On the Loveseat Ch. 23


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I shivered again at her words.

"Never my love!" I declared as a promise.

Mom laughed at that and finished her glass. She waved it at me and I jumped up to refill it for her. Erin noted this and downed the last of hers also. Another refill and then while I was up, I topped off my own glass.

"I want to ask, before I forget. At the restaurant earlier. The waitress said something about recognizing you both, but she said the 'three of you'. What did she mean by that?" Erin asked seemingly innocently, but with a curious undertone.


"Uh ..." I mumbled.

I knew then that I would never truly be capable of lying to Erin ever. The look in her deep blue deep eyes filled with love and trust was such that I could never tell her anything but the truth even as I might try to not tell the whole truth to this wonderful woman!

"Well, you see ... we went there before. To the restaurant. With my aunt. Aunt Jessica." I stumbled over my words as I tried to explain without giving too much away.

"Really? The way Gretchen acted it was as if you were with another girlfriend. Jessica, hmm?" Erin questioned.

"Yes. It was a nice evening out with Jeremy and my sister." Jenny jumped in. "We had dinner and then went dancing."

"Dinner and dancing?" Erin sounded very suspicious.

Uh oh!

"And Justin and the kids?" Erin asked. She was still smiling pleasantly, but her tone was penetrating. Or it was just my guilt.

I let mom answer as even in my head I couldn't complete a sentence.

"Justin was on a business trip, and Johnny and Jojo spent the weekend with their grandmother. Jessica suggested the three of us getting out one night while they all were gone." Jenny filled in details.

"That was nice of her." Erin's eyes darted from me to Jenny and back. They glowed cheerfully, but I wondered about the gears turning behind those azure pools.

"Did you and Jeremy do anything together that night? While no one was home?" Erin asked with a hint of a leer on her lips.

"Oh. Well ... I mean, after Jess went home, we did kind of end up in my bed." Mom's eyes went from staring back at Erin to falling to the floor as more of her naughtiness was revealed.

"Oh, you two!" Erin then laughed. "I guessed that it had been after you two had ... gotten together! How did you keep it secret from your sister? She never guessed?"

My lips were sealed tight!

"Um, I don't know what Jess might have thought. She hasn't said anything. We really were very discreet." Mom tried to assure Erin.

"You two don't know what discreet means!" Erin teased. "Remember, I caught you two on the living room couch! In the middle of the day!"

Erin finished her champagne and set it on the table beside her chair.

"We have kept dad from finding out!" I declared finally able to speak coherently.

"I'm sure that's only because he could never believe his beautiful wife would be sleeping with his handsome son!" Erin giggled too much.

I guessed that the Jack Daniels and the champagne were starting to affect her. My own head was a bit light itself.

"Still, it's too bad that you couldn't have gotten your hottie aunt involved too! Those tits and that incredible ass! Even if I didn't already like girls, I think a chance with her would make me think of giving up on guys!" Erin said as she bubbled with lust. She gestured with her hands as she described my aunt as if she was grabbing Aunt Jessica's big breasts or squeezing her delectable derrière!

It wasn't exactly a lie.

"Erin! That's my aunt you're talking about like that!" I declaimed firmly.

Jenny gave a stare that I saw had disbelief in it.

"Oh, don't tell me you've never dreamed about her!" Erin teased me. Her penetrating stare left no doubt that she already knew the answer whatever I might say. "You've probably wanked to that body many times!"

I almost broke right then!

"Erin! No matter what we are doing together, that is my sister you are talking so coarsely about." Jenny responded strongly.

I noticed that mom didn't speak out about Erin's crude words about me!

Even if they were true!

"Sorry Jenny! You're right. Besides, the two of you are all I need anyway!" Erin rose from her chair and crossed over to the bed. She reached out her arm and when mom took her hand, Erin pulled Jenny to her feet. Erin's hands snaked quickly around Jenny's slim waist.

Then the two were kissing again.

I drank my champagne and enjoyed the sight.

After a few minutes they separated, and Erin looked at me with such a joyous smile that it brought a smile to my lips. She reached a hand out towards me and I had to join them at her invitation.

I met Erin's lips eagerly even as I felt Jenny's hand on my waist.

Just before I needed oxygen, Erin turned my head towards Jenny's, and after two deep breaths, I then kissed Jenny's soft lips.

We traded off as we shared our passions. Erin and Jenny kissed again while I had my arms around both their wonderful waists with my face within a foot of their beautiful miens. Then Erin was lip locked with me again. Jenny put her mouth on my neck and half-kissed and half-sucked it. My hands wandered from waists to hips, then to soft, yet firm and curvy asses. The girls ground their pelvises against the sides of my legs. Mom's mouth moved up my jaw and replaced Erin's lips with her own. For a moment I was kissing both women at the same time before the older pair of lips was sucking the air out of me as well as the younger had just done. Erin kissed down the side of my jaw, down my neck, and down inside the V of my shirt. I had hands on my ass, my chest, and my back. I wanted just one of them on my aching dick!

We all broke apart as one and stared at one another with lust burning in our eyes. My eyes darted towards the bed and Jenny's and Erin's followed mine. The triangle we had formed became a line with me in the middle as we took a few steps towards the king-sized bed.

Jenny turned to me and kissed me again. Not as full of fire as a few minutes before but more of a prelude to the future or a promise of so much more to come. I turned to the opposite direction and was met by Erin's lips again. She too wasn't as forceful with her kiss, but the addition of her tongue teasing my lower lip added to her intensity.

The women synchronistically pulled my suit coat off my shoulders and I let it fall where it may.

Each of them then took a half step backwards and with me unaware, they both shoved me to the bed. Caught off balance, I fell forward onto the cool comforter, but quickly rolled over to spy my assailants smiling guiltily at me. I spread my arms open to invite them into my embrace, and onto the large mattress. They both knelt up onto the bed and laid down in my arms. They had removed their shoes as their feet were all now bare. Well, Erin still had on her pantyhose or stockings, but the reinforced square at her toes suggested the later rather than the former. Toes that were painted the same shade of lime green as her fingernails.

Erin, and then Jenny, leaned up over my face to kiss me. As they did, there were four hands working at the buttons of my crisp white shirt after loosening my navy-blue tie. They stopped when reaching my pants without pulling the shirt out to finish the last button. The hands spread the shirt open and ran over my now bare chest in roaming circles. My lips were shared with my two delicious girls and their own delectable lips.

I slipped my hand on Erin's side up under her sequined top and caressed the skin of her back, my other hand was firmly clamped to my mom's firm but totally squeezable ass.

It was Erin, again, that was the first to kiss down to my exposed chest, teasing her lips on my pectoral muscle. Jenny took advantage of this and appropriated my mouth for herself, pushing her tongue in for a duel with my own. I laid there and let them do what they wanted. I did try nudging Erin's top up with one hand, while the other inched under Jenny's hem to return to that fantastic fanny.

None of us were in any hurry to undress each other, even as we were also anxious to get naked and move on to pleasuring our two partners. But just kissing was also very pleasurable too!

Mom joined Erin with her lips on my chest, but then she moved down to my stomach and abdomen as Erin returned to kiss my mouth for a too-short few minutes before returning to teasing my body with her lips. Then the two angels were kissing each other just above my navel.

While I let my hands roam over all of the two figures beside me, I noticed that they both were very conspicuously avoiding the large bulge less than a foot from their mashed lips. Lips that went from joined together to hovering above my face and both kissing me simultaneously. Three tongues danced a tango as our six lips encircled them.

As one, both beauties fell from my face, falling back to lay at my side as they both giggled giddily.

"My mouth is dry." Mom stated with amusement. "I think I need some more champagne."

"Me too!" Erin agreed.

"Hell, count me in too I guess." I actually wouldn't have minded another shot or two of the Jack!

It didn't seem as we were in as much of a rush to get under the bed's covers as I knew in reality that each of us really wanted. But that the longer we delayed, the more our desire was heightened. As if that might even be possible! I know my desire was very ready to be released from my pants!

Neither of the girls moved and I took the hint. I regretfully moved my arms from around their soft frames and pushed myself upright. I pulled off the loop that was now my tie and flung it aside. I then climbed off the bed and retrieved our glasses and refilled them. I brought the women their drinks before making a second trip to get my glass of bubbly. I sat down on the edge of the bed to be able to drink, and Jenny and Erin moved up near me holding their glasses.

We sipped our beverage silently but with furtive glances at each other, me over my shoulders at them and they smiling behind my back. I downed the last half of mine with a gulp. What I really wanted was something stronger. I stood and went over to the cart to pour myself a large shot of the Jack Daniels. I took a swig and felt hands on my shoulders. I turned to find mom standing there with such a smile on her face that would brighten any place she went.

"I remember a day not so long ago that you were hesitant to drink with me." Her green eyes darted back and forth between my own. "You did say that it would be no time before you would be doing so easily."

She moved her face close to mine and stuck out her tongue to lick my lips, seeking the wetness left by the liquor. I let my lips caress hers willing to share so much more than just some JD with her.

"I think I'd like some more of that." Jenny said as she let her hands slide down my arms but kept her eyes on mine.

I wasn't sure if she meant the kisses or the alcohol.

No, I knew she meant the alcohol, I had just hoped it was the kisses.

I moved to pour some in her plastic cup, but instead she just took the one in my hand and took a drink from it. That was fine by me; it wasn't as if we hadn't shared numerous bodily fluids before!

Mom then got a guilty look in her beautiful eyes.

"Kiss me again honey!" She said. But before I could reach her lips, she lifted the cup to her mouth. I paused, wondering why she had asked so of me only to switch to the drink. She grinned and held up a finger for me to wait while she took a large gulp from the cup. She dropped it when she finished it and then looked expectantly at me with her cheeks bulging.


"Kiss her Jeremy!" Erin told me gleefully as she got off the bed.


Mom's mouth was still swollen with Jack, but I tilted my head and met her lips with mine. I didn't know what she was doing, but really didn't care either.

Then her lips parted and liquor poured into my mouth. I was momentarily caught off guard, but quickly allowed the liquid to flow over my tongue. Our mouths were locked together and we swished the alcohol between us while trying to keep any from leaking out, and not just because of the mess it would make.

It may have seemed longer, but I'm sure it was only like ten seconds that we kissed like that. It did have to be the oddest kiss I've had. It definitely had the highest proof!

Jenny giggled after we swallowed and I just grinned.

"That looked kinda hot!" Erin gawked at us. I'm not sure the alcohol made any difference to her, she just loved seeing mom and I kissing as a part of her kink.

"It is by far the sexiest thing that I have ever drank from!" I chuckled. "I think I might have to get me a whole set of them!"

Jenny laughed at that and swatted at my arm, but I could also see the glint in her eyes from my compliment.

"I want to try it too!" Erin cried.

I picked up the dropped cup and splashed a few ounces into it. Erin took it and upended it all into her mouth. Her eyes lit up as she looked at me. I moved to kiss her, but was held off by her hand. Instead, she grabbed mom's waist and pulled her close.

I had a twinge of jealousy, but it was replaced by the lust that I felt as I watched my two girls swirling the whisky between their lips as they kissed so sexily, I wondered if the fancy wallpaper might catch alight from the heat!

"Forget belly shots, this is much hotter!" I exclaimed.

"What do you know about belly shots?" Mom asked as she turned to look at me after swallowing her portion of the beverage.

"I've only heard about them. But I think I have a couple of bellies that I want to try it on!"

"If I have much more to drink, I don't think I will be in any condition for anything." Jenny stated with sultry stare at Erin.

"We can't have that!" My girlfriend proclaimed with a giggle.

Then I saw mom wobble. Even in her bare feet.

The girls were starting to get more than tipsy. I will say that I was feeling very loose myself.

"I think we need to get our blood flowing to work out some of this alcohol." I said acting very responsible.

I had a different idea for getting blood flowing then my two companions.

"Dance with me Jenny!" Erin cried out and grabbed mom's hands to pull her away from the bed.

Mom laughed and let the younger girl pull her close.


The bed is right here! And we need to warm it up!

My mental complaints had no effect on the women though.

I don't know if it could actually be called dancing with what they were doing. It looked more like sex with the way they were grinding tightly against each other and their hands groping their hips and butts. And kissing as they did wasn't normally part of any dance steps that I knew!

Erin worked Jenny's shiny dress up and revealed her ass to me as they barely moved their feet to the non-existent music. I saw mom was wearing a thong to match the color of her dress, the material pulled tight into mom's crack as Erin massaged that great derrière!

Jenny's hands hadn't maneuvered under Erin's flouncy black skirt, but that didn't mean she wasn't kneading the redhead's butt any less!

I let them do as they were for the moment. Anything similar with me would have probably had me going off and far sooner than I would have wanted. Besides, it was intriguing to watch them. I had wondered what they had done together that day without me and now I might get to see some of it! Maybe I would even learn something to keep me competitive with either of them!

I grabbed another of the mini-sandwiches and sat back down on the bed to watch the beauties making out as they pretended that they were dancing.

Nature called and I was able to dart to the bathroom without either of them looking my way. My dick was undecided in what condition it was expected to be such that I was only semi-erect and able to pee without too much difficulty.

I came back into the room two minutes later and the ladies were still locked together. Before I could sit again though, I saw mom's eyes open and land on me.

"Not enough excitement to keep you in your seat?" She drawled, or almost purred.

"I think the champagne went right through me." I responded plainly.

"Me too!" Erin said and pulled from Jenny to dash to the bathroom. As she crossed the room, she looked at me. "Dance with your mother sweetie!"

Okay, sure! Only if it would be like Erin had been doing!

Mom held her arms out to accept me into her grasp.

"Yes, dance with me dear!" Mom's voice may have stumbled a little, but her body was secure in my firm hold. My hands embraced her ass as Erin's had done.

"I've never been able to tell if you're an ass man, a leg man, or a breast man." Jenny asked as she stared deep into my eyes.

"I'm all of those." I stated. Then, as I was out of earshot of Erin for the moment, I also added honestly. "I'm a Jenny man. I love all of you Jenny."

I was safe, as I would have declared the same to Erin. I was a two-woman man; just these two!

"Aw honey! That's so sweet!" Jenny's face looked as if she might break out in tears from my declaration.

"As long as I can have my hands on your ass, my face in your breasts, my dick buried deep in you, and your legs wrapped around me tightly!" I added. I know it didn't match the sentiment in my heart, but I didn't want things getting too mushy.

"Whose legs wrapped around whom?" Erin asked as she came up behind me.

My girlfriend pressed herself tight against my back so that I could feel the swells of her breasts against me and she reached around me to put her hands just above mine on mom's exposed ass.

Mom's lips were on my neck so I didn't get to hear a response to my words from her.

"Either of your legs around me." I said just as Erin started kissing the other side of my neck.

I was then the middle of the most delightful sandwich ever! One that made me want to only eat the bread!

Mom's hands were on me instead of the vixen to my rear, and they worked at my shirt to tug it off with the added difficulty of Erin's body pressed to me. Jenny might have groped at Erin's tits as she worked with my shirt since I couldn't see, but it seemed to take her longer than might be expected. Not that I faulted her, if I could have gotten my hands around Erin's boobs, I would have. I couldn't even get my hands all over Jenny's motherly mounds with them pressed so firmly into my chest.

Jenny moved her face up my neck, letting her lips and tongue leave a damp trail as they journeyed to my mouth and awaiting lips. I kissed my mom as Erin had her own lips clamped to my neck just below my ear. I could feel Erin's breath on my earlobe. Then her whisper was warming my ear.

"Kiss her sweetie. Jenny is such a good kisser. Just like you." Erin's tongue teased my earlobe. "You probably got it from her."

I'm sure watching mom and me kiss was getting Erin very aroused. As it always did. I did notice that her pelvis was slowly moving around on my backside. Maybe I wasn't the only one ready to explode at any time!

Jenny did have the advantage of being able to press her pelvis against my pulsing pole, and it was an advantage she was using to full benefit. She had to be as close as any of us!

'Room service, clean up on aisle 3!' Or, room 1157, I should say!

That thought made me chuckle.

This made both girls pull back from me.

"Sorry. Just a random thought running in my head."

"What?" Mom asked but she appeared to only want to replace her lips on me. I did too!

"That if we don't take a breath, or at least move to the bed, we're about to make a big mess standing here!" I made no effort to leave the exquisite bookends I was squeezed between.

Both women giggled at that, clearly understanding my meaning.

"I think before anything that I need to go to the ladies' room myself." Jenny said almost shyly. She had sat on either of our faces and she was being demure about her need to pee?
