Operation: Rigid Pt. 23

Story Info
Anders begins to have doubts; Good vibrations; Riding home.
11.5k words

Part 23 of the 32 part series

Updated 05/31/2024
Created 05/01/2024
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Tied in Knots

I glanced to my left and smiled at Teresa as she slept in the reclined seat of the Escalade. Today I was in the first car of our typical three car convoy as we rumbled our way to Martos' compound. It was a running joke between Gregorio, Marta, and me that we could barely get out of Voice's compound before Teresa was asleep when we traveled, even if it was only to Veracruz for shopping.

The fact I was still alive to compete indicated I'd gotten away with my snooping. The day after the hurricane I was wound so tight I'd spent almost the entire day fucking, going so far that I even fucked Gregorio. After fucking Marta in her room, and then later that morning, Teresa and Marta on the breakfast table and in the kitchen, Gregorio and I had shared the women by the pool after I'd spoken to Cedro. After the four of us had come, and then collapsed in panting, sweaty exhaustion, I'd fucked Marta three separate times, four if I counted the night before, after my foray into the main house, and Teresa twice.

Even though I'd come eight times over the course of the day, it still wasn't enough. Ten minutes later, Marta was sitting on my face as Gregorio and Teresa sucked my cock and balls, but that was only the beginning. With Marta on my face, I hadn't immediately grasped what Gregorio was doing as he oiled and stroked my cock. When I realized Marta was softly encouraging him to fuck me, I was so turned on and desperate to fuck I hadn't objected.

After I'd told him to 'do it,' I began eating Marta's pussy with fresh enthusiasm as he positioned himself to settle over me. I'd moaned into Marta's pussy as he slowly worked my thick, rigid member deep into his ass, his hissing and moaning that my cock was too big, turning me on even more. It was like when I fucked Beth in the ass, the struggle of forcing my cock into her tight ass as she complained I was too big, while at the same time working to take me even deeper, made me even harder.

With my cock finally fully in his ass, and Marta still on my face, Gregorio began slow fucking me, moaning loudly as he did while Marta and Teresa encouraged us both to come. His ass was so incredibly tight, and with his moaning and begging for me to come, alternating with his gasps and hisses, while softly muttering that my big, hard cock was stretching his ass, drove me into rapture.

With a loud barking moan into Marta's pussy, I'd filled Gregorio's ass, my cock throbbing hard as it pumped my come into him against the tight squeeze of his pucker. I didn't know if my orgasm triggered hers, but a moment later Marta began scrubbing her pussy furiously before wailing softly as she also came. As she grunted and shivered, I continued flicking her button with my tongue as I released her hip with one hand and reached for Gregorio's cock.

I think it was Teresa that was furiously stroking Gregorio's cock, but whether it was Marta's hand or Teresa's, I'd slapped it away, grabbed his hard, oil slickened cock, and began masturbating him furiously. After only a few dozen frenetic strokes, as he growled and moaned he was going to come, he roared long and loud as he thrust violently, his ass fucking my rod as his shaft did the same to my hand. Teresa told me later that he came so hard all his seed, except for a dribble at the end, had shot the length of my torso to coat Marta's tits and stomach.

Of the four of us, only Teresa wasn't completely wrecked. She hadn't said anything as we prepared for bed, but I'd hoped we hadn't left her frustrated because none of the rest of us were particularly enthused about a bedtime tumble. During my time with my housemates, I'd never seen a door fully closed, the unspoken sign that the occupant or occupants didn't want company. Marta and Gregorio had pushed their doors nearly closed, signaling they'd accept a visitor, but weren't looking for one. I'd left my door wide, because I'd have to be dead three days before I wouldn't want to fuck Teresa or Marta, but I wasn't disappointed that Teresa hadn't joined me, and had gone almost immediately to sleep.

Late that night, while I was sleeping the sleep of the truly well fucked, Teresa came to me for a sensuous love making session, telling me she wanted me to come an even ten times in one day. Despite being cock sore, I'd risen to the occasion, and we'd made slow and easy love until her soft moan of completion triggered my own rapture. I think that orgasm had, technically, occurred in the wee hours of the next day, but as far as Teresa and I were concerned, the next day hadn't begun because the sun wasn't up.

I smiled with the memory of Teresa and me sleeping in each other's arms until well past breakfast the next morning, before we woke and engaged in another leisurely love making session.

Over the next two weeks I'd gradually relaxed as I became more and more certain I wasn't going to have my cock and balls cut off and shoved up my ass... or worse... before my dead body was found by the authorities. Now that I was no longer concerned for my life, I was trying to decide what to do. I wanted to believe I was staying because I thought I might eventually discover Voice's identity, but there was a little voice in the back of my head questioning my motives. Was I going to be seduced into abandoning my job like Valencia had? Was I staying for the job, or was I staying because I liked my new lifestyle? Did I think I was going to pin a target on Voice's back, or did I like the plentiful and easy money, my pampered and carefree existence, and the incredible and unlimited sex? There was no doubt the environment I was living in was changing me... had changed me... and I wasn't sure I was changing for the better. I wanted to believe I was staying to try to put a stop to the flow of drugs into the United States, but the Goddammed voice wouldn't shut the fuck up.

There could be no clearer indication of how much I'd changed than my relationship with Gregorio. I supposed I'd always prefer women to men, just as Gregorio and the ladies preferred men to women, but fucking Gregorio by the pool had taken me another step down the road toward bisexuality. I still wasn't ready to suck a cock, the memory of Marta sticking her fingers in my mouth to gag me, making me soften every time I thought about it, but I was no longer totally put off by the idea of fucking a man. Proof of that came a week or so later when I'd fucked Gregorio a second time, and without the women getting me started.

Clad in stunning party dresses that made them achingly sexy, Teresa and Marta had been called away for one of Voice's 'special assignments,' and Gregorio and I had been told they wouldn't be back until the next day. Gregorio had left his door open, so being horny, I'd decided to attack him in the shower. From a few clues I'd noticed during the time I'd been living with him, I had an inkling that Gregorio's kink wasn't so much fucking a vampire in a coffin, but rather being 'forced' to fuck for some reason, such as saving himself from a vampire.

I'd undress out of sight in his room, my cock hardening in anticipation of the coming pleasure, before I'd barged into the bathroom and shower with a roar of assumed rage, threatening to kick his ass for stealing my lover. I could tell he--Gregorio--was startled, surprised, and confused, but when I grabbed his limp cock and kissed him furiously, telling him--Gregorio--I was going to fight for 'him,' that I wasn't going to let him--Gregorio--take 'him' from me, and that I was going to find out what 'he' saw in my rival, he--Gregorio--figured it out, hardening so fast I almost heard the shwing. Fantasies didn't have to make sense.

We'd grappled furiously under the water in the confines of the shower, occasionally becoming entangled in the supply line of the handheld showerhead as we grunted and strained against each other. The smooth steel tube sliding between legs and against our balls, or becoming wrapped around our bodies, combined with the strong spray from the head sometimes spraying our manhoods, caused us to howl with lust and pleasure as we fought. Snarling and growling threats at each other over the imaginary lover, we ground our hard cocks together while stroking each other's rods and spraying our balls until we came. He'd then dropped to his knees and sucked my cock as I wailed and cried out as if I didn't want him to make me come, implying he and I were competing to see which of us was the better lover. After he'd made me come a second time, I'd hauled him to his feet while forcefully proclaiming I was going to prove I was the better fuck once and for all. As we snarled and growled more threats, I coated our cocks and bodies with body wash, wrapped my arm loosely around his throat, and slammed him into the wall before fucking him from behind, my fist tightly gripping his cock to give him something to fuck until he came again. Both times he'd climaxed with an animal like roar and an amazing amount of come. Seeing the power of his second orgasm, and the desperation of his fucking, had drawn my own rapture close, and as he begged for my come, I'd filled his ass with my essence. With my climax, the fantasy ended because he was spent, but as we kissed and touched, he'd told me he'd welcomed me anytime I wanted to play.

When Marta and Teresa returned the next afternoon, both looking well used, Gregorio had told them what we'd done. I think both of them were actually pissed off at me for creating the scenario while they weren't around to watch us fuck, and demanded a recreation. I hadn't obliged them... yet... as I was still thinking about a set-up I could use to surprise Gregorio. I was considering something spy related, both because I thought Gregorio would get off on two spies fighting and fucking in and around the pool, but also, so if I ever accidentally said something I shouldn't have, I could play it off as part of my roleplaying. Maybe I'd even invite Marta and Teresa into the scenario. We could be two spy teams battling it out for the nuclear codes or something. I smiled to myself as I hardened slightly, the thought of having to fuck information out of someone, even if it was just pretend, scratching that old itch that had led me into this situation.

Despite still seeing myself as strongly hetero, the idea of fucking Gregorio no longer bothered me. It wasn't something I wanted to do, but like helping a friend move, it was something I was willing to do. I still found the idea of fucking a guy other than Gregorio somewhat off-putting, though not as much as I once did... but then, only a couple of months ago, I'd felt the same way about Gregorio. I found it vexing that Marta knew I'd weaken and start fucking men the moment she met me, and I wondered if in a few more months I'd think no more about sucking cock and fucking a man than I did about eating pussy and fucking a woman.

I returned my attention to the road as I felt the Escalade begin to slow as it prepared to exit the highway. The voice whispered again, questioning my motives for staying, causing my lips to thin in silent annoyance. That was the question, wasn't it? Which head was I thinking with? As the vehicle rolled to a stop, Teresa woke, stretched with a yawn, and then tipped her seat upright as she looked around.

"Enjoy your nap?" I asked with a small smile while forcing my doubts away. No point in worrying about my motives until after the competition.

"Yeah. You should try it sometime. It makes the trips a lot shorter," she said before she yawned again.

"I wish I could. I've never been able to sleep in a car," I said as we made a right and accelerated away, the Merc and the other SUV close behind.

"Poor baby," she murmured with a smile.

Teresa had enjoyed a longer than normal nap today because we'd gone north to Xalapa before turning south for Coatzacoalcos. I knew Voice didn't live at the compound, even before I'd snuck into the main house. After our detour this morning, I assumed his primary residence was somewhere in Xalapa, though I had no way of knowing where because we'd waited in Los Berros Park, the SUVs idling, until one of the hired muscle in the front seat received a call. The guy hadn't even ended the call before we were on the move, racing through traffic to join Voice's silver S-Class, our SUV passing the Mercedes to settle in front as the other Escalade nestled in close behind. After we'd picked up Voice's car, the two Escalades shepherded Voice's car to Coatzacoalcos like a pair of watchful sheepdogs guarding their flock of one, just like always.

Voice normally visited the compound once or twice a month, but I didn't think he'd been there since the hurricane. I could usually tell when Voice was in the compound, even though I rarely saw him, because of the increased security. I'd known there was a guard at the compound when he wasn't there, but when Voice wasn't in residence, I could go days seeing no one other than Cedro and the two women that did our daily cleaning and cooking. After the hurricane, I'd revised my estimate upward to there being two guards in the house, but when Voice was at the compound, I often saw more than two men entering and exiting the main house to get some air, smoke, or to ogle Marta and Teresa if they were out. I didn't think there was a man on the gate when voice wasn't in residence, because our driver and escort had to enter a code to open the gate, but there was always a man there when we left for, and arrived from, the games. My housemates paid no attention to the increased activity, but I did.

I was surprised that Voice hadn't visited the compound to check for damage, at least I assumed he hadn't because I hadn't seen the increased activity I associated with his presence. I guess if you had all the money in the world, and people to take care of everything for you, you didn't have to inspect your property... or maybe Lois had caused the loss of one of his drug shipments and his attention was focused there. Teresa and Marta had been given to four men, all American's, for the night. Maybe the men were drug dealers meeting with Voice over missed shipments, and Teresa and Marta were a way for Voice to smooth things over. It was pure speculation on my part, but all the pieces fit.

Whatever had his attention, it must have been important because this was the first time, to Teresa's knowledge, Voice had been collected in Xalapa. It was another bit of information I filed away in the back of my mind. I couldn't see how it was important, but maybe someone, somewhere, could take all my little pieces of the puzzle and assemble them to create enough of a picture to be useful.

I watched out of my side window as the lush landscape flowed rapidly past. The southern part of the state of Veracruz had escaped the wrath of Lois, and as we'd motored south, the damage had gradually decreased until there were no broken limbs, damaged houses, or downed trees. In the city of Veracruz, power had been largely restored, but there was still a lot of damage evident, and it would take months, if not years, to clean it all up and rebuild.

After several more turns as we took ever smaller and less traveled roads, we finally arrived at Martos' compound. Like normal, we were the last to arrive, and we were quickly and efficiently ushered into the same sunroom as the last time I was here. While the room was the same, unlike the last time when the sky had been overcast and threatening rain, today was bright and sunny, and the room felt warmer than the rest of the house, as if the air conditioning was unable to completely overcome the effects of the sun blazing through all the glass.

We were taking our place at the empty corner of the wrestling mats spread on the floor when I noticed that Pico's group only had three members and that Serena was missing. Another change was the rattan chairs the principals used were placed on the opposite side of the mats, and I wondered if their relocation had any significance.

I glanced around before my gaze settled on Víctor as he glared at me with unrestrained hostility. His nose was straight, and any swelling he might have experienced was gone, but he still had some light bruising under his left eye. Smiling broadly at him, I grabbed my nose with the knuckles of my pointer and middle finger before pulling them back with my thumb extended between them in the 'I've got your nose' game that adults played with small children. I didn't know if that was a game people played in Mexico, but he clearly understood the gesture, and while he couldn't glare at me with any more animosity, he did grace me with a vicious middle finger. I didn't know why he was being so pissy about it. I had more of a bruise remaining on my arm from where he'd hit me with the chair than he did on his face.

Now that I'd taken my jab at Víctor, I leaned over to Teresa. "I wonder where Serena is."

"I was wondering that myself." She smiled. "Maybe she's afraid of what you'd do to her after her little show last month."

Marta grinned. "Yeah. Maybe she decided she didn't want to be broken."

I grunted. "What's the rule about challenges held over from the previous month?"

Marta shrugged. "I'd say the challenge is dropped. You did decline after all, not that anyone should blame you, or could have done better."

I grunted again as a door opened and the spectators filed in and began taking their seats. "Who makes up these rules?"

"We do." Marta paused a moment. "Well, technically, I suppose it's the principals that do, but they take into account what we want. That's what Josue told me. He said that he heard when there was a disagreement about how to handle a situation, they met with Voice, while the other teams met with their principal. They told Voice how they thought it should be handled, and then the principals worked it out and made an announcement."

"What rule was that?"

"He said he couldn't remember exactly, but it had something to do with how challenges were issued and accepted. That was before his time, but that was what Letícia told him happened."

"Competitors," Martos said, his voice sounding even more like two boulders grinding together than normal. "If you please."

I began to undress, looking for the woman who normally held my clothes. I visually searched the crowd three times before deciding she wasn't among today's spectators. I then looked for Lola, or Layla--Madam Lash--but I didn't see her either. I didn't know the name of my biggest fan, nor who she was a guest of, so I had no way of knowing why she wasn't present. I smiled at the nearest woman as I silently speculated if Madam Lash's absence was because Voice had gotten what he wanted from her, she'd failed to deliver, or she was previously committed and couldn't make the party.

"Would you mind?" I asked as I held my shirt out to her.

She beamed, and I noticed she had a bit of something stuck to her teeth. "Not in the least," she said, her voice slightly slurred.

I undressed as she not so neatly folded my shirt and placed it in her lap. I'd smelled alcohol on the breath of guests before, but with the addition of the bit of red in her teeth, I suspected that the guests were treated to not only drinks, but appetizers as well, by the host before the event. That would also explain why there were never any stragglers entering the room, and probably explained why we were always the last to arrive. Voice didn't want to mingle, either because he thought mingling with the peasants was beneath him, or more likely, to minimize the security risks and the chance someone might recognize the man behind the mask, gloves, and electronically altered voice.

I was circulating and flirting when Teresa oozed up beside me. "I spoke to Adana. She said Serena had a family emergency. Something to do with her grandmother."