Operation: Rigid Pt. 25

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A children's game... with an adult twist; Serena returns.
13.3k words

Part 25 of the 32 part series

Updated 05/31/2024
Created 05/01/2024
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Follow the Leader

For as long as Marta had been in the games, Voice's team had been the one to beat. In Letícia's early years, Voice's team had been dominant, and the other teams had struggled to adjust and close the gap. They'd been somewhat successful as Letícia aged, but they'd managed to close the gap even more since her departure. Before my addition, Martos' adding Víctor had caused the most recent rankings shakeup, especially after he and Josue had locked up, and Josue had come off second best.

After Josue lost his fire, Martos had thrown Víctor into the mix against him at every opportunity, forcing Voice to bench Josue on many occasions. That had increased the pressure on Gregorio by forcing him to compete in events where he wouldn't perform his best, and that had allowed Voice's competitors to close the performance gap even more.

There were no official rankings, but unofficially, everyone kept up with their win/loss record, both individually and as a team. In addition to the team ranks, determine by the finishing order of the team in each event, everyone also kept up with how they compared to the other competitors when competing man to man, woman to woman, and mixed.

Marco was the official, unofficial scorekeeper, and tracked wins and losses for everyone in a spreadsheet that was shared online for all to see. I'd looked at it once and had been surprised at the detail. By looking through the numbers, I learned that Marta was better at marathon fuck sessions and anal, while Teresa was a kinkier bitch that I realized. It also confirmed what I'd already figured out for myself. Gregorio was a much tougher competitor against men than he was against women. It also showed that Víctor did very well in events that were rough and tumble. Finally, there was me. My lack of competition against men was glaringly obvious, and that was probably why Víctor kept calling me out as he looked for an advantage he could use.

Unofficial though they were, the rankings reset every January. Everyone wanted to be on the winning team, and be number one, the man or woman that everyone else was trying to catch, and the competition was fierce.

With my arrival to counter Víctor, I'd shaken up the competitions once again. Now the other teams were trying to figure out how to best counter me when I was competing. Víctor and I going head-to-head was probably the best counter, but the drawings did much to inject randomness and chance into the games by preventing the same people from competing directly against each other all the time. Until I'd arrived, Martos had a slim chance to become the winningest team for the year, but unless he won out, and we finished no better than third in all the remaining events, it wasn't going to happen. Today I was going to make sure it couldn't happen.

With Gregorio's help, I'd come a long way in getting over my reluctance to fuck a dude, and while I'd probably have to eventually prove myself against another man, that day wasn't today, and I was eager to compete in today's match.

We rounded the obscuring landscaping and strutted across the grass toward the large party tent Cedro had erected this morning, silently projecting our confidence with our swaggering stride and self-assured smiles. Today we had the home field advantage in a contest called 'Follow the Leader.' The game was one of the oldest competitions and had been around since Letícia's early days. It was a fan favorite, and Marta and I would be Voice's champions in the event.

I hadn't seen María, née Valencia, since I'd fucked her. After two weeks of anxiety induced fucking and stomach-churning apprehension, I'd finally decided that she wasn't going to tell Voice who I was. I wanted to believe that suggested she'd told me the truth and hadn't turned, but there was no way for me to be certain. She could just as easily be protecting herself from suspicion, knowing I'd try to take her down with me. I hadn't had even a glimpse of her since she left my room, so another possibility was she'd run before I could blow her cover. If I didn't see her at Voice's shoulder today, it was highly likely she'd taken flight.

If I did see her, I'd make no move, but I was interested in seeing her reaction to my presence. Assuming she hadn't already fled, if she glared at me or looked at me with any sort of apprehension, I'd assume she hadn't turned me over to Voice in an effort to protect herself. If she smiled at me, even a little like she'd started doing, or maybe ignored me, I'd decided that might mean she was protecting me, which also might indicate she hadn't turned. It was nothing but pure speculation, but it was all I had. I couldn't very well walk up to her in front of everyone and demand to know why she hadn't told Voice I was a mole.

Voice's guests and the other three teams were under the tent, protected from the searing heat of the sun, as we approached. Like the last time, when we appeared from behind the shrubbery in all our naked glory, the other three teams took that as the signal to begin undressing. It was another hot and humid day, as all the days seemed to be, and I could feel myself beginning to sweat as we continued our brash approach. At least The Room was comfortably air conditioned, though I suspected I'd still be a sweaty mess by the time we were finished.

When we arrived at the tent, we dispersed into the crowd. I was pleasantly surprised to discover my biggest fan was back, though Madam Lash still was not. Serena had also returned, and as I mingled, I noticed she was watching me with a hungry looking smirk.

"I thought you'd gotten tired of holding my clothes," I murmured as I coasted to a stop beside my fan.

"Never," she replied with a smile, her voice soft and purring, as she dragged a well maintain fingernail lightly down my stiff cock. "I had a commitment I couldn't break."

"Were you with Serena?"

"No, and it pissed me off when I thought I was going to miss your match with her after you broke that bastard, Víctor. I'm glad I didn't."

The vehemence in her tone surprised me. "You don't like Víctor?"

"No. He's a loud-mouthed asshole, I don't like how he treats the women, and I'm glad you broke his fucking cock." She flushed slightly. "I don't like it when the sex gets too rough, especially when the women are involved, but watching you two go at it was..."

"Was...?" I prompted as another woman and a man drifted close to listen to our conversation.

"Was... more exciting that I'd expected," she murmured as she flushed even more. "Especially at the end, with you two wrapped up, sweating and grunting as your cocks," she made rabbit ears with her fingers, "fought." She smiled. "It was almost as... arousing... as you two fucking Deigo's fake pussy, the one that was squeezing your cocks? That was incredibly exciting," she said as she fanned herself dramatically. Before I could respond, she continued, her smile spreading even wider. "I could almost see what Deigo sees in his toys because watching your two cocks going at it like that..." she paused as she flushed the deepest shade yet. "Had it gone on much longer, I might have come from just watching." She looked away in obvious chagrin.

I couldn't hold my smile as I enjoyed her embarrassment. "So long as you enjoyed it, then it was worth it," I rumbled slowly.

She looked at me as her smile began to fade. "Anyway, I'm glad you took him down, and I especially liked that you warned him about hurting the women." She looked at me with something that might be admiration. "You're much more of a man than that asshole will ever be."

I smiled. "Glad you enjoyed it," I said as I forced my smile wider, "though neither of those were that enjoyable for me."

Her flush rose a little more as she smiled and looked down, possibly to stare at my cock. "I did, and I'm sure it wasn't." She brought her gaze back to mine. "Now I want to see how long Serena can handle you." She paused a heartbeat and then continued. "Don't hurt her."

"I won't. That's not my style."

She smiled again. "I know. That's one of the reasons why you've become my favorite."

I glanced at Serena. She wasn't looking at me, but as I was turning my attention back to my fan, I caught a glimpse of her head swiveling toward me. "I think you're going to get your chance today."

The woman looked past me in the direction of Serena. I turned as well to see Serena looking at me. A faint smiled appeared on her lips before she turned her attention back to the man talking to her while casually teasing her nipple.

"Yes, I hope so," my fan murmured before she smiled. "Though, I hope you don't... vanquish... her too quickly."

I snickered. "Vanquish, huh?" I was supposed to mingle and not spend too much time in one place or with one person, so I leaned in close as I prepared to move on. "I'll be thinking of you as I fuck her," I whispered into the woman's ear.

She flushed deeply before giving me a long appraising look up and down. "If only that were true," she breathed before pulling my lips to hers as she began slowly stroking my cock. I allowed her to take her fill but didn't try to hold her into the kiss. When she began to pull away, I smiled at her and began to slowly move toward the two women who were staring at my cock and whispering to each other, the woman who'd arrived as I talked to my fan having a feel as I passed.

I continued to mingle. I was allowing a woman to press herself into my back, as she reached around me to slowly stroke my cock, while telling me how hard she'd make me come if only she had the chance.

Serena sauntered to a stop beside us. "Don't make him come, you horny bitch," she purred. "He's going to need all his stamina for later." Her comment, and how the woman glared at her, made me smile, but after another stroke or two, the woman stepped from behind me, grabbed my head to pull me into an overheated kiss while stroking my rod faster, and then released my shaft and backing away.

"Woof," I grunted. "After a kiss like that, I'm not sure I could handle you," I rumbled to soften the sting of Serena's attitude and words.

"Want to find out?" the woman asked, her tone full of teasing challenge.

"I would but..." I shrugged. "Voice will be pissed with me if I let you take me into the bushes to wear my cock out."

The woman snorted. "Yeah... I'm sure that'd happen."

I turned my attention to Serena. "I see you're back."

"Yeah. I had a family emergency," Serena replied, ignoring the other woman. "My grandmother fell and broke her hip the day before the contest. She was in the hospital in Tampico. I went to see her."

"Oh. Is she okay?"

"She's going to be fine. She's going to have to have a hip replaced, but she should recover fully."

"That's good. I thought maybe the reason you were out last month was because you were afraid of--"

Serena's splutter cut me off. "Yeah, I bet that's what you thought. It's your cock that should be afraid. I haven't been fucked since before your fight with Víctor, and I haven't come since the fight. I was saving it for you..." she paused and then smiled, "though I didn't know it was going to be saving it for so long. Anyway, I've been saving my pussy for you... and I'm so fucking horny I might fuck you right here." She glanced at the other woman as she watched us. "Sorry babe. He's not going to have anything left for you after I'm done with him."

"You still like running your mouth, I see. I haven't forgotten your little stunt with Víctor."

She snorted. "Like it did him any good. I thought maybe he'd at least be a challenge for you." She sighed. "That's what I get for thinking a man could do a woman's job." She paused, her smile widened, before she continued. "Even though he wasn't as much of a challenge for you as I'd hoped, that was still the hottest fucking thing I'd ever seen. Your fight was much better than the one he had with Josue."

"You like watching men fight?"

"Oh... fuck... yeah. It gets me off hard... especially if they're big men, like you two... and even more so if it's personal and dirty, like yours was... and most especially if they cockfight with their big... hard... cocks," she purred, punching up the last three words. A smile as cold and calculating as the one she wore when pumping Víctor up before our fight appeared on her lips. She teased my rod with a finger. "I hope your cock is as good a pussy-fighter as it is a cock-fighter."

"You know how to find out," I rumbled. "If you've got the nerve to take me on."

Her smile became even colder. "Please don't be all talk and no cock... like Víctor."

"Like I said, you know how to find out."

"I certainly do," Serena purred as Voice and Valencia entered the tent, along with the other three principals, and Voice called for attention.

I watched Serena saunter away before turning and searching for where my team was coalescing. As the teams formed up, the crowd grew quiet and turned their attention to the front of the tent.

"Did you and Serena have a nice chat?" Gregorio murmured as I coasted to a stop beside him.

"Yeah. I think it's going to be on after the match," I whispered as I watched Valencia.

He huffed once. "I figured. You going to be up for that after competing?" he asked softly while staring pointedly at my cock.

I shrugged. "What choice do I have?"

"Maybe Voice will change his mind and put me in since Serena is here."

"Maybe," I murmured, though privately I doubted it. Voice had to at least suspect Serena would be back today, and he knew that she and I probably had some unfinished business, but he'd told Marta he was going to put me in anyway. I grunted to myself as Marta joined us. Maybe the asshole wanted to find out how much fucking I could take before breaking.

I watched Valencia as Voice continued his pre-competition patter and asked the principals to draw their tiles. I was only partially listening as Teresa handled the tray of boxes, more interested in Valencia than the rituals of the game.

Upon hearing my name, I followed Marta to where the other six competitors waited, my gaze still focused on Valencia. Her face was neutral as she totally ignored me. Earlier I'd decided that ignoring me would be a good sign, but unlike the last couple of competitions, this time she didn't even meet my gaze, and I began doubting my conclusion.

I fell into line with the other male competitors, Marta joining the other three women, as Voice began explaining the rules of today's game. Valencia was behind me, so I considered my rivals. Somewhat to my disappointment, Víctor was competing today, along with Rodolfo, Marco, and myself for the men, and Marta, Adana, Felicita, and Zamora for the women.

After Marta had received her instructions from Voice, my housemates had explained the game to me. The rules couldn't be simpler. The game consisted of a man and woman from each stable competing to avoid elimination. Before the game began, each person would draw a numbered tile and be paired with a member of the opposite sex with the same number. After the fucking started, coming was the first way to be eliminated, while the competitor who hadn't come waited until another partner was available before rejoining the contest. One of the perks of winning the head-to-head match quickly was you got a cooldown period before rejoining the game.

Because it was man versus woman, I'd asked what happened if there were two men or two women waiting for a partner. Teresa explained that the single man or woman got to pick their next competitor from those waiting. The goal was clear and easy to understand. Make your partner come before coming yourself, and then work your way through the competitors until you were the last man, or woman, standing. At the end, the last two, same sex or not, fucked it out for the win, taking turns 'leading' until one of them came.

The obvious strategy was to make use of positions, techniques, and kinks that excited one partner more than the other, but that was where the 'Follow the Leader' part came in. The number each person drew not only determined their first competitor, but also their leadership order. For five minutes, each team controlled the fucking for all the competitors. The leading team set the position and pace, and the other three teams had to follow them. After their five minutes were up, the next team in the order controlled the fucking. Coming caused elimination, but failing to keep up and match the leaders stroke for stroke in whatever position they were in was the second way to get eliminated.

The final piece of the game was deciding who got to choose the positions and techniques. Part of the setting the leader order was selecting if the men or women got to choose the challenge. If there were still teams competing after all the teams had a chance to lead, the first team took the lead again, but the opposite partner was allowed to choose.

The only other rule was that whatever was chosen applied to everyone. If a woman thought she could make her partner come with a blowjob, she was going to have to endure a pussy eating to do it.

I'd asked how we were supposed to keep up with who was supposed to do what, and when, while fucking our brains out. The answer was, we didn't have to worry about it. Voice had all the information, and every five minutes he would announce the change.

Because I was the last chosen, and first in line, Teresa offered me the bag. I reached in and pulled out a tile. "Good luck," she whispered as she moved to Marco.

"He's going to need it," Víctor sneered on the other side of Marco. I rolled my eyes but said nothing.

As Teresa worked her way down the line, each of us taking a tile, Gregorio did the same with the women. Once we'd all drawn our tiles, Gregorio dropped his bag at Teresa's feet beside hers, shook two tiles from a small bag he'd been holding in his hand, and without looking at them, dropped a tile into each of Teresa's hands as she held them behind her back. He then tossed the third bag onto the ground to join the other two and returned to our corner of the tent to wait.

"Ones, please," Voice said. As I watched, Víctor and Adana stepped out of the line. The rest of us shuffled our positions to give them a little space. "Twos?" Marta and Rodolfo paired up and stood beside Víctor and Adana. "Threes." This time I stepped forward and was joined by Zamora. Felicita and Marco adjusted their positions to bring them closer together and to give Zamora and I some space. "Teresa, if you please."

Teresa stepped in front of Adana and held both hands out, her fists tightly clenched, offering her the choice of hands. Víctor slapped the top of her right hand, the one closest to him, causing Teresa to glare at him, but she didn't move and continued to hold her hands out for Adana. A bare moment later, Adana nodded.

"Sure... that's fine." Teresa rolled her hand over and opened her grip. Adana picked up the tile, looked at it, and then smiled. "F," she said as she held the tile between her fingers so everyone could see the letter. She sneered at Víctor. "Good choice." With the F revealed, I knew Teresa's left hand contained the tile with the letter M, indicating that the males would have had first choice if it had been chosen.

"Fuck..." Víctor growled, speaking over her.

"Excellent!" Voice said, his electronic speaker unable to disguise his excitement as Teresa quickly collected our tiles. "Today's safe word is rayuela." I grinned. Rayuela was the Mexican version of hopscotch, another children's game. "Now that our teams and the order is set... competitors, to The Room, please. Guests, if you will please follow the escorts to the viewing gallery."

I quickly turned, searching for Valencia. I didn't expect her to, but if she was going to give me any indication of her intentions, any sign of what she was thinking, now, as everyone was milling about, was her opportunity, and I didn't want to miss it. Unsurprisingly, her gaze swept over me as she turned as if I was just another member of the crowd.