Operation: Rigid Pt. 26

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A pair of special assignments; Meeting the family.
12.7k words

Part 26 of the 32 part series

Updated 05/31/2024
Created 05/01/2024
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Special Assignments

I paused at the door to The Room and toed my loafers off. I hoped that outwardly it appeared I hadn't a care in the world, but my stomach was churning in dread. An hour ago, just as I was pushing back from lunch, one of Voice's guards arrived to inform me that Voice wanted to speak with me in The Room at 14:00. I tried to convince myself that if this meeting was about my conversation with Valencia, Voice wouldn't have sent a guard to ask, and would have sent guards, plural, with guns instead.

It had been a month since my fateful encounter with Valencia. In that time, I'd decided that, for whatever her reason, she'd decided to keep my secret. The guard's arrival had shaken my conviction, and despite me trying to rationalize it, I was afraid I was about to be asked a series of uncomfortable questions before I had some very unpleasant interactions with several belligerent men.

Swallowing hard and taking a deep breath to try to calm myself so that I didn't appear nervous, I opened the door and entered the room. The lights were on and there were no goons waiting, allowing me to relax slightly. The only thing in the room, besides myself, was a large envelop laying on the back of one of the sex couches. That was probably for me, but I wasn't going to touch it until I was told I could. I bounced my way across the padded floor to the center of the room and waited. If Voice didn't show up in a few minutes, I'd settle onto one of the couches and wait.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Kraten. Thank you for coming," Voice said as I slowed to a stop.

I relaxed even more with Voice's greeting. He didn't sound pissed off. "My pleasure."

"I have a task for you, if you're willing."

Relief washed over me. "Sure... if I can."

"Before you say yes, let me explain to you what you'll be doing. This is voluntary, though you will be doing me a service if you agree."


"Take the envelope and examine the contents please."

I moved to the couch and opened the unsealed envelope. Inside were a dozen or so pages that appeared to have been printed from a website. The first page was a picture of a hugely muscled naked man with a cock so big it'd humiliate any porn star. My first impression was the man was probably hitting steroids, and in a big way, to obtain his size. Either that, or he was a genetic freak. There was no way to determine his height, but the man was markedly larger than Víctor, with veins and tendons showing everywhere over his naked body. My attention shifted to the man's hard cock as he gripped it at the base. His manhood was huge... so big that if his hand hadn't been gripping it, I'd have assumed the photo had been manipulated, but the man's hand wasn't out of proportion with the rest of his body. I finally decided the photo was real, but the man had undergone some kind of penis enlargement, or maybe he was wearing a sleeve over his actual cock and his hand was hiding the fact.

I swapped the page to the back to reveal an impressively muscled nude woman. I had no doubt the woman was hitting the juice because, genetic freak or not, a woman couldn't bulk up like she had without some help from science. If she was on juice, it was likely the man was as well, adding evidence to my previous suspicion. Like the man, she was darkly and evenly tanned, and her sex organs were grossly enlarged, with breasts noticeably larger than Marta's and much firmer. In addition to her obviously enhanced breasts, her clit was massively enlarged and easily visible, giving her the appearance of sporting a tiny cock, reinforcing my opinion she was taking some kind of drug cocktail.

"Who are they?" I asked as I swapped the second page to the back.

"Krugan and Shashenka Kornienko. I don't know if they're married, but they are, at the very least, long-time partners. As you can see from the photos, they have... particular... tastes."

As Voice spoke, I stared at the picture of Shashenka on her elbows and knees on a dirty floor in a huge, ominous, and dimly lit room, her nude body heavily smeared with dirt and glowing with oil or sweat. Surrounding her appeared to be a long-abandoned factory, full of rusting machinery, years of grime, and broken windows. Beneath her, laying on its back between her legs, was a large, articulated, dark greyish green mannequin that strongly resembled the monster in the movie Aliens. The primary difference between this alien, and the one in the movie, was this monster sported enormous breasts and a gargantuan cock. With their massive breasts crushed together, Shashenka had one of the alien's long fingered hands pinned to the floor while the alien's other hand completely surrounded the back of her head, its clawed fingers dimpling the flesh on the side of her face. The monster's tail was tight across the woman's back, the bladed tip held against the floor beside their heads as Shashenka gripped the appendage fiercely, her huge muscles bulging in effort as she labored to prevent the monster from stabbing her with the deadly looking weapon. As the woman and alien engaged in a life-or-death struggle, extending from the alien's open mouth into hers was a squarish appendage, with another mammoth appendage of the same style entering her pussy from between the alien's legs. With what appeared to be stiff beams along the four corners, and ridges or bumps connecting them, it wouldn't surprise me if the toy had teeth where the head would be because both appendages looked like the bitey tongue thing that shot out of the monster's mouth in the movie. Below the picture someone had typed Alien vs Pussy in a large, bold, font.

"That's... interesting," I rumbled loud enough for Voice to hear.

I swapped the page for the next one as Voice spoke again. "I'd like to do business with Mr. Kornienko. I have a meeting scheduled with him in three weeks, just after Bautista's games. I have invited him to the games as my guest, but afterwards I'd like to provide him with entertainment that... appeals more to his tastes."

The photo I was looking at now showed Krugan standing in a park in front of an old piece of towed artillery. It was night, he was completely naked, and it appeared his cock was jammed deep into the bore of the weapon. His giant muscles bulging with effort, the photo clearly suggested he was fucking the cannon as he gripped the barrel, his mouth open with his head back as if he were screaming in pleasure... or perhaps pain. The photo seemed a little blurred around his ass, so I quickly flipped back to the picture of Shashenka fucking the alien to examine it more closely. I noticed a slight blurring of the woman's ass and face, and decided both photos were stills captured from a video. I flipped back to the picture of Krugan fucking the gun. I smiled. Whoever printed these out must have added the title of the video. This one was labeled The Cum Cannon.

I shuffled the papers again as Voice fell quiet, and realized the freak show was just starting. In this photo, Shashenka was covered in slimy looking muck as she lay on a riverbank with her teeth bared. She was struggling against a huge-ass snake which had wrapped itself around her a couple of times as she held the serpent's head away from her face with bulging arms. If the snake was a fake, it was a damn good one. Her face was twisted with effort and pain, the muscles of her arms and legs were taut and distended with effort, and the coils of the snake looked like they were squeezing her tightly. In the near distance, an equally muddy Krugan was sitting on the back of an enormous alligator, holding the animal's head back to display its white underbelly. The photo was labeled Jungle Peril: Part One.

The next photo was of Krugan under the alligator or crocodile with his hands clamped over the 'gator's snout. In the background, Shashenka was on her knees at the edge of the muddy water with another coil of the snake wrapped around her upper torso, putting the squeeze on her giant breasts as she strained to loosen its coils. I didn't know about snake wrestling, but I knew people wrestled alligators, though I always assumed the 'gators were juveniles. This 'gator was no fucking juvenile. It was huge, easily three times the length of Krugan. Like the previous photo, Shashenka and Krugan were covered in muck, more so than in the first photo, and his face was distorted with effort and pain. His huge muscles bulging, he'd wrapped the body of the 'gator in his legs while straining to hold the animal's teeth away from his head.

Like the snake Shashenka was fighting, if the croc-a-gator was fake, it was a damn good one, and the surroundings in the photos look real too, like they were actually on a muddy riverbank in a jungle somewhere. There was no doubt in my mind the situation was staged, otherwise, who was operating the cameras, but the more I looked at the two photos, the more I decided the 'gator and snake were probably real, and Krugan and Shashenka were actually on a riverbank wrestling the animals. There were probably wranglers just out of frame, in case things started going badly for them, but it was obvious the fight had progressed since the previous photo, and Krugan and Shashenka weren't having an easy time of it. Since Voice had a meeting with Krugan in a few weeks, he'd obviously survived, but in this photo, it appeared both animals had the upper hand, and I could see Krugan and Shashenka's obvious effort and desperation as they battled the reptiles. Unsurprisingly, this photo was captioned Jungle Peril: Part Two.

Krugan and Shashenka might be crazy, but they weren't stupid. They weren't fighting lions or bears, or anything else that could easily overpower and kill them, dialing their contest back to animals that could potentially kill them. As I shuffled the papers again, I wondered if they got off on the danger of knowing if they faltered or made a mistake, they could be injured or killed.

The next page, titled Tentacle Sexfight, showed the two covered in thick, pearlescent slime as they wrestled with tentacles, large and small, their bulging muscles speaking of their effort. Krugan had tentacles of various sizes, the larger ones covered with octopus like suckers, wrapped around his neck, arms, and legs. In the picture, he stood on his knees while gripping what looked like a six-foot long double-headed cock to his chest, his arms barely long enough to encircle the... monster. The various tentacles were connected to the giant cock, so I assumed that was supposed to be the body of the tentacle monster.

While Krugan appeared to be fucking the giant cock's tip, more of the same slime that covered them--what I guessed was supposed to be come--was gushing out from around his cock to coat his lower body and form a pool around his knees. As Krugan fucked the monster, Shashenka stood with her back to his, her hands reaching over her head to bend the body of the creature over her shoulder. More come was gushing out of the second head to coat her from neck to toes. Her hair plastered to her head, and her face doused in monster come, one of her arms was rammed into the slit up to her elbow, causing some of the come to run down her arm to pour over Krugan, further coating him.

Several more thick tentacles looped and coiled over and around them to bind them together, while another huge tentacle disappeared into her pussy. Like with Krugan, she had tentacles around her neck, arms, and legs, and both were screaming in what appeared to be pleasure and effort. It was clear the pose had been designed to show off her impressive, if slightly off-putting, physique. With a smile, I tucked the page behind the others while making a mental note to tell Gregorio about the video. Unless the video looked completely ridiculous, he'd probably get off hard watching a come drenched Krugan fighting the tentacles while fucking the giant cock.

The rest of the photos were variations on a theme. With names like Forest Fight, Prison Bitch, Breaching Tactics, Shower Brawl, and Broken, the pictures were of Krugan or Shashenka fighting or fucking various individuals. The locations changed with the titles, with some of the fighting and fucking taking place outside, the rest inside. The fights didn't appear to be staged as one or both combatants in each photo appeared to be in pain, bloodied, or both. Like with all the previous photos, the participants were nude, and the man and woman's opponents were always big, sexy, or both. The last fight photo, titled In Deep, showed Shashenka and Krugan in the photo together with another man and woman. The two women were laying across a bed as they fought, with the men wrestling on the floor beneath them. All four were dripping with sweat or oil, were bleeding from lips, noses, and various scratches, and appeared to be in pain as Sashenka and Krugan ground their genitalia against their foes, while their desperate adversaries struggled with bared teeth and grim faces. I'd seen enough in the photos to decide Krugan wasn't wearing a cock sleeve, and that he was actually as big as he appeared.

The photos of the fucking appeared to be as brutal as the pictures of the fighting. With the woman usually crying and sometimes bleeding, it appeared that Krugan was fucking them with unrestrained violence and hostility. Though Shashenka was occasionally well battered, and sometimes bleeding, the men fucking her clearly weren't enjoying themselves. They were often screaming if Shashenka was abusing their cock and balls, or if they were balls deep inside her, their faces were twisted with pain and effort as she scratched, choked, squeezed, or otherwise battled them.

The next photo, labeled Clash of the Titans, showed Shashenka and Krugan fucking each other. Krugan was on his back, his head hanging off the edge of the bed, as Shashenka pressed hard against his chin to force his head down while her free hand gripped the edge of the mattress. Krugan's massive neck straining, he had one hand in Shashenka's hair to jack her head back to show several angry red marks on their chests, while his other hand was gripping her leg, bending it at the knee to keep his cock deep inside her. Their muscles distended with effort, they were both bleeding from the mouth, and Krugan had a smear of blood around his nose. As they fought, or fucked, or maybe both, Shashenka had her teeth bared in a feral snarl as Krugan bellowed in pain, pleasure, exertion, or perhaps all three.

I tucked the paper behind the rest, revealing the first page again, as my lips thinned. I'd done some crazy sexual shit, especially since arriving in Mexico, but these two were superfreaks, and I wondered what other weird shit they'd done that wasn't included in the photos. One thing was certain though, these assholes played rough... really rough.

I looked up at a window, making sure I didn't look to where the control room was. "What do you want from me?" I asked, though I suspected I knew what was coming.

"I want you to fight Krugan and beat him unconscious, or otherwise make him quit. Do you think you can?"

Slightly surprised his answer didn't mention fucking, I looked at the photo of the man again. He was a fucking gorilla, but that probably meant he was slow. "What do you know about him?"

"Little. Ex-military. Rumors say he was special forces. His age is probably somewhere between fifty and fifty-five."

"Special forces?" I asked. Despite my likely speed advantage, if that was true, Krugan would be no pushover.

"That's the rumor... however, Mr. Kornienko is a known braggart and relentless self-promoter. He claims to have never lost a fight. The website that sells his and Shashenka's videos claim that for a ten thousand Euro entry fee, he will pay one hundred thousand Euro to the first man that can knock him out or make him quit... and an equal amount to any woman that can fuck him until he can no longer continue." He paused briefly, but before I could speak, he continued. "Shashenka has the same bounty for a woman and a man."

That explained why there were more photos of Shashenka fucking and Krugan fighting. "So you want me to kick his ass... and then fuck Shashenka... or do you want me to try to outfuck Shashenka while Marta or Teresa does the same to Krugan?"

"No. I believe this is... beyond what Teresa and Marta can handle. As I'm sure you noticed, the Kornienkos tend toward... violence."

"Yeah. I noticed."

"If you are willing to engage with Krugan... María will simultaneously engage with Shashenka. The Kornienkos seem to be most interested in having another simultaneous fight, like the you saw in one of the photos, because they have doubled the bounty to four hundred thousand Euros if both challengers prevail in a simultaneous fight."

"María?" I asked. "María Hernández... your head of security?"

"Yes. It was her suggestion."

"Really?" I asked, unable to hide my surprise while trying to understand her game.

"Yes. She is a very capable woman and believes she can easily defeat Shashenka. The question is... do you think you can defeat Krugan?"

"I don't know. Maybe. What happens if I don't?"

"Nothing. The doubled bounty is only paid if both you and María can defeat them, otherwise nothing is paid at all, but so long as you give a good showing of yourself, which I believe you will, I will be very pleased." He paused a moment, and I could hear the smile in his voice as he continued. "However, if I can take the Kornienkos four hundred thousand Euro... I will be even more pleased. Are you willing to try?"

I paused as I thought about it. Something was happening, I could feel it. Valencia volunteering to fight Shashenka, probably while nude, was so out of character for her that she had to be trying to tell me something. I made a decision. I was going to trust her again. "Yes, I suppose. You won't let him kill me, will you?"

Voice chuckled. "No. Thank you Mr. Kraten. I intend to film the event and present it to him as a gift. I'm almost certain if either of you lose your match, that video will end up available for sale beside the others."

"I'm sure that'll make my parents very proud."

Voice laughed. "Consider it an incentive to, as I you American's say, 'kick his ass.'" He paused, but I sensed he had more to say. "If you do manage to defeat Krugan, would you be willing to take on Shashenka... if she's willing?"

I licked my lips. I liked a good hard fucking as much as the next guy, but I was pretty sure that bitch was crazy. "Maybe..." I said slowly. "I'd like to think about that one, if I can."

"I understand. You have until they arrive to make up your mind. Now... another thing," Voice said. "Saturday, you will travel to Sergio's compound as a special favor. His three daughters and wife have expressed a desire to have a private session with you. You should feel honored. You are the first to be asked."

"Okay," I said slowly.

"Come, Anders," Voice said, his tone teasing. "You have expressed on several occasions the desire to... become intimate, shall we say... with Mrs. Garcia."

"I have?"

"Yes. Most recently this past weekend."

I paused as I thought. I could tell Voice was enjoying himself at my expense. "I'm sorry. I'm drawing a blank."

"She most often holds your clothes."

"She's Mrs. Garcia?" I asked, my surprise clear in my tone as my cock twitched slightly.

Voice chuckled. "Yes."

"Oh... hell. I'm not in trouble, am I?"

"Not at all," Voice said, his tone all smiles. "As I said, you should feel honored. Until now, she and her daughters have only watched."

"Okay... I guess. What am I expected to do?"

"Whatever they want. You will be joining them for dinner beforehand. That's another first... for anyone. Others have been asked for a private session... but nobody, to my knowledge, has ever been entertained beforehand."