Oops! Now She's Done It!

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Wife does something she regrets.
829 words
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Copyright © 2018 - This is an original work by Zeb Carter and is protected under copyright by U.S. copyright law. It is only submitted at Literotica.Com and any submission to any other site has not been authorized by the Author.

Author's Note: Just a short... really short... 754-word story. Yea I did it! If you want to know all the dirty details, use your imagination.

Oops! Now She's Done It!

John Dirkson was sitting in his favorite chair in the dark living room watching, not only the front door but also the door into the kitchen from the garage. The front porch light was off and he had locked the front door as usual. John was waiting. He was waiting for his wife, Anne, to return from her night out with the 'girls'. Sitting there, he thought how cliché that phrase was. It wasn't that he didn't trust his wife. At least he had right up until she wanted to go out on Friday nights with her 'girl' friends. It was a shame that her best friend had called to talk to her that evening and John had to tell Doris, Anne, wasn't home. From the other end of the phone, John heard 'Oops' from the lips of Doris. That's when he knew.

"Oops?" John asked.

"No, no, I was talking to Frank..."


"Oh god," Doris whispered.

"Spill it," shouted John. "Now! And it better be everything."

"I can't she's my best friend."

"And I'm just the cuckold, right?"

"No... oh god..."

"Who is he?" John growled.

"Shit! Frank Allison, her boss," Doris said softly.

"How long?"

"Just, three weeks. Although he has been after her for months. Oh, John, she... you're... fuck. Listen, I told her not to..."

"I bet. If you call her to tell her I know, I will tell Frank that you and I have been fucking for the last year. You got that?"

"I won't. Besides, Frank wouldn't believe you."

"Wanna bet? I'm pretty good with Photoshop," John said.


Anna had seen some of John's work with Anne's head on different bodies he did as a joke for their last anniversary. They were women, who were all dressed sexily with all the lady bits covered but they were good.

"Maybe after the divorce, if you're still offering," John said chuckling.

"I'm not, nor will I ever," Doris said.

"You know what happens if you tell her, don't you?"


John just hung up and sat back in his chair with a rage boiling in his gut he had never felt toward his wife before. He thought, well she's no longer my wife. The only thing he thought about, other than the disgust he felt for her, was how the pansy-ass state he lived in only allow a divorce based on irreconcilable differences, which meant she would get half of everything. He would talk with an attorney in the morning to see if there were ways around that. Looking up at the clock on the wall he saw that it was going on one in the morning. Anne had always been home before midnight for the past three weeks.

At one sharp, the door to the garage went up and John heard a car pull into the garage. The sound of the door going down alerted him that the door to the kitchen was about to open. It did and in walked his wife, Anne, hair messed, clothes disheveled. In fact, her blouse was on inside out. Her makeup was smeared and her eyes were red as if she had been crying. Closing the door behind her, Anne went to the kitchen sink and started the water running. John rose from his chair and walked to the doorway into the kitchen. He stood there watching as Anne took her panties off, her back to John.

Walking as quietly as he could he was standing right beside her as she went to rinse her panties out. John reaching in grabbing them from her hand startled her. Her eye widened, her mouth hung open her hand coming up to cover it as she gasped. Looking down at the panties in his hand John could see the cum laden crotch. Looking down at Anne's legs, he could see the cum running down them almost to her ankles. Shaking his head, he turned, panties in hand, and went into the living room.

"Don't bother coming to bed in my bedroom. Find somewhere else to sleep from now on," John said over his shoulder.

Anne dropped to the floor shrieking with pain. Her husband had found out. She vomited right there in the middle of the kitchen. Then flopped down on her side crying. She was still drunk yet she knew her life was over, as she knew it would be if John ever found out what she was doing. She passed out, lying in her vomit on the hard, cold kitchen floor.

### The End ###

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Freddog6601Freddog66015 months ago

ZC this is probably your worst piece.

HotdiggitydogHotdiggitydog6 months ago

Wow! Pretty unerotic. 4 stars

RuttweilerRuttweiler8 months ago

… but uninteresting.

SatyrDickSatyrDickabout 1 year ago


A Short, Sharp, Shot!


SarahwithloveSarahwithloveabout 2 years ago

Well, I guess that's how it goes. It ends with a shriek, some vomit, and 5 stars.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsover 2 years ago

That story was all there needed to be. Everyone knows how it ends.

orion2bear2orion2bear2over 2 years ago

Not complete story no retribution on her boss

26thNC26thNCover 2 years ago

If she’s lucky she will just aspirate on her vomit while she’s unconscious.

not_a_viking_honestnot_a_viking_honestabout 3 years ago

would have been better had there been an aftermath

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraover 3 years ago

'She passed out, lying in her vomit on the hard, cold kitchen floor.'

Reliving her college days!!

trandall9991trandall9991over 3 years ago
short sweet??? and to the point

Perfect short tale of infidelity. And the implosion it erupted,

Mrhappy4aaMrhappy4aaover 3 years ago
Just crap....

For a short story, there sure are a lot of mistakes and inconsistencies. If she didn't want to get caught, her blouse would be ok, her hair combed, and no smeared lipstick. And 2 Franks? Come on, it was a short tale about a dumb slut and a cuck husband.

InfosaugerInfosaugeralmost 4 years ago

Well, where is the rest?

secretsalsecretsalalmost 4 years ago

Damn, didn't they have a bathroom where they were doing it? Wasn't like the husband was supposed to be out of town, or out of the house. Waiting to come home before cleaning up sounds daft. Even if Doris hadn't given it away, she'd probably still have been busted.

Zeb_CarterZeb_Carteralmost 4 years agoAuthor

@Willoghby Yes there are two Franks. Different but with the same name. How many Franks do you know?

WillowghbyWillowghbyalmost 4 years ago

I am confused.

Is Frank, Doris' husband, the same person as Frank Allison, Anne's boss? If that is true, then why is Doris referring to Frank as "her boss" instead of "my husband"? Or has the author put two Franks into a five character story?

How likely is Anne to arrive home as disheveled as described if she really does not want to be caught?

Thanks ZebC for a quick, concise (but confusing) story.

Keep 'em comin'.

far_wanderer1984far_wanderer1984almost 4 years ago

Only one Star as it's not finished. Has real potential but not really worth the read. Now with the beta site I'm happy to give one stars untill stories that need finishing are finished then I'll happily change the score.

etchiboyetchiboyabout 4 years ago


Just_WordsJust_Wordsabout 4 years ago
Good ending

If only it were that easy.

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