OK Ch. 01-05


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He also upgraded the house alarms and was able to get the place wired (except that it was wireless) and CCTV installed. Everything else could wait.

He employed the same gardener and cleaner the previous owners had used. When all that was completed, he felt at ease. He liked the house and felt at home there. He had driven past the house they used to live in, but it was clearly in other hands. Carol had moved out, not surprisingly since the mortgage payments had been exorbitantly high.

He reviewed his options. If she was living with Liam Malley, the company had the address and Julie would provide it. Then there was her phone number. She had phoned him from her mobile phone and now he had her number. As a travelling buyer for her firm, she would have good text capability on her phone. Finally there was her firm. Perhaps he would be put through now he was no longer her erring husband.

Julie meanwhile had not been idle. She had used one of the sites that find people, putting the place as Manchester, and then trying her name as Colshaw. No one called Carol. Then Malley, again no result, finally Irwin, and hit the jackpot. One Carol Irwin. A flat in Didsbury and a landline number.

Then it was Deja Vu.

He tried her landline. There was no answer but it went to her answer-phone.

"Carol, this is John. You were good enough to tell me when and where I am supposed to have cheated. I now have information which you need to see. The photo's which you still haven't allowed me to see, could well be true, but they don't tell the true story. I have evidence. Please call me to arrange a meeting."

There was no reply for a week, and he wondered if she was living with Liam. There was no way he was going to phone that number, so he tried her cellphone. It went to voicemail. He ignored that and instead sent her a text.

Have info for you. Pics not true meaning. Have true evidence. Meet me please. John.

Again there was no response after three days. Now he knew she was behaving as she had before the divorce. He sent an email.

Carol please can we meet? Bring Liam along if you want. Now I know when my 'cheating' happened, I can give you an explanation. Why are you running away from the truth of the matter? John.

John was disappointed, though he was not surprised. This seemed to be her usual way of dealing with him. He no longer felt anger, just dull resignation.

It was Good Friday the next day, and he dutifully went home for the long weekend. As usual he slept a good deal of the time; home seemed to relax him and he felt the tension of Carol and the job dissipate. He returned on Eater Monday and was back in the office on Tuesday reinvigorated.

It was company policy that all conversations in managers' offices were recorded, and that included phone conversations. Anyone who phoned the offices got a message telling them this. It was more efficient than relying on memory.

John was glad of it when Liam Malley burst into his office that morning, followed by Julie who wore an expression between anger and worry. John noticed she waited at the door.

"Listen Colshaw," he shouted, leaning over the desk, "I told you to leave Carol alone. I won't have you bothering her. Stop it or I warn you-"

"You'll do what, Mr. Malley?" John said.

"You know what happened the last time; it'll be worse this time. Keep away from her."

"You are of course referring to your buddies, Carol's brothers?" John asked calmly.

"You know what I mean! They won't be so gentle this time. Butt out."

"You say my calls are 'bothering' Carol. Unless she answers them how do I know it's not you that's bothered? It can't hurt for her to meet me. You can come along to protect her. It's a reasonable request."

"Listen, you prick," he snarled, "I won't tell you again. Stay away from her."

"I haven't gone near her, I used the phone and an email," John said glibly, a smile playing on his lips, "and do I get the impression you are threatening me?"

"You bet I'm threatening you. I'm protecting my fiancée from your stalking."

"Now listen Mr. Malley," John now became intense, "My patience is wearing thin. This is the second time you have behaved in an inappropriate manner to me. I understand you feel insecure about your fiancée, and I pointed out that it's only because she's my ex-wife that I've tolerated your previous outburst. I told you to keep your private life away from work. What part of that don't you understand?"

"You don't scare me," he growled, "You try firing me and see what'll happen. You'll be before the tribunal for unfair dismissal and victimisation, and who knows what else might happen. I hear you have a nice new house. Watch your back Colshaw."

John picked up the phone and pressed a button. "Mr Jones, please come to my office immediately!" was all he said. Liam Malley began to move to the door when the security guard blocked his way. John was impressed at the man's speed.

"Mr Malley," John said evenly, "Your employment with this company is hereby terminated. Mr Jones will escort you to your desk to collect your effects. You will get the customary severance. You will get a good reference with regard to your work if you want one."

Liam Malley looked astonished. It was not what he expected. He recovered.

"You just landed yourself in a whole lot of trouble. You'll not get away with this."

"I think the company is safe enough," smiled John. "Have you forgotten we record all conversations - it's in your contract. Your threats may be sufficient to involve the police, but after this outburst I cannot allow you to stay as a member of this company. Good day to you."

Liam suddenly looked worried. He had forgotten completely about the recording. In all the years he'd worked there, he'd never had cause to watch his speech.

"Er, John," he stuttered, "I mean..."

"Sorry, Liam," John said firmly, "You were warned. The company can't have this sort of behaviour. We'll help you all we can to get another post. You'll get your three months' pay in lieu of notice and I think you're entitled to another four weeks' holiday allowance. Now please leave."

His shoulders slumped and he left with Mr Jones.

That evening he got a phone call from Carol.

"You bastard!" she screamed. "You petty minded vindictive bastard! You think I'm going to meet you after what you've done to Liam? Leave me alone." The phone went dead.

Well, thought John, She really is in love with him. Perhaps they were in the divorce plan together after all. There's no point in trying to reach her directly now. Time for Plan B.

He phoned Tom and recounted the events of the day.

"Yes," said Tom. "I hear Liam got his marching orders. Silly prick!"

"I need your help, Tom. Can we meet?"

"Your place or mine?" Tom asked.

"Yours. See you shortly."

Ann made him some tea since he was driving, while Tom supped his beer.

"Well," said John, "I'll never get to Carol now. So I need you to help. Here are the transcripts of all the interviews I've done about the evening in question."

Tom read them. It took some time, but at last he put the booklet down.

"Well," he said. "That's conclusive enough. From what Dannie or Danuta said I could see that someone taking photos would get some incriminating ones, and it's clear who the photographer was. I didn't know your brother lived in London."

"He doesn't, and he didn't then. He works in Dubai, but he was in London in a temporary flat for a few months so I used him."

"So," said Tom, taking another draught of beer, "we need to get to Carol. No use me trying, she knows we're best mates. Bill might have managed it, but he's the other end of the country now."

They sat in silence until Tom sat forward, drained his glass and exclaimed, "Susan Price. She's a good mate of Carol and I get on well with her. I need to get past the instant rejection when she hears your name. You're still shit for all her friends. I'll have to go round. You got another copy of this?"

"Well yes," John muttered as he rifled through his briefcase, "but I don't want the contents to get to Carol before I do. I want to see her face!"

"All right," said Tom. "Trust me on that one. I'll get Sue to open our way to Carol and then make an appointment. By the way, can we be a little illegal with the recording of your meeting with Liam today? We could play it to Carol so she knows exactly what went on. I think Liam's being a little partial with the truth."

"Don't like that much," John said. "It's a breach of Liam's rights. But... I suppose..."

"Good," said Tom smiling. "We'll get that sorted tomorrow, and I'll arrive at Sue's place unannounced tomorrow evening."

"You're a good friend," said John with some emotion.

"You still love her, don't you?"

John thought. "You want me to analyse that? I've tried. She's desirable physically. I got hooked on her physically early on when we first met, and I was still in her thrall when she dumped me. So I desire her, yes."

"But?" said Tom anticipating John's next remark.

"Exactly. But." John said it with half a smile. "She didn't trust me. She didn't give me a fair hearing. I know she's got a temper, but no one keeps a temper tantrum up for weeks, and sends her brothers round to do me over. She's shown a vindictive side I didn't know she had. So I'm wary of her. Could I live with her? I don't think that's possible any more..." He paused to think.

"She was never unfaithful," John continued, "as far as I know, unless she's in on this scam with the photo's, but how many husbands know their wives are cheating? I suppose she could have been shagging Malley before I transferred to London.

"On the other hand, if she's been duped, her reaction shows how much she loved me. Perhaps her refusal to come near me could show that as well. She seemed... well, hesitant when she saw me in the pub.

"For a moment she was soft, then I blew it. But her reaction is as strong now as it was when she dumped me, and I don't know whether I could ever live with a woman who refuses me a hearing.

"So, Tom," John said reflectively. "It's too complicated."

"So you do still love her!" Tom said laughing, and John joined in the laughter, shaking his head.

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LacastrianLacastrian4 months ago

Who would want such a stupid woman back? There is no valid reason for this story to have more than 2 chapters

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Good beginning, looking forward to next installment

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

unfinished,has no business being posted. wasted readers time with no conclusion. no rating.

MarkT63MarkT63almost 2 years ago

No forgiving her betrayal... FTDS

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