Oral Advocacy Ch. 12: The Honeymoon

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As one adventure ends, another begins.
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Part 12 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/13/2024
Created 09/30/2023
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Kate knocked softly on the door to her boss's office, hoping no one would answer. It was just after lunch on Monday, two days after Kate had arranged for her lover Matt to give her boss a good fucking in a hotel suite while, in the suite's other bedroom, her client Becky got railed by her own boss, Dr. Flanagan. Now Kate had been summoned to her boss's office for what Kate feared would be an incredibly awkward conversation that, if things went poorly, could lead to her losing the law firm partnership she'd earned just over a week earlier.

"Come in, it's open," a male voice announced from inside. Perplexed and a bit hesitantly, Kate opened the door and stepped gingerly inside.

"Dr. Flanagan, what are you doing here?" she asked, surprised to see him.

"Well, Ms. Harris, if you must know, about ten minutes ago I had Jane bent over her desk, her skirt pulled up and her panties around her ankles, while I fucked her good and hard," he said. "Now she's in the restroom cleaning up."

"I take it things went well Saturday night?" Kate asked, recalling how she had arranged for Flanagan and Jane to bump into each other in the hotel suite after their respective trysts.

"Quite well," Flanagan said. "I must say, your boss is rather depraved sexually, and she has the filthiest mouth I've ever encountered. Some of the things she says would make a sailor blush, and then once she gets in bed, she's..."

"I get the picture," Kate said, cutting him off. "No need for more detail."

"Understood," Flanagan said. "It's just that I've never met anyone quite like her, and I can't get enough. All thanks to you, of course. Thank you again, Ms. Harris."

"You're welcome," Kate said. "I'm glad things are working out so well." Kate hoped her true feelings didn't show through. Sure, she was happy for Jane, who'd been such a great mentor and boss while she was an associate attorney at the firm. And she supposed she was even happy for Flanagan, whom Kate was certain would now learn that he needed to prioritize satisfying his woman before himself. But inwardly, Kate was disappointed with her situation.

On Saturday night, after Samantha had regaled her, Matt and Becky with her prom night stories about losing her virginity, Kate had been wildly turned on. The massive boner that almost tore a hole in his shorts let her know Matt was too, and Kate could tell Becky wanted it bad. But then, just as Kate was about to make her move, Becky had announced she needed to head home, where she planned to ravish her husband after repeating Sam's story. And Sam, for her part, immediately took Matt into one of the hotel suite's bedrooms, where Kate couldn't help but overhear her ravishing Matt.

The end result was that Kate went to bed alone, her neglected pussy aching as she tossed and turned for hours before falling asleep. When she woke up, Sam and Matt were heading out, off to visit a couple friends before driving back to college. Although they'd had false goodbyes before, this time felt real to Kate, knowing Sam and Matt were headed off to study abroad for a semester before they'd graduate and move on with their lives. Kate had sullenly checked out of the hotel and driven home, where she spent the day by herself, still incredibly horny after her single orgasm Saturday night. She thought about calling James or Henry but fought off the urge, knowing they'd moved on and she needed to as well.

Only now her lack of sex was all too obvious, and hearing of Flanagan's tryst with Jane was making her wet. She desperately wanted him to bend her over the desk and take her with his 8-inch cock, knowing from experience how forceful and satisfying he could be. Just as a flirtatious smile started to cross her face, Kate's thoughts were interrupted by Jane's entrance.

"Kate, thanks for stopping by," Jane said. "Dr. Flanagan, if you'll excuse us, Kate and I have some work to attend to. I'll see you later tonight." Flanagan smiled and, nodding at Kate, left the room. "I must say, Kate, he was an excellent choice. I definitely owe you one." Apparently sensing her disappointment, Jane added, "I know Dr. Flanagan has had you before, and I can tell you were hoping I'd let him have you again. I certainly don't blame you, knowing what he's working with. But that's over, understand? He's mine now."

"I understand," Kate said. "I'm sorry, I know he's with you right now. It's just that right now I don't have anyone and I'm starting to need it bad, you know?"

"I most certainly do," Jane said. "What about that boyfriend of yours?"

"Matt was never my boyfriend," Kate said. "Just a guy I was hooking up with. He and Samantha are together and they're headed back to school and then to Europe for the rest of the year."

"No, not Matt," Jane said, the glint in her eye letting Kate know she was fondly recalling her recent night of incredible sex with Matt. "Jason, who works here. Or at least used to."

"Jason's not my boyfriend," Kate said. "We're just friends and he's getting married in less than two weeks. And what do you mean, used to work here?"

"He didn't tell you?" Jane asked. "He resigned on Friday. He's using up the rest of his time off, so he'll get paid until the end of next week, but he's no longer with the firm." Seeing the sad look on Kate's face, Jane continued, "I'm sorry, I assumed you knew. I'll tell you what, since you've been so good to me lately, tell Jason he can use me as a reference. I'll go to bat for him with any employer and he shouldn't have any trouble landing a new job. I'm sorry it didn't work out here, but you know as well as I do he just wasn't partner material."

"I know," Kate said glumly. "I'm just sad to see him go. He's a great lawyer and a really good friend and--well, thanks for doing that for him. I'll let him know. I really appreciate it."

"No problem," Jane said. "One more thing--from now on, we pretend like none of this ever happened. We're law partners now, and I'm still your boss, so no need to talk about Saturday night or what happened in here earlier today, right?"

Nodding, Kate replied, "Exactly. Thanks again, Jane. Now I'd better get back to billing those hours at my new, inflated partner rate."

"That's what I like to hear!" Jane said excitedly. Kate let herself out and returned to her office. She fought the urge to call Jason, figuring it would be better to wait until after work. She was sad for him that it hadn't worked out but annoyed that he'd resigned without telling her. After all these years of working together, was he really going to let it end like that, just walking out the door without saying anything?

That night, when she got home, she called Jason. He told her he'd resigned in part because he hadn't made partner and in part because he just couldn't take the big-firm lifestyle anymore. He didn't know what he was going to do but, with the wedding only 11 days away, he needed time off anyway. After the honeymoon, he's look for a job, something less stressful with a better work-life balance. Kate told him what Jane had said and he seemed appreciative, even though Kate could tell there were hard feelings on his end.

As they wrapped up the conversation, Kate said, "Well, I guess I'll see you at your wedding. Good luck with everything. Do you still want me to drive you guys to the airport the day after?"

"That'd be great," Jason said, apparently oblivious to how hard it was for her to do that, especially after her confrontation with his fiancé in the bar when she'd accused Kate of having sex with Jason even though, in reality, it was Sam.

"Okay, well, I'll see you next weekend," Kate said. "Goodbye, Jason." As she hung up the phone she was incredibly sad. Less than two weeks from now my best guy friend will be off the market, and I'll be alone as I watch him and his new wife walk into the airport for their flight to the Bahamas, Kate thought. And for what? A sexless honeymoon to cap off a sexless engagement? What a waste! Damn, what I would do to him if I were there, she added to herself.

The next few days Kate threw herself into her work, including on the weekend, using that time to catch up on billable hours and show the partners her promotion wouldn't affect her productivity or her ability to earn. On Sunday afternoon, she headed home around 4:00 and found, to her great surprise, Jason's fiancé Carrie sitting on her front porch.

"Carrie, what are you doing here?" Kate asked nervously, not in the mood for another fight.

"Your friend Samantha stopped by last weekend and we had a long talk," Carrie replied. "I think you'd better sit down." Kate took a seat next to her, fearful about what Sam had disclosed. "She told me she was the one fucking Jason in the hotel room. I'm sorry for accusing you."

"It's okay," Kate replied, hopeful that Sam hadn't said more. "I'm sorry she did that."

"No, you're not," Carrie said. "Sam told me that you sucked Jason's cock several times. Luring my boyfriend into cheating on me to learn how to deep throat so you could keep having sex with Sam's boyfriend? That's low, Kate, even for a lawyer."

"You're right, Carrie, I'm not sorry," Kate said. "And I wouldn't call it luring. It hardly took any effort because he needed it so bad. Plus, I don't think you can call it cheating, because that would imply you two were together. You're engaged to him and you won't even have sex with him, much less suck his dick? There's no way you two are going to last."

"Spare me the sermon," Carrie said. "But you're right, we're not going to last. After my talk with Sam I thought it over for a few days and I realized the two of you are right."

"The two of us?" Kate asked.

"Yeah, Sam told me the same thing," Carrie said. "I've been lying to myself, and to Jason, for a long time now. I don't love him, at least not anymore. I don't know, we just drifted apart. He's not the one, at least for me. Even with that magnificent cock that you and Sam can't seem to get enough of. I told him two nights ago and while it was tough, we both agreed it's over."

"I'm glad you realized it before the wedding," Kate said. "And even though I'm not sorry you two are breaking up, I am sorry about how it all happened. I understand if you never want to talk to me again, but I hope there aren't too many hard feelings."

"It's okay," Carrie said as she stood up to leave. "Sam and I had a good talk and she set me up with one of her cousins. We had dinner last night and it was incredible. I haven't felt like that after a date in a long time."

"I'm happy for you, Carrie, I really am," Kate said. "One piece of advice? If you like him, go right after him. Don't do like I did."

"Thanks, Kate," Carrie said. "Take care of him for me, okay?" Kate nodded, not sure she'd get the chance. If they'd broken up two nights ago, why hadn't he called her? Was he not interested in her? Had he just been using her for the chance to hook up with Sam? Or was he just an idiot?

Determined to find out once and for all, Kate drove to Jason's house. She banged on the door for what felt like forever and called him several times, to no avail. Kate knew he was inside, she could feel it, but he wouldn't answer. Finally, she gave up and went back home, convinced it was hopeless.

The next day Kate received an email from Carrie's parents informing her the wedding was canceled. It was touching, and very heartfelt, and Kate could tell everyone involved recognized it was for the best. A few of their law school friends called her to ask what happened but Kate demurred, not wanting to provide any further grist for the rumor mill. Then, on Thursday, one of their mutual friends mentioned he'd actually talked to Jason.

"How's he doing?" Kate asked. "He won't answer any of my calls or open the door."

"He's pretty upset, more embarrassed than anything," their friend said. "It was pretty close to him being left at the altar. Plus, he basically got fired and doesn't have a job, so his whole world is turned upside down. But hopefully the Bahamas will be good for him. Clear his head, get a fresh start, the whole nine yards."

"He's going on the honeymoon?" Kate asked, confused.

"Yeah, he had non-refundable reservations at the resort and already bought the plane tickets, so why not? It'll probably be weird being a single guy at one of those couples' resorts, but it's all-inclusive so I'm sure he'll make do." Suddenly, an idea popped into Kate's head.

"I guess he still needs a ride to the airport, doesn't he?" Kate asked. On Sunday morning Kate parked on the street in front of Jason's house at 8:30, a half-hour before she was scheduled to pick him up, not wanting to take any chances that he'd leave before she got there. She was wearing a short, light gray skirt and a tight, low-cut blue top. Right at 9:00 he came out of his front door and stopped in his tracks when he saw her leaning against her car.

"Kate, what are you doing here?" he asked, clearly surprised to see her.

"Taking you to the airport, remember?" she replied nonchalantly, knowing just how good she looked at the moment.

"Oh, yeah," he said. "I didn't expect you to come, with the wedding being called off."

"You're still going on the trip, right?" she replied. "No point in paying for parking. Hop in, you can put your suitcase in the back seat." They drove to the airport in mostly awkward silence punctuated by a little small talk. Kate could tell he didn't want to talk about the canceled wedding, and she was still mad at him for shutting her out. As they neared the airport, Jason pointed out that she had driven past the exit for departing flights. Taking the next exit, Kate pulled into a long-term parking lot instead of circling back.

"Kate, what are you doing?" he asked. "You have to pay to get out of this lot."

"I'm going to the Bahamas with you," she said.

"You're what?" Jason asked as she parked. "I don't think that's such a good idea. I need some time to be alone and besides, you have to work."

"It's not up to you," Kate said as she stepped out of the car. "Carrie gave me her ticket and her place in the resort. She paid for it, right?" Jason nodded. "So we're going to the Bahamas together. As friends, of course."

"Of course," Jason said. They rode the shuttle bus to the airport in silence and Kate got Carrie's ticket changed to her name. Less than two hours later, they were in the air. Kate was in the middle seat, next to Jason on the aisle and a middle-aged woman in the window seat. She had moved to the Bahamas years ago for work, giving up the stress of the American finance industry for a more relaxed position in Nassau. She still had business in the U.S. and, after a lengthy conversation, Kate was pretty sure she had landed a new client.

Kate mostly ignored Jason, although he certainly wasn't ignoring her. She crossed and uncrossed her legs countless times, giving him repeated glimpses of the upper part of her inner thighs. She stretched her arms and back many times, letting him take in her gorgeous breasts as she thrust them outward. At one point the woman next to her asked if they were a couple, and Kate laughed a little louder than was necessary.

"No, we're just friends," Kate said. "Jason was supposed to get married yesterday, but she called it off. So now I'm going on his honeymoon with him, but since he's not looking for a relationship it's just a friend trip. We've been friends for almost ten years and there's nothing going on between us, right Jason?"

"Right," Jason said, a hint of uncertainty in his voice.

"Well, that's too bad," the woman said. "You two make a cute couple." Once they landed they caught a shuttle to the resort and checked in. Kate was pleased to find their room had a balcony overlooking the ocean, a large sitting area with two oversize couches, and a separate bedroom with a king-sized bed.

"So, now that we're here, what do you want to do?" Jason asked. He started walking towards her and, by the look in his eye, Kate could tell exactly what he wanted to do.

"How about we go to the beach?" she asked, stepping away from him and reaching into her suitcase for her new bikini. "I just need to change and I can be ready in a minute."

"Um, yeah, okay, that sounds good," Jason said, obviously hoping she wanted to do something else. But his mood improved a few minutes later when Kate stepped out of the restroom wearing her brand-new red bikini. The top was tiny and barely covered her ample breasts, while the bottom was a thong that revealed everything except her tight, shaved pussy. Jason gaped at her as he tried to say something but apparently couldn't.

"You like it?" Kate asked. "I bought it just for the trip. You know, in case there are any single guys here."

"Yeah, it's, um, it's incredible," Jason stammered. He put his swim trunks on and Kate was happy to see he'd been working out. His abs looked better than she'd remembered, and of course the ample bulge in his crotch was impossible to miss. For a brief moment Kate felt herself struggle to keep from pulling his shorts off and riding his massive cock. But she regained her composure and, hoping he hadn't noticed, walked with him to the beach.

The weather was perfect, the late afternoon sun still warm as a breeze blew in off the ocean. It wasn't crowded, many people already having packed up to head to dinner, and they easily found some lounge chairs with a great view of the water. Kate stood next to one and pulled out a bottle of sunscreen. "Hey Jason, can you be a pal and put this on my back?" she asked.

"Sure," he said. His hands felt incredible on her shoulders and back as he applied sunscreen. He massaged her sides and lower back more sensuously than she expected and she felt herself start to get wet. "There you go," he said. "All done."

"What about my butt?" she asked flirtatiously. "As my friend, don't you think I need some there too?"

"Okay, Kate, I get it," he said. She leaned forward and bent over slightly at the waist, glancing back over her shoulder as he stood behind her. "You don't have to keep..." She grabbed his wrist and pulled it onto her ass, cutting him off. Jason began to rub it, slowly applying sunscreen to every inch. Then he sat down and began to rub his hand up her thigh, so close to her pussy she had to stifle a moan. He rubbed sunscreen into both thighs and then her entire legs, clearly enjoying how smooth and toned they were. Several times Kate heard him exhale loudly and knew he was having trouble keeping his hands from wandering inside her thong.

It took all of Kate's willpower not to take him right there, on the lounge chair or in the sand. There were still people around and he still had some learning to do, so instead, as he finished, she said, "Thanks for being such a good friend. That was really helpful."

"Kate, I know what you're doing," he said as she grabbed the sunscreen from him. She applied it to her stomach and shoulders before moving her hands to her breasts. She rubbed the undersides of them before slipping her hands inside her bikini top as Jason looked on. Her nipples were already hard and she moaned as she touched them, longing for Jason to take her right then and there. When she finished he was staring at her, not even bothering to look away.

"Do you look at all your friends like that?" she asked. He shook his head. Letting the moment pass and deciding she wanted to toy with him a bit more, she dropped the bottle and said, "Come on, let's get in the water." Kate walked the few feet to the water and waded in, the cool ocean providing relief from the summer heat. Jason joined her, his massive cock tenting his swim trunks. He tried to embrace her a few times in the water but she playfully swam away, turned on by knowing just how badly he wanted her.

After an hour or so they got out of the water and headed back to the room, where Kate hopped in the shower. She emerged with just a towel wrapped around her toned, athletic body. At 5'2" and 112 pounds, Kate was petite, with shapely legs and a tight ass honed by years of running and working out. Her 32 B breasts popped out of her chest and looked bigger because of her smooth, flat abs.