Operation: Rigid Pt. 19

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Anders faces a new challenge... and a dilemma.
11.4k words

Part 19 of the 32 part series

Updated 05/31/2024
Created 05/01/2024
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Grudge Match

After more than four hours on the road, our motorcade pulled to a stop inside Bautista Pico's compound, located in Las Arroyo, not far from Poza Rica. It hadn't escaped my notice that Voice's compound was located nearly in the center of the State of Veracruz, with his three lieutenants located at the extreme edges north, south, and west of him. The State of Veracruz wasn't very wide, with the one hundred or so kilometers from Veracruz to Diego Garcia's compound outside Córdoba, very nearly its widest point. Though narrow, the state snaked along the Gulf of Mexico from just south of Tampico to the north, to just south of Coatzacoalcos in the south, a distance of over seven hundred kilometers, and it appeared that Voice, through his subordinates, controlled it all.

We were led through a side gate into a large walled garden filled with massive, raised planting beds, overhanging trees, and beautiful stonework. The garden was almost jungle-like, filled with birds, fountains, and large trees that shaded the stone patio undulating between the beds. We were led through the landscape to another gate in the back wall that opened into a much smaller walled courtyard. Extending from the walls on all four sides of this much smaller garden was a narrow roof of wood and clay tile over a slate floor. Comfortable looking wicker chairs, with matching tables sandwiched between every two, filled the area beneath slowly spinning fans. As I'd seen twice before, opposite the gate we'd just entered, four chairs were set well apart from the others, each with a wide red ribbon draped over its back.

Immediately to the left and right of the entrance, also covered by the roof, were outdoor showers. Seeing the showers, I recalled that in addition to Pico having us fuck outside in the grass, he was also the one that liked seeing the competitors covered in dirt, oil, and other stuff.

I did some quick counting. Twenty chairs to a side, less a few where the principals sat, and a few more to make room for the gate and showers, there were probably between sixty-five and seventy chairs available for guests. The number of guests seemed to be relatively consistent, and I wondered if each principal could invite twenty people to their games. That was more than the available chairs, but maybe the host invited twenty, and the remaining men invited a few less.

Unlike the stone paving in the primary garden, here the guest area surrounded a yard so lush it must rival any lawn in the world. The grass was separated from the slate flooring by a sensually curving bed of buff colored, rounded, fist sized stones. The light-colored rocks made the grass seem impossibly dark green, and it was so evenly cut, it looked more like a carpet than any growing thing. I stepped into the grass and crouched, running my fingers through the sod to verify it was real grass, and not some type of artificial turf. While it wasn't as springy as the wrestling mats at Martos' and Garcia's games, and certainly not as soft as the padded floor in Voice's fuck room, it was amazingly dense and soft, and would be the envy of any homeowner in the world. I rose and rejoined my teammates in the shade of the roof.

Like every other time, we were the last to arrive at the games, and we took up station next to the entrance, enjoying the gentle breeze from the fans. The other three walls had already been claimed by the other teams, and they were likewise enjoying the shade and fans.

"Check out the televisions," Gregorio murmured.

"Huh," Marta grunted. "That's new since the last time."

Behind the chairs, mounted on the walls, were huge televisions that were at least as large as the one in our home. Each wall was divided into thirds, the two screens equidistant from the ends and each other.

"You suppose he put them in because everyone had to stand around the pool in the sun to see the last time?" Teresa asked.

"Maybe," Gregorio allowed as he looked around. "I don't see any cameras, though."

"Maybe he hasn't installed them yet?" Teresa suggested.

"Maybe," Gregorio agreed again.

Marta snickered. "Live fucking on the big screen. That'd be new."

"Sounds kind of sexy though," Teresa added. "If that's what they're for, I wonder if we can get a copy?"

"You want one?" Marta asked.

"Maybe. I'd like to have a copy of us when we were fucking in the gelatin."

"You still talking about that?" Gregorio teased.

"Oh yeah..." she purred. "That was hot as fuck!"

"Check these out," I said, stepping to one of the tables positioned between two chairs. In front of it was a woven basket as large as the table, and nearly as tall. I reached in and pulled out what appeared to be a water balloon filled to fit comfortably in my hand. "What are these?" I asked as I held one up for their inspection.

They joined me and we peered into the basket. There had to be hundreds of the baseball sized objects inside. I sloshed the one in my hand as I glanced around. There was no doubt it contained liquid, and there was a basket the same as this one sitting in front of every table.

"Beats me," Gregorio said. "First time for those, too."

"Maybe we're having a water balloon fight," I suggested.

"A what?" Teresa asked.

"A water balloon fight. You know, where you fill balloons with water and throw them at each other?" The three glanced between themselves. "Come on! You never had a water balloon fight when you were kids?" When they began shaking their heads, I grinned. "Then you haven't lived. If that's not what we're doing, then when we get home, we'll get some balloons and have one."

"Okay," Teresa agreed with a bright smile. "Sounds like fun!"

As we stood talking, waiting for the guests to arrive, I realized again how much I enjoyed my housemates' company. Not only was I having the best sex of my life every night, but they were also fun to be around. I supposed they could be fun loving and carefree when everything was taken care of for us, and all we had to do was spend a couple of hours fucking our brains out once a month, but that didn't change the fact I cared about them, and I think they cared about me as well. Despite them not understanding why I was troubled over my assignment, they'd demonstrated their concern for me when I'd returned.

It was nearly one when I arrived back home. At that time of the morning, we'd normally either be fucking or sleeping, but all three were waiting for me in the main room. They'd been apprehensive over my mental wellbeing and appeared to be genuinely relieved that I'd made peace with myself. When they realized they weren't going to have to put me on a suicide watch so I didn't drown myself in the pool, they wanted all the sordid details.

I'd been gone a bit over three hours. I calculated we'd spent about an hour driving there and back, plus the hour or so we waited in the car for Madam Lash's client to leave, which meant I'd probably spent approximately an hour inside the house. I guessed about forty-five minutes of that was us role playing and me actually fucking Lola, while the remainder had been me pumping her for information.

The ordeal hadn't been as appalling as I'd imagined it would be, and the sex hadn't been as rough as it sometimes got in my contests or with Beth. Other than her probably having a few bruises from fucking on the floor, I suspected that my own light bruising, and the scratches on my chest and back, were the only battle scars of our confrontation.

I might have fucked Lola for only forty-five minutes, but I'd spent over an hour in the retelling. I told the story the same as I'd told it to Valencia, but in far greater detail. Though I included the part that I was a PFM agent, I led them to believe that the questions were only about her and Berto.

They'd razzed me over her ripping off my shirt, heckled me that I'd made her come so hard she'd dug furrows in my back, and expressed amazement over the incident in the closet with the gun. I left out entirely the pause as I questioned her after she was disarmed, letting them think I was actually fucking her while we fought over the gun.

When all their questions had been answered, Marta took me to her room where she fucked the shit out of me as we reenacted the parts she found most exciting, except on the bed for comfort, and substituting her vibrator for a gun. We came the first time when I was pumping her aggressively for information about her shadowy contact. Our second time was about twenty minutes later as we engaged in a long and hard-fought battle over the 'gun,' though the only shooting that happened was my essence into her channel.

"We're all here. I wonder what's taking so long?" Marta grumbled, pulling my thoughts back to the present.

Despite the breeze from the fans, it wasn't cool, and I was beginning to sweat. As we seemed to always be the last to arrive, the games typically started soon after our arrival, but that wasn't the case today. We'd been standing around for at least a half hour, maybe a little longer, though until Marta's comment, I hadn't realized the delay was unusual. Finally, after another ten- or fifteen-minute wait, the gate to the secret garden opened. We watched as the guests filed past us. I smiled and nodded at my fan, and then smiled more broadly when Lola passed. She noticed me standing to the side at the last moment, gracing me with an air kiss and a beaming smile as she continued into the garden to make room for others to enter behind her.

"That's her," I whispered into Gregorio's ear with a nod as Lola moved away. He bobbed his head in acknowledgement.

The four principals entered last and took their seats in the reserved chairs, Valencia giving me an odd look as she passed that made me wonder what I'd done.

"Guests," Pico said as he paused to stand in the center of the large grass square. "I'd like to thank each of you for attending today." He looked up and smiled at the bright blue sky. "Today is a perfect day for some competitive fucking." After a brief pause he continued. "Competitors... if you please," he said before taking his seat.

The event followed the same pattern, with us undressing before we mingled with the guests. My fan had selected a seat as near the entrance as possible, and I again asked her to hold my clothes. We mixed and mingled as we were caressed and stroked, with Lola kissing the tip of my cock as I began moving away from her.

After giving the guests plenty of time to fondle and caress us, Pico rose from his chair and walked back to the center of the grassy area. Bautista Pico was the tallest of the principals, but he was painfully thin, and his skin had a slight jaundice cast. His voice was still clear and strong, but he was beginning to look like warmed over death. During the drive, Marta had told me she thought Pico had pancreatic cancer, and that he'd lost a lot of weight in the past several months. I was no oncologist, but I'd absorbed enough medical knowledge while in school that seeing him, I agreed with her diagnoses. While not necessarily fatal, I knew the survival rate of pancreatic cancer was very low and I wondered what Pico's death would mean to Toro's empire, and if there was anyway the DEA could use his death to get to Voice.

"Adana, if you please," Pico said as he coasted to a stop. "Contestants, if you'll gather."

All the members of the teams except Adana moved into the grass, the turf feeling soft and cool under my feet despite the heat of the sun. Adana picked up two bags from beside Pico's chair and joined us in the center of the yard where she opened one of the bags and paused in front of each of the men.

When she stopped in front of me, I reached into the bag. Inside were small squares. I pulled one out and glanced at it, flipping it over to check both sides. It looked like a Scrabble tile, but it had no letter on it. Once all the men had drawn, she tucked the bag under her arm and made another circuit, holding the second bag out to the women.

"Inside the bags are small, lettered tiles. One bag contains one A and two Bs, the other two As and one B. The rest of the tiles are blank." Pico explained as Adana paused in front of each woman. "I think you can guess where this is going," he continued with a smile. "The goal of today's game is for our contestants to fuck his or her two opponents as long as possible. The one that can last the longest is the winner." He paused again and his smile spread a little more as Adana rummaged in the bag and extracted the final tile. "To make things a little more interesting, beside each chair is a basket full of balloons. Inside each balloon is a liquid. It might be oil, it could be water, or maybe it's slime. It could be something else entirely. Feel free to use them on the contestants, but please..." he paused a third time as his smile spread broadly, "refrain from using them on other guests." He waited as the crowd twittered. "Now, contestants, As to my left, Bs to my right, please."

I again glanced at my tile. From our group, only Gregorio stepped forward, joining Adana and Zamora on Pico's left. To Pico's right, Julio and Luis joined Pia to form the second group. Pico beamed.

"Excellent! Now that the teams have been selected, I have a special announcement. Because neither Víctor nor Anders is competing, by special arrangement between Voice and Sergio, with assistance from Diego, at the conclusion of our main event, we're going to hold a special competition between Víctor and Anders, something I'm sure everyone will be excited to see."

I glanced at Víctor as the crowd murmured in approval. He was glaring at me with a smirk on his face as he slowly stroked his cock. I next looked at Voice. He was as impossible to read behind his mask as always, but he was looking straight at me. When I didn't look away, after a moment, he nodded once ever so slightly. Valencia, standing in her customary place behind him at his shoulder, was also looking at me before her gaze flicked to Víctor. This probably explained her glance at me when she entered, and I wondered if this special competition was the reason for the delayed start to the games.

"Today's safe word is... Xalapa."

"What's Xalapa?" I asked Marta as the nonparticipants moved to the edge of the grass to give the two teams more room to fuck.

"The capitol of Veracruz?" she said with a hint of disapproval in her voice.

"Sorry," I muttered.

"Begin!" Pico announced with a quick downward slash of his hand before retreating to the shade and his chair.

The two teams wasted no time getting to it. Within moments, Zamora was on her knees with Gregorio's hard cock in her mouth as Adana pressed herself to his body while engaging him in a torrid kiss. The other team was likewise involved, with Luis and Julio immediately pushing Pia to her hands and knees before putting her on a spit, with Julio's cock in her mouth while Luis fucked her from behind.

"What was Pico talking about?" I murmured into Marta's ear so she could hear me over the cheers of the crowd.

"About what?" she responded, her attention focused on Gregorio.

"What's a 'special competition'?"

She looked at me. "What do you think it is? Martos and Voice are going to pit you two against each other. That's it! Face fuck her, Gregorio!" she called, adding her cheers to Teresa's when Gregorio grasped Zamora under her chin and behind her head, and began thrusting his cock into her mouth violently, his face twisting with pleasure as Adana kissed his chest and nipples.


"How what?"

"How are we going to compete?"

"How should I know? However they decided," she said, a tinge of annoyance in her tone.

A balloon arched in and exploded against Gregorio's chest, coating all three of them in some kind of thick blue goo. Their hands roaming, they smeared the gunk over themselves as the ladies continued sucking Gregorio's cock and nipples.

"Fucking?" I asked.


"Shit," I muttered softly. "I'm not going to fuck that asshole, and he sure as hell isn't going to fuck me. If Voice doesn't like it, he can fuck him... or himself."

"Are you going to stand there and let her blow you until you come?" Marta yelled. "Fuck those bitches!" She turned her attention to me. "Don't say shit like that where anyone can here you, dumbass!" she hissed softly. "First off, if they find out you won't fuck a guy, the rest of the guys are going to be all over you. Second, you don't want to piss Voice off."

"Fuck him. He said I didn't have to do what I didn't want to."

"I wouldn't bet my life on that." Either Luis or Julio snarled in pleasure, causing her to look away to the action before she turned her attention back to me. "I don't think he'll intentionally put you in a spot you're not comfortable with. If you don't want to do whatever it is, you won't compete very hard... no pun intended... but if Martos challenged him directly, then yeah..." She shrugged. "Remember, he made you fuck that woman when you didn't want to." She paused a moment. "We're little more than racehorses to these men. If Martos said his horse, Víctor, is faster, or stronger, or whatever, than Voice's horse, you, Voice may feel like he has to prove Martos wrong."

"Son-of-a-bitch," I snarled softly.

Marta grinned as she grasped my rod and caressed it. "I have no doubt your cock can take his, no matter the challenge."

"That's not the point!"

She gripped my cock hard. "That's exactly the point," she growled softly. "You're here to compete, and to win, for your principal, just like all the rest of us."

"I'm not gay!" I hissed too softly for anyone other than Marta to hear.

"Teresa and I weren't lesbians, and Gregorio wasn't straight, when we started, either. Look at Gregorio. He's going to have his cock in both those bitches, but you don't hear him pissing and moaning. I'd still rather fuck a cock than a pussy, and so would Gregorio, but we do what we have to, and the sooner you accept that, the happier you'll be." She held my gaze a moment as she began caressing my cock again. "Remember, you volunteered for this. Nobody made you do it, so stop bitching."

She was right. I had volunteered, in ways she didn't know, but that didn't change the fact that I didn't find men the least sexually appealing. "Did you talk to Teresa this way when she got here?" I growled softly.

She grinned. "As a matter of fact, I did. Her and Gregorio both. Gregorio, right before he shoved his cock into me, and Teresa right before she started eating my pussy."

"What about you? Did someone talk to you that way?"

Her grin spread. "Yes, right after Bonita shoved me to the bed and sat on my face until I made her come." She paused, perhaps remembering. "The first time was the hardest." Her eyes focused on me again. "When we get back home, talk to Gregorio. He's a good guy, and he'll help ease you into it." She suddenly broke into a big smile. "He wants to fuck you so bad. I told him that what he needed to do is to go into your room one night and force you to do the deed with him." Her smile spread. "He said he was afraid you'd kill him."

I snorted. "I wouldn't hurt him, not if he stopped."

She rolled her eyes. "Not that, dumbass. He was afraid you'd fuck him to death."

I snickered. "Oh."

"Yeah... 'Oh.' I told him, from what I could tell, it might happen. God knows you've tried to fuck Teresa and me to death several times."

I grinned. "Didn't you like it?"

"We keep coming back for more, don't we?" she asked with a smile.

"I don't know... I'll think about it," I said after a lengthy pause as I thought about what she'd said.

"Do, but if you want his help, don't wait too long. The challenge today is probably because you kept ducking Víctor."

"What do you mean? I took him on both times."