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The orientation program for his new job takes a strange turn.
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An Erotic Tale by


Somewhere in the United States

The not-too-distant future...

Will Tanner really needed a job. After years and years of schooling, he'd graduated with a degree in software engineering. His parents had cut him off and kicked him out of the family home, saying it was time he live on his own. Now, a full six weeks later, he was out of savings and desperate to find a job. When he'd seen the advertisement on the side of a city bus for Orion Technological Solutions, a part of him knew it was fate. The advertisement said that those desperate for a job need look no further, he'd been skeptical.

It took no time at all to look into the company. They were apparently a government software contractor. They apparently paid very well and didn't have much staff turnover, so available positions were something to be seized upon. The job application had been shockingly invasive, asking him about his relationship status, how close he was with his parents, they'd even asked him if he'd partaken in adult entertainment.

With the passage of the Workplace Liberalization Act, Will knew things weren't nearly as regulated as they used to be in the American Workplace, but he was still shocked by the questionnaire. Will had answered the one-hundred questions honestly and then submitted his application. He'd gotten an invite to interview within an hour of submitting an application. When he'd shown up to the interview, he'd been shown to a room in a convention center of all places. Over one-thousand men and women were there for a job. After a wait, a woman had walked in and told them to answer a new questionnaire.

Will and the hundreds of men in the room took the questionnaire that was available via QR code. Once the answers were submitted, the purge began. The woman returned to the room and dismissed every woman in the room. After the ladies had been purged from the pool of potential new employees, she'd gone and dismissed a considerable amount of the remaining men. The men who'd given off the self-confident, well-groomed vibe, had been sent away first. After them, the woman had dismissed all of the family men and those with greater convictions in life who'd still matched their initial criteria.

All that had remained of the one-thousand or so potential candidates, was the twenty unattractive, self-conscious men like Will who'd mistered the motivation to actually do something with themselves. In a most shocking turn of events, the woman who'd sent so many people away, had turned to the twenty of them and told of them that they were the final candidates. The woman then sent them all home with a packet of things to review as well as homework before they showed up to work on Monday. She'd said that those who completed their work, would be accepted into Orion Technological Solutions.

Once Will had gotten back to his place, he'd taken a shower and changed into some gym shorts and a tee shirt. He returned to the kitchen and tore open the envelope they'd given him. Inside the envelope, he saw the orientation packet, as well as a white card. Will grabbed the card and saw a URL on it. A part of him was confused, but he shook that off, assuming this was the link to the orientation program they'd told him to look at as soon as he got home. Will booted up his desktop computer and went to the link on the card. He was prompted to create an account, which he did. On the screen, he saw an entire list of programs, hundreds of them. The first program was titled Welcome Aboard! He slipped his headphones onto his head as the website instructed and clicked on it. Will saw an attractive blonde woman appear on screen.

"Hey there, Newbie," the woman said with a smile. She was standing in front of a generic, grey background. There was strange music playing in the background. Faint whispery voices and a soft, driving beat filled his ears, though the words were unintelligible. "My name is Sasha. Before we begin, I need you to confirm what hand is your dominant hand. It may sound strange, but the controls for this program will configure based on your response in the window to follow." Will was prompted with a window displaying two buttons, one for right and one for left. Will clicked on right, and saw the screen change back to Sasha.

"Good job, righty!" she said with a giggle. "Now, let's talk about expectations at your new career!" As Sasha began explain what Orion Technological Solutions was, he relaxed into his chair and watched. Sasha talked for a long while, the subtle bounce of her bosom only mildly distracting him from her words. Sasha was very beautiful, with plump lips, piercing blue eyes, and an alluring, chiseled jaw. Beyond her pretty face, her large, curvaceous chest and long legs were clothed in an alluring, pink blouse made of silk and a grey pencil skirt. Her blonde hair was pulled up into a French twist.

At some point, all of her words began to blend together into one, long stream of consciousness in Will's head. "Okay!" Sasha said abruptly, starling him from his absent-minded haze. When he came back to himself, he realized he'd been rubbing his right thigh back and forth. He pulled his hand back and refocused on her words. "That was all very boring. Let's talk about things that actually matter to you. First, we need talk about workplace etiquette. It may seem obvious, but don't be a dick," she said with a pump of her right fist.

"Dicks are troublesome in the workplace, constantly demanding attention and distracting everyone. At many times during the day, you'll feel compelled to give that dick your attention, but you need to resist the urge to focus on that dick." Her hand motions and tone confused him, but he just ignored those concerns and went back to listening. "Next, no gambling at work." Will watched Sasha and her strange hand motions. "I know some of you might like to shoot some craps," she said with a series of pumps of her fist back and forth towards the screen. Her fingers opened on a forward motion as if letting go of some dice, it was all very strange to Will.

"You guys love to shoot, but you can't shoot at work... at least not all the time," Sasha said with more hand motions and a wink that stirred things inside him. Her motions were making him wonder if whoever made this program was intentionally sprinkling in inuendo to keep his interest, because it was genius and working. "I hope you're paying attention, Newbie, because those who work hard never have to look for another job again." Will relaxed and continued to listen, his right hand moving up and down his right thigh.

"Employees are compensated with a complex system of rewards for completed objectives and finished assignments," Sasha said as her right hand made distracting motions on her blouse, moving up and down the delicate, little buttons. "Our employees are well paid, but compensation goes beyond that, allowing our employees to find inner fulfillment at a level many others couldn't imagine." The motion of her hand, the smile on her face, and the velvety-soft tenor of her voice continued to stir things within him and draw him in further.

The scene changed, as did her wardrobe. A button that was previously buttoned on her pink, satin blouse, was now unbuttoned, drawing Will's eye. "Remember, it's important not to stare when you're supposed to be focusing on something," she said as her finger traced the unbuttoned top of her blouse. "Right now, you're looking at this undone button, and not into my eyes. They're up here by the way," she said as she motioned towards her eyes. Will looked into Sasha's eyes, feeling embarrassed, even though he was alone in his apartment. A text bubble appeared on the left side of the screen.

Press D to advance, A to go back, spacebar to pause at any time...

Will read the text a few times, wondering why those keys had been chosen. He reached out with his left hand and hit the 'D' key. "Good boy," Sasha said excitedly as the sound of her voice continued to stir him and demand his attention. "There is more to talk about, but it's time to discuss something very important." The scene changed behind her again. Now, Sasha was standing in a new location, the wall behind her changing in odd, distracting patterns and colors every second or so. Another button on Sasha's blouse was undone, but he found himself ignoring it and focusing on the motions of her right hand, up and down, like a ticking clock. A tension was building in him as he continued to watch the video and listen to the subtle music in the background.

"The importance of focusing on the right things cannot be understated," Sasha said as she motioned towards the background behind her. "It's important that you not look at the colors on the wall behind me." Will tore his eyes away from Sasha and looked at the wall behind her, seeing the strangely changing background that drew his attention. "You need to learn about your new job, so you need to focus," she said as a third button had magically become unbuttoned, revealing a hint of her lacy bra. Why hadn't he noticed her undo another button?

"At Orion Technological Solutions, we pride ourselves on ensuring that all of our employees are well taken care of. We feel that employees that are empowered to take care of anything that is giving them tension in life, makes for happier employees." The sight of her bra was distracting Will from the strangely colored walls, the mysteriously alluring music, the motions of her right hand, or her words for that matter.

"Right now, you're beginning to feel a tension that is hard to ignore," Sasha said as her eyes darted downward. Will looked down at himself and saw that his hand was still rubbing up and down his thigh. More than the continued motions of his hand, he saw an enormous bulge in his pants. "Carrying around a tension like the one you're feeling is never good for employee productivity. At Orion Technological Solutions we feel it is imperative that you work out any tensions that may be building up within you as soon as they arise."

Will tore his eyes away from the bulge in his pants and refocused on Sasha. The motions of her right hand, pumping up and down, made him want to do something. A part of him was compelled to act, to take care of his aching cock in his pants. Another part of him thought it wasn't right to do something like that while doing stuff for work. "Work out that tension, Newbie," Sasha whispered to him as she motioned down below. "Just a touch to relieve that ache." Will moaned as his body was assaulted by pleasurable sensations. He looked down and found his right hand groping his bulge, making him throb. Why didn't he remember deciding to touch himself?

"You'll never be able to complete your orientation program if you don't relieve all of that tension. How will you be a good employee if you're so tense?" Sasha asked with a pouty lip that made him throb. "Touch it," she breathed to Will, who moaned out of the blue as his hand encircled his throbbing cock. When did he take his shorts off? Why was he so spacy? Why did his cock feel so good?

"When you're ready to hear more from me, just hit the D key," she said as her right hand continued to pump up and down beside her. Will stroked his cock up and down at a slow pace that matched Sasha's hand motions. "Don't worry about releasing that tension, you can continue to do what you have to do as I talk." The wink she gave the camera made him throb and hit the D key.

The scene changed once again; this time closer in to her face than before. "Good boy, Newbie, just focus on my voice as you relieve all of your tension." Will's mind was clouded by conflicting thoughts, all centered around the satisfaction of his cock or a desire to listen to Sasha's voice. He heard her words and watched her, but his mind was focused on his cock.


"Still with me, Newbie?" Sasha asked after an indeterminate period of time. Will snapped out of the daze he hadn't known he was in and refocused on Sasha, only to see her wearing a hot pink string bikini with a high-rise thong. Her large, fake breasts were barely contained by the tiny garment. Her right hand was pumping up and down, back and forth from her pelvis, leaving no illusions as to the meaning.

"You don't realize it, but you've been hard at work for a long time," she said with a smile. Will looked around and noticed that he was naked in his chair, with his hand on his slick, raging cock. The bottle of lubricant that he used for masturbation was parked on his desk, beside his keyboard, the top of it open and ready for further use. Why didn't he remember getting out his lube? How long had he been touching himself?

"You've done well to go blank and stroke yourself, Newbie," Sasha said seductively. "Orion Technological Solutions does a lot of top-secret work, so we train our employees to go blank, like you've been for the last six hours." At the mention of six hours, Will looked around his room and saw the daylight peeking through the closed curtains where nighttime darkness had previously reigned. Had he been at this all night?

"Our employees work hard, but never seem to remember their work," Sasha said as she continued to pump with her fist, compelling Will's fist to continue his motions in kind. "All our employees ever remember is the feeling of their hands down below, relieving that seemingly endless tension." Even as she spoke, Will found his mind unable to focus on much other than how much he needed to find relief from the tension he felt in his cock.

His fist was moving on its own accord, making his body shutter in the face of unspeakably intense sensations. "If you think you're someone who could work for Orion Technological Solutions, then just keep pumping. If you're someone who can think about nothing but pumping their dick all day, then hit the D key and keep pumping," Sasha said as she pumped her fist.

Will felt his cock twitch in his fist, an unmistakable sensation beginning to manifest itself in the pit of his stomach. Will hit the D key and watched the images on screen change again. Sasha was standing close to the camera, pumping her hand quickly, while the wall behind her continued to shift and change color. The music was louder, seeming to cloud his mind with thoughts of pumping his cock. Will lost himself in the images on screen, pumping his cock faster than before.

"Come on, Newbie, there is only one thing left for you to do to complete this first program," Sasha said as she continued to movie her fist faster and faster. "You need to release that tension you're feeling. You need to let go of everything that is holding you back from being what we know you can be, what I know you can be."

Will grabbed the bottle of lube with his left hand and squirted the slick liquid onto his pumping fist, slickening his cock. Sasha continued to talk as her fist continued to pump up and down. "It's time to let go." She was nodding as she spoke, her words insistent.

"let go of every rejection, every missed opportunity, every embarrassing moment that has built up inside of you during a lifetime as a pathetic loser. It's time to let go of everything that has been dragging you down, preventing you from being happy. You can be someone worth knowing, you can be happy. All you need to do is come," she said insistently. Her words echoed through his mind, shaking him to the core as that tension that had welled up within him reached a boiling point where it would either consume him or escape all at once.

"You need to come," Sasha said as she pumped her fist. "You know that coming right here, right now, will change you forever. A part of you is afraid of what you'll become if you let go of that tension and come everywhere. Another part of you, buried deep inside, is desperate to release that tension. It's screaming for you to let go of that tension and come. Let it all out!" Will's cock erupted, spraying thick ropes of semen all over the floor between his legs.

Will's entire body shook as he was enveloped in the warm, comforting embrace of release. "Each pulse you feel is a piece of you, another piece of what has dragged you down all of your life, finally leaving you forever. This is an inner peace only Orion Technological Solutions can give you." A relief and calm descended over Will, washing away all of the tension he'd been feeling in life.

"Feel the tension melt away," Sasha said softly. The calm that Will felt while his body gave up one thick jet of semen after another, was unlike anything he'd ever known. Will felt something beyond calm, beyond relief; an inner peace as Sasha described. "Let in the feeling of peace only Orion Technological Solutions can provide to you. Orion Technological Solutions wants you to be a happy, productive worker. If you want to feel a satisfaction and inner peace unlike anything you've felt before, then hit the D key." Will felt one last jet of his cream leave his cock, splattering onto the carpet below.

Will continued to slowly rub his cock, as his other hand hit the D key. New music sounded in Will's headphones as a new program instantly began on the screen. "Welcome to Introduction to Work Basics," Sasha said off screen. "If you're here, then that means you've embraced a pursuit of inner peace that only Orion Technological Solutions can give to you," she said as she walked onto screen in the same bikini as the end of the previous program.

"You've recently had a release, but we're going to start this program with some more pumping. Please begin rousing your cock, now," she said as her right fist began to move up and down from her pelvis. Will didn't hesitate and began gently pumping his soft cock up and down until he was fully revived and ready for more. "As you get hard again, you'll begin to lose focus and you may even lose track of time, that's okay. Just pump your cock and go blank."


When Will walked into Orion Technological Solutions on Monday, the last three days of his life were nothing but a hazy blur. He'd found himself coming in and out of a strange fog. All he ever seemed to do was jerk his cock at his desk while watching Sasha and the next training program. He knew he had to be taking care of himself, but he had no memory of such things, only the brief moments where his mind came out of the soupy, lusty fog to let go of another intense release of semen. Thoughts of Orion Technological Solutions and Sasha dominated his every moment, not to mention his cock.

Walking in the front door of his new job, Will was instantly greeted by the sight of Sasha, or at least a woman who looked exactly like her. The tall, blonde behind the reception desk at the front of the building, smiled as he walked in. Will froze in place at the desk, his cock instantly hardening in his pants. "And who might you be?" she asked.

"Will Tanner," Will said in a ghostly voice as his left hand held out a piece of paper to her. She took it from him and saw the certificate that he'd completed orientation. His right hand shook, desperate to satisfy his needy cock. Sasha looked down at her computer and typed for a second, before looking back to him and smiling.

"Morning, Newbie," she said, making his cock twitch and drip in his pants. She stood up and walked around her desk, standing before him. Sasha was wearing the pink, silk blouse and grey skirt combo from the first training video. Will was shocked by how tall she was, her bust almost at eye level to him. "You can stare at them, all of you new guys are obsessed with my tits," she said matter-of-factly, making his cock twitch even harder. "I'll take you to your workstation," she said as she grabbed his left hand and led him to an elevator off to the right side of the atrium. As they walked, he found his right hand gently rubbing his bulge.