Old Friends & New Possibilities Ch. 2


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"Yes dear, tell us who this guy is?" Theresa interjected, hoping that with a little pressure, Jenny could now be persuaded to give up the identity of her mysterious boyfriend.

"C'mon sweetie don't keep us in suspense!" Mathew said aglow with an expecting look about him. Theresa looked on with a cautiously expectant look, wanting to be happy for her daughter but still unsure of it all.

Jenny looked at Tom one last time and in one swift movement all was revealed. Jenny moved closer to Tom, snuggling right up to him while Tom placed his arm around her shoulder with his free right hand he held Jenny's left hand. For a short moment there was an eerie silence at the table as Mathew and Theresa looked in disbelief at the now snuggling couple. Their brains could not process the obvious answer to their question, blocking out the incomprehensible. You could almost hear the whistling of the falling bomb about to hit with devastating force.

"Mom, Dad, Tom and I love each other and have been together for a month now." Jenny said smiling as she observed her parents reaction, hoping for the best.

BOOM! The bomb detonated and a blast wave ripped through the four lives at the table. At first there was disbelief in the minds of Mathew and Theresa, that at any moment they would be let in on the joke. The couple prayed that this was all a sick joke, that they were just the but of a very cruel practical joke. As the seconds ticked by and the resolve of Tom and Jenny remained steadfast the mood changed and darkened considerably.

"What do you mean you love each other? What the hell is this all about?" Mathew snarled as quietly as he could. Mathew's usually happy face was now consumed with anger and his eyes were on fire. Theresa was silent as she was unable to speak but her face broadcasted the horrifying terror that gripped her heart.

"It's true man, I love her. I tried to ignore it. I tried to resist it but in the end I couldn't deny that something beautiful had blossomed between us." Tom said with a sorrowful, painful look trying to gain the understanding of his longtime friends. The look on Theresa's face tore at his soul and brought a tear to his eye, he wanted to give her a few words of comfort to cling to. "We never meant to hurt you but what we have is real. I love Jenny more than I have ever loved anyone, I hope you can understand that."

WHACK! Tom's face stung with the forceful slap from his high school friend.

Theresa's eyes were consumed with fire as her hand returned to her side. Her nostrils flared with deep quick breaths as her whole body shook with her rage that had now boiled over. She wanted to kill him pure and simple, make sure he would never again hurt her little girl. She wanted to tear him limb from limb for taking advantage of her daughter's trusting nature.

"HOW DARE YOU!!! HOW COULD YOU TAKE ADVANTAGE OF HER YOU BASTARD!?" Theresa screamed and lunged for Tom's throat but her hands never landed on their intended target. Tom had not seen it coming but Jenny did and moved in to block the attack. Thankfully Mathew also moved in to restrain his wife even though he was just as angry, he at least wanted an explanation to her question.

"I PURSUED HIM MOM! I have known that Tom was the only man for me for the last NINE years!" Jenny said with fire in her own eyes as Theresa's angry face turned to confused horror as she listened on still vibrating.

"WHAT?!" Mathew and Theresa said together in shock.

"It's true!" Jenny said with firm conviction as she continued. "As much as I told myself that he was just Uncle Tom, as hard as I tried to make it go away, it was never enough. It always remained and I waited until I was old enough to do something about it." Jenny looked at the horrified, pain filled faces of her parents, took a breath then continued. "Tom and I are not related, we are adults and we are in love. I hope that one day you can understand that." Jenny finished and leaned back against Tom.

"UNDERSTAND! Are you nuts?" Mathew said gritting his teeth. "I've known this asshole since before you were born MISSY! He was there when you were born. He is old enough to be your father for Christ sake!"

"BUT HE'S NOT!" Jenny interjected.

"It's still sick! My God he changed your diapers! He helped raise you for God sake! Doesn't that bother either of you?" Mathew said in disgust glancing back and forth from one face to the other. "Do you realize how ridiculous the two of you look?!" Mathew snorted, shaking his head at Jenny and Tom.

"That doesn't matter now, we are not related and we do love each other! Do you really think we would walk away from love because it might make others uncomfortable to see us together?" Jenny replied firmly, not giving ground at all.

"What about us? Do you care how this affects us? Did you think about how we would feel? Of COURSE NOT!" Theresa cried out as she burst into tears holding onto her husband tight and crying openly now. Theresa was overcome by everything and could hear no more of this insanity.

"Get out!" Mathew growled and stared intently and unwaveringly at Tom.

"But Dad . . ." Jenny started to say but again she was cut off.

"LEAVE!" Mathew roared, cutting off his daughter. "Haven't you done enough? Are you not satisfied by breaking your mother's heart? Do you want to torture her some more?" Mathew said with tears welling up in his eyes revealing the pain in his own heart.

"I'm sorry, I never meant to hurt either of you. I'm so sorry." Jenny sobbed as she burst into tears while Tom escorted her from the restaurant, making sure to pay for the dinner before leaving.

They made their way back to Tom's apartment and all night Tom tried to console Jenny to no avail. Eventually as they clung to each other and were all cried out they fell asleep in each other's arms. It was much the same story for Mathew and Theresa as they strived to understand how it all could have happened. It has been said that the truth shall set you free but I have never heard it said that the truth shall make you happy.

For days the four people dealt with the aftermath of the bombshell that was dropped at dinner that night. They each grieved in their own way for the loss of the simpler, more innocent days when Jenny was younger. However time marches forwards, not backwards no matter how hard we try to turn back the clock. After a few days and a heated argument over the telephone, Jenny's things arrived at Tom's apartment door.

After that, things went from bad to worse, time may heal all wounds but the bleeding has to stop first. Jenny and Tom tried to move on and give Mathew and Theresa time to deal with things in their own way. However the pain was too deep and too intense to blow over quickly. It did not help matters that every day they saw Tom and Jenny together further salting the still open wound in their hearts. Whenever Mathew or Theresa saw Tom or Jenny an argument would ensue with everybody coming out the looser. It soon became clear to Tom and Jenny that they would have to move before things would get better.

Some time had passed since everything had blown apart that one fine day at the restaurant. In fact it was almost a year and still little change had taken place Mathew and Theresa still could not accept Tom and Jenny's relationship. As far as Jenny's grandparents were concerned they simply hung up on her whenever she called either of them. Jenny's birthday was fast approaching and she felt completely cut off from her family. Jenny knew they would be upset, she knew they would be hurt but never had imagined that they would be this profoundly scarred for this long. Her only consolation was that things with Tom were going fine; in fact they were going blissfully better than expected.

However Jenny did not want to celebrate her birthday without her family being present. She wanted this rift to end; she wanted to find a way to bring peace with her parents. She wanted so much for them to be a part of her life again that she was prepared to do just about anything. Tentatively she picked up the phone and dialed her parents phone number. It had been many months since the last time that she called her parents. The last time ended in a screaming match that Jenny was not proud of, this time she hoped to keep better control of her emotions.

"Hello." Theresa said as she answered the phone.

"Hello Mom, how've you been?" Jenny pleasantly asked trying to keep her fear from entering her voice.

"I've been fine Jenny, what do you want." Theresa said coldly and quickly, the hurt was clearly still there.

"Well." Jenny swallowed before continuing. "My birthday is coming up." Jenny said and paused quietly.

"Yes, it brings back so many pleasant memories, don't you think?" Theresa said in a surly tone.

"I was wondering if you and Dad would like to come to the party?" Jenny said ignoring the harsh comment by her mother.

"I don't know dear. Do you really think it would be such a good idea?" Theresa said in a condescending tone.

"What do you want from me mom?" Jenny snapped cursing herself for letting it slip but continued anyway. "Tom and I have been together almost a full year now, doesn't that say anything to you about how serious we are or how much we truly love each other?" Jenny said, letting the pain of the rift into her now wavering voice as she continued. "If you can't see that, than perhaps you shouldn't come. We would very much like you to be there." Jenny was forced to hang up the phone as her tears overwhelmed her.

Tom rushed to Jenny's side and held her in his arms as she cried helplessly. It hurt him so much to see her this way and even more to stand the loss of his long time friends. He felt that a large part of his life was missing. He knew that somehow he had to make things right between all of them. Somehow he had to repair the damage that his love for Jenny had caused in the lives of those around them.

Soon enough the comforting security of Tom's arms brought Jenny back to her senses again and Jenny was now able to talk to Tom.

"It was pointless, I should have known it babe, but I had to try." Jenny said with the pain that lingered in her heart.

"They can't stay mad forever, they'll come around, I know it." Tom said as he kissed Jenny on the forehead. She looked up at him and smiled, she wanted to believe his words but found little truth in them just now. They had been mad at her for close to a year now with little sign of stopping. Why would that change now? Jenny's smile faded away from her face as she rested her head on Tom's chest, holding him tight.

"I hope so." Jenny sighed. "Cause I don't want to spend my birthday without them, it just wouldn't be right Y'know?"

Tom sighed and was forced to agree with her. "Yeah, I know babe." Tom said as he stroked her long hair and held her quietly on their couch.

Tom could hardly stand to know that the people he loved like family were still suffering because of a decision that he made a year ago. Mathew and Theresa could not accept or comprehend the fact that Jenny and he loved each other and were together. They still blamed him for stealing away their baby girl and considered him a 'cradle robber' for loving Jenny as he did.

Tom could stand the name-calling and rude treatment if it were coming from a stranger, or anyone other than his closest friends. Mathew and Theresa were his oldest and dearest friends that he had known since high school. They had all been through a great deal of crap together and were a large part of his life. At least they were a large part of his life up to a year ago, before they found out about Jenny and his involvement.

More than anyone else Tom blamed himself for the current rift and the pain associated with it. Tom knew that he could have handled things differently; after all he was the older and wiser one. He should have found a way to do the right thing by everyone involved instead of just Jenny. Instead he charged ahead without properly weighing the consequences and everyone got hurt. Perhaps he should have simply walked away from Jenny and lied to her, told her that he didn't want her in that way. Or perhaps he should have walked up to Mathew and Theresa and told them about his feelings for Jenny before anything happened, would that have done it? Tom neither knew the answer nor cared because at this point it was academic. The bomb had been dropped, he had let it happen and the resulting devastation was on his shoulders alone. Not a day went by that his guilt didn't remind him of the pain that was on his conscience.

If the devastation was his fault than Tom knew that somehow he had to make things right again with all of them, if that was possible. Theresa and Mathew were not answering his calls and no conversation had lasted more than two minutes before an argument broke out. Somehow he would have to get them to listen to him, somehow he would help them see his position.

Tom understood how they felt all too well, he knew that they had a right to be angry and that in a way he had betrayed them. What good was all this anger and hatred doing anyone? Mathew and Theresa were the ones that had to live with their anger every day, not Tom and Jenny. If anyone was suffering the most in all of this it clearly was Mathew and Theresa and the time had come for Tom to do something about it. Somehow Tom had to resolve the situation and bring peace to the people he loved. If not for his own sanity, than for the woman he loved, and the dearest friends he had ever known.

"Look at the bright side Sweetheart, Not only is it your birthday, but also our one year anniversary." Tom said with a forced smile. He could also use some bright news at that point for his heart was also dark.

"Your right and a day doesn't go by that I don't thank my lucky stars for waking up next to the sexiest guy I know." Jenny said giving Tom a squeeze and a smile. "But they're my family."

"To tell you the truth I must admit that I am still amazed at how lucky I am to still be with a incredible woman like you. A part of me was certain that you would have found someone else by now." Tom chuckled trying to lighten the mood.

"Tom Richards I will have you know that I fully intend to spend the rest of my life with you. I told you ten years ago that I plan on marrying you and that is exactly what I am going to do!" Jenny said with a playful scowl while grabbing Tom by the collar. "Now kiss me to make up for insulting me!" Jenny laughed lovingly.

Tom did just that, he kissed Jenny lightly on the lips and pulled her body close to his. The kiss lasted a moment and was a tender, soft kiss and not a heated kiss of passion this time. When the kiss broke and Jenny's eyes fluttered open a smile crept across her face.

"I think you can do better than that." Jenny coyly smiled.

"Indeed I can." Tom replied with a mischievous grin.

Tom leaned in and kissed Jenny again but this time it was a more sensual kiss. The pace of this kiss was still slow and easy but Tom's roaming hands knew all the right spots to touch. Jenny's temperature started to rise under the talented spell of the man she loved, it didn't take him long to get her motor running. Before long Jenny was squirming and moaning next to Tom on that couch.

"Oh baby you'd better stop before I rape you!" Jenny laughed as Tom' lips were paying attention to her neck in a way that made Jenny melt every time.

"Can't rape the willing." Tom mumbled into Jenny's neck as his had stroked the outside of Jenny's thigh.

"That's it!" Jenny squealed as she pushed Tom off of her and onto his back on that couch.

She tore his clothes off in a flash he was naked and she was still fully clothed sitting on top of him. Jenny's jean covered pussy pressed warmly against his hard, nude cock teasing him all the more. Jenny's breath was still deep and shallow as she sat triumphantly on Tom liking the sense of control she had over him. A slight smile crept over Jenny's face as she saw the stunned, horny and slightly perplexed look on his face. Slowly Jenny stood and backed away from Tom never letting her eyes wander away from his.

"Don't move!" Jenny commanded when Tom started to get up and join her.

Tom's eyes shot wide open in shock but never the less, he sat back and obliged Jenny her little game. She never had shouted at him or ordered him about but clearly something had motivated her to do so now. It seemed like a harmless and even fun game to play unless she tries to take it too far, but for now he would indulge her.

Ever so slowly Jenny started to pace back and forth, her eyes never leaving his, their eyes locked in a lusted gaze. She walked over to the stereo and in short order some light jazz filled the room. The movement started with Jenny's hips as they started to sway slightly to the music. With each passing second the swaying increased until soon her whole body was consumed with the music. Jenny danced erotically to the music and she watched the reaction of her captive audience getting turned on knowing what she was doing to Tom.

Now Jenny's hands started to rub and caress her body, starting from her sides and working their way up the hot, tight body. Tom watched with great interest as this enticing beauty now sensuously rubbed her gyrating body. It was all Tom could do to restrain himself and not forcefully mount her and fuck her madly with all the lust she had stirred up in him these past few minutes. Jenny had whipped herself up into a frenzy of lust and desire; while she wanted to release both of their tensions she restrained herself. Seeing the obvious tension in Tom made her hotter still, she wanted to stretch out the teasing of Tom some more.

Jenny's hands had found their way to her waist and grabbed the sides of her t-shirt and ever so slightly pulled up. Inch after inch of smooth, kissable skin was revealed as that shirt moved up in slow motion as she continued to dance seductively. Tom's eyes paused on her navel as memories of his tongue darting into it flashed back to him. He almost didn't notice that her hands were clasped high on her chest. The shirt was bunched up around her still covered breasts and fell away from the centre revealing her entire stomach.

When his eyes met hers, she winked at him and blew him a kiss slowly and winked again at him before turning away from him. In a flash she tore her shirt off and it flew across the room and landed crashing into a vase of flowers. The vase fell over spilling water all over the place but not breaking anything water meandered from the vase inching closer to the edge of the table.

Not to be setback by this development she rushed to the kitchen keeping her back to Tom and grabbed a towel. As she sauntered over to the table she allowed Tom a first glimpse of her bra-covered breasts from the side. She moved to the table and positioned herself between Tom and the spilled vase. Jenny bent over the table in an exaggerated way ensuring that her ass stuck out in an almost obscene way. Forcefully and with exaggerated movements she wiped up the spilled water causing her breasts to sway and jiggle uncontrollably. With a look over her shoulder now and again to see what Tom was up to Jenny could see that Tom was in an awful state.

"Play with yourself but don't cum." Jenny said as she returned to her spot in front of Tom after tossing the wet towel into the kitchen sink.

Almost immediately Tom's hand grabbed his thick shaft and he started to pump his shaft as his eyes wandered over Jenny's body. Jenny started to sway and swing her hips much more than before. She was really working her body as the horny passion that filled her body started to seep out into her dancing. Jenny swayed her hips back and forth as she stood in one spot and raised her hands to her waist. She hooked her thumbs in the waistband at the centre of the jeans leaving them there for a short moment.