One Exception


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The cocks of most of the men were shrunk up to almost nothing, but there were a few that swung from side to side when they walked. I loved watching those.

Ten minutes or so later, the wife of the man sitting next to me walked up the steps and over to where we were. It didn't dawn on me until that minute that I hadn't asked his name.

"Hi" I said to her when she got close enough.

She showed me a wide smile, "I hope my pervert husband isn't bothering you too much."

I laughed, "No, not at all. He's been a doll."

"I'm Glenda" she said, offering me her hand.

"I'm Vicky. Glad to meet you." And then I looked at her husband, "I'm sorry, I didn't get your name."

Glenda laughed, "Hell, with you so close, he was probably too tongue tied to talk. He's Paul."

I extended my hand to him, "Nice to meet you, Paul."

Glenda chuckled, "I'll warn you, Vicky, he won't remember your name five minutes from now. In fact, if I covered his eyes right now, he wouldn't be able to tell me what color your hair is, or your eyes."

Jeff had been silent for the whole time, but he picked that moment to speak up, "Hell, I've been dating her for weeks, and I still don't know what color her hair and eyes are."

I turned and slapped him playfully on the arm, "Ignore him, Glenda. He's just kidding."

And then Glenda made Paul move over into the next chair. She positioned the one he'd just vacated into a sitting position and sat down. "I haven't seen y'all out here before. First time?"

"Yes, first time."

"First time out here, or first time to a nudist camp?"

"None of us has been to a nudist camp before. By the way, that's Lisa and her boyfriend Brian. The asshole here next to me is my boyfriend, Jeff."

"Are you guys going to the dance, later?"

"We were thinking about it." I told her.

She nodded, "Just a note of warning: It gets really wild after midnight, so unless you're into that kind of thing, you'll probably want to be out of there before then."

"Wild? Like an orgy or something?"

"Something like that, yes."

"Wow! Thanks for the warning, and no, we're not into anything like that."

She showed me a friendly smile, "Good, then you're pure nudist—not just here for the sex."

I giggled, "Don't get me wrong; we're not opposed to sex, but only with each other."

And then she said, "I'll tell you what; later, before the dance, some of the permanent residents out here have a pot luck every week before the dance. It just so happens that it's at our place this week. We'd love to have you."

"We . . . didn't bring food."

Glenda chuckled, "Don't worry about it. Just BYOB and an appetite. We always have tons of food—a lot more than we can eat." And then she gave me directions back up the roads to their cabin.

"I can't speak for the others, but I'll definitely be there."

* * *

As the four of us walked up the gravel road, it would have been impossible to miss Glenda and Paul's cabin. There must have been thirty golf carts parked around and a hundred people or more standing around. And there were several folding tables, all covered with cheap plastic table cloths, and all covered with every kind of food you can imagine.

When we walked up, Glenda walked immediately over to their golf cart and honked the horn. "Everyone listen up. This is Vicky, Jeff, Lisa and Brian . . . I hope I got all their names right. This is their first visit to a nudist camp, and I believe they are here for the right reason. Give them a warm welcome and don't be shy about introducing yourselves."

Wow! There was a lot of applause, and then later, there was a line of people waiting to introduce themselves to us. Needless to say, we felt very, very welcome.

Thirty minutes later, after the four of us had finished off the drinks we'd brought with us, one of the men—I think his name was Terry—pointed us to the table with the drinks. "You're all over twenty-one, right?"

Not wanting to lie, Jeff said, "We're all over eighteen."

Terry laughed, "Close enough. Go have one on us."

The strange thing was, it was easy to forget everyone was naked. They were just normal people enjoying a normal pot luck and gathering, and socializing in a very normal way. It wasn't erotic, but it was fun . . . a lot of fun. I was hooked.

We were well into the party when Glenda honked her golf cart horn again, "Okay, folks, time to go shake your booty."

One of the ladies told us, "two of you can ride on the back of our cart, and the other two can hitch a ride on someone else's. I'll hook them up."

That was the first time I'd seen golf carts with seats on the back where the golf bags should go, but after looking around, I saw a lot of them. I guess there wasn't a lot of golf being played out there.

The driver of our cart was happy to stop by our RV so that we could mix a fresh drink to take to the dance. And when we walked into the clubhouse, we found it to be a dance like any other, except that most in attendance were naked.

The four of us had a blast. We danced our asses off. Of course, most of the songs came out before we were born, but that didn't matter. We did recognize a few of them like "Old time rock and roll".

But then, all of a sudden, the DJ instructed all the ladies to hit the dance floor. The men lined the edges, hooting and hollering and cheering on the ladies. I had no idea what was going on.

One lady that I recognized from the pot luck leaned in and told me, "Just go with it. This is the song that makes sure all of us old broads get laid every Saturday night.

A minute later, the DJ fired up the song "Cocaine", and the place went crazy. The woman all put their hands high over their heads and began gyrating up against each other. Some went beyond that . . . way beyond. There were hands kneading naked tits, hips bumping and grinding, and a lot of deep kissing.

I'm not sure how many of them groped my tits, but it was several. And two or three of them actually French kissed me on the dance floor.

By the time the song was over, my nipples were rock hard and my pussy was sopping wet.

I told Jeff, "We need to go back to the RV."

Lisa and Brian followed us out, and we laughed all the way back to the RV about all those older women knowing exactly how to turn their old men on.

A minute after entering the RV, Jeff and Brian were lying side by side on their backs on the bed, and Lisa and I were sucking them to hardness. Not long after that, we were working their hard cocks into our pussies.

Almost immediately, Lisa and I began making out, kissing, fondling each other, and giggling at the excited reactions of our boyfriends.

God! I loved kissing her and touching her, and her touching me. Even with Jeff's hard cock inside me, Lisa was getting most of my attention. I didn't hear any complaints from Jeff or Brian.

"Ummmm, let's fuck them now." I purred to Lisa as she was kissing and licking my hard nipple.

"Okay" she said in a raspy voice, "For a few minutes."

Every couple of minutes, Lisa would pull me closer to her and start making out with me again. As much as I enjoyed kissing her, playing with and even sucking her tits, she seemed to be enjoying it even more.

At some point, I had an idea, so I pulled Lisa close and whispered my idea in her ear. She laughed and then grinned from ear to ear. She loved it.

Both of us told our boyfriends that we wanted them to give us plenty of warning when they were about to cum—that we had a special treat for them.

Jeff was the first to give the warning, so I moved lower and let his cock plop from my pussy. I had his throbbing cock in my mouth in an instant, and a few seconds later, he started spurting his hot cum into my mouth. I had to swallow some of it, but I saved the rest in my mouth.

While Lisa was finishing Brian off, I showed Jeff that I still had a mouthful of his cum. His eyes got wide. Finally, Lisa was ready, and after showing both boys that she also had a mouthful of cum, we began kissing, sharing our boyfriend's cum with each other, swirling it together. That was the hottest thing I'd ever done in my life, and I LOVED IT!

* * *

When I got back to my dorm, I had to give Shell a rundown of the weekend. I purposefully left out the parts about me and Lisa.

She was still intrigued about 'the dance', "So, you got felt up and kissed by other women?"

"Yes, it was funny."

"Funny? It didn't turn you on?"

"Nah, it wasn't like that. They were just doing it to turn on their husbands."

She showed me a skeptical look, "Still, it didn't turn you on—not even a little?"

I rolled my eyes, "No, Shell, I'm not gay, remember?"

She giggled, "A girl can always hope."

* * *

On Monday, I'd just finished having lunch with Jeff when I got a call I didn't expect. It was Lisa. "Hello."

"Vic, it's Lisa, look, I really need to talk to you. Will you join me for tacos or a burger later?"

"Can you give me a hint?"

"No, please just meet me."


* * *

Sitting in the parking lot of Taco Bell, Lisa turned to me and said, "There's no since putting it off. The reason I wanted to see you is to tell you how much I enjoyed the weekend."

"I enjoyed it too." I told her, not sure were she was going with it.

"More to the point, I really enjoyed what you and I did together."

"Oh" I said as I got what she was saying, "Me too."

"Whew!" She said, fanning her face with her napkin, "I was afraid you'd get out of the car and run."

"No, why would I?" And then I thought about it for a few seconds and added, "Lisa, my roommate is a lesbian. I don't fool around with her, but I haven't asked for another roommate either. You're the first girl I've even kissed."

"You did enjoy it though, right? Please tell me you did, cause I know I did . . . and you were my first too."

I decided to put an end to the dancing around, "Yes, yes I did. Now, out with it: what's on your mind?"

She seemed to be contemplating how to answer, and then she said, "I'm not getting gay on you or anything, but . . ."

"But what?"

"On the boat and later at the nudist camp . . . I . . . I really enjoyed the whole being nude thing."

"Yeah, me too, so?"

"Brian fucked me last night. It was fun as always, but I kept thinking . . . I don't know . . . that it would be better if you were there."

"Or out in public somewhere?"

"Yeah, that too."

"I think I understand." I told her honestly. "So, what do you have in mind?"

"I don't know yet, but I wanted to know that you're in before I spend too much time on it."

I put my hand on her arm and showed her a smile, "As long as I don't have to fuck anyone other than Jeff, count me in."

* * *

"Where are we going exactly?" It was Saturday morning and we were driving in Lisa's car north from San Antonio.

"It's a state park up in the hill country. It's not too far."

The Texas Hill Country is just north of San Antonio. It is an area of large rolling hills—not like the mountains of Southwest Texas or with the tall pine forest of East Texas, but a mixture of the two. There was a lot of woods, tons of deer, some antelope, and even some zebras, elk, and other exotic animals that had escaped from the nearby refuge.

"Damn, I wish we'd brought something to drink. I need all the courage I can get."

Lisa chucked, "Check my beach bag."

I pulled it from the back seat and found in it a pint of Fireball. "Fireball? Really?" It was a very spicy, cinnamon flavored whiskey.

Lisa laughed and told me, "Don't chug it."

I took a tentative sip. It took my breath away. "Holy Shit!"

By the time we'd checked in at the Ranger Station and headed out on one of the trails, I had a decent buzz working. We walked for about a mile up the winding path. We'd only seen a couple of other hikers, a young twenty something couple, so Lisa said, "It's now or never."

Within seconds, we were both naked except for our sneakers. We stuffed our clothes in her beach bag, took another sip of the Fireball, and continued our journey.

As luck would have it, the next people we ran across was a trio of guys, two twenty something and one that appeared to be in his mid teens, probably the younger brother of one or both of the other two. They weren't shy about speaking to us, "Hi Ladies."

I responded, "Hi yourself."

"You two look like you're enjoying yourselves."

God! It was too surreal. We were just standing on the path in the middle of the woods, totally naked, and chatting it up with total strangers who were fully clothed. "You should try it. It's very liberating."

One of the older boys chuckled, "Yeah right. We'd end up in jail and on a sexual predator list."

Lisa agreed, "Yeah, you're probably right." And then she added, "Well, if the young one here as seen enough for one day, we'd better be on our way."

That caused me and the two older boys to laugh, and then one of them mussed up the younger one's hair and said, "You can put your eyeballs back in their sockets now. Thank the ladies for making your day."

The younger one swallowed hard, "Uh . . . thanks."

Lisa and I were still laughing when we rounded the next curve in the path. That's when she grabbed my arm and pulled me to a stop, "Holy shit! That was too fucking wild. Did it make you as hot as it did me?"

"God yes. My pussy is dripping."

There was a small stream to our right, so Lisa took my hand and led me a few yards off the path. We took off our shoes and waded out into the ankle-deep chilly water. And then she spun me around and began kissing me and feeling me up. I reciprocated in kind.

And then she shocked the hell out of me, "Don't look now, but we have an audience." When she felt my body stiffen, she whispered, "Don't worry, it's just a Park Ranger."

My eyes flew open, so she kissed me again. All I could think was 'fuck it, in for a penny, in for a pound.'

When we broke that kiss, Lisa giggled and said, "He's gone."

"Really?" I asked, looking around toward the path. "Are you sure there was a Ranger there, or were you just fucking with me?"

"I swear. He was on a Segway and he just stopped and watched us for a couple of minutes."

"That's too fucking hot." And then I shrugged, "I guess they see a little of everything out here."

* * *

After putting our shoes back on, I took a big swig of the Fireball, shuddered, coughed, and then giggled, "Let's go."

We'd only walked another few hundred yards through the woods when we encountered an older couple going the other direction. I didn't know what to expect, but as it turned out, both of them were very cool about it.

They were just barely in earshot when the wife nudged her husband with her elbow, "Mind your manners."

"Yes, Ma'am." And then he tipped his hat to us, "Nice day for a hike, isn't it."

Lisa responded, "Yes, it's absolutely wonderful."

And then they passed us and were gone.

We made the loop and were half way back to our car before our next encounter. It was the Park Ranger on the Segway. "You girls seem to be having fun."

I smiled at him, "Oh, we are."

He remained very professional, looking us in the eyes . . . most of the time. "Just so you know, nudity is against the law out here."

Lisa giggled, "Are you going to arrest us?"

He chuckled, "No, we haven't received any official complaints, so I think a verbal warning will suffice this time. Just make sure you are dressed before you get down to the parking lot."

After receiving our assurance that we would obey his request, he tipped his hat, grinned from ear to ear, and sped away.

* * *

The minute we were back in Lisa's car, I called Jeff, "If you and Brian aren't too busy, Lisa and I really need to get fucked."

When he finished laughing, he asked simply, "When and where?"

"In one hour at our little spot at that lake. Bring a blanket."

* * *

An hour later, Lisa and I were impaled on our respective boyfriend's cocks and making out with each other hot and heavy. Between our kisses, we managed to tell the boys about our day.

They both expressed a desire to go with us next time, "We can watch from a ways away."

Lisa looked at me, "What do you think?"

I shrugged, and in a sexy purr, I said, "I guess that depends on whether he rolls over and fucks me like there's no tomorrow."

Jeff chuckled, "I've got that covered." He said, rolling me onto my back, and then he immediately began fucking me for all he was worth.

* * *

Jeff proposed to me at the beginning of our third semester, but we decided to put off getting married until we both graduated and had jobs. That didn't take long, and as luck would have it, we both ended up working for Lockheed Martin, a defense contractor in Ft Worth, TX.

Brian, Lisa, Shelly and Bev all attended our wedding. Of course, we saw Brian and Lisa more often than the others, since they both landed decent jobs in Dallas. We never tired of our little get-togethers, and discovering new ways for Lisa and I show off our bodies in public.

One would think that my degree in Computer Science would land me a job in that field, but it didn't. Instead, I was hired as an Executive Assistant to a fairly low level manager. Jeff landed a job in the Contract Negotiation Division. Within two years, we both got promoted up several times.

I learned quickly that it was normal in large companies for a secretary that performs well to get "Stolen up" from one manager to a higher level manager. Within two years, I'd been stolen up four times.

Several years in, I made a huge decision. With Jeff's full support, I got breast implants-nothing too dramatic. After the scars healed and the tenderness went away, I was sporting a brand new pair of C cup tits. I LOVED IT! And Lisa loved it too.

* * *

The End . . . For Now

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
A hot cup

I wouldn’t mind a cup or two !

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Was Going to be 5, but terrible ending!

Great story, until the end! Maybe a follow up where she decides to get the implants removed and enjoy her natural tiny tits again? I think most guys, myself definitely included, like them natural! Tiny ones are the best, but I appreciate them all! :-) The sexiest women are those who know they are hot, just as they were made! They don't need any "enhancement" to get what they need. This girl was rocking that vibe, until the very end.

CURIOUS55861CURIOUS55861over 6 years ago
Great story, good writing

Really to bad about the implants, just me, LOVE then small, LOVE them natural.

Plus smaller are more sensitive (most all the the time)

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Gotta agree with the others, it was a 5-star story until the end, where it felt like a forced and awkward conclusion to an otherwise good story. And I'm just going to pretend the breast implants line doesn't exist in the story and so did not ruin it's turn-on value suddenly.

louise_lloydlouise_lloydabout 7 years ago

Loved the story. Well written. Having been a nudist for 40 years, I relate to the liberating feeling of being nude in social settings

pygmy57pygmy57over 7 years ago
loved story

i loved your story! would have loved to been there with you, my wife included!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Nice story

Enjoyed this, thanks. Would have liked longer more detailed descriptions. Definitely didnt need implants at the end.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
I've been reading Literotica for years, and this story is one of the best I have read.

My wife and I are now in our early 60's, and you story mirrored so much of our younger years together, we also have a local nudist colony here in New Hampshire called Cedar Waters, and we visited a few times with another young couple like us whose parents owned a cottage there. So much fun, especially the evening get togethers. Though pda's were strongly discouraged, there was quite a bit going on at these affairs. This summer will mark our 40th anniversary together,and your story reminded me of our first years together. I have been reading Literotica for about 20 years, and your story is one of the best I have read. Very well written and thought out. Please keep on submitting to Literotica. Thank you so much for the fond memories.

sds195sds195over 7 years ago
Personally I liked the breast implants.... :)

.....just think of where part 2 can go, when you've got an exhibitionist with a new rack to show off!

Excellent stuff!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Sweet Little Story!

Loved the story and all the characters. Love small breasted women with great legs and a smooth pussy. Wishing for more stories like this one down the road! :-)


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