Operation: Final Fantasy Ch. 06


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Amused, Jessica asked him, "What are you giggling about?"

Ryan couldn't help laughing, "I was just thinking something you said recently. You're like the complete opposite of Forrest Gump. You're a smart woman, but you don't know what love is."

Jessica rolled her eyes. "Ok, funny man, keep laughing."

For good measure, he added, "Now that I think about it, you're not really good at football or ping pong, either."

Jessica raised her eyebrow at him, "This coming from a guy who came up with a master plan and called it an "Operation"? It figures you'd name it after a video game."

She snickered, "You're such a male."

Ryan smirked while looking at her inquisitively, "How did you know Final Fantasy was a video game?"

Laughing and shaking her head, Jessica told him, "Ok, so you caught me. Maybe some of your nerdiness has rubbed off on me. I remember vividly playing the first Final Fantasy back when it first came out. Final Fantasy three or four, I think?"

"What were you, like two when it came out? I didn't know you played video games."

Her eyes opened wide, "Hey! I'm not that much younger than you. And it was my older brother's. He loved that game. I mostly just played it to bother him. He would get so mad."

"It sounds like you were a little terror."

She shook her head, "Not hardly; it was the other way around. He was merciless to me. Did you know that once, he tied my hands up, tied the rope off to his motorcycle, and tried to drag me along behind him?"

Ryan bit his lip, trying not to laugh, "That's awful!"

Narrowing her eyes at him, she said, "Yea, I can tell it's tearing you up inside, you jerk."

"How old were you when he did that?"


Ryan busted up laughing, "Fourteen? I thought you were going to say five or six. How did he even pull that off?"

She crossed her arms, trying not to spill her own hot chocolate, while pouting, "He was always doing stuff like that to me."

He slid closer to her, resting his hand carefully on the inside of her thigh, "Well, presents will make you feel better. Are you ready to open yours?"

Jessica smiled. He was just like a big kid. It was actually breathtaking to see this side of him after the near-disastrous event that happened only a few weeks earlier. His smile seemed to light up the room day after day; he was slowly starting to embrace life again. Most of all, his love for life was infectious and she always found herself drawn to him like a moth around a bonfire.

It wasn't just the way that he treated her, but it was the way he treated everyone, even those who didn't deserve it. Only a few days ago, she had just found a shirt that really looked good on him and she wanted to purchase it. The line was slow, the store was crowded, the people were pushy, and most of all, the checkout girl was a snot. After she made a snide comment about Ryan to his face, Jessica was ready to tear her head off. Ryan calmly took Jessica by the arm and kissed her cheek, breaking down her defenses. When she looked at Ryan, he simply smiled at her and whispered that it wasn't a big deal. After they bought his shirt, Ryan told the cashier thank you, took Jessica by the hand and tranquilly walked out of the store.

At first, she thought Ryan was being a pushover. Eventually she realized he simply had a peaceful nature and only wanted to make people happy. He would avoid a confrontation if he could; not because he was weak, but because he was strong enough to know it was a waste of time. Once they were out of the store, he told her that most people who walk through life angry and irritable are hurting from something, and there's no point in making them feel worse.

She loved that about him.

"Open mine first," she said, grabbing his present from underneath the tree and handing it to him.

Carefully, Ryan tore off the sunny beach wrapping paper and opened it. His eyes misted as he saw a small wooden photo album with a picture of him, Amanda, and Adam on the front, titled "Ryan's Memories". A single pewter cross sat underneath the title and above the picture.

Jessica sat on the floor with her legs tucked underneath, carefully watching him with darting eyes while nervously wondering if he would like it or if her gift would set him back. She couldn't tell which, but it had a huge emotional impact on him. Opening the album, the very first picture was a worn down photograph of Amanda and Adam, the same one he held in his hands on the beaches of Hawaii. He smiled and gave her a inquisitive look, as if to ask where she got the picture from. "I knew where you kept it; it was getting ratty, so I thought we'd give that picture a new home."

Slowly, he turned page after page, looking at each photo and reading the hand-written comments accompanying each one. Unable to remain quiet, she had to break the silence. "It's not just for the past, but the present and future. I made sure there were many blank pages in the back that w-we... I mean you, can fill out. This book is all about you, Ryan."

He turned to her with tears streaming down his face. Without a word, he dragged her closer to him and tenderly kissed her. Setting down the book, he took her into his arms and squeezed her tightly.

She sniffed and asked, "I take it you like it, then?"

Ryan chuckled.

Jessica told him, "Well, I wasn't sure how to top The Avengers #1. I guess I did ok, though, if I left my tiger speechless." She leaned in to kiss him on the lips.

She wondered if Ryan would put at least one picture of them in his memory book. After all, she was a small part of his life, too. Even if he didn't, the feeling of knowing she had given him something he had liked so much was exhilarating. Much more than if she had bought something ten times as expensive for herself. Gently reaching up, she stroked his face.

Ryan touched her hand, "You have no idea, baby. Thank you.

"Well, I'm hoping I can top both the comic book and the photo album, but you've set the bar pretty high." He grabbed the large box wrapped in shiny green paper and a red bow with both hands and set it on her lap.

"I'm sure I'll love it, no matter what it is," she told him reassuringly.

He shrugged, but the smile he gave her was quite devious. Ryan wasn't good at bluffing; he had the look of a man holding a straight flush. Ryan winked, "Here you go. Mine's bigger than yours."

"It's not about the size, you perv," she snickered, tearing into the wrapping paper. "At least in this case." She looked puzzled after she opened the large box, finding nothing inside except a tiny, palm-sized box wrapped in red paper with a green bow. Carefully she removed the bow and unwrapped the paper, revealing a black velvet box.

Her mouth opened as she simply stared at it, trying to mentally process the gift.

Ryan scooted closer. He placed one hand underneath hers while his other hand opened the box. Already on his knees, he looked Jessica in the eyes and pulled the diamond ring out of the box.

She placed her hand on her chest, looking at Ryan, then back to the ring, then at Ryan again.

Ryan took a moment to think and carefully choose his words. He was worried it was too early, but he knew what he wanted, and finally, he knew Amanda would understand. "Jessica, before you say anything, I...,"

Jessica pounced on him and he was on his back before he knew it.

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Straddling her lover and holding his face in her hands, she kissed him over and over and over again, saturating him with her tears.

Ryan laughed and held her as tightly as he ever had. He quietly asked her a belated "Will you marry me?" but her string of yes's was already flowing out. Throughout all of her overwhelming kisses, he skillfully managed to slide the ring on her finger.

They held each other for hours during that Christmas morning. Except to make dinner -- although even then he was with her in the kitchen the entire time, offering his assistance as she prepared their ham dinner -- she never left his side the entire day. Ryan wouldn't have let her even if she tried. The snow kept falling slowly and the music still played while the two lovers consummated their love and commitment to each other by the glowing Christmas tree, not thinking for a second about tomorrow, nor the future. There would be time for that later.


She left him speechless as he stood tall in his tux that spring day on the sands of Maui. He adored how Jessica gracefully flowed down the sandy isle while the soft wind gently blew against her white wedding dress.

She looked gorgeous. Ryan felt like the luckiest man in the world. The sunbeams gently fell down upon her like a spotlight, highlighting her as if she was the most important thing in the world at that moment in time. The beautiful white flower on the left side of her hair completed the vision of her beauty. The only thing that could possibly make her look any better, Ryan thought, was the golden band itself around her left ring finger.

Jessica loved the way he looked at her; it seemed that the desire in his eyes became a little stronger with each step she took. She hoped that he had noticed the location of the white flower in her golden mane; as long as it took her to put on her wedding dress and makeup, it took just as long to get the flower just right.

They said their vows, dedicating their lives and pledging their faithfulness to each other. For better or worse, for richer or poorer, and in sickness and in health, Ryan and Jessica became one, by the grace of God.

Even though she would never work for her again, Jessica thought Madeline was still a good friend, even if she still had serious reservations about her business; Madeline stood by her side as the maid of honor. Jeff, Ryan's firefighting buddy, was the best man. It was fitting since Jeff had been with Ryan from the beginning dating back to when they joined the fire department at the same time, paired up together as training partners.

There were many others in the crowd, mostly from either Jessica's family or from the fire department. Everyone erupted with cheers and applause as the groom kissed the bride. The passion he kissed her with was as if he had never kissed her before.

While everyone flew back to the states the day after the wedding, Ryan and Jessica had only just begun their journey together. They stayed in Hawaii for their two-week long honeymoon. Ryan was a little uncomfortable that Jessica had to pay for almost all of it, but she promised him that once he found a buyer for the house and became an active fireman with steady pay, he could save up and take her back to Hawaii for a third time. He gladly accepted that promise.

She knew he would keep that promise; he always kept his promises. It was just like the promise he made on the previous trip in Hawaii; while they previously swam with the sea turtles in the blue waters of the Northern Bay, this time Ryan made sure Jessica would be able to spend an entire day swimming with the dolphins on their honeymoon. And, like last time, they were able to find a spot in the ocean away from everyone else, giving them an opportunity to express their true love for each other.

Exactly nine months later, Jessica delivered a healthy baby boy. They already had a name picked out; several months before, when she the ultrasound told them that their baby would be a boy, they decided to name him Luke. Luke was Adams middle name.

A few years later Jessica gave birth to a little girl. They were undecided on a girl's name throughout the entire pregnancy. It wasn't until the baby came out and Jessica held her in her arms that she knew what they would name the baby. When Jessica told Ryan what she wanted to name the baby, he couldn't have agreed more. She would be Faith.

Jessica thought that Faith was the most beautiful and appropriate name for their baby; Ryan almost slipped away from her, but because of his faith, he didn't give up. Because of his faith in God, in Amanda, in Jessica..., and even in himself, he decided to live on. It was a name of hope and promise.

After Jessica and Faith Joy Patton made it home from the hospital, Ryan grabbed the family photo album. It was finally almost full, but there was one empty page left. Grabbing the photo he recently took of Jessica holding baby Faith, while Luke stood next to the guard rail of the hospital bed his mother laid in, Ryan placed it carefully on the last page. Ryan cautiously set the photo album entitled "Ryan's Memories" -- which had really become the family's memories -- on his nightstand by the bed. Quietly, he opened the album to the first page and stared at the first picture, remembering memories from a lifetime ago; it was a picture of a young blond-haired lady that looked remarkably like Jessica who wore a gorgeous beaming smile, sitting in a chair and holding a boy no older than two years of age in her lap. "Thank you again for understanding, Amanda and Adam. I love you both."

Ryan lightly ran his fingers over the pewter cross on the photo album. Looking upward, he smiled and mouthed a quiet, "And thank you, too." By grace, he had somehow managed to find peace.

From the living room, Ryan heard Jessica yell down the hall, "Tiger, do you mind holding Faith? I think she's ready for her daddy."

Closing the album, he smiled.

"Coming, baby."


I truly hope you enjoyed the story; please feel free to let me know what you think.

Thank you again for taking the time to read my first complete story, especially those who stuck with me after the fourth chapter! If I had you worried at that point, I'll take that as a compliment. I hope you enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing.

I'm already working on my next series, although it will take me time to submit. But while there is a new cast, it just might feature some returning characters you are already familiar with...

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

WONDERFUL STORY! 10 stars isn't even close. Ryan and Jessica both saved each other, she really told him how she felt when he was going to commit suicide. If any of her "former customers" talk to her, she can proudly say, "THIS IS MY HUSBAND, RYAN, AND FATHER OF OUR SON AND DAUGHTER". They are the love of my life, with or new baby, I'm carrying...

dawg997dawg997over 2 years ago

Topflight writing, great story.


IvmanicviIvmanicviover 2 years ago

How have you caused me so much joy and pain

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Wonderful story. I would bet that they believe that they, and their children, are truly miracles...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago


Virgo6Virgo6about 3 years ago
I come back

To read this ever so often. Your talents are on par or better than anyone I’ve read. I hope you find inspiration to write more on this site.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Wonderful series. Five stars is not nearly enough. I wonder what another chapter would be? EXCELLENT!

Rancher46Rancher46about 3 years ago

Such a great companion piece to the Luke and Kaylee series. Well done 5 stars

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Wonderful story. They both found true love and it really wasn't an escort service that did it. In Hawaii, he treated her like his WIFE. She even told him her name. Excellent writing, please write more like it!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Fantastic. storyt

True love found in the most uncertain way. He found her by mistake and they fell deeply in love


AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Such a good story on similar lines of Impersonating Brianna. HDL. Bother are stories about escorts that take an assignment and fall in love with them. Both are heartwarming stories where there lives change for the better. Bother in my favorites I found this story by a comment made by a reader of Impersonating Brianna.

cowboyridecc@yahoo.com aka Ron

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Fantastic. Story

More about them or

More stories like this one

SAV12SAV12over 5 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Loved your writing . I think most writers could learn from you , on how to move a story along . You never bored me with the description of the meaningless vase in the corner , thank you!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Really liked it

I'm glad you enjoy writing as much as I enjoy reading…LOL sure makes it easier to like ..

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