Olivia in Vulmonia Ch. 16

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Olivia spends her first night with Luke.
10.3k words

Part 16 of the 47 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 12/24/2017
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The metal doors slid opened and Luke gallantly stood aside so that Olivia could exit the elevator. He followed closely behind her, the black leather bag slung over his shoulder.

"Down the hall and to the right," he instructed. Olivia took a deep breath and followed his directions, her sandals sinking into the plush carpeting.

"It's right here, room 609," he cheerfully announced. She stood aside as Luke reached into his pocket and took out his room key. Even though she knew it was unrealistic, Olivia silently hoped that the key would not work. That maybe somehow he had made a mistake and their first night together would be delayed. Indefinitely. But much to her disappointment, the key slid smoothly into the lock. As he turned the key, she could hear the clicking sound of the door unlocking. Her heart fluttered as he turned the knob and swung the door wide open.

"After you," he grinned. Olivia's feet had never felt so heavy. She felt lightheaded as she hesitated for a moment and then walked slowly into the darkened hotel suite.

Luke entered, flipped the switch on the wall next to the door, lighting up the front room. Olivia looked around. It was nicer than she had expected. She thought it odd that a professor at the University of Missouri could afford such lavish accommodations. But then she remembered that the American dollar went much further in a poor country like Vulmonia than it did back home.

Luke could see the surprised look on Olivia's face. "I come to Vulmonia about twice a year to do research. And also for pleasure. I always stay here at this hotel, so they give me a bit of a discount."

"Oh, I see," Olivia murmured.

Luke narrowed his eyes and cocked an eyebrow at the young girl.

"Sir," she quickly added. "I see, Sir."

"Mm," Luke grunted in mild approval. He looked over toward the living room area and pointed next to the couch. "They've already sent your luggage over."

Olivia heaved a sigh of relief. Even though there was nothing wrong with the shorts and tank top that she was currently wearing, she was eager to put on something more modest the next time she went out in public. It was clear that in Vulmonia, they had different ideas about what constituted a skimpy outfit.

"I would imagine that you'd like to take a shower," he said pointing toward where the bathroom door was, through the bedroom.

"Oh, yes Sir! I haven't had a proper shower in days!" The idea of taking a hot shower seemed like heaven to Olivia in that moment.

"I saw on the local news that after you ran the obstacle course, they just hosed you down. Sprayed the mud right off you," he chuckled. Olivia began to blush furiously. "Did you realize beforehand that your bikini bottoms had come off in the mud pit?"

Olivia clenched her jaw in anger and lowered her eyes in embarrassment. "No, Sir. I didn't realize," she said through gritted teeth.

"It was quite a surprise," he smiled. "But not an unpleasant one." Olivia did not respond. She just stared down at the floor. "Well, the bathroom's all yours," he continued. "I'll lay out an outfit for you to put on. I'll leave it on the bed. You can get changed in the bedroom after your shower. I'll just be out here in the living room making some phone calls. Just come on out here after you've showered and changed," he said nonchalantly.

Olivia stared up at him dumbly for a moment, not able to move. She was overwhelmed by all of the events that had already taken place. And she was terrified by what was to come. She could not believe this was happening. She wondered if there was any way she could elicit his sympathy.

"Well," he said expectantly. "What are you waiting for? Go take a shower." He did not sound angry, but he was firm.

"Ye ...ye ... yes, Sir," Olivia stuttered. As she made her way to the bedroom, she saw Luke walk over toward the couch and set down the black leather bag. He effortlessly picked up her overstuffed suitcase and set it down on the coffee table. He unzipped it and flipped the top open. "Now," he mumbled to himself. "Let's see what you have in here. What would I most like to see you in?

Olivia stood frozen with her hand on the knob of the bedroom door, watching Luke digging through her personal possessions. When he noticed that she was not moving, he looked up at her and gave her a stern look. With a horrible feeling in the pit of her stomach, she pushed the door open and slowly made her way through the bedroom and over to the bathroom.

The bathroom was white and pristine. There was a deep wide claw-foot bathtub on the right hand side. And off to the left there was a shower area with a rain shower head. Olivia fantasized for a moment about how nice it would be to take a long hot bubble bath in the large tub. But she knew that if she did dot make an appearance in the living room soon, she would be in trouble.

She turned the shower on and adjusted the temperature. Then she slipped her feet out of her sandals and peeled off her clothing. It was the fist time in three days that she had been naked with some degree of privacy. Not forced to strip down in front of a crowd of leering men.

As she stood under the hot spray of the shower head, she lost herself for a moment, just enjoying the physical sensations of the warm water caressing her sore abused body. It stung quite a bit at first when the water made contact with her bruised buttocks. But soon her sensitive skin became accustomed to the the gentle warm spray. She let out a long sigh as the water rained down on her.

However, before long, unpleasant thoughts began to creep into her mind. What "outfit" was Luke going to choose for her to wear? What was he going to do to her afterward? Was he going to be gentle or rough? Was he going to expect her to reciprocate his affections? Or could she just lie like a log there and wait for the whole ordeal to be over?

She shampooed her hair and thoroughly scrubbed her scalp. After sleeping for two nights on a prison cot in a jail cell, who knew what sort of bed bugs may have been lurking there. She then conditioned her tresses and washed her entire body and face with the hotel body wash. It smelled of lilacs and had a slight purple tint to it.

She scrubbed aggressively to remove any sweat and dirt that might be on her. But in all honesty, it was really the humiliation, shame, and emotional trauma that she wished she could scrub away. If only she could scrub hard enough, maybe she could remove the entire memory of Vulmonia from her mind. But realistically, she knew that was not possible.

After rinsing off, she turned off the shower and picked up a white fluffy towel to dry off. It was thick and soft and comforting. The only comforting thing she had experienced since arriving in the small Eastern European country.

She stood in front of the vanity and wiped the steam from the mirror with a hand towel. She saw a comb laying on the bathroom counter and used it to untangle her hair before she proceeded to blow dry her locks. Olivia rarely used a blow drier, preferring to let her hair air dry. She felt that bow driers caused too much damage and split ends. She reasoned air drying was much healthier for her hair.

But judging from Luke's comments and behavior, she suspected that he wanted her to look as conventionally attractive as possible. And since she would be under his custody for the next three days, she thought it best to stay on his good side.

After her hair dried, she brushed it until it shone. With nothing but a towel wrapped around her, she walked out into the bedroom. She braced herself as she looked down at the bed to see what Luke had picked out for her to wear.

Lying on the bed, there was a thin white camisole with spaghetti straps. And just next to it was a white thong with pink polka dots. There was no bra. Olivia grimaced.

The camisole was not meant to be worn on its own. It was too sheer and she only wore it as an undergarment under other tops. And she always wore a bra underneath because the camisole itself provided no support for her ample bosom.

And then there was the thong panties. Why did he have to choose those? Olivia was no virgin, but she did not have very much in way of sexual experience. Before entering Vulmonia, she had only ever slept with one other person. She did not wear thongs because she was some sort of sexpot. She wore them to avoid panty lines. So when she purchased the skimpy undergarments, she never really thought too hard about who might see them. Never in a million years did she think anyone would ever see her pink polka dot thong, let alone pick it out specifically for her to wear. And with no pants or skirt.

Olivia shuddered in disgust as she dropped her towel and slipped into the scraps of clothing that Luke apparently wanted to see her in. There was a full length mirror in the corner of the bedroom. She cringed as she looked at her reflection.

The camisole clung to her torso. It was so sheer that it made her nipples not only visible, but prominent. Due to her youth, her breasts did not sag, but it was clear that her heavy mammaries were in need of support. She felt almost more vulnerable than if she had just been naked. At least if she had been nude, it would be reasonable that her breasts were unrestrained. But the flimsy camisole actually drew attention the fact that her udders were free and unfettered.

The camisole came down to just above her navel. The skin of her lower abdomen was all exposed below her bellybutton. The front waistband of the girly thong sat right about where her pubic mound began. The thong itself was so narrow it barely covered her vulva. One wrong move and she might expose one of her labia. The pink polka dots were somehow both childish and vulgar at the same time.

Olivia felt nothing but mortification as she stared at her reflection. How on earth was she ever going to get through the next three days?

She wondered how long she could hide out in the bedroom while Luke made telephone calls out on the living room. Maybe she could lock the bedroom door and then he would have to sleep on the couch. Maybe she could barricade herself in the bedroom until it was time for her to report for community service in the morning.

But then she remembered the black leather bag Luke had been given by the police officers. According to Judge Thorsky, it contained equipment that would help Luke to "control and discipline" her.

If she did lock herself in the bedroom, she had no doubt that Luke would call the hotel staff and have them unlock the door for him. And then whatever he did to her would be ten times worse than whatever it was he currently had planned. Undoubtedly aided by the black bag's tools of torture.

No, locking herself in the bedroom was not an option. It would definitely be in her favor to come out into the living room willingly. She wondered that if she could manage to keep him happy, maybe he would not resort to the black bag. What if his taste in sex was more on the vanilla side and all she had to do was get him off? She could even try to pretend that she liked it.

And with Luke being well over two decades her senior, it would have to be pretend. He was far north of her preferred age range. While it was true that Olivia did fantasize about older men, she preferred that sexual experiences with older men remained as fantasies. When it came to dating and sex in real life, she would never go for anyone older than mid-twenties.

Olivia knew that the longer she delayed, the worse her anxiety would be. There was no point in remaining in the bedroom getting more and more nervous. She may as well walk out, face Luke, satisfy him as quickly as possible, and put an end to this horrible day.

Olivia twisted the doorknob and left the quiet sanctuary of the bedroom. Walking out into the living room, she saw Luke seated on the couch talking on the hotel phone. The phone was situated on an end table to his left. The black leather bag was next to him on the couch on his right.

"I know I said I would return to Missouri at the end of the week. But something's come up and I think I'm going to stay in Vulmonia until the end of the summer," he said to the individual on the other end of the line.

He looked up at Olivia and a smile began to slowly spread across his face. He made absolutely no attempt whatsoever to hide the fact that he was looking her body up and down. His eyes lingered lecherously on her voluptuous breasts. Then his gazed lowered to her the place between her legs. He grinned lasciviously.

"A really interesting criminal case has been playing out here in Nulmara City," he continued his phone conversation. "It involves an American citizen. I think it'll make for interesting research." Olivia's face reddened as she realized that he was talking about her.

He silently gestured for her to turn around. Olivia cringed in disgust, but reluctantly complied. As she slowly rotated in place, she knew he would get an eye full of her recently paddled bright red rump. She did not know which was worse, Luke ogling her from the front or from the back.

"And if I'm to be honest," he said as Olivia turned back around to face him, "I've kind of gotten involved." He pointed at the floor in front of him, indicating that Olivia should stand there. "The offender has been put in my custody," he explained as Olivia forced herself to walk over to the couch and stand just a couple of inches away from this older man she had no interest in.

"I know it sounds strange. But it's complicated. The Vulmonian legal system is completely different from the one we have in America," he told the person at the other end. Luke looked up at Olivia's chest. He had a spectacular view of the underside of her barely covered tits. He reached a hand up and began stroking her soft belly over the sheer white camisole.

"The convicted party is only eighteen. She's traveling alone and it sounds like she's been through alot," he explained as the fingers of his right hand slipped under the fabric of the camisole and began rubbing her bare flesh. Even though she had been expecting it, nonetheless, Olivia stiffened at the uninvited touch.

"She claims she was attacked by some men in a bar. But unfortunately there was no evidence. There was evidence, however, of her committing acts of public nudity," he informed the other individual as his hand made its way up to her left breast. Olivia could not figure out if she was more humiliated by the way Luke was touching her body, or the fact that he was telling another person about her crime of public nudity.

As his thick powerful fingers came to rest on the tip of her left nipple, Olivia inhaled sharply. Luke could not help but smile as he looked up and watched her embarrassed reactions. As Luke listened to whoever was on the line, his fingers lightly rubbed the tip, causing it to stiffen and become pointed. As Luke drew his fingers away, he subtly tittered at the way the tip of her left nipple poked through the see-through camisole.

"Oh, sorry. I'd just thought of something funny," he said to the other party on the phone. "But yes, she was indeed punished," he said as his fingers made their way over to her right nipple. "Twelve hours in the pillory. Naked."

"What!" It was faint, but Olivia could definitely hear the shocked voice of the other person.

"Not only naked," Luke said, reveling in the fact that he got to relay all sorts of sorted details to whoever he was speaking with. "But for five Vulmonian ruettes, anyone could just come up and touch her," he said as his fingers rubbed the bumpy skin of her right areola. It began to get scrunched and wrinkled as her right nipple became erect. Olivia let out an audible exhale. Luke smirked.

The person on the other end talked at some length as Luke's fingers began tweaking the tip of her right nipple. The sensation cause the blood in her body to rush, not only to her teats, but blood also began to rush between her legs. Olivia could feel her vulva starting to become engorged and her clitoris began to pulsate.

Luke's thumb and forefinger gripped her right nipple and he gave it a firm pinch. Olivia could not help but let out a squeal. Luke looked up at her with an irate expression. He silently but sternly mouthed, "Quiet!" Olivia clamped her mouth shut and willed herself not to make a peep as Luke continued to apply pressure to her right nipple.

"Oh, it was nothing," Luke said into the phone. "I think it may have been a cat outside or something."

Olivia panted, hoping she was not being too loud as Luke continued to squeeze and then twist her right nipple. First clockwise and then counter-clockwise, he twisted her poor sensitive tit-topper. Olivia's breathing became more and more shallow as she looked down at Luke with pleading eyes.

"Well, she was placed in my custody because I'm American and she's more comfortable with me," he explained as the fingers of his right hand ran down along her skin until they came to rest on her belly just below her naval. "I'm sure she'll be much better off sleeping on the couch in the living room of my hotel suite. It's alot nicer than a jail cell." He began caressing her lower abdomen just above the waistband of her thong panties. She could not stop her eyelids from fluttering as her lightly stroked her ticklish skin.

But then Olivia looked down confused. What did he mean by saying that she would be sleeping on the couch? Earlier on the drive over to the hotel, he informed her that they would both be sharing his king sized bed. But then she looked over at his left hand, which was gripping the telephone receiver to his ear. Sure enough there was a silver wedding band on his left ring finger. He was married. And speaking on the phone with his wife as he molested an eighteen year old girl.

His fingers moved downwards over her polka dot thong. He gently stroked her pussy through the gusset of her panties. The fabric was very thin. His fingers lightly sought out her clitoris. He looked up at her with a smug smile when he found the engorged head of the little nub. Olivia had to bite her tongue in order not to make any noise.

"Right now she's just reading a book," Luke lied shamelessly to his wife. "I gave her a text book about Vulmonian law so that she can educate herself," Luke continued with his falsehood. His fingers slipped under the waistband of her panties. "Since she's in all of this trouble, I want her to be able to better navigate the Vulmonian criminal justice system."

His began caressing her shaved pubic mound. Olivia shuddered with both disgust and desire. While it was obvious Luke was a liar, a cheater and a lech, she could not deny the fact that her body was responding to his ministrations.

"I just feel sorry for her and I want to do whatever I can to help her," he said with false benevolence. His fingers came to rest on her puffy outer lips. He rubbed them, enjoying the feeling of how full and engorged they were.

"No, it's really no trouble at all," Luke said casually to his wife. "It's actually quite interesting getting an up close and personal look at the Vulmonian legal system."

Luke pulled his fingers out of her thong panties and rubbed her crotch through the gusset. Olivia heavily inhaled and exhaled. Looking sternly up at Olivia, he put his right index finger to his lips to indicate that she should remain silent. He then pushed a button on the phone and put the receiver down in its cradle.

"It's just that the rest of the summer seems like an unnecessarily long time for you to spend in Vulmonia," a woman's voice said clearly over the speaker phone.

"I know, I know," Luke sighed heavily. Now with both of his hands free, he reached toward the waistband of Olivia's thong, which sat snugly around her hips. "It's just that I'm thinking of writing a book about this whole incident," he said as he slowly began to peel the skimpy undergarment down, exposing the teen girl's shaved cunt. He looked up at her and grinned.