One Night Out


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"What do you want?"

I gave them the evil eye as best as I could, but inwardly I was kind of scared (and hopeful!) that they would touch me. And kiss me. And take off all my clothes and push me down on the bed and...but I held it all in and tried to talk to them normally. At least I thought I succeeded...I hope neither of them saw how hard my nipples were getting.

"Looking good, slut." drawled Rick, eyeing me from top to toe. Unlike me, he was making no pretense of trying to act normal. Instead, he was ogling every inch of my body. I glared at him and all he did was smile back.

"We've decided that since you've been such a good slut, we're going to help you with your term paper. I mean, you worked so hard on it and all, it's the least we can do for all the fun we had with you." said Maegan.

I scowled. Getting my paper done had been the furthest thing from my mind, especially after all the activities the duo in front of me had forced me into. I had long since passed the submission deadline, and to be honest, I hadn't even though about it for months. I was more occupied by being pregnant and fucking.

"Too late. Deadline's passed, I can't even submit it now." I snapped at them. "So you guys can just go right back home and..."

"Don't worry, kitty cat, it's not over just yet." cut in Maegan, green eyes sparkling. "If you're still in the program, the Submissions Office will let you send it in again as long as you fill out the appropriate paperwork under Form Number 112, pursuant to Article 13 of - oh, don't look so surprised, sweetheart" said the witch, noticing my incredulous look.

"I graduated from your school quite a while back, but I know for the fact they haven't changed the way the red tape works. Try it. You might be surprised. We'll come back for you when you're done." so saying, both of them left my apartment without even so much as a backwards glance. I was so surprised I just let them.

When I had recovered from my shock, I sat down heavily, being careful with my bump. All these things they never tell you about being pregnant, like how your center of gravity changes and you have to make sure you don't knock things down when you sit. Well well well. Maybe I had a chance of completing my degree after all.

I thought about it a bit and I decided to do it. I mean, what did I have to lose? My paper was almost done anyway, and I might as well turn in it. I would hate to see all that work go to waste. And I WAS technically still enrolled in the Psych program...(even though I spent most of my waking moments on my back nowadays)

I fired up my computer, made a few last changes to my notes, and emailed it - making sure to pay attention to the forms that Maegan mentioned. Red tape was never my strong suit, but if this worked...I resolved not to think too much about it after I had pressed the send button. Besides, I had more important things to worry about - like dinner and the fact that I was getting horny again.


Two weeks later I was sorting through my email inbox - which these days was an equal mix of propositions and school-related stuff when I saw acceptance letter. My paper had been received, but I still would have to defend it in front of my professors. I stared at it for a few seconds. Whaddya know, Maegan was right. There was a loophole in the system.

I got my notes together, did a bit of last-minute revising, and the very next day I defended my thesis. I got a lot of stares and looks from the examining body - apparently they had never seen someone give a term paper pregnant and wearing a see-through black bra before. I think they spent more time staring my tits than listening to what I was saying...not that I could blame them. But I got a lot of nods and questions and I actually think that they were satisfied with what I had presented.

The proof came a week or so later, when I learnt that my paper had passed. Of course there were still finals to get through...which I managed to muddle through somehow. It all passed in a haze of all-nighters and late-night threesomes.

But I did it. Both the paper and the finals were over, and I realized I had finally graduated from college, though not quite in the way I had in mind when I had first started. I wanted to jump for joy, but being in the family way put a slight damper on my enthusiasm, and I settled for a celebratory giggle and shake instead. Oh yeah, and I had a memorial gangbang to mark the occasion as well...most of my cohort attended. I had spent most of the term holed in my room, so I didn't know them that well, but after that evening I was on a first name basis with almost all of least the guys who had their dicks in me.

I had barely gotten used to the idea of having graduated when was time to get ready to deliver the baby. I was a little worried at first, but the nurses assured me that I had nothing to worry about. The nice thing about having such wide hips was that they ensured that the baby slid right out when I entered labor...which lasted all of half an hour. More of Maegan's magic? I would never know, but I was grateful that it wasn't as painful an experience as I had been led to expect.

After the whole thing was over I was looking a beautiful baby girl. My little bundle of joy...except that I didn't know the first thing about taking care of a kid. Good thing the hospital promised to rehome her. Either that or Rick would show up and claim his daughter, but I didn't think that the latter would happen.

I was kind of relieved that she would go on to a good home. Hopefully she wouldn't make the same mistakes and become a huge slut like her mother was.

But enough of that. The best thing about delivering a kid was that I was now free to fuck unencumbered once again. Well, it wasn't that I wasn't doing plenty of fucking WHILE I was pregnant...but you know what I mean. Having a baby bump really restricted my positions, and it was kind of hard to maneuver when I was so...big.

My breasts had gone up another cup size when I was in the family way, and they had started lactating as well. I know that the milk was meant for the baby, but my innumerable lovers seemed to enjoy sucking it out of my huge tits. Lying on my back, moaning in pleasure as a guy and his girlfriend suckled me...and when that was over, flipping me over to fuck me doggy style. A girl could get used to being treated like this.


Then one day, Maegan and Rick showed up at my doorstep again, just like they said they would.

I was through with being surprised at this point, or lying. When I opened the door for them, I did so naked and with my pussy soaking wet...I wanted them, and they knew it. I had had countless lovers - both male and female - since that night in Detox, but they were the best I ever had, and I wanted more.

We cut the pleasantries and went straight to the fucking. It was a repeat of how we first met at that night in Detox. We kissed each other first, with plenty of tongue. Then the both of them took some time to feel up my tits, laving each engorged nipple until I came from both my slit and my teats, leaking pussy juice from one and milk from the other. Then they sat me down on the bed and they took turns massaging my bulging belly.

I then proceeded to suck Rick off, and when I was done with that, bury my face in Maegan's snatch and send her to heaven as well. We necked for a bit after that, and then I lay down on the bed as Maegan pulled my arms behind me, letting her boyfriend ream me good and proper. He groaned as he unloaded a fresh batch of cum into my sopping wet pussy, but I was too busy with Maegan sitting on my face to notice it.

This continued for a few more hours, and we ended up a sweaty, stained mess on the bed. For once, though, I had a grin on my face as wide as theirs.

"So, kitten, I see you've been keeping yourself busy. Quite the reputation you have in this town, don't you?" said Maegan, tracing a hand down my thigh. I nodded, keeping my eyes level with hers. They were planning something...I just knew it. They didn't track me down again just to tell me things I already knew. They wanted more.

"Remember how I said we were going to keep you? We meant it. You're going to come live with us, and you'll love every second of it." So, they wanted me to be their little sex pet...the worst part was, I sort of wanted it too. And I think they knew it.

"I don't get a choice in the matter, do I?" I replied, trying to salvage some of my lost pride.

"No, I'm afraid you don't." This time it was Rick who replied, still with that smirk on his face. I tried to give him my best glare, but like the last three times I tried it, it wilted halfway...a finger twiddling your clitoris will do that to you. I gasped and moaned as Maegan's experienced hands brought me off once again.

And after that when they told me to pack my things and move out, I could do nothing but meekly agree.


So began my new life as Maegan and Rick's sex toy. My jobs included fucking...fucking...and more fucking. Mainly the both of them, but their friends as well. Rick and Maegan would get a gangbang going and make out on a couch as I sucked and fucked all their friends one by one. They would rent me out to strangers for a little pocket cash, and I was helpless to do anything but comply with their demands.

I must say they treated me very well as you would think a sex slave could be, of course. They always made sure I had enough to eat, to drink, and they were considerate enough to not order me around when I was tired. There was always plenty of time for cuddling and yes, fucking, and a part of me thrilled to all the attention I was getting. Plus, the sex was great.

I was kind of expecting more modifications to my body, and they didn't disappoint. Three months into my new life, they had my nipples pierced, and my pussy as well. It wasn't as painful as I thought...I guess that it helped that I was unconscious when they did it. It seemed to be a thing with them - go to sleep, wake up with new additions to my body. Or a new body. My piercings were a big hit with my many lovers - they liked to tug and pull at them as they had their way with me, and after the first few times (my lady bits were sensitive!) I began to like them too. I had never pegged myself as the kinky type, but there was a certain threshold between pain and pleasure that was exciting to get into, and the steel rings attached me to were the gateway to that place.

I asked Rick many times whether or not he was the one to give me my tattoos, but all he did was grin his infernal grin and refuse to answer any of my questions. If I pressed him, he would simply kiss me, take me to bed and fuck me senseless, so I gave up after a while. I always wondered if the same artist did me and Maegan both, but I knew better than to ask the witch about things like this. I didn't want to end up with bigger tits than what I already had.

They got me pregnant again. Many times, in fact. Turns out that Maegan belonged to this coven of witches (which explained how she got her powers) and they all wanted biological kids but didn't want the bother of actually carrying them to term - what with the swollen feet, morning sickness and bulging tummy. So they got me to do it instead. They would find a suitable stud that had the qualities they wanted, invite him over to the house, and impregnate me instead.

I didn't know quite how I felt being part of this strange pagan eugenics experiment, but it wasn't as if I had any say in the matter...I was too busy getting my brains fucked out. I must say that it wasn't that much of a chore - the witches had good taste in men, at least, and they only picked those with good looks and gentle hands. I guess they didn't want to have the fathers of their unborn children be assholes. I didn't ask how they found these men...more questions that I would have to live without knowing the answers to.

I got used to the whole pregnancy thing after a while. It actually became sort of routine. After the first few kids I had I didn't even get morning sickness anymore. I got used to how my belly would swell, and I would get the strangest cravings (chocolate covered pickles, anyone?) which Rick and Maegan would do their best to get me for me...awfully nice of them to treat their slave well.

I would say that I hated it except that I didn't. Now that my inner slut had been awakened, I decided to fully relish the life I wasn't as though I could escape. Maybe I didn't even want to. Despite my outwards appearance I was a Psychology major (I even had the damn papers to prove it) and I I knew all about subconscious desires, and rape fantasies, and the wanting to submit...but who would have thought I would actually live them out? Life is weird.

Speaking of a strange way, I did manage to continue my research. It turned out that people were a lot more responsive to surveys when the surveyor was a hot chick who wore halter tops, thongs, really short shorts and nothing else. That and she would give them free blowjobs after they had filled in the necessary forms. Maybe it skewed my results some, but I was too busy having fun to care. I had graduated, but a little of the student was still inside me, and so when I wasn't busy fulfilling my sex slave duties, I had some time to actually get some papers published in journals. Who would've thunk it.

The three of us became a regular item on campus and in town, and everyone knew about the busty, tattooed slut who would suck cock or go muff diving at the drop of a hat. Well, not exactly...I had my standards, of course. I wouldn't fuck anyone who was unkind to animals, or who treated other people badly. I only fucked the people I respected, or those that Rick and Maegan ordered me too. But anything besides that was fair game.

It also turned out that being pregnant did wonders for my libido. Must have been all those female felt like I was in heat practically all the time. There were physical changes as well, not caused by magic this time. My breasts swelled again and again, into firm G-cups this time - they were big enough to get me stares and wolf whistles wherever I walked, to which I just smiled and bounced them a bit. A girl likes to be appreciated.

I never really gained that much weight though...turns out all the fucking I was doing was good exercise. It wasn't what I would have envisioned for myself, but I wasn't complaining. Things could be worse. At least this way I had food, and board, and a roof over my head, and a job...kinda, if you considered being a sex slave a job. It wasn't too bad a life, all things considered. I had room and board and things to do and well...lots and lots of great sex. Not much in terms of career prospects, but I don't think I would ever have to worry about being fired.

And all this because I was late for a term paper.


And that's the end of this caper for now. I was sort of wondering whether I should do the Further Adventures of Kat the Sex Slave. Maybe her masters change her further? Maybe she goes back to school? Who knows. What do you think?

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Not much thought in this one. A college girl gets half her body tattooed and knocked up and her answer is to keep returning to the bar alone? Sure, that's what every young girl, facing her parents wrath, would do.

ravbobravbobover 6 years ago

Would love to read a second sequel great story

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