Operation: Rigid Pt. 24

Story Info
Anders and Valencia discover the truth about each other.
10.8k words

Part 24 of the 32 part series

Updated 05/31/2024
Created 05/01/2024
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The Inside Woman

The mattress moved slightly as someone joined me in my bed, the slight jostling drawing me from sleep. I stretched with a groan as I hovered in the twilight of sleep, inhaling and then exhaling deeply with my eyes still closed as I briefly wondered who'd joined me. I hoped it was Teresa because she sometimes liked a leisurely love making session, and after a good night's sleep, a slow and sensual morning fuck seemed like the perfect way to start the day. I'd left my door open last night in invitation, but I'd slept alone because all four of us were fucked out after our play yesterday afternoon and evening.

Nearly a week ago, as Gregorio worked with me to make me a better soccer--football--player so that I'd be at least a little competition for him, he and I had developed a scenario to entertain the ladies, and we hadn't included them in the planning nor told them of our idea.

Yesterday afternoon, after noticing Teresa and I floating on the air raft in the center of the pool, with Teresa draped over me as we sucked cock and ate pussy in a leisurely give and take of pleasure, Gregorio had taken the opportunity to put our plan into motion. After tracking Marta down, he invited her to join him for some sun, and then roared with assumed rage that Teresa was sucking my cock as they exited the house. Gregorio had immediately launched himself into the pool, and the fight between us was on. I hadn't expected our plan to be put into action so quickly, but with his cry of mock outrage, I knew what was expected of me, and I dumped Teresa into the water as I prepared to meet his challenge.

At first Teresa and Marta were genuinely surprised and horrified, screaming for us to stop while Teresa tried to separate us, but when Gregorio bellowed he wasn't going to let some big dicked gringo take his wife from him without a fight, and that he was going to prove his cock was better than mine, realization had dawned for them.

As Teresa fled the pool, Gregorio and I flailed about in the water, wrestling violently and trying to drown each other as we snarled and hurled insults at each other. We were lousy fighters because we were more concerned about dueling with our cocks than actually hurting each other. Roaring in rage and indignation, we ground our cocks together or masturbated each other while splashing and bellowing that our cock was going to defeat our opponent's.

Following our loose script, I began losing our duel and tried to escape. I attempted to lever myself out of the pool twice, but Gregorio pulled me back into the water, once by my manhood, for more cockfighting, as I wailed and cried out in erotic distress, before escaping on my third attempt. My opponent followed me out of the pool before tackling me to the grass. We fought desperately, rolling around on the lush lawn while grinding our cocks together as Marta and Teresa shouted encouragement, Marta cheering me on while Teresa did the same for Gregorio.

Professional wrestling had a long history in both the United States and Mexico, and we'd gleefully incorporated some of their tropes into our script. Thus, once out of the pool, I began to turn the tide of our contest as we cried our pleasure and effort to the sky. After a long struggle as we furiously frotted, tumbling over each other as we each took a turn on top as the aggressor, it was Gregorio who was crying out he was about to come and trying to escape our duel. We tumbled again, so that Gregorio was on top and fucking my cock, allowing him to break away and run for the house.

With Teresa and Marta racing after us, I gave chase, catching and dragging him to a stop as we passed the pool. Moving to the final scene of our performance, he'd snatched up the oil bottle he'd thrown into a chair before he'd launched himself into the pool earlier, intending to hit me with it, but I caught his hand. As desperate as our skirmish over the bottle had been, the container might have contained some deadly poison, or have been a knife or some other weapon, and not a soft plastic bottle. With Marta and Teresa still loudly urging us on, we'd strained against each other in a prolonged contest of strength, our hard cocks swinging, bouncing, and occasionally slapping together with our effort to overpower our foe, as we staggered ever closer to the pool's edge. During our desperate struggle, the bottle's lid had opened, and we'd liberally coated ourselves with the liquid from neck to crotch, the glistening oil dripping from our cock and balls as we continued to strain against each other. Finally, as planned, Gregorio turned me, allowing me to take a misstep so that we tumbled back into the pool.

We'd splashed and wrestled, gradually working our way to the shallow end while throwing punches, straining in tight clenches as we tried to drown each other, and grabbing our cocks and balls as we bellowed in presumed agony. It was hard to stay in character and not smile because this fight was far more over the top, and a hell of a lot less painful, than the same type of fight I'd had with Víctor a couple of months ago.

Standing in the shallow end, the water barely to our thighs, Gregorio put up a valiant struggle, but I was finally able to use my superior size to gain the upper hand. Breaking out of a tight, cock grinding clench, I was able to turn Gregorio's back to my chest before snaking an arm around his throat to lock him into place. I rammed his cock into the pool side, his cry of pain so realistic I was concerned I'd actually hurt him... until he ordered me to fuck his ass until I came. When I'd hesitated, he'd ordered me again, stating that his ass would make my cock come before I could make him. Realizing we were still in the game, I'd slowly slid my hard shaft into his ass as he furiously stroked his cock while hissing and moaning with my slow insertion. I started slowly, but soon I was pounding Gregorio's well lubed ass with my arm tight enough around his throat to look good, but not so tight to actually restrict his breathing. As we snarled and growled in pleasure and effort, he released his cock to pull at my arm, battling to break free from my grasp as his equally hard and well-oiled cock slid and scraped against the tiled pool wall with my every furious thrust.

As Gregorio and I struggled against each other, the women began their own sexual competition, grunting, gasping, and snarling as Marta defended her 'husband' from the man-stealing whore trying to take him from her. Laying on the chase directly in front of us, Marta ground her pussy into Teresa's, their breasts flattened together as Teresa's head hung off the foot of the lounge. Their hips squirming, they pulled each other into long, sensuous kisses when not crying out for their rival to come, or how their opponent was going to make them come, or urging their 'husbands' to not give up and prove who had the better cock.

As Marta held her in a kiss, her hard nipples dimpling the soft flesh of her opponent's breasts, Teresa began her bird-like chirps of pleasure while thrusting her hips even more frantically. Breaking the kiss, but still holding Marta's breasts tightly to her chest, Teresa's face twisted with profound pleasure as her wail of orgasmic bliss went straight to my cock. With my roar of completion, Gregorio stopped tugging on my arm, grabbed his cock, and stroked it furiously while hissing and panting until his seed exploded from its tip. As my opponent's essence splashed onto the pool surround, Marta pulled Teresa back into a kiss while fucking her with feverish intensity, before throwing her head back with a loud howling cry to announce her own crushing orgasm.

I smiled sleepily with my memory. From Teresa's first cry of pleasure, to Marta's grunting, shuddering orgasm as Teresa sensually tormented her pussy, had probably been less than thirty seconds as each of us crashed into our orgasm in an unstoppable rolling wave of pleasure.

After taking a couple of minutes to recover from our orgasms, Gregorio and I had crawled out of the pool, taken our 'wives', and fucked the shit out of them. In a roving tangle, the four of us had fucked and fought in the pool and the surrounding yard, swapping partners several times as we fucked, and fought, until each of us came again.

Covered with sand and panting from our efforts and orgasms as we lay in the sand-filled volleyball pit, Marta and Teresa had told Gregorio and me how much they'd enjoyed the game. They must have liked it, because several hours later, after dinner, the women had goaded Gregorio and me into another play fight by arguing over which of their 'husbands' had the hardest cock and could fuck the longest.

With Gregorio and me sitting side-by-side on the couch, the women had knelt between our legs for a prolonged blowjob match, Teresa sucking my cock while my 'wife' worked over Gregorio. Our 'wives' were determined to prove to the other which of them gave better head by making their man come first... while Gregorio and I had tried to prevent ourselves from coming as proof he could last the longest.

Still smiling, my cock hardening as I relived the moment, I remembered how I'd come in Teresa's mouth with a barking cry as she cooed and purred around my shaft. Moments later, Gregorio had grunted out his own orgasm as Marta sucked him dry. The two women had then pulled each other into a long and deep kiss, allowing our mingled come to ooze from their mouths and dribble across their breasts as they used their tongues to smear our seed around their lips.

After slowly withdrawing from their sloppy kiss, Teresa had pulled Marta with her as she backed between my legs and settled over my cock. As my hard rod disappeared into her pussy, she'd leaned back to press her spine into my chest as I scooted down to hang my hips off the front of the couch. Marta had followed Teresa down, taking her into another long, come filled kiss, their glowing breasts pressing together as Gregorio rose from the couch and guided his cock into Marta's pussy from behind.

We fucked the women slowly at first as they continued to kiss, the women gasping and groaning as we pleasured them, each pulling the other back into the gooey kiss if one dared to break it. After a long moment of fucking, Marta came, and after she'd recovered, she'd pulled Teresa off me, shoved her to the other couch, and dove between her legs as Teresa hauled her foe's pussy around to her face. As the women growled and moaned in mutual pleasure, they cried out for their 'husbands' to make the other come. Allowing the women to control our actions, Gregorio and I had loudly grappled while grinding our stiff cocks together, continuously crying out how we were about to come, how we couldn't allow ourselves to come, and how our hard cocks were overpowering our opponent's, but always making sure to stay in sight of the women as they engaged in their own battle of lust.

As the women softly cried out their pleasure and ordered their respective 'husbands' to make his adversary come, while not coming himself, Gregorio and I did our best to fulfill their fantasy. Growling, snarling, and loudly crying out in erotic battle, Gregorio and I had staggered around in our contest of endurance until Teresa and Marta had howled out another orgasm each.

During our erotic struggle, Gregorio and I had used our legs and asses to slowly shove the two couches together to form a mini bed from the seating areas. With the couches positioned where we wanted them, and taking care not to hurt ourselves, but crying out as if our tumble was unplanned, we'd fallen over the back of one of the couches to join the women.

As we fell into the couch beside them, the women had abandoned their own sexual struggle to throw themselves at us, and after much squirming struggle, and snarling challenges, the four of us had become wedged in the seat area between the couch backs. With the rain falling outside and the sun slowly sliding behind the compound's walls, and with just enough room for the four of us to squeeze onto the now double-width seating area, Gregorio and I had grappled, pulling and tugging on each other with our spines tightly pressed into the back of the couches, with Marta and Teresa pinned between us tit to tit. With my chest pressed firmly into Marta's back, and my cock deep in her pussy, Gregorio and Teresa had mirrored Marta and me, as the four of us grunted and strained while sweating in sexual competition. As Gregorio and I crushed the two women between us in muscle twisting effort, while simultaneously ramming our hard cocks into their tight pussies with furious effort, the women had wadded their hands in their opponent's hair, holding each other into a kiss while moaning, writhing, and grinding their pussies together to make their adversary come. Each of us knew this was our final stand, and the winner would be determined there, in that sweat-soaked tangle of flesh. As had happened at the pool, all four of us came in a cascading wave of pleasure, one after the other, beginning with Gregorio, followed by Marta and Teresa at very nearly the same time, and myself only a moment later as Marta's pussy spasmed around my furiously thrusting rod.

After the few seconds of idly replaying memories of yesterday as I woke up, I stretched again with another long groan before taking my hard cock into my hand to stroke it slowly while wondering why it wasn't already in someone's mouth or pussy. With a lazy smile, I sluggishly opened my eyes to see who'd joined me, what they were doing, and what I needed to do to get the fucking started. It took me only a scant moment to realize that I was still the sole occupant of the large bed, but that there was another person in my room. A woman... standing by the closed door... holding a gun... with the muzzle pointed straight at my head.

"What the fuck?" I gasped, lunging upright as all the lingering tendrils of sleep and my memories of the previous day instantly evaporated. I stared at María, my gaze flicking from her face, to the weapon, and then back to her face, as my previously rock-hard cock instantly wilted. I remained still, saying nothing else, the look on her face telling me everything I needed to know about how close to death I was. I guessed the movement that woke me was probably her kicking the foot of the bed or something, because she was well out of reach.

"What were you doing in my room?" she demanded the moment she realized I was aware of her presence.

"What?" I asked, feigning confusion. "You're in my room!"

"Don't pretend to be stupid," she growled, the pistol steady in her hand.

I thought furiously. I'd thought I'd gotten away with my snoop in the house, but here was María, pissed off and demanding answers. "I haven't!"

Her face hardened even more. Even in her anger, she was a beautiful woman. Terrifying... but beautiful. "I'm going to ask you one more time, and if you don't give me a straight answer... well... Voice is going to be looking for a new pet."

I swallowed hard. "Voice won't like you... Wait!" I shouted when I saw her eyes narrow, and I knew the next sound I heard would be the gunshot that killed me. "Wait!" I cried again as I cowered slightly. Tough guys only stared down death without fear in the movies. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

"What were you looking for?" she demanded. The scariest thing about her was her calmness. I was certain she'd already decided I was a dead man, and we were having this conversation only to satisfy her curiosity.

"Nothing! I was just nosey! I'm sorry!"

"Where else did you go?"

I was afraid to lie. "I looked in the bedrooms, and the control room for The Room. That's it!"

"Why? What were you looking for?"

"I wasn't looking for anything! I was just nosey, okay? I didn't take anything! I didn't think anyone would know!"

She glared at me for a long moment. "Let's go."

"Where?" I asked as cold fear coiled in my guts.

"To see Voice. He can decide if you're worth the trouble of keeping around." She paused for a heartbeat. "Personally, I'd shoot you where you are."

"I'm sorry!" I begged, only partially playing. "I made a mistake! I didn't take anything!"

"I said, let's go!"

Swallowing hard, I rolled out of the bed. "Can I piss first? Please?"

I thought she was going to say no, but she flicked the gun at the bathroom door. Thinking furiously, I entered the bathroom and relieved myself. I was in deep shit, and knew it, but I didn't know what to do about it. I had to make a break for it, but how? After I'd gone shooting with María, I knew there was no way I was going to get away from her before I took a bullet in the back. I finished urinating, flushed, and pulled a towel off the rack before tying it around my waist.

"What are you doing," she demanded when I entered the room but angled away from the door.

"Getting dressed."

"Don't bother." I swallowed hard, unsure of what to do. She stepped away from the door, the weapon and her gaze never leaving me. When she had enough room between her and the door that I couldn't easily reach her she paused. "Now, let's go."

Keeping my gaze on her, I started toward the door, intentionally rubbing my leg against the corner of the bed to cause the towel around my waist to fall away. Stunts like this probably only worked in the movies, but I had nothing else, and I had to try something. Her gaze never wavered.

"Sorry, stud... that's not going to work on me." Annoyed that I'd embarrassed myself by having such an obvious ploy fail so spectacularly, I began to bend to pick the towel up, so I'd have something covering my junk. "Don't," she said firmly as I began to bend over, and I slowly straightened, leaving the towel where it'd fallen.

"Do you expect me to go naked?"

"You should have thought of that before being a smartass," she sneered. "Besides, it's nothing everyone hasn't seen before." Pursing my lips, I moved to the door. As I began to open it, she closed behind me. "Don't be stupid," she warned.

I had one last card to play... my trump card. It would either save me, or kill me. There'd be nothing between. I paused, the door partially opened. "Are you sure you want us to talk to Voice?"

"No. What I want to do is blow your fucking brains out, but Voice seems to like you."

"I thought you liked me."

"I don't like anybody. Stop stalling."

Summoning my courage and steeling myself for the pain of a bullet entering my head, I made my final attempt to save my life. "Does Voice know who you are?" I asked softly. There was a short pause before she responded, but I didn't dare turn around.

"What do you mean?"

I slowly turned to face her, keeping my hands where she could see them at all times. "I mean, does he know his head of security, or whatever the fuck you are, is a DEA agent?"

"You're crazy. Move!"

"Valencia Cantor," I said softly.

The pistol never wavered, but she paled. "Never heard of her."

I thought furiously, but I couldn't recall any other detail about her from the file Mother had given me. "Is that so? Voice should look her up."

"Who are you?" she whispered, switching to English. "Are you with the Norteños Cartel?"

I considered rushing her and taking her weapon while she was reeling from having her identity revealed, but like so many things, that only worked in the movies. If I tried, I'd be dead or dying before I completed the first step. I had no other choice but to play this out, and hope she had a tiny bit of the person she was still inside her, so she didn't kill me.

"No," I replied, also in English. "I'm with the DEA. I was sent here to find out what happened to you... and to find out who Toro is." She stared at me for a long moment, her eyes wide, but the pistol was as steady as ever.