Oil of Roses


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Harry breathed heavily, every breath out a moan. His dick continued to spasm and Carol continued to hold on, rhythmically pinching the nerve knot in time with thrusting in and out of his ass.

"There there, honey, that's it. Good job baby. That was a hell of an orgasm. You did good."

Harry slowly brought his breathing under some degree of control, although his vision was swimming and he would've had to have laid there and burned to death if the room had been on fire due to the state his legs were in.

"What are you talking about" he panted. "All I did was lay there. You did all the work. And speaking of it purely as a physical experience that was the most awe-inspiring orgasm of my life."

"Harry, all I did was to manipulate your body. You had to leave your troubles with Angie behind, let go of all your pain and anger, relax and put your total and absolute trust in a woman you'd never met before yesterday. You were laying there, open and vulnerable. It was beautiful. You were beautiful. You are beautiful. But now I need to hit the shower. I'm hoping you don't mind if I fix us a bit of breakfast after I clean up? I haven't eaten since last night and neither have you."

"Uh, sure, no problem."

"Fine, you just lie there and relax, enjoy the afterglow. I won't be but a minute in the shower, and then I'll head for the kitchen."

Harry lay there as she showered, forcing himself to think, forcing himself to examine the situation as rationally and logically as he was capable of. Sure it was spoiling the 'afterglow', but he was running out of time.

He thought about what he wanted.

* * * * *

Carol bustled about the kitchen, finding it not too unreasonably organized for a man living alone. A lot of things she considered essential were stored high in the cabinets which required her to get the stepstool from the pantry, but other than that, Harry seemed to have his kitchen pretty well in hand.

She heard the shower turn off upstairs and a few moments later caught a glimpse of Harry, wrapped in a towel, heading for the garage out of the corner of her eye.

She was beating the eggs for an omelet when she heard him come in behind her.

"Harry, what do you like in your omelets?"

"Don't worry about that for a minute, Carol."

She turned to look at him. He stood at the center console of the kitchen, looking at a strap of leather that he held in his hands.

"You know, Carol, there were so many, many things that Angie requested I give up. I never really thought about it until today, but there were so many. I lost contact with the majority of my friends, I gave up most of my hobbies, I stopped doing a lot of the little things that brought me moments of joy in my life, like stopping at the Pearl on the way home from work every night for a drink."

Carol moved across the kitchen, putting her arms around him and hugging him hard.

"I know you probably disagree, Harry, but I don't think much of Angie as a person. She really comes across, from your side, granted, as a complete and total raving cunt and I'd gleefully kick her ass if I ever met her. You deserve better."

"Carol, she even made me give up my dog. I'd had Chipper for 6 years; all of a sudden I had to ship him off to live with my folks. The bitch wouldn't even let me have a pet."

He quickly stepped away from her, putting the leather strap around her neck and snapping it closed.

"But I'm going to have a pet now and there's not a goddamned thing she can do about it, is there?"

Carol looked up at him, hope reborn in her eyes.

"No sir, there isn't."

"And there isn't anything Rick can do about it, is there?"

"Oh God sir, I hope not."

"There isn't, Carol, trust me on that. One day this week a friend of mine and I are going to go get your stuff from Rick's place, and then you'll be free from him forever. Now, can I trust you to go get me the length of chain from the garage?"

"Yes sir."

"Fine, then go get me the chain."

Tears running down her smiling face, she went and retrieved the chain from the garage, skipping on her way back into the kitchen.

Harry took the chain and hooked the end into eyelet on the dog collar.

"Tonight we'll go get you your own collar, but this will do for now."

The length of chain pooled on the floor as he undid the towel from his waist.

"Is there a name my pet prefers to be called?" Harry asked.

"Baby Girl, normally" Carol responded in a whisper, "or Little Cunt, if I'm being put in my place, sir."

"Alright Little Cunt, on your knees."

She knelt on the floor and Harry wrapped the chain in his left hand while entwining the fingers of his right hand in the hair on the side of her head. She opened her mouth and moved forward to wrap her lips around his cock but he pulled her head back sharply by her hair.

"Little Cunt, did I tell you to move?"

"No sir."

"Then I guess you'd better not move. Now then, who's mouth is that that I'm about to fuck?"

"It's your mouth to do with as you will."

Harry stepped forward, his semi-erect cock sliding into her mouth, meeting no resistance as it went partway to the entrance of her throat, beginning to stiffen in the warm, wet and welcoming hole.

"Now you may begin."

Carol began to suck his dick with a will, her saliva coating it in an instant and oozing down onto his balls. Her arms instinctively went up to grasp the back of his legs, pulling herself closer to him, pressing her body against his, a new pet begging the approval of her owner with every fiber of her being.

He tightened his grip on the side of her head and took control of the motion, pulling away and driving back in, fucking her mouth like he would any other orifice, making sure to pull far enough away at a slow enough pace to give her a chance to breath through her nose, then ramming his cock down her again to feel the muscles of her throat working on it, his dick feeling like a small animal being consumed by a python.

In a corner of Harry's brain, where rational thought still occasionally occurred, it frightened him somewhat, how easily their rhythms moved to match one another, how little of the awkwardness of new lovers there was between them.

He felt in her a series of vibrations, coming in waves, but it felt like humming in her mouth and that was in danger of pushing him over the edge far too quickly.

He pushed her away and the meaning of the vibrations became clear.

Through the tears in her eyes and the smile on her face, "thank you sir, thank you sir, thank you sir, thank you sir". He considered trying to stop her, but thought better of the idea.

Instead he lifted her gently up and over his shoulder and took her to the bedroom, where he placed her down on the bed. Grabbing a clean shirt from his laundry basket, he ripped a sleeve off of it and used the sleeve to tie her hands before her. Still the tears flowed down her face and the litany of "thank you sir" continued.

He knelt at the foot of the bed and gazed at her pussy, wet and open before him.

"My my, what a pretty little cunt my Little Cunt has" he murmured, scarcely loud enough for her to hear.

He moved his face in towards her, the odor of her, delicate and fresh in his nostrils. He licked her lips, and between them, and around them, gathering the dew of her desire in his mouth, tasting what was his, savoring it like the first sip of a fine brandy, before he moved up to her clit.

Clearing away the folds of skin from around it, he gently sucked it into his mouth, to in-between his teeth, and then gently licked and even more gently bit, it as it grew more erect with excitement. As she began to thrash he began to move his head in concert with her thrashings, never losing his fragile grip on her, varying the rhythm of his stimulation until she and her excitement were cresting like a wave about every three minutes. He kept the wave from breaking, knowing somehow just when to back off, feeling when to quicken his pace, increase the force.

As he continued, he heard her voice become more and more tearful.

He paused. "What is it, Baby Girl?"

"You know sir, you know" she gasped.

"I may know, but I'm asking you to tell me."

"Let me come, sir, please let me come" she sobbed.

And with that he fastened his mouth once again on her and rode her wave until it broke and the tension flowed out of her with a flood of her juices. Her legs collapsed to the bed and the "thank you sir" litany became almost unrecognizable.

Harry shifted her body up on the bed, lifted her legs and slid his cock into her. He was surprised, with the life she had led, that her pussy was as tight as it was, as it fit him snugly and felt like it was meant for him and him alone.

"Does my Baby Girl exercise regularly to keep good muscle tone in her pussy?" he asked, whispering into her ear as moved on top of her, her bound hands behind his neck.

"Yes sir, she does. Does she please you sir?"

"Oh Baby Girl, you please me more than you know." As he gently thrust in and out of her, careful not to rest his weight on her bruised midsection, he continued. "Now then, I want you to know that I will never, ever, beat you as Rick has. You will never have bruises like that again. On the other hand, I adore leaving love bites. I've always enjoyed leaving my mark."

"Sir, you may mark me how you wish, and I will be pleased to wear whatever marks you give me."

He fastened his mouth on the side of the neck, his strokes shortening as he sucked and bit, feeling her respond with a faster pulsing in her cunt, running his tongue across the skin of his slave's neck.

His mind still was running as fast as it could, trying to catch up to the new reality of his life. He'd never considered this kind of relationship before. He'd never imagined that there was a side of his personality that would revel in the owning of another human being the way he reveled in it now. He was now responsible for Carol; he was in charge of her life. He knew, inside, the seriousness of her devotion to her master, the depth of it. He knew, without asking, that the only reason she was leaving Rick was that he had proven himself unworthy of her devotion and obedience. Someday he would ask her how she had gotten involved with him in the first place.

"I was hungry sir."

"What, Baby Girl?"

"I imagine you've been wondering how I ended up with a shit-head like Rick" she gasped out. "My old owner had to move to another city, couldn't afford to take me with him. He offered to set me up with some money to tide me over, but I knew he was tight on cash, so I refused. I couldn't find work that paid for more than a place to stay, and I was hungry. So when Rick came along, I didn't listen to that little voice inside, or, better said, I listened, and ignored it."

"Baby Girl, if things, for whatever reason, ever, don't work out for us, I'll make sure you're taken care of until you can find yourself a new owner. I give you my word."

The spasms in her cunt became stronger and more erratic and then he found himself riding her as she came, her climax almost bringing him to orgasm in the process. He quickly shifted his thoughts to his last dentist appointment.

As she relaxed in the aftershocks of her orgasm, he pulled out and lay beside her.

"Baby Girl, do you do anal?"

"Sir, oh yes I do anal!"

"Little Cunt, don't lie to me. Don't ever lie to me when I ask you a question. I may still go ahead and do something you don't enjoy, or in some other way do as I will in spite of your desires, but don't ever lie to me."

"No sir, I would never lie to you. I love being taken in the ass. Not only because of the physical sensations, which I adore, but the psychological aspects. I never, ever, feel so submissive, so controlled, so much a vessel of pleasure as when I'm being ass-fucked. Now, I do generally prefer the chance for a good enema before hand, to clean me out, but I'm feeling relatively empty right now."

"That's my Baby Girl, full of romantic pillow talk" He leaned in and kissed her gently, their tongues dancing in and out of each others mouths.

He leaned back. "Why don't we wait until we've gotten you an enema rig and you're feeling fresh and clean?"

"Yes sir. But sir, I can't help but notice that you haven't come again. May I please take care of that for you sir?"

Harry climbed back on top of her, spreading her legs as he went.

"Sir" Carol said, gazing up into his eyes with adoration, "if you wish me to bear your child I will, of course, but I just thought I should tell you that I am not on birth control."

As Harry began to slide in and out, her talented pussy doing it's best to milk him dry in the shortest possible time, he smiled down at her.

"Baby Girl, not to worry. Someday I might take you up on that offer, but for now, guess what else Angie had me give up?"

Her legs shot up around his waist, her ankles locking together behind his back and she began to meet his every thrust with her own. He felt his nuts bouncing against her ass but in spite of her softness, they still felt like handballs hitting a wall. He didn't care. There was a contract being written, witnessed and signed between the two of them, a very primal contract of obligations and duties, rights and privileges, responsibilities and liberties. He could sense, as if in the air between them, a great mass of promises, unspoken, but that were being made nonetheless. He bent his head down to her right tit, fastening upon it with desperation, his arms drawing her as close in as he could without pressing against her bruises. As he suckled upon her breast, he felt her rhythms quicken, the spasming of her cunt go to the staccato of orgasm and beyond.

She threw her weight to the side, surprising him, rolling him onto his back, her hands still behind his neck. He curled his body up so as not to lose his hold on her breast. She slammed her torso onto his with every up stroke, rocking the two of them back and forth like a child's hobby horse.

As her bruised and battered body hit his, he stared up at her, concern gleaming in his eyes.

"Sir... Harry," she panted, "don't worry, I'm beyond pain now."

Her orgasm continued and she rode it out with her hips alone, her tit mashed into has ever-hungry mouth, her abdomen rising and falling as she fucked him as if her life depended on it.

They both felt his orgasm coming.

"Sir, would I be punished if I marked you as well?" she cried, in-between shudders.

"Probably, but do it anyway" he growled.

Her tiny mouth latched on to his neck and as her teeth and tongue began to work, he felt his orgasm rip loose like a fist punching through a wall. Her crotch pulled away slightly so as not to bear down and block the flow of sperm that was already spilling out of him. His eyes, and hers, although neither knew it at the time, rolled back in their heads and their mouths clinched, teeth breaking skin and each other's blood flowing into their mouths. As their orgasms continued they swallowed compulsively and in a re-enactment of a ritual older than the written word, she gave herself to him and he accepted. The great mass of promises was made without words, without thinking, and the contract signing completed.

She sank down upon him, collapsing. Harry realized both of them were sobbing and he curled up around her, holding her tenderly and protectively in his arms.

"Shush, Baby Girl, it's alright, it's ok, it's alright for both of us now. Shush, relax, you're safe now, you're mine now."

She snuggled in, closer than he could imagine, fitting into the hollows and bends of his body as if she was a part of a jigsaw puzzle. As she did so, he felt like he was afloat in a cloud of peace, a feeling he'd not had in a long time.

As he listened to her sobs slowly become the steady breaths of sleep, and felt himself on his way to joining her, he put all his worries about the new life he'd begun aside. There'd be more than enough time to think about those later.

His last sight as he drifted away was the peaceful sleeping face of his Baby Girl.

For now, it was good just to be.

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JasonRTaylorJasonRTaylorabout 8 years ago
story is continued, but not here

However, it is not only concluded but even continued in a sequel at:


You're welcome :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Very Good

Very Good start...

Dancewithme2Dancewithme2over 9 years ago

This story is so well written and so endearing, I can't understand anyone ever giving it anything less than a 5.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

well written but a little too unrealistic eg how quickly Harry becomes a consumate Master from presumably no previous experience

knightofheartsknightofheartsabout 15 years ago
Well done

I wasn't really expecting that kind of story since all the other chapters are listed as EC nevertheless i enjoyed it just the same. Here's to you.

knightofheartsknightofheartsabout 15 years ago
Well done

I wasnt really expecting that kind of story since all the other chapters are listed as romance nevertheless i enjoyed it just the same. Here's to you.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

Um.. that was really weird. Well done on originality though. Just not my kind of story. I probably shouldn't have commented.. lol.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
My First Sub Story. . .

Wow. I girl that I'm looking to begin a relationship with asked me to read this. I never knew what this world was like, but I am starting to understand it. Keep them coming. Great story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

I thought it just droaned on and on it was hard to keep interest!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Simply beautiful

Beautiful, real emotion...

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