Oil of Roses Ch. 30


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* * * * *

Helen McReady read her invitation, along with the rest of the day's mail, as she was having a passage from 'The Hymn to Osiris' from the Egyptian Book of the Dead, done in the original hieroglyphs, added to the chaotic mass of imagery that was her back tattoo. She pulled her cell phone out of the bag on the floor below her and left a message accepting the invitation.

* * * * *

Hal Stallings was very much engaged while his wife Tori read him the invitation.

She was squatting atop his face, his tongue buried as far as it could go up her cunt while she rested no small amount of her weight on him.

"So Hal, do you like having my big, fat, juicy cunt damn near smothering you?"

A muffled sound and his loving caress of her ass was all the affirmative response she needed.

"Well, get used to it, lover. I'm thinking a reenactment of this little scene will probably happen at this party."

The sound from beneath her great, round thighs sounded inquisitive.

"Of course we're going. Wouldn't miss it for the world... I'll email our acceptance as soon as we're through here. I think we'll bring Helga as well. Remind me to call her and ask if she wants to bring her new boy-toy with her." She pulled on the chain that was attached by a d-ring to the series of rings that encased his cock and balls. "Now then, how does that feel?" she asked, watching the pre-cum glisten on the head of his dick as she gradually drew it towards her.

The loving and excited caresses of her magnificent ass were all the answer she required.

* * * * *

Adelaide and her two husbands, Tom and Chris, were sitting at the kitchen table, each lost in their own morning rituals. Chris was continuing his never-ending quest to stay current on his sociology journals. Tom was staring off into space, writing game code in his mind. Adelaide was looking through the previous day's mail, prior to heading for bed.

As she finished mopping up the last of her eggs with her toast she announced, "Clear your schedules for the evening of September 30th, boys, we're going to a party!"

* * * * *


We're planning a series of parties at the house to celebrate Harry's homecoming and the end of the renovations and it was only after we finished the guest lists that we realized one of the people we most wanted to thank and share our happiness with really wouldn't be able to attend any of them, for numerous reasons.

So we're inviting you and Randy for supper and a relaxing evening in our home, in the bosom of our family, on Saturday, October 7, 2006, dinner to be served at 7:00PM, but we'd love to see the two of you (and the security squad), as early as you'd care to show up for the purposes of visiting. Bring your swimsuit or don't, we won't mind if you skinny-dip.

Please say you'll come,

Harry, Margo, Carol, Kelly & Nicki

(and Tattie, Eddy, Tamara, Karen & Patricia)

* * * * *

"You mean they're people we can go socialize with as a couple? And you trust them with that information?" Randy Miers asked, incredulous.

"Oh yes, I trust them with that information... would you like to go?" Nick replied, smiling.

"Would I like to go?" Randy squealed, throwing himself into Nick's arms. "Love, anywhere I can go with you and not hide how I feel about you is somewhere I'd love to go!"

"Fine, then I'll let them know we'll attend."

* * * * *

Kelly finished a reasonably thorough douching of her cunt and as close to one as she and the water pressure could manage of her ass, relaxing to let the bidet gently dry her with jets of warm air.

When she was dry, she got up and stretched, lazily strolling over to the vanity and checking herself in the mirror. She applied a little more rouge to her nipples, carefully parted her pubic hair and applied a touch more rouge on her lips there as well, opened a small canister of solid perfume and touched herself with tiny dabs of it on the breasts, in the crook of the elbows, behind the ears on the neck, in the small of the back right above where her ass began, behind the knees.

"My Queen, if you would release me, I would gladly help you with that," cried Nicki, who was called 'Whore'.

Kelly sauntered into bedroom where the three of them... 'Whore', Margo who was called 'Bitch' and Carol who was referred to as 'Slut', lay bound on the bed, various implements attached to their bodies, all filled with vibrating butt plugs set on 'medium'.

"Whore, if I wanted help," Kelly said, gently pulling on the chain that ran between the nipple clamps attached to Whore's swollen nipples, "I would have told one of you to help me. On your back."

As the bound woman rolled onto her back, Kelly adjusted herself, spreading her ass cheeks wide. "Tongue me, Whore." As her plaything's tongue began to run around the rim of her asshole, she picked up a riding crop and used it to part the woman's legs. Gently she began to slap her cunt with the leather loop at the tip of the crop, popping the area around her clit, then moving back down to her lips. As Whore's tongue began to worm up inside her, pleasing her, she began to stroke the woman with the crop, finding her wet, spreading the wetness with the shaft of the crop up and down her slit, then returning to slapping the area with the tip.

"Little Whore she likes the crop..." Kelly sang,

"Little Whore likes me on top...

"Little Whore wants this to stop?"

Panicked sounds of denial came from Kelly's ass

"Little Whore she loves the crop...

"Little Whore loves me on top...

"Little Whore makes my ass pop...

"Little Whore..." Kelly reached down and pinched Nicki's clit, causing the woman to spasm into orgasm."We need a mop!"

As Nicki became lost in her own sensations, her rhythm in Kelly's ass became erratic. Kelly flipped the crop back down and slid it forwards and back.

"Time for the Whore to remember... her... rhythm... or I'm going to be forced to whip... her... ass..."

Kelly's victim, torn between her orgasm and the promise of pain managed to regain a measure of control over her tongue and was soon thrusting in something approaching a rhythm once again.

"Bored now," Kelly said with a shrug, tugging on the nipple clamps as she swung off Nicki's face. She squirted a stream of water into the woman's mouth. "Clean up, Whore."

Kelly moved over to Bitch, looking at her suffering slave with a face full of mock sympathy. "Bitch? Puddin'? How ya doin'? Is that nasty ol' double vibrator action makin' you twitchy?"

Bitch looked up at her, eyes full of tears as she continued to ride on the ragged edge, her orgasm so close she could smell it, but unable to achieve it.

"Oh, Bitch can't talk shit like she was doing before, can't talk period with that nasty ol' gag in her mouth? Lemme get that for you... now, you're gonna be polite, talk nice to your Queen, aren't you, Bitch?"

"I-I-I'm sorry... m-my Queen... p-please..."

"I don't know... you be real quiet and let me think." She pulled Whore over by her hair, helped considerably by Whore's legs, pushing her across the bed. She settled her cunt down on the woman's face. "Eat me, Whore."

As Nicki went to licking her cunt with a will, Kelly looked thoughtful. "I suppose, for every command of mine you swear to obey, without question, no matter when or where we are when I give it... I would turn up the speed on one vibrator a quarter of a turn."

"Y-y-you mean... even outside... of the house... even when you're... not in charge..."

"That's exactly what I mean, Bitch... I think you can trust me not to get us arrested, not to have you doing anything with someone outside of the family... but the possibility of you having to tongue me to a screamer of a climax in the dressing room of a clothing store? Oh Bitch, that is SO possible... or undressing in the car while I drive us somewhere, riding naked for all the world to see... or us going back to the Bangkok Inn, using the Vimanmek Palace room for what it was offered for, you spending the meal eating out of my hand when you're not buried tongue deep in my slit? Oh, all of those are very possible."

"I swear to obey w-without question one c-command of y-yours."

"Umm, how very sweet... Whore, that's just the spot... where were we?"

"MY QUEEN! I promised!"

"Ah yes..." Kelly reached between her legs and turned up the speed of Margo's butt plug one quarter turn.

"N-noooo..." Margo was squeezing her legs together, her ass cheeks flexing, her anal muscles trying their hardest to pull the plug all the way in.

"I'm sorry, Bitch, didn't that bring relief?"

"No, no, no... please..."

"You know what I want..."

"I swear... to obey without question... two commands of yours."

Kelly reached and turned the speed of the vibrator in her cunt up one quarter turn.

Margo's sobbing was the only response needed.

"I'm sorry, Puddin'... did that not do it for you?"


"I indulge you far too much," she said, spinning the speed of the anal plug up to full.

Margo's scream of triumph and climax echoed through the house. As she pitched and shook uncontrollably on the bed, Kelly ground her cunt down on Nicki's face. "Unless you want a taste of what Bitch got, Whore, I'll be coming very soon now."

The muffled 'Yes, my Queen' was exactly what she wanted to hear.

Moments later, as she covered her slave's face in cum, she reflected that it was good to be the Queen.

* * * * *

When she had finished with her pleasure, and rolled the exhausted bodies of Whore and Bitch out of the way, she lay down next to Carol.

"Ah Slut," she said, caressing her captive's face. "I bet you thought I'd forgotten about you... lying here on your belly... that round ass of yours up in the air... still glowing like a runway light from that thrashing I gave it." She stroked Carol's ass cheeks. "Oh, still hot... still tender too, I bet... would you like another thrashing?"

Carol's eyes were filled with tears as she nodded.

"You really like having your ass beaten, don't you?"

Carol nodded again.

"Maybe I should have named you 'Butt Slut'."

Carol nodded and whispered "As you wish, my Queen."

"Or maybe, instead of beating you," Kelly whispered, coming close to Carol and licking her face, "I should just assfuck you till you scream, hmm?"

Carol's whimper came straight from her cunt by way of her mouth.

"Well then, let's put these lazy cunts to work and get you hung up."

In a short time, Carol hung suspended upside down, the weight of her legs helping to pull her ass cheeks apart, her head at the level of Kelly's pussy.

"Oh my," Kelly said, "look at that... your gash all open and wet... smells heavenly... and that ass... now that we've got the plug out, I don't think I've ever seen an ass that wanted fucking more... but I'm just not sure I really want to give you the pleasure you crave."

"My-Queen-I-swear-to-obey-without-question- one-command-of-yours-pleeeeeease!"

"Alright," Kelly said as she jammed the large purple dildo, coated with lubricant, into Carol's ass, lowering her lips to the woman's cunt.

"My Queen, I swear to obey without question one command of yours if you will let me fuck her ass," Nicki said.


"My Queen," panted Margo, "I swear to obey without question three commands of yours if you will let me eat her cunt."

"Done yet again."

Kelly went to the side of the bed and settled herself upon the saddle of the Sybian, turned it on 'medium' and watched her slaves. Bitch was buried in Slut's cunt while Whore licked and bit at her reddened ass, the piston-like attack of her dildo never faltering.

"And when you girls are finished, we'll all go out back for awhile."

"Outside... in the daylight... naked?" Carol gasped.

"Yes Slut, and if you're not very careful you'll be masturbating out in plain view on the diving board instead of sitting in the shade on the deck, licking on me."

* * * * *

"You are just fucking evil, woman," Margo commented later that evening as they sat in the kitchen enjoying a dinner of salad and fruit.

"I didn't... go too far did I?" Kelly asked, unsure of herself.

"Other than the fact that I'm not going to feel like sex for oh, at least a few more hours, I've got nothing but praise for you," Nicki said, smiling.

"Same here," Margo added, "although it may be more than a few hours... maybe half a day... and I am really, really looking forward to you calling in those oaths we made."

"Me too," Nicki said, "and the more outrageous the better."

"Uh, Nicki... you haven't really known Kelly long enough to realize," Margo said, "that might not be the brightest thing to say to our little maniac."

Nicki looked over to see Kelly smiling evilly and rubbing her hands together. "Anybody up to go see a Disney film? We could have all sorts of fun in the theater."

"No Kelly, that's 'arrest' territory," Margo said, taking a deep drink from her wine glass.

"Damn... well," Kelly said, turning to Carol, "haven't heard anything from you, my love."

"You are magnificent, my Queen," Carol said with a smile.

* * * * *

"Today's the big day! I will be so happy to get you out of my hair, I think I'm going to go home tonight, grab the wife, strip us both naked and go play in the sprinklers on the front lawn."

"Aw c'mon Mikey, I ain't been that bad a patient have I?"

"In all seriousness, no, you haven't Harry, and you and your group have provided the staff and me with much... amusement... yeah, that's a safe way to put it. But if I don't make a big deal about getting you outta here, you might decide to stay and continue to enjoy our haute cuisine and I don't think your insurance company would take very kindly to that."

"Oh yeah, the haute cuisine... I am gonna miss that... nausea three times a day."

"And besides," Helen said, "it's not like none of us will ever see you again. I'll still have the pleasure three days a week for the next couple of months."

"That's true," Harry said, grinning. "I never thought that pretty much the first regular use my new pool was going to get was for physical therapy. It could be worse, though," he continued, "I could not have the hot tub for relaxation afterwards."

"Oh yeah," Dr. Lowry said, "your life just fuckin' blows, Harry... don't forget to invite Rochelle and me to your 'housewarming' party."

Margo gave the doctor a hug. "Which one do you want an invite to, Mike," she whispered, "the family or the adult version?"

"Since my kids have a pool of their own, I think Rochelle and I would like the adult version," he whispered in reply.

"Remember the 'nurse' scene, Mike... you've been warned," she murmured before kissing him on the cheek and standing back. "Mike, thank you for everything. You've taken excellent care of him. I really do appreciate it. You'll have your invitation next week."

"More than welcome; now get the hell outta here before the free mileage runs out on the wheelchair."

As the orderly pushed him down the hall towards the exit, Harry looked up at his wife. "Where are the girls?"

"Oh, they're at home preparing a little welcome home surprise... I'll fill you in on the way there."

* * * * *

The couple's night out on the town had ended early. His leg was bothering him and so, much to his chagrin, he'd had to beg off the dancing part of the evening's plans. When she'd asked what sounded good to him, he'd leered at her and said, "Going home and going to bed with you."

There was little sign of life when they pulled into the drive, the house-sitter was probably ensconced in the den watching television or talking on the phone and if all was as it should be, their eighteen-year-old daughter was asleep.

He went directly to the bedroom, leaving his wife to deal with the house-sitter. "I wish we could trust Precious alone by herself, but after that last party she threw..." He carefully pulled off his clothes, taking the brace off his knee before grabbing a robe.

Outside he heard some sort of commotion and was heading towards the door when his wife came in, one hand curled in the house-sitter's hair, the other over her mouth as she drug the struggling girl into the room.

"Honey, what the fuck?"

"Guess who didn't listen when we told her what cabinet not to pry into? Found her in the den watching one of our video tapes... one of the special video tapes."

"How'd she get in it? We have the only keys."

"I think the little slut picked the fucking lock... but in the end it doesn't matter does it? WILL YOU STOP THIS STRUGGLING SHIT BEFORE I HAVE TO KNOCK YOU THE FUCK OUT?"

"Honey, be careful, don't want to wake up Precious."

"I know, but the little bitch is stronger than she looks. As I was saying, doesn't matter... I walked in and she had four fingers in her cunt and was half out of it. I guess that's why she didn't hear us drive up. I think she's high on something as well... but high or not... you know we can't let her tell anyone about the tapes... about what's on the tapes."

"I know."

The house-sitter's eyes were wide and terrified. It was dawning on her that the action she'd found so hot on the tapes was something these people were willing to kill her to keep secret. She began to shake her head, the muffled sounds of her protestations bouncing back from the palm of her captor's hand.

"Wanna have a little fun with her before... well... you know?" she asked, staring down hungrily at the teenager's smooth curves and beautiful skin. "I know her pussy sure smelled good when I walked in on her."

"Yeah," he said, looking at the long legs on display from underneath her skirt, "I think so... and maybe, just maybe. Look," he continued, bending slightly to look in their captive's eyes, "I don't remember your name right now and I don't wanna remember your name. The people we're probably going to end up selling you to? They won't give a shit if you have a name, and once you're theirs, you won't have any name other than the one they give you, probably something like 'Candy' or 'Bambi'... you don't need to worry about nothing in the next several hours except convincing me and the missus that there's absolutely no way in Hell you'll ever tell anyone what you saw on those tapes. And just a word of warning... even if you succeed in that beyond your wildest dreams, we'll probably still be selling your ass to some very unfriendly people, once we're through with it. Got it?"

The terror that flowed from the wide, white eyes set against the beautiful chocolate skin was a palpable force, and the couple could taste it.

"Oh, this one is going to be fun," she said as tightened her grip on her prey. "Baby, get me something to use as a gag and then help me tie her up so I can get undressed."

A few minutes later their victim was bound and tied and lying in the middle of the bed, tears streaming from her eyes as the two people who had seemed so normal a few hours before stood by the bed and looked her over like customers at a meat market.

"Where to start?" he said, eyeing the helpless girl hungrily.

His wife looked down at his erection. "You need to keep that warm, and probably someplace still a little wet as well, so bare those tits of hers... I've been wanting to taste them since she came over this evening."

With a few slices of a knife, their victim's skirt, top and bra were either off or out of the way.

"No need to worry about clothes either, where you're going," he said as he toyed with the straps of her thong. "Now, you may have just shoved this out of the way," he continued as he sliced through it on either side, "but I don't even wanna fuck with it." He pulled the scrap of cloth out from under her, then checked her cunt with his fingers.
