On Violet Wings: 02

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The evening after, and further developments.
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Author's Note: Here's hoping this release doesn't get delayed like last time - when I uploaded the first part of the rewrite (which basically just changed Amtheryn's motivations), a moderator blocked it because of the non-consensual content, which hadn't been changed. Fingers crossed that this doesn't get similarly delayed.

Amtheryn awoke several hours later, in the middle of the night, to Skylar beating against his belly, screaming in rage. Growling softly in annoyance at his interrupted rest, Amtheryn moved his wing and lifted his head, looking down at the half-naked, angry girl. She put her hands on her hips, defiant despite the scent of fear that practically rolled off her. Amtheryn carefully stood, changing back into his Human-like form. Skylar stalked towards him, thunderous anger sketched across her face, and she slapped him as hard as she could across his face. While the blow hardly moved him, Amtheryn recognized the intent behind it.

Before Skylar could strike him again, or pull her hand away, Amtheryn reached out, snagged her wrist, and roughly pulled her to him, his other hand closing around her throat. The girl tensed, her own free hand flashing up to his wrist, eyes wide as she realized the danger a Dragon - even in Human form - posed.

"Thou wouldst do well to remember thy place, little Human," Amtheryn growled.

Anger flashed again in Skylar's eyes, and she started to beat on his arm with a fist. "My place is at home!" she shouted, "with mom and dad! It's at school this fall, and on the swim team! I'm not going to roll over and be the fuck slave for a goddamned dragon!"

He snarled, lifting her off the ground. "Thou art mine!" he hissed, squeezing her neck dangerously. "My mated Human, my prized treasure! Do I need to teach that to thee again?"

Skylar's eyes went wide, fear mixing with her anger, but at the same time, her nipples hardened, her clitoris shucked its hood, and the walls of her sex became slick. Amtheryn huffed a small laugh at her reaction. "Thy body seems to understand," he remarked, then dropped her, pushing the girl to the ground and lifting her legs up as he knelt between her thighs, his member thick and hard again.

Skylar gasped, opening her mouth to reply, but was brought up short when the Dragon sheathed his cock inside her with one forceful thrust, her protests replaced with a cry of pleasure as she arched under him, her eyes squeezing closed at the pleasure. Once he was fully within her, Amtheryn kept still, allowing his cock to pulse and flex inside his treasure. Taking a deep, ragged breath, Skylar opened her eyes and glared at him. "Y-you did something to me," she accused, her voice cracking and hiccuping as his cock twitched inside her. "You... put something inside me when you bit me, you fucker!"

Amtheryn purred in pleasure, rocking back slightly, an inch or so of his cock emerging from the tight, warm confines of Skylar's pussy before he slammed back in, drawing a gasp from the girl. He leaned in, appreciative of her flexibility, and nuzzled her neck, enjoying the way she writhed and tensed against him. He softly nipped her neck, then suckled her earlobe for a moment. "Mating venom," he quietly confirmed, rocking back and thrusting again, this time producing a whine from Skylar. "It marks thee as mine, imprinting all of me on thy senses." Another languid, powerful thrust, a drawn-out moan of pleasure answering. "It also prepares thee to be mine - to become the mate of a Dragon." Another small rock, answered by a small orgasm, Skylar tightening beautifully around the Dragon's cock, her voice shaking as she let out a squeal. "Few beings can be claimed by one of my kind without the aid of such venom. Even now, with what little thou have within thine body, were I to rut, to truly mate thee, thou wouldst surely break from the strain, for breeding thou wouldst take many hours, possibly days." He thrust again just as Skylar began to come down from her first orgasm, gently sinking his fangs into her neck and injecting a tiny amount of venom, sending her into another climax, her body shaking as she arched against him, whimpering. Her arms and legs wrapped around his powerful frame, holding on tightly, her fingernails digging into his back.

Amtheryn extracted his fangs from her neck, gently laving the marks on her neck. He kept still inside her, allowing her to recover for a brief moment. "B-Breed?" Skylar finally asked, before gasping in ecstasy as Amtheryn ploughed her soaked sex again.

The Dragon hummed confirmation, a note of eagerness in his voice. "Yes," he hissed. "I cannot wait for the time that the venom has taken full root within thy body; for the time that it wouldst be safe to breed thee." A low, soft sound - almost a growl, almost a purr - rumbled in his chest as he imagined it. "A child of our loins would be a magnificent creature indeed."

Skylar managed to glare at Amtheryn for an instant before a long withdrawal of his cock caused tremors throughout her body. After the return, another sharp thrust, she managed to whimper, "Taken root... you mean... y-you changed me e-even more than just m-maki-ing me horny?"

Amtheryn chuckled, leaning down and nuzzling her ear again. "Wert thou not able to see me clearly when thou didst awaken, despite my wing blocking the light of the stars and moon above from thine eyes? Wert thou not kept warm despite the cool of the night, despite the state of thy clothing?"

Skylar's eyes popped open with a gasp, though they closed quickly as Amtheryn began to steadily thrust in and out. "D-damn you," she groaned, "I h-hate you! You - unf! - you took me away... awa... ahhhh... from every... thing I knew and... ahh... changed me into..." she screamed in frustration, weakly beating his arms before arching and giving a different kind of scream as his finger found her painfully erect clit and roughly massaged it. As she came down from her orgasm, tears were soaking her cheeks, and she shook her head. "I'm not your fucktoy!" she shouted.

"No," Amtheryn agreed. "Thou art my treasure, my priceless possession, my beautiful consort."

Skylar tensed at that, becoming stiff and surprisingly unresponsive to Amtheryn's gentle rocking. Then she suddenly went lax, and opened her eyes slightly, tears still flooding her vision. "Please stop," she whispered.

The dragon's first instinct was to take the request as defiance, and punish her with more pleasure. But something in her tone, her expression, her limpness made him reconsider. After a long, tense moment, he slowly withdrew from her wet confines.

The girl let out a shuddering breath, then rolled onto her side, curling up slightly. Amtheryn simply watched her, his head slightly canted. "Is that all I am to you?" She eventually whispered. "Just another trinket, an object, only worth whatever pleasure you can get from me?"

Amtheryn frowned, confusion settling across his expression. "Thou art not simply a trinket to be hoarded," he said. "I would not keep thee with mine other treasures, beautiful as they and thee are. Thou art far more precious - though I canst sayeth the reason, for I know it not. Thy mere presence in my lair brings me great pleasure, for my lair and my life are much improved by thine addition. Possessing thee is as possessing perfection."

Skylar curled up even more. "But I'm not a thing," she said, her voice shaking. "I'm not a prize to be claimed, an object to be owned. I'm a person, Amtheryn, but you treat me like a pet, or a prize. Don't you understand that I have things I want to do, dreams to fulfill?"

"Canst thou not do those things, fulfill thy dreams and be my consort as well? Can I not possess thee and have thee be happy?"

"Not if I can't leave. Not if I don't have a say in anything." She looked up, and Amtheryn was surprised by the anger, the hate in her tear-reddened eyes. "Not if I'm nothing more than a toy, a possession for you to do with as you see fit, my consent not needed."

The two were silent for a moment. Then, "Thou speakest much of 'consent.' It meaneth agreement, permission, acceptance, yes? Yet thou refusest to provide these things, and thus thou art unhappy. Why doth thou not simply 'consent' to what I propose?"

"Because I don't want what you propose!" Skylar snapped, her voice rising in anger. Then she took a deep breath. After a moment, she slowly sat up and faced Amtheryn, her legs crossed. "Imagine," she said in a softer voice, "that another dragon, a bigger, stronger dragon, came and told you it wanted your treasures. You couldn't fight it off, and it refused to negotiate, to try and compromise. So, since you were weak and it was strong, it came in, took all your treasures, and as it was leaving, told you to just accept how things were. How would you feel?"

Amtheryn snarled. "Enraged."


"My treasures belong to me. It hath no right to take what I collected!"

"Exactly! And like that dragon would have no right to steal your treasures, you have no right to steal my personhood, my autonomy. Don't you see that?"

The snarl on Amtheryn's face slowly faded, replaced by a thoughtful look. "Thou dost not enjoy being here? Thou dost not enjoy mine attentions?"

Skylar blushed. "I-I... Amtheryn, it felt really good, yes - the parts after the start; you're really big and I'm... I was a virgin; so that hurt. A lot. But as physically pleasurable as... receiving your 'attentions' is, it still hurts, emotionally, that you do it without caring about my freedom, my happiness. If I could take it all back and make it so you never touched me, I would. You raped me, Amtheryn. There really isn't anything worse than that, other than death, and even that is debatable. All that pleasure is nothing compared to the fear and pain you caused me, the freedom you stole from me. Do you understand that?"

The dragon was silent for a minute, his gaze unfocused. Eventually, he met Skylar's eyes. "I think I do. Is there a way to fix this?"

The girl sighed deeply. "It depends on what you mean by 'fix.' I... I'm not sure I could ever agree to what you want, Amtheryn. I can't just be your pretty little treasure, staying here with your gold and jewels or whatever it is you hoard, waiting around until you feel like fucking me. I'm a person; I want to go home, see my parents, my friends again. I want to graduate from high school, go to college, get a degree. I want to go to state, or even nationals with the swim team. So if you mean 'fix' by finding a way to make me okay with being only your treasure, your possession, then no. There's no way to fix this with that outcome. But I could maybe forgive you for all this if you... if you let me go. If you stopped trying to claim me. I might - might - find it in myself to forgive you if you left my life and never came back."

"I can never have thee with thy consent?"

Skylar looked away with a tone of concern on her face, then took a deep breath before looking back at the dragon. "Probably not. The past day has been the worst of my life, Amtheryn. And you caused it. Maybe, sometime in the future, I could forgive you for what you did. You are really young, and it's clear that you do care, if in a... well, a sort of fucked-up way. There's a tiny, minuscule chance that I could fall for you, if the past 5 minutes are what you're really like: someone who's willing to listen, to try and understand, to treat me like an equal. If you could honestly repent your... your evil actions today, truly realize what you did. But it's not likely. I'm not sure I'll ever be able to forgive you."

Another long minute of silence passed before Amtheryn stood. "I must think upon what thou hast said," he murmured. Without waiting for a response, he walked away, transforming before he reached the shore of the island, and with a powerful driving of his wings, flung himself into the air. He flew without direction, his mind consumed by turmoil.

He wanted his treasure, his Skylar, to be his, to stay with him and belong to him alone. And while initially he hadn't considered her as a person but an item, the past day had slowly changed that perspective. It was when she had asked how he would feel to have his treasures stolen from him that truly made it clear to him, that had gifted - and cursed - him with empathy for another life. As he flew through the dark, cold sky, he imagined how he would feel in her place, stolen and mated with without his consent. The shudder that was his response threatened to send him plummeting from the sky for a moment, and even once he stabilized, his heart felt as though it had fallen away from him.

Understanding what he had to do, Amtheryn turned his attention outwards, and was surprised to find that he was approaching his lair, having come about unconsciously as his mind had tilted inexorably towards the conclusion he had arrived at.

Tucking his wings, the dragon plummeted towards the earth, knifing into the water of the lake. A roar, one of heartbreak and rage and regret, erupted from his powerful maw, and was followed by a blaze of violet flame, boiling the water around him. What the physical pain of his first transformation had not done, the emotional anguish of his realization had.

Turning towards the surface, Amtheryn emerged from the lake, transforming as he left the water. Skylar stood as he approached, her face colored with startlement.

Amtheryn stopped several feet away from her, unable to meet her gaze as he looked at the ground for a long moment before closing his eyes. "I will return thee to where I stole thee from... and shall not invade thy life again."

Skylar's lips parted in surprise, then she smiled sadly at the dragon. "Thank you, Amtheryn." She paused, a hesitant look on her face. "Just... when you take me back, could you maybe not hold me in your talon? Or fly so high? It was really cold last time."

"Thy blood, infused by my venom, will keep thee warm. However, should thee wish it, thou mayest ride upon my back."

"You, er... you don't mind? I would've thought you'd hate to be ridden..."

A small growl slipped through Amtheryn's control. "To be ridden is an act of great trust, great intimacy. Even for my consort, it would requireth years before I wouldst permit it!" Amtheryn paused, seeming to shrink into himself as he continued in a soft voice. "However, the insult, the sin I have committed against thee... it demandeth great restitution. I wouldst sacrifice my wings if I knew it would but erase the evil I hath committed."

Skylar stared open-mouthed at the dragon, surprised by his remorse. "Amtheryn..." she began, but stopped when he abruptly turned from her.

"We should go now," he stated quietly. "I am sure thy sire and dam art greatly concerned for thy safety. Especially after thou didst speak with thy dam using thy device."

Without another word, he transformed, positioning himself as low as he could so that Skylar could climb his shoulder and mount just behind. After gathering her things and putting on her shirt and shorts, the girl climbed up slowly, afraid to cause him pain. Even once she was situated astride his back, she didn't grip him with much strength. With a soft snort, Amtheryn spoke, the Draconic tongue sounding as a symphony of unfamiliar syllables, each seemingly formed of the most beautiful sounds imaginable. His voice resounded, even with the quiet tone he used, seeming to echo in the girl's head

"Thou wouldst be wise to hold on tightly."

Skylar gasped as she understood the alien language, then yelped and clutched onto the dragon as he took a step forward, then leapt into the sky.

The girl held on for dear life, her fingers buried in the feathers of his shoulders, afraid she would slide off his back and plummet back down to earth. Then, after a few moments, she realized Amtheryn had leveled off, and slowly opened her eyes and sat up.

And gasped at the view.

Astride a mighty dragon, Skylar flew over the clouds, the moon, luminous in its full face, shining across the land from its perch high in the sky. The stars were even clearer than they were at her family's lake house, and she gazed with awe, not even realizing that she should have been freezing and breathless, as high up as they were.

"It's beautiful," she whispered, unaware that her words reached Amtheryn's keen ears. He considered a response for a long minute, winging ever towards their destination.

"Shouldst thou ever wish to view the heavens from on high, you need only ask. If this brings thee joy, I would give it to thee as often as thee wish."

Skylar jumped slightly at his unexpected words, then frowned. "But I don't know where your lair is, Amtheryn. How would I ask?"

"We are bonded, as a consequence of my sin. Thou needest only call to me with thy heart, and I shall hear thee.

"Yet know that such a call carries with it not only thy words, but also thy feelings. Should thou callest me in such a manner, thine every feeling at that moment shall be known to me."

"Is that even..." Skylar began to protest the idea, but stopped herself, smiling.

Unable to see her smile, and still thinking she doubted his words, Amtheryn called her. It is indeed possible.

Skylar gasped as his voice appeared in her head, and as his amusement came to her, clearly from her ignorance of magic. But then, tears formed in her eyes as she felt something deeper. The regret, the pain, the heartbreak that the dragon felt from his actions.

Not knowing how to respond, or even what to think at his remorse, Skylar stayed quiet, and Amtheryn did as well, content to allow her to enjoy the view, though with the knowledge she now had, that enjoyment was over for that night.

A few hours later, Amtheryn spoke again. "We near thy lair in the forest."

As high as they were, Skylar couldn't see, Dragon-Touched sight or no. Slowly Amtheryn descended, the trees below them growing ever-closer. After a few minutes, Skylar saw a house through the forest, the lights on and... was that a police car out front?

Suddenly, she realized that Amtheryn meant to land right beside the house. "Wait, Amtheryn! They'll see you! You should land away from the house!"

"While mine instincts, and the knowledge of my forebears insist likewise, my heart tells me elsewise. Hast thou a story thy sire and dam would believe? Dost thou truly wish to lie to them? Even should thy and my and mine ancestors' fear be realized, and thy kind hunt me, the world is vast, and there are sure to be many a place I can flee to should the need arise.

"And I owe thy sire and dam apologies as well."

Before Skylar could try and protest more, Amtheryn began to churn his wings, carefully - if quite loudly - working his body into the space between the trees and the house. After several moments, he landed with a great thud, then knelt down for Skylar to dismount.

"What the he..." in the doorway to the house, a pair of uniformed humans, one male and the other female stood, hands on guns holstered at their hips, eyes wide. Behind them, another pair of humans stood, equally slack-jawed. Skylar spotted the two behind the uniformed ones, and nearly jumped from Amtheryn's back. "Mom! Dad!"

"Skylar!" the woman cried, pushing past the front two with her husband close behind. The three met midway between the house and Amtheryn's body, and the dragon watched, a mixture of sorrow and joy coursing through him.

After several moments, Skylar's parents remembered the dragon, and their attention turned back to him, even as the uniformed humans remembered themselves and quickly moved forwards, hands still ready on their weapons.

Amtheryn ignored the officers, instead facing Skylar and her sire and dam. "My words are heard by you alone, Skylar - the venom in thy blood grants thou that gift of understanding. Pray relay my following words to thy sire and dam."