One Night


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"Oh fuck..." He whimpered, throwing back his head as his cock throbbed in his fingertips. He braced himself against the tiled wall as his orgasm shot through him. Semen splashed to the floor of the shower to be washed away with his shower gel and shampoo.

Hair plastered to his forehead, not just from the water but also from sweat, Brett rinsed the last few drops of come from his cock then turned off the shower, hurrying to dry off and get dressed.

Whenever he had the option, Brett preferred to walk or ride a horse to his destination if it was close enough. Maybe it was the cowboys in his bloodline—the ones his father tried to forget—but he loved being outside. The air was cool and sweet, and he could smell the grass and hint of blossoms from Chloe's orchard as he moved closer to the Wallace property.

He'd taken this route countless times. He knew it well. He entered the unkempt field on the diagonal to the door. The path was carved into his memory as were the grasses and wildflowers that grew around it.

About a quarter mile down was the old unused gate—padlocked for decades. But one of Chloe's less scrupulous cousins had presented Chloe with a key that no one else knew existed. The cousin had snipped the old lock prior to a party so that he could slip out and spend some time with a girl who had been helping pick fruit that summer. When he'd returned, wearing a guilty grin and the scent of cheap lilac perfume, he presented Chloe with the key to a new padlock he'd installed and advised her to use it wisely.

Brett wasn't certain if he was the only one she let through the gate, and he didn't want to know. All he knew was that his heart pounded when he heard a low soft whistle. She was there, waiting for him, though he could not see her, hidden as she was among a wild growth of magnolia bushes.

When he was less than ten feet away, he saw the ghostly glimmer of her hair and the gate, as it swung open, beckoning him into the shadows of her yard.

An owl called overhead, and Brett glanced up to see a shadowy shape swoop over his head and descend to the field with silent, alarming speed. A feeble squeak from its prize, and the bird flew back up and toward the peach trees.

"Hi." Chloe's sultry, husky voice caught his attention and he turned back to greet her. He saw her more clearly in the moonlight. She wore what looked like a long T-shirt, but what he suspected to be a nightshirt, and she was barefoot. As he watched, she raised the pale orb of a golden peach to her lips and absently took a bite, her eyes closed in momentary pleasure as she chewed, then stepped back to wave him toward her.

"Hey, Chloe." Brett gave a casual wave, his hair ruffling in the soft breeze that whispered through the trees.

She closed and locked the gate, then moved beside him, reaching over to take his hand as they crept deeper into the trees. The smell of earth and leaves was heavy, and the even sweeter aroma of peaches lent a more enchanting quality, as if this were merely a fairy's fantasy they were allowed to share.

"So what's going on? Is everything okay?" Brett asked, suddenly aware of how tiny and fine her hand felt. "Are you and Robert all right?"

"We're fine," Chloe said quietly, her grip tightening on his hand. "But I'd really prefer if we didn't discuss Robert, Brett. Truly, it would make me very happy if you don't mention his name again tonight."

"What's going on, sweetie?"

The chivalry of their relationship, though pure, carried back to the days when he'd lift her over puddles so she wouldn't soil her pretty pink sundress, or when he'd give her the bigger half of a cookie he'd smuggled out of the house. It was just his nature with Chloe, and he wondered if she'd had this effect on all the men in her life.

They paused near the border of the property, near the grape arbor with its winding vines and secret, scurrying creatures. Chloe turned to face him, her large almond-shaped eyes peering up into his face with such urgency that his breath caught. Her eyes were so pale they appeared almost to be of no color, and her face was both eerily mature and still childish.

"You know that once we leave for college, we'll probably never get to come back here again."

"Of course we will," Brett shook his head to dismiss the statement. "We have different social circles now, Chloe, but we'll always be friends."

"No we won't. Robert is jealous of you, Brett. He says that sometimes you look at me, and he sees something in your eyes. And I know Amy's head over heels for you. She's a great girl, and your daddy would be very happy to see you together.

"But when I think about it all ... my future, your future, what will happen with my life, I know that we won't be able to be here together anymore. It just wouldn't be right. We can't say we're going to catch cicadas or look for cocoons when we're all grown up. It won't be proper for me to be alone with you. But I want to be alone with you tonight."

A bat's piercing squeak sounded from a nearby tree, and Chloe's eyes momentarily flicked upward to it, and then back to Brett.

"Honey, we'll always be good friends. If my girl or your guy can't handle it, do you think they'd be good for us anyway?" he said.

"It's just not right, Brett." Her eyes looked sorrowful for a minute, before returning to their unreadable state. "I brought you here tonight to say good bye to our time here alone. I want to give you something to make you remember me, no matter who else you meet, and I don't want you to say no. I feel the same way Robert described when I look at you sometimes, and if anyone finds out, it will be bad for both of us."

Brett tried to stop the shaking in his limbs as he held his best friend and companion of most of his life. She was always composed and polished, she always had a wave for everyone, and her make-up and nails were always flawless. He'd never even heard her curse, though he was certain she was tempted on several occasions, just like everyone else.

The word that she conjured in his mind now was stripped. Stripped of all the designer clothes. Stripped of all the Southern Belle coquettery and perfect smiles. He'd been privied to hints of the real Chloe on occasion. The morning she found out her grandfather had died, and they stood alone under the arbor, her head lowered as tears slipped down her nose—he'd ignored the vinegar of over-ripe grapes and the flutter of birds above as he'd tried to provide comfort. Then there was the moment she told him of her acceptance to Vassar, something in her eyes not quite matching up with the victorious expression she wore.

But he never saw her like this. He suspected no one else had, either.

"If you love me, then give me tonight," Chloe whispered. She approached him, and her steps were so small and smooth that it appeared as if she were gliding over the grass.

"Oh Chloe ... I can't ... If Amy found out—"

An altogether different breed of kiss assailed Brett's lips as Chloe flung her arms around his neck. She had to stand on her toes to do this, and perhaps that accounted for the frantic press of her mouth to his. As if she wanted to get it right at the first shot. He rather doubted that, however. But whatever the motivation, he had never known such a sure and demanding kiss in all his experience.

His lips were instantly slick with her designer lip-gloss, and he could taste the ripeness of the peach as she drew his tongue into her mouth with soft sucks. Brett winced at the brazenness of the act, but she only pressed herself against him more closely than before, her hand gripping a fistful of his T-shirt.

The orchard around them seemed hushed in expectation, only a scant few crickets called to one another. Brett realized that her other hand wasn't clinging to his back, and when he felt a little pressure against his crotch, he pulled his lips away.

"No." She panted, leaning up and smearing kisses all over the five o'clock shadow of his cheeks until he gave her his lips once again.

Cool air suddenly whispered in through his unzipped pants, and behind it, a prodding fingertip. His cock jumped, but continued its steady swelling. Chloe shifted around and he felt movement between them. Suddenly, she unfastened the button, and yanked down his pants and underwear.

A moan tore from his throat as her smooth fingertips toyed with the head of his cock, then withdrew. She shifted again, and what he felt next thrilled and shocked him. Something cool and wet began to slide up and down his shaft, and Chloe's kiss went from hot to scalding as she did whatever she was doing.

"Oh God." Brett gasped, breaking the kiss to look down at her hand. She palmed the partially nibbled peach, rubbing the exposed flesh of the fruit all over his now glistening penis. He caught a hint of peach nectar in the air, and then she removed the fruit from his sex, lifting it to her mouth and savoring another slow and sensuous bite.

"Come lay in the grass with me, Brett."

She turned, and the nightshirt was lifted and discarded to reveal ivory thong panties and nothing else. Brett all but collapsed to his knees, feeling her warm arms around his shoulders and one firm breast against his upper arm as he fell onto his back.

"Honey ... we have to stop." But as he spoke, his hands and fingers grappled for her. His middle and index finger grazed the satin of her panties, and he gave a great yank, tugging the insubstantial undergarment down to her knees. Her breath came in rapid exhalations, and she helped him remove her panties to reveal a perfectly smooth cleft beneath. His hunger for her increased from a flame to a bonfire.

Perhaps the scent of the peaches befuddled his senses. Maybe it was the feel of her skin like electric velvet in his hands. His clandestine viewing of porn and curiosity to attempt what he saw in the movies might have even caused a fraction of it. But he thought that if he watched her take the head of his cock in his mouth, all other acts would be lost, and he did not want this to happen.

Girls like Chloe were meant to be roughly handled it seemed. Their tiny bodies, voracious appetites, and eager eyes all but begged for it. Brett felt this excused the moment when he picked her up off her knees to swing her around, her exquisitely small bottom toward his face.

"No one's ever done this to me—" were her last words before he pulled her thighs apart and plunged a hot tongue into her swollen folds while at the same time, her mouth hungrily surrounded the first three inches of his cock, sucking and licking the sticky peach juice which clung to it.

Chloe let out a desperate, almost painful moan as his tongue stabbed into her folds, happening to brush over her clit. She was soaked and slick, and he brought his fingers up to caress her bottom as she took his cock into her mouth with enough confidence to show that she had done this before.

In all his brief imaginings on his way to Chloe's house tonight, Brett never thought this would occur. Of course, he'd conceded that some form of intimacy might transpire between them. But with Chloe's refined manners and good breeding, he had assumed it would most likely involve satin sheets, candlelight, and a bubble bath. Not the two of them naked beneath the moonlight, she wild and lusty as a dryad as she rode his face and gave his cock unbelievable kisses and sucking. Briefly he pondered if this would fall under the category of cheating. He supposed that it probably would, on a technicality, but he and Chloe were good friends who understood that their romantic feelings would be directed toward other people, not each other.

Surrounded by the taste, smell, feel, sound, and sight of her, he knew that he would never think of their orchard the same way again. Indeed, just beholding a peach would bring back memories of tonight for the rest of his life. Of this he was totally certain.

The nudge of Chloe's throat against the head of his cock brought him back to what was happening, and his index finger found the tiny puckered pink opening of her vagina. Tentatively, he plumbed the opening with a shallow stroke, and Chloe coughed as she accidentally slid down on his cock, her nails digging into his thighs.

"Sorry." He breathed, deciding that it was just too much and he had to take her now. His cock was so sensitive that even the subtle puff of night breeze caused him to suck air through his teeth, and Chloe all but fell off him to land on her side, gasping and licking her lips.

Their embrace was charged, and Chloe's hand returned to his cock with singular intent. Brett kissed her throat, longing to bite and suck it but afraid any physical marks might give Robert cause for questions. Opting for her nipples instead, he was rewarded with a trembling sigh and soft moan from her parted lips.

"I want you inside me, Brett. Please." Her palms captured his chin and brought his face up to hers, the urgency in her eyes undeniable. "Have you ever done this before?"

"No." He admitted feeling as if his veins were filled with fire and his mind was barely connected to his body. "You?"

"No. We've dry-humped. Nothing more. But I took six years of gymnastics, so that's all the explanation he'll need about me not being a virgin. Don't be gentle. I want to feel everything." Her lips grazed his ear, and he felt her tongue lap at his lobe before she bit it with her teeth. "I'm on the pill. You can come in me."


It felt like a dream. A sultry summer night dream where he'd awaken, frantically jack off, then begin his day with a sense of calm and contentment. But the slippery hotness of her pussy against his cock was very real. The totally smooth hair-free skin was so different to Amy's. Amy was trimmed and natural, even Chloe's vagina seemed glamorous and silken. God, was there a part of her left not meticulously groomed? He gazed down at the contrast of her hair that appeared platinum in this light against the green of the grass. The erect pale pink of her nipples and the glazed desire in her eyes mesmerized him. Closing his eyes, he gathered her slight figure in his arms, feeling her small breasts against his chest, and bit her neck gently as he pushed himself inside her with a groan.

Chloe winced, biting her lower lip as his penis seemed to stretch her to capacity. She wanted to move, but thought moving might make the pain worse. She wanted to hang onto his back, but was afraid she'd scratch him. Turning her face to the sky, she gazed at the sickle moon as Brett's lips brushed her jaw and his hips began to move, his cock sliding very slowly all the way inside her, his eyes closed and a look of reverence on his face.

The sensation of being filled was so much better than the clitoral orgasms Chloe gave herself, and silly inexperienced Robert didn't even know how to do that right. But Brett seemed acutely conscious of her every breath and emotion. If a movement seemed to elicit a louder moan, he'd repeat it. If she grabbed his arms even tighter, he'd continue to hit her just in that particular spot.

At last, he could get in and out of her with a little more ease, so he reached for her ankles. He pulled her legs up and back, resting them on his shoulders, and knelt up to look into her face while his cock slid in and out of her dewy virginal flesh.

The change in the angle of his penetration made Chloe moan. There was no doubt of her true pleasure. Holding a slim calf in each hand, he moved faster and deeper, his hips slamming against her miniscule bottom as his own breath escaped in short puffs.

"Yeah." Chloe's throaty encouragement washed over him as he gently rubbed the top of her vagina, where her clitoris throbbed like a pulse. He didn't know why he did it, but it just seemed right. His tremulous instincts to please this girl who moaned like her heart would burst beneath the stars were guided him better than any internet porn he had ever watched.

Her body felt as if it might squeeze all the life out of him. His fingertips continued to caress her, and her moans soon became cries. And then she gasped and was still, and he knew she had come. Chloe lowered her legs and he fell on top of her, burying his face in her hair as he slammed into her, the wind rippling his hair and the leaves sighing in envy above them.

"I love you Chloe." Brett panted, looking down to see that she gazed up at him as well, her pure blue eyes locking onto his as he winced then froze, his cock throbbing deep inside her and her muscles contracting to heighten his release. There were no regrets as they lost their innocence among the peaches and magnolia, and they lay beside one another holding hands and merely watching the leaves sway and the fireflies dance a neon ballet.

Brett staggered into his room like a refugee. His computer monitor was on and the new conversation alert was flashing insistently. The pizza still sat on his desk. His curtains blew softly in the wind. But his head was foggy and clouded with endorphins. Had it all happened? He remembered hot kisses, her body under him, and an innocent kiss good-bye as they stood at the gate. And something more...

He reached into his pocket, feeling the object against his thigh. Pulling it out, he held it in the dim light of the bedside lamp. The peach she had plucked from a heavy bough as they walked past, he had lifted her up so she could pluck it from the shivering branch.

"Think of me when you eat it, and know I love you." Chloe had whispered, embracing him tightly as she gave him the fruit. "I love you, Brett."

He would, and he did.


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heavy7driverheavy7driverover 1 year ago

Very well written. Brings back a certain memory as, like Brett, I too have one.

HukilaulizHukilaulizabout 2 years ago

I hate that “Anonymous” sometimes hides an troll. While not my favorite of your stories, I applaud the effort you took to build wonderful characters. Just wanted them to have a happy ending, and who knows maybe they’ll find each other again in the future.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

" tiny gravity-defying breasts ..."

If her breasts are/were tiny then they'd be completely unaffected by gravity!

Waste of time reading the rest!

ohyessssssohyessssssabout 5 years ago

Beautifully written. My only thought was that such genuine love and affection was reduced to one spiritual, life changing experience. It hints that lifelong love like this was, is impossible to sustain. It was glorious yet , very sad. Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
peaches and magnolias

Your story is beautifully written and a nice buildup and a believable storyline - something we would all love to experience. What makes it real, though, are your descriptions of the peaches, the magnolias, the night air, the horses in the paddock, etc. - a reminder to all that a sensual experience involves all of our senses, not just the sense of touch. Thanks for a great read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

We'll thought out story. An exquisite read. All around perfection. Frankly the best story out of the others.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
the best

definitely the best story i have read. loved it

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

its was captivating, you should definately think about continuing it if you already haven't. A lot more dilouge would make this so story perfect, emotions to how people are feeling when there having sex.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

u should make a continuation. they obviously belong together please dnt stop the story there.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
omg this is so sad

please please please right a sequel to this, it was such a lovely story and I find it's so sad to think they won't be together!! pleaseee write another one I'd so gravely appreciate it xx

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