Once Upon a Halloween Ch. 03

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Sean finds a ghost.
9.7k words

Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 09/17/2021
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(Usual Disclaimer Time: All the characters in this story are 18 years old or older, and since we're living in the wide wonderful world of porno-land here, where clichés roam free and things might get a little unrealistic from time to time, please remember it's all in good fun.)

(Author's Note: As a reminder, this story is a limited series with a light canon, meaning that while the chapters will all be related by characters and location, it won't be explicitly necessary to read every chapter to know what's going on. Each chapter will be its own thing, and can be enjoyed independently. I hope you enjoy! I also want to give special thanks to fellow Literotica author and SYM reader Lil_kitty for many excellent ideas and acting as a second set of eyes on this story, and for letting me know what did and didn't work; if you get a chance, please check out her work and drop some stars if you enjoyed, she writes some very hot and fun stories.)


For a small town with a modest population, Briar's Mill boasted three separate movie theaters that pulled a reasonable business from surrounding towns. The biggest was of course the multiplex at the Briar's Mill Mall, with ten screens and showing all of the most recent hits. At the edge of town was the Firecracker Drive-In, which was less a drive-in theater and more a large, weed-choked lot with screens on either side of it. The audio systems rarely worked 100%, and the movies they showed were generally six months out of date, but nostalgia kept it from ever shutting down entirely.

It was on Main Street, nearly perfectly in the center of town, where the pride and joy of Briar's Mill's theaters sat. The Camelot Theater, a single screen theater built back in the 1930s, glowed with flashing lightbulbs and neon lights as a beacon of cinema's fabled golden age. The seats inside were cramped, and the paint and vaguely medieval decorations had truly seen better times, but an avid fanbase of old-timers and hipsters alike kept it afloat when so many similar theaters had fallen. With a modern concessions booth and a mostly modern digital sound system and projector, it kept up with bigger theaters admirably, and attending a late night showing of the most recent big release or classic in need of some new attention had been a rite of passage for Briar's Mill youths for ages.

On Halloween night, rather aptly, it was airing John Carpenter's 1978 Halloween all night, a tradition the nostalgia audience had kept going for nearly a decade now. Enthusiastic audiences filled the theater to be scared by (or at least mock) the classic horror film, keeping all of those who worked the Camelot rather busy for the holiday.

Well, most of them, anyway.

Sitting in the small, quiet projection booth, Sean Donner eyed the digital projector and made sure that, yes, it was still working. As opening credits rolled across the screen and the eerie synthesizer score played over the creepy image of a jack-o-lantern that floated ever closer to the camera, Sean made sure to join the audience in cheering Jamie Lee Curtis' name before getting back to 'work', even if that work meant babysitting the projector and making sure it didn't catch fire. The projection booth itself was spacious enough to be comfortable, since it was made to hold the many film reels of older days, but with those gone, it now had room for a couple of clean couches, a refrigerator, and a desk with a laptop loaded with games. Dressed in the usher's uniform of a long-sleeved, button up blue shirt and dark pants, he was ready for anything, and expecting nothing as on most nights. Ideally, he would have been watching the projector the whole time and ensuring that nothing went wrong, but since that pretty much never happened, he usually just had to wait for complaints.

It was the waiting that was the hardest part nowadays, because waiting meant that he was stuck with his thoughts, and all of his thoughts these days were stuck on Anna.

His hand hovered over his phone, tempted to once more pull it out and look at the two of them in happier times. He even pulled the phone out once, nearly unlocked the screen, but soon quickly pocketed it.

"She's moved on, you gotta move on too. That's the healthy way to handle this," he repeated, though finding it easier said than done.

Anna was his first girlfriend. They'd dated for three months. She was pretty, and nice, and fun, and she'd made him feel handsome when he'd never truly felt it before. In the abstract, he knew it to be true. He had a decent face, not movie star good looks or anything, but at least memorable, with dark hair, striking blue eyes and a smile that could very nearly look confident. At just over six feet tall and being a guy who semi-frequently hit the gym with his friends, he knew intellectually that he wasn't bad looking, but it was Anna who actually made him feel that way and... to suddenly feel unwanted by the girl who'd built him up and he'd lost his virginity to... yeah, it was a definite hit to the ego.

He knew he carried his share of the blame. She wanted him to be around more, and he was working his ass off, saving up for college. He'd thought he'd be able to balance these two aspects of his life, but in the end, it just didn't shake out that way. Anna wanted more of his time than he was willing to give up, and in the end a breakup made sense.

That didn't stop his hand from finding the phone again, nor him wanting to plead to get her back. It was stupid, he knew it, and like Miguel always said, there were plenty more "chicks in the sea" (Miguel's bad metaphor, not Sean's), but it didn't stop things from feeling just a little bit hopeless. And he'd so been looking forward to Halloween...

The phone vibrated. Perhaps a little too quickly, Sean picked it up.

It was a text from Sadie.

SADIE: Going to get revenge for you now. Wish me luck!

Sean scowled, but knew better than to try to stop his best friend once she set her mind to something.

SEAN: Just don't hurt anyone.

That was probably too much to ask for, but he didn't know what else to do. Still, it felt nice that Sadie had his back, and it was with a smile that he put his phone away.

There was a knock on the booth's door. Getting up from his stool next to the projector, Sean straightened out his uniform and sighed, hoping that it wasn't the manager, Mr. Guinness, with some last-minute notes to give Sean. Mr. Guinness was, after all, taking the night off to be with family, but the theater having been in his family for generations made him an accomplished micro-manager. Leaving it in the hands of a bunch of high school students wasn't his dream scenario, but he trusted Sean well enough to captain the ship.

Steeling himself for the potential confrontation, Sean unlocked and opened the projection booth's door.

Thankfully, Mr. Guinness wasn't there.

There was, however, a sheet ghost wearing a large pair of 70s eyeglasses over the holes. Knowing enough of the movie reference that the joke-player was going for, Sean sighed.

"Aren't you a little short to be Michael Myers?" Sean asked the 5'4" sheet ghost before turning back into the projection booth.

"You're not even a little scared?" she protested, pulling off her costume and revealing his coworker, 18-year-old June Poole. A cute brunette with a bright smile and big green eyes, her mid-back-length hair was held back by a hair tie in a loose ponytail. Wearing a uniform shirt that always seemed slightly too tight across her immense chest, she had always had a way of catching people's eyes. When they'd first started working together, she'd always teased him for not looking at her chest, but the moment he began dating Anna she kept remarkably respectful for someone who considered themselves a practical joker.

June had been a good friend for him since the breakup, even though he knew he couldn't say that he'd been the same to her.

"Not even a little," he replied. "You've come up here to hang?"

"Yeah," the usher replied, closing and locking the door behind her and tossing her costume and purse on the floor before going over to plop down on one of the couches. "The house seems in order, but if anything comes up, I'll stop it."

For a small girl, she had a remarkable talent for breaking up fights and kicking people out. Sean replied, "I know you will."

She sighed. "Not even a *little* bit scared? Do you have any idea what I had to do to find those 70s glasses? I had to do some terrible shit."

Sean laughed. "Sorry. It was a good costume, though. You should've taken it out to the carnival."

"Woulda, shoulda, coulda," she replied. "But you know me, no rest for the wicked, especially when the wicked wants to hit up med school."

"I hear ya," Sean replied knowingly. He wished that he could've hung out with June more outside of work, but with her going to school the next town over at Briar's Mill's dreaded rival school, that would have likely been more trouble than it was worth with some of his friends. She was a breath of fresh air in a world that could've used more fresh air, and only being able to get some of that fresh air at work was rather annoying.

"So, any plans for later? Any tricks? Treats? Trouble? Hot dates?" June teased, reaching over and grabbing a Coke from the fridge.

"You know I don't have any of the latter," Sean said, hoping a joke would deflect the sick feeling in his stomach from thinking about Anna. It didn't. He continued, "And as for any of the former... nah, I think it's all going to be sleep for me after this."

"What? You aren't going to take part in any of the Halloween fun your fair town has to offer?" June asked. As someone who'd painted her nails in alternating orange and black and wore spider earrings, he understood that it was a favorite for her, but he just had a hard time putting into words how little he was looking forward to the holiday this year.

"Everything they set up for Halloween will be closed by the time we get off," he explained.

"So? Doesn't mean you can't make your own fun," June said.

"Like?" Sean asked, feeling that picking her brain had to be better than lingering in his own.

"Well, we could sneak some beers into the hay maze after it's empty, or break into the old Higgins House, that place is supposed to be, like, actually haunted, right?" June teased, smiling mischievously.

"You do know that I'm just superstitious enough to find that a bad idea, right?" Sean asked.

"Fine, fine, I yield; you're gonna have a boring Halloween night," June sighed, taking a sip of her Coke.

For the first time in a while not thinking about what Anna might have been doing right now, Sean asked, "Pass me one of those?"

"Sure," June replied, reaching into the fridge and tossing him a Coke. He took the cold soda gratefully, cracking it open and taking a sip.

Looking out through the window on the house and finding things looking orderly enough, he asked June, "So, I'm sure you've only got fun stuff planned for after work? Any tricks, treats, or messy hot dates planned for what's left of your Halloween evening?"

"Maybe," she said, shrugging. "I try not to make too many plans, never know what might come up."

"Fair," Sean replied.

"I mean, we're here through the midnight showing and that means, what, all of us getting off at 2:30?" June suggested.

"Yeah, that's about right," Sean groaned miserably, happy that it was a Saturday and not a school day he had ahead of him.

"So, yeah, for me it's probably driving home, getting out of this damned uniform, and masturbating until I pass out," June said, casual and completely uncaring of how it nearly made Sean spit out a mouthful of Coke.

"JUNE!" he exclaimed, halfway between laughing and misery.

"Hey, you asked..." she teased. June had always been one to freely talk about her sexual exploits at work in a way that had yet to be annoying, and though it still had some entertainment value, it brought Sean into thinking about Anna again quicker than he would have liked.

It must've shown on his face. June asked, "Sorry, still raw?"

Slowly, Sean answered, "A little. Sorry... doesn't exactly make me a lot of fun to be around, does it?"

"Not really," June replied. "But none of us are really fun after a breakup, so I won't hold it against you. Breakups fucking suck."

"Tell me about it," Sean replied, surprised by how happy he was to talk about it. It wasn't that he couldn't talk about it with his friends, but they were all so close to the situation, all wanting to do things and tell him how everything was going to be alright, it was like he was being smothered with their good intentions when he really just wanted to sort his own shit out. Being able to talk to someone like June who he saw less frequently... it was a good outlet.

"Would it make things any easier if I called her a bitch who didn't know what she was throwing away?" she suggested.

"She knew what she was throwing away," Sean answered. "As for the bitch part... yeah, I don't think that'd help..."

Sorrow had overtaken his face, which put June into a thoughtful-looking state. She said, "Alright, we've got a real challenge here, I can work with this..."

Suddenly, her face brightened. It was such a quick change that it might as well have been set off by a lightbulb appearing above her head. "Would a distraction help?"

"Probably wouldn't hurt," Sean admitted, exhaling. Honestly, a distraction sounded pretty fucking good right about now. He may not have been the most fun, happy-go-lucky guy at the best of times, but he wasn't one prone to wallowing either. Wallowing like this... it felt like shit, and Sean would've given pretty much anything to change that feeling.

"Okay, cool!" she exclaimed, setting down her Coke and standing up excitedly. "Now, close your eyes..."

Familiar with these sorts of games that June liked to play so much, he followed her instructions and closed his eyes.

"This better not be another attempt to scare me," he said.

"It's not," June replied, her voice closer to him.

"I don't believe you," Sean said.

"Why?" June said.

"Because you do this all the time?" he said.

"Point," she replied, "but I promise it's not that this time. It's something better."

"It's not one of those videos of guys getting hit in the balls, is it?" Sean added. "Not that those aren't funny, that's just not the sort of funny I'm into at the moment."

"Look, are you gonna let me get on with my fucking surprise, or aren't you?" June said, annoyed.

"Sorry, sorry, surprise away," he replied, curious and a little scared all at once. He wouldn't put it past June to try to scare him even after she said she wouldn't, and if she did... yeah, he was going to make her pay.

"Okay, you can open your eyes now!" she said, excited.

Preparing for a scare despite all of June's promises, Sean braced himself and opened his eyes.

Though what he saw was certainly surprising enough to almost knock him out of his seat, it didn't quite scare him.

After all, how could anyone be scared by a pair of bare tits as big and perfect as June's? With her shirt unbuttoned to her stomach and the front of her bra pulled down, the creamy expanse of her full, round F-cup tits was only a matter of inches away from Sean's face. Her nipples were firm and thick, with dark, silver dollar-sized areolas that just begged to be sucked on. June looked down at him proudly, smiling a huge, cocky smile.

"So, what do you think? Distracted yet?" June asked, putting her hands under her tits to better display them to him.

Distracted... right, that was certainly a word to describe how Sean felt. Distracted was... definitely a word that existed. Shocked might have been a better descriptor for having a huge pair of tits suddenly shoved in his face, but when driven by surprise and what he was seeing, trying to find a better word than distracted was certainly a challenge.

"June... what are you... what...?" Sean muttered, his mouth dropping open from shock at what he was seeing.

"Pretty sweet, right?" she said, squeezing them and shaking them in his face a little. "I figured since you were still broken up over your bitch ex that a distraction in kind would help get you out of your funk, and when my tits are so much bigger than hers, I thought I might actually be able to succeed. I did succeed, right?"

"I... uh... yeah, that's definitely... distracting," Sean said.

"Well, duh, that was the goal," June replied, leaning close to get her tits even more in Sean's face. Her nipple was so close to his lips, all he'd have to do is stick out his tongue and he'd have it in his mouth...

Confusion hit Sean like a truck. Why was his mouth watering? Why was his cock hardening? Oh, right, this was what lust felt like... he thought he'd forgotten his capacity for that feeling after the breakup, but no, it was there, it just needed the right key to unlock it...

"Wow..." he said, angling his head to get a better look at them.

"I know, right?" June said, amused, twisting from side to side slightly to give him a better view. "One day they just started growing, and it's like they've never stopped since! Oh, and, yeah, you can play with them if you want."

It felt like his cock was about to burst through his pants at her words. "Say what?"

"Yeah, you can play with them all you want, squeeze 'em, suck 'em, do whatever you want, only be gentle, my nipples are really, *really* sensitive," June said, her voice cheerful and playful.

"You're joking... this is a joke, right?" Sean said.

"Nuh uh!" June retorted. "I've wanted my tits in your face for a long time, just never found the opportunity 'til now. I mean, it works out great: you get distracted, I get my tits in your face, it's win-win!"

Sean was torn. He couldn't do this, could he? Deep down, he was still hoping that things with Anna might sort themselves up and they could make another go of it. Beyond that, though, June was a coworker and his friend, and in the few jobs he'd had these last couple years, people who mixed work and fun almost always tended to regret it in the end. He didn't want to make anything awkward around the theater and risk fucking up his friendship with June all because she was pushing her massive, perfect tits in his face. He couldn't risk that, could he?

Licking his lips, Sean said, "Fuck it!" and leaned in, taking one of her nipples in his mouth.

"Mmm, yeah, that's it, suck my nipple, like that..." June groaned, running her hands through Sean's hair and holding him in close as he sucked on her tit. Though he may have started out a bit tentative, the moment his tongue started to rub against the hard nub of her nipple, he was lost. He suckled and licked, closing his eyes as he gave in to sensation. Her tit was so soft, so welcoming, so... perfect. It was unlike anything he'd ever dreamed of before, and having her to himself right now, just pushing away all of his fears and doubts and sorrows, fuck did it feel good.

That June was dirty-talking him the entire time certainly didn't hurt matters either. "Fuck, your mouth feels so good on me... we should've done this sooner... I know you were trying to be a good guy, and I was trying to be respectful, but if that bitch was going to treat you like that I should've shown you these titties sooner- FUCK!"

This exclamation came when he switched tits and gently nibbled on her other nipple. She groaned and squealed, then took his hands in hers and planted them firmly on her tits, making sure that Sean was massaging and getting to know every inch of them.

"Yeah, I bet Little Miss Anna liked it all nice and gentle... but I like it fucking rough and hard... like that, suck them harder, lick me, bite me, fuck yes... like that... forget about her, you deserve to have your own fun with a pair of huge tits on a tight body like mine... her tits don't compare to mine, do they?"