into the tent that night, but mostly we just got pissed and had a lot of fun. We didn't upset too many people, and quite a few of our neighbours visited and had a beer with us. Many of them were fathers who came to check our bikes out.

The next day we spent on the beach. We did a bit of surfing, but as we only had two boards, we mainly just sunbathed and told stories. We had quite a following of girls, but I doubted many of them would be let out at night to party with us that night. So the talk turned around to our packing up and heading back up to Mt Maunganui, where we had spent the previous Christmas. Those arguing against moving pointed out that we would struggle to get our tent and other heavy items up to Mt Maunganui on the back of our bikes.

I wasn't keen on travelling to Mount Maunganui. The others seemed to have very short memories. We had not exactly been overrun with females when we had stayed at the Mount the year before. The consensus was we would give it another day.

That afternoon, I met a cute little redheaded teen named Jenny. Right away, I found she knew who we were, as her elder brother worked with some of us guys back in Auckland. In between swims, Jenny and I chatted until dinner time, then arranged for her to try and sneak out to our party that night.

We started drinking about 4:00 pm and were raving by 7:00 pm when Jenny turned up to tell me her parents wouldn't let her out. I walked her back to the campsite and spoke to her dad, but although he seemed okay with me, he would not give in. He could not come to terms with his daughter hanging out with a bunch of young hooligans on motorbikes.

Jenny walked back part of the way to our tent. She kissed me, and we arranged to meet at a park further down the beach after lunch the next day. There was a walk through some native bush at the back of this park, so I was dreaming about getting her alone.

The rest of the night passed in a blur of drinks, jokes played on one another and teasing the guys who had managed to pick up a girl.

The next morning, we talked with some guys camped near us and found they were travelling up to the Mount the next day, as they'd heard some campsites had come free. They offered to put our tent on their trailer if we wanted. So we all agreed to pack and leave the following day.

At about 10:00 am, my mate Phil and I were headed to the other end of the camp for a shower when a car drove up behind us and honked its horn. We turned to find two girls in a Falcon station wagon trying to drive past us. Phil was always a cheeky bugger and would not get out of the way, making them stop. He leaned in the passenger window and proceeded to chat up the girl on that side.

I headed for the driver's window. "Hey, beautiful. Where are you going?"

I was face to face with an attractive lady much older than the young girl sitting beside her. My immediate thought was, bugger, I have picked the wrong side and saw that I had, as the young lady Phil was chatting up, was pretty. She had long blond hair and wore a yellow halter neck over her bikini top and cut-off jeans. The lady I had in front of me looked to be about thirty, but she was quite hot.

I have always had the gift of the gab and no problems talking to older women. In fact, of the girls I have dated so far, I always got on well with their mothers--so much so that in a couple of cases, I got some dangerous vibes from the fathers.

"Cheeky young man," she quipped back, "I am old enough to be your mother, and I'm sure you are not the slightest bit interested in where we are going."

"My mother! I don't think so; you must think I am about two years old."

"That's very nice of you, but that is my daughter your friend is trying to chat up," she said.

"No way, you're just trying to put me off. You two look so much alike. You must be sisters."

"You sure do talk some rubbish, but keep it up; you may get to believe it," she said, giving me a mock-serious look.

I just laughed and replied that no matter what she said, I could not believe she was old enough to have a daughter that age.

"Besides, you are far too pretty to be a mother, with the best set of tits I have seen at this beach. What are your names?"

"Allison! And this is my daughter Hayley. Please keep the language clean around my daughter. Thanks."

"Sorry, not sure why that popped out." Then I whispered to her, "But it's true all the same - they are incredible boobs. You had better watch out, as I am so young I may try breastfeeding."

She tried to look shocked but also looked to be trying not to smile, obviously very pleased I liked her tits.

"Hey, Mum, shall we go to Phil and Dave's party tonight? It's in that tent where we noticed all the partying last night," said Hayley. She couldn't have been listening to anything we had said.

Phil must have been talking up a storm with her. I suddenly realised that this was her mother. Shit, she was sitting there behind the wheel wearing a transparent gauze shirt over her bikini top and cut-off jeans that showed most of her fantastic legs.

"There is no way you and I are going near that tent, young lady."

"Aw, Mum, we were so bored last night. You said you wished there was a party going on."

"Not with these guys. If they can stay sober, they can come around and have a drink with us."

"I'm only two and don't drink, Allison," I replied.

Hayley looked bewildered, as she had no idea what I was talking about. But she mouthed, "Please come, it's so boring here."

Allison burst out laughing. "Very good. We may see you later then." With that, she let out the clutch and drove off.

Phil wanted to know what that was all about. And he couldn't stop talking about how great Hayley was and that we were definitely in with a chance.

As we continued walking to the showers, I told him he might be okay, but I was not interested. As attractive as Allison was, she had to be 20 years older than me and was married. But Phil would not be put off. He said that, like it or not, I was going with him tonight, if only to entertain Allison so he had a chance at getting Hayley alone.

After lunch, I showered, put on my cleanest shirt, and walked to the park to meet Jenny. She apologised for the night before and cuddled up to me. I took her hand, and we walked up into the bush. At the top of the track, we walked off to the left and exited the bush onto fields that overlooked the houses and the beach below. We spread our towels and lay down on a patch of grass where we couldn't be seen from below. Lifting our heads, we had a beautiful beach view and out to sea.

I don't remember us talking a lot. We just started kissing and were soon making moves at one another's private bits, and I could not believe my luck, as Jenny was just as keen as me. When I realised she was not stopping me, I undid her shorts and eased them down below her knees. At the same time, she worked at the zip and belt on my shorts and, slipping them down, hooked them with her foot and removed them entirely. Not to be outdone, I pulled her panties down and removed both them and her shorts -- all the while trying to keep kissing and cuddling so as not to break the moment.

She had ashen white skin, highlighting the bright burnt orange pubes between her legs. I couldn't help staring; she was the first redhead I had been with, and I didn't realise she would have the same coloured pubes. Oh, to be so young and naive again.

She didn't mind me looking at her, so I knelt alongside her and lifted her t-shirt to her neck and lifted her bikini top to show her tits. Then, massaging her breasts with one hand, I slid my fingers up and down her slit with the other. Jenny started to move her hips in time with my movements and moved both hands to her breasts, one on top of my hand, the other working the nipple on the other breast.

Most of the sex I had had to date had been in the back of my mother's car, which I often borrowed for dates, so this was an amazing experience. I was as hard as a rock and starting to hurt. She watched me and asked me what the problem was and why I looked so pained. I told her about lover's balls and how a guy, when he got this excited, needed release.

She grabbed a hold of me and awkwardly rubbed my shaft. I had to help her and show her how to stroke it and get me off. Once she got the hang of it, I slipped my finger back into her and moved it in time with the strokes she was giving me. I must have been doing something right as she started to whimper and thrust her hips back into me.

It did not take very long at all, and I came. The feeling came right up from my toes, and then I splashed cum all over Jenny's hand and onto her breasts. I thought she would be pissed off, but instead, it tipped her over the edge, and she came. Nothing great and rapturous, just a tightening of her thighs on my hand and eyes clenched tight in concentration.

She used her towel to clean up, and we got dressed. We talked for a while before returning to the beach and the campground. She said she wanted to try sex and could I get some condoms. I said I would, but we were leaving in the morning, so I was unlikely to see her. Jenny said to get them and that she would try to sneak out that night. She gave me their phone number in Auckland in case she couldn't get out. But insisted she would sneak down somehow.

Once we got to the campground, feeling as guilty as hell about what we had just done, we parted before her father saw us together. I headed to the tents, where the guys were already getting into the beers. Phil immediately got in my ear about going down and seeing Allison and Hayley.

"No way!" I said. "I need a beer, and besides, I don't think either of us has a chance there. Also, Jenny is going to try to get out tonight, so I have to race down and buy some condoms at the chemist before it closes."

"Hey! You may not have a chance, but I do. Come on, help me out, and look after her mother while I give it a shot."

I thought about this and realised I was being a bastard. Phil didn't get to go out with that many girls, and none of the ones I had seen him with were as pretty as Hayley. I realised that, secretly, I was a bit jealous that he had a chance with Hayley. She was one horny-looking chick, and if I had been on that side of the car this morning, I would have been just as keen as him, maybe even keener.

"Okay, let me race down the chemist, get a beer, and we'll go and have a look," I said.

Forty minutes later, we walked down to the tents and caravans along the beachfront. Hayley had told Phil that was where they had a caravan and to look out for the car. We found it without any trouble, as they had two sites: one with a large caravan with a large awning on one side and their car and a boat on a trailer on the other side.

Phil nudged me to go in and knock on their door. But as we got to the caravan, we could see three or four adults and some teenagers in deck chairs at the front overlooking the beach. They had drinks and nibbles, and all were talking up a storm. I suddenly got a bit nervous, thinking that one of the men had to be Allison's husband and he would likely give us a very short shift. Allison looked up and saw us, got up and intercepted us before we got around the side. She hustled us back the way we had come.

"We have had my husband's brother and family turn up. They are staying for dinner, but they won't be late, as they have to drive back to Rotorua tonight. Will you come back later? Hayley will be disappointed if you don't; she tells me you guys are leaving tomorrow."

I realised the black car parked by hers had to be the uncle's.

"No problem. Phill is bugging me about staying sober. He is very keen. So I guess he will be down looking for that car to go every half hour."

Allison laughed at that and said, "Of course, you are not interested in my breasts anymore, are you."

That got me a bit tongue-tied, and I spluttered out something stupid, saying that I still thought they were nice.

Allison turned to Phil and told him he had to behave with Hayley. "She is barely of age, you know, and her father is a real bastard; he would do you damage if he found out about you."

Phil was too nervous to reply, so I answered, "Hey, Phill is okay; he will look after her."

Allison nodded, turned and walked back to their friends. Phill grabbed me and pulled me up between the tents next door onto the beach frontage.

"Shit, what are you doing? They will see us," I said.

"Keep your head down. I want to have a look at Hayley," said Phil.

The first thing we heard was the older guy asking who those guys were. Allison told him they were just a couple of young guys who had the hots for Hayley, and she had shooed us off. The guy looked to be a bit of an arsehole and asked Allison if we were likely to be trouble and did she want him to sort us out before he left. Allison and Hayley talked to him, convincing him we were perfectly okay and that we were leaving the next day. His wife even told him to settle down. Just because Bob had asked him to check on the girls didn't mean he had to get so bolshie and protective. I figured out that Bob had to be Allison's husband. Phil informed me that Hayley had mentioned that her father had returned to Auckland to work and taken her younger brother up as he had a cricket tournament until Friday.

As we walked back to our camp, I ripped open the packet of condoms I had bought and handed one to Phil. He said he didn't think he would dare now. I told him not to be a silly bugger, that in my experience, the bigger prick the father was, the more likely you were to get laid.

"But, you had better get that condom on your dick if you do get lucky, as getting her knocked up could be a bit of a problem."

We both had a good laugh at that, and upon reaching our tent, we got a beer and joined the party.

Phil was concerned I would get pissed and stuff it up for him. But I pointed out that I was hoping Jenny would sneak out later, and as I was on a promise, I would not be drinking much. I didn't want to have brewers droop.

Sure enough, after an hour or so, about 8:00 pm, Phil started sneaking up to the beachfront to see if the uncle, aunt and the kids had left. About 9:00 pm, he came back very excited, saying they had just driven off. So we quietly slipped away from the tent (not wanting to be ribbed by our mates for being pikers) and walked up to Allison and Hayley's caravan.

Hayley was waiting for us and was happy to see us walk in. "I wanted to come down and get you guys once they left, but Mum wouldn't let me go. We have a tape recorder with all the latest songs. Do you like to dance?"

I noticed that they had both changed and put on dresses and makeup. Allison looked stunning. Her makeup was very subtle, and she wore a long, light blue dress. I was puzzled as to why she would have put so much effort into dressing up for us. I guess women love an excuse to dress up. I felt a little underdressed, wearing my T-shirt and board shorts.

"Slow down," Allison said, motioning to Hatley. "I'll get them a drink first. What do you want, Phil?"

"Oh! A beer, if I can. What do I call you?" asked Phil.

"Allison, of course. I'll get really upset if you call me Mrs Fraser. What about you, Dave?"

"I don't want to drink beer. I'll have whatever you have," thinking she may have orange juice, or something.

"Right!" said Allison. "You two get the music on. Not too loud, Hayley. Dave and I will go get the drinks."

I followed her into the caravan, and she grabbed a bottle of beer from the fridge, which I took to Phil. When I returned to the caravan, Allison had finished mixing us each a Bacardi and coke.

"Sit down and tell me about you and the guys you are travelling with."

Allison looked out the door, then shut it and came and sat next to me at the table.

"They are dancing, so we can leave them alone for a bit," she said.

I told her that there were ten of us. Phil, myself and three others were all in our second year of an aircraft engineering apprenticeship. The other five were either drawing or engineering apprentices with other companies. She asked what my bike was, and I told her it was a 1954 Matchless G45 500cc twin. I had completely rebuilt the engine, so it went pretty well, but I was saving up for a Triumph Bonneville 650.

She said she would love a ride on my bike, maybe before we left in the morning.

I asked her about her husband. She told me he was a bastard. She had gotten pregnant with Hayley when she was barely of age and had to get married, which is why she was so worried that Hayley would not turn out like her. I asked what she meant by this, and she told me she was hopeless at Hayley's age and had rebelled against her strict father. She demurely told me that a guy only had to touch her nipples, and she was lost. It had gotten around how easy she was, and she had quite a few guys before she finally fell pregnant with Bob.

"If you think he is a bastard, why don't you leave him?"