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Wes smiled. "That sounds great. Which hall are you in?"

"I'm in Dotson Hall, room 344."

"I'll be there in an hour," Wes said. He hung up and walked back out into the room, where Devon sat on the edge of the bed, still completely naked, his cock once again hard and throbbing. "I'm bout to take a shower," he said, turning back around.

"I'll take one with you," Devon said quickly, getting up off of the bed.

"No, I don't think you should." Wes sighed, and leaned against the doorway. "Dude, last night, and this morning, they were big mistakes. They felt good, but they were mistakes."

"What do you mean?" Devon asked, a confused look on his handsome face.

"The plan you had, it won't work. It can't work." Wes rubbed his hand down his face. "It was a nice try, but there's no way we can be together only in here. It doesn't seem right to me."


"No, no buts, Devon." Wes kissed Devon softly. "I can't be about just sex. And I can't be with someone that can't be with me in public. Not even in private. I'm sorry."

Wes walked quickly back into the bathroom, shut the door, and locked it.

Devon walked back to the bed and sat down, his mind awash in thoughts. I'm so stupid, he thought disconsolately. Actually, I know exactly how to solve this.

Wes stepped out of the bathroom ten minutes later, ready to have another confrontation with Devon, but Devon wasn't there. Where did he go? Wes shrugged. That made it easier, because now he had to go meet with Cameron, and he didn't think he could just NOT tell Cameron. It wasn't in his nature. Looking at the bed wistfully for a moment, Wes stepped out of the room, pulling the door closed.

"May I help you?" The woman at the Registrar's Desk asked as he stepped up. "Yes, I'd like to request a change of roommates."



"May I help you?" The woman at the Registrar's Desk asked as he stepped up.

"Yes, I'd like to request a change of roommates."

"Reason?" The woman gave him an appraising look, and Devon suddenly felt very uncomfortable.

"Uh, irreconcilable differences," Devon said.

"Son, this is a change of roommate, not a divorce."

"Well, we're not getting along."

"Well, you're going to need to get your roommate to sign this form, too." The woman handed him a slip of paper. "Come back when you have his signature."

"Uh, ok," Devon said, turning and walking quickly away from the desk.

Wes took a deep breath, and then knocked on Cameron's door. "Coming!" Cameron's voice called from the other side, and a moment later the door was pulled open. "Wes, hey."

Wes smiled. "Hey, Cameron. How are you?"

"Fine. Not much has changed since we talked a little while ago." Cameron smiled. "Come on in, and we can decide what we want to do."

Wes nodded and followed Cameron into his room. He was surprised to see that it was a singles room. He had expected Cameron to have a roommate, but he didn't. He looked around the room and took in the neatness of it, seeing the specific way things were put up, or how his desk was organized. Cameron was definitely a very organized guy.

"So, do we want to do something that costs or are we gonna go gratis today?" Cameron sat down on the edge of his bed and turned his gaze to Wes.

Wes immediately felt uncomfortable, like he was being scrutinized, even though he knew he wasn't. It was mainly his guilt over what he had done with Devon—not regret, just guilt.

"Uh, I don't mind either way. You decide." Wes diverted his gaze from Cameron, focusing instead on the ugly pastel green carpet.

"Is something wrong?" Cameron asked, standing up and crossing to Wes. "You seem . . . I don't know, distant, I guess."

Wes smiled. "Everything's fine, I promise."

Cameron gave him a gentle peck on the cheek. "Good," he murmured, his hands sliding down to gently cup Wes' butt, but the dark haired boy pulled away, his mind filling with the vision of himself riding Devon, the look of pleasure in Devon's eyes . . .

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cross any lines," Cameron said quickly, taking a step back from Wes. "I don't know why I moved that fast—"

"It isn't that," Wes said quickly. "I just . . . Have a lot on my mind. I'm sorry." He ran a hand through his hair. "I promise to be better today."

"You don't have to be," Cameron said, rubbing Wes' shoulders. "You're allowed to be moody if you so choose, stud. In fact, I insist. We're not leaving this room until you're moody enough to upset a Care Bear."

"A Care Bear?" Wes asked, laughing. "Where did that come from?"

Cameron shrugged, grinning sheepishly. "I don't know," he admitted, "I just thought of something cuddly." Wes snorted again. "So, have you decided what you want to do?"

"Yes," Wes said, stepping forward and giving Cameron a passionate kiss, his tongue delving into the blonde guy's mouth and prodding his tongue into action.

The kiss built in passion, and once again Cameron's hands reached for Wes' ass, squeezing, kneading the cheeks, his fingers pressing against his hole through the jeans, the slightly sore flesh sending a sharp tendril of pain through Wes, causing the dark boys to pull away, turning his back to Cameron.

Cameron wrapped his arms around Wes, reading the message wrong, and slid his hands down his chest, towards his crotch, and Wes let out a cry and broke away from Cameron, and without even looking back he stormed out of Cameron's room, just leaving the door open.

Cameron stared after him, completely confused.

Devon sat on the bed, holding the paper that he had to get Wes to sign. He wasn't thrilled to do this, but it had to be done. It was the best thing for both of them.

Devon kept telling himself that, but still he wasn't sure. No, he was sure, he just wasn't happy with it.

Not that he didn't understand where Wes was coming from, because he did. He could honestly say that he would probably do the same thing. It still hurt, though.

Devon buried his face in his hands, hoping that he was making the right decision. There was no turning back after this, he knew. He would either make things easier for them both, or Wes would hate him forever.

He sat there for a few moments more and then he heard a key in the lock, and knew that Wes was back. A feeling of dread suddenly filled him, and he was tempted to tear the request form up, but knew this was something he had to go through with. And go through with it he would.

Wes came in, and Devon stood. Without even saying anything he thrust the paper into Wes' hands, holding a pen out as well.

Wes examined it for a moment, looking up at Devon, his face marred with disbelief. "What is this?"

"It's a change of room form," Devon mumbled, realizing that this was not the best way to have handled it.

"I realize that," Wes said angrily, "I mean why the hell are you doing this now?"

"Because it needs to be done," Devon said, diverting his eyes. "Its for the best."

"I can't fucking believe this," Wes said, turning and running out of the room, slamming the door shut. Devon stood there for a moment, and then rushed out of the room after him.



Devon watched the scene unravel in a sort of macabre slow motion. He saw Wes shaking his head and turning back away from him, he saw him take that first step out into the street, and he saw, with growing horror, the Jeep Grand Cherokee speeding past the light onto the campus road. He had barely a moment to let out a warning shout before the Jeep hit Wes, his body crumpling like a rag doll, flipping across the hood and then falling into the street.

The car screeched to a halt and it was like everything was in motion again. Devon, his chest pounding with fear, leapt into the street, at Wes' body in seconds. He fearfully felt for a pulse, and thank God there was one.

The driver of the Jeep hovered over Devon, clearly panicking. "I didn't see him," he kept muttering to himself. "I didn't fucking see him."

"It doesn't matter," Devon snapped. "Call a fucking ambulance!" The blonde turned back to Wes as the driver fumbled for his cell phone.

"Please be ok," he whispered, tears threatening to overwhelm his voice and his vision. He saw a thin trickle of blood flowing from the corner of his mouth, and a small puddle of blood was forming in the street around his head.

Dean caressed Wes' cheek, letting the tears flow freely for the moment, letting his emotion come out.

"The ambulance is on its way," the driver said, unable to hide the frightened tremble pervading his limbs. "They said give it three minutes at the most."

God, Devon prayed, let him make it. Devon took Wes' hand in his own and cried, not caring who saw him.

Cameron couldn't believe it. He had been in his room, trying to figure out what had gone wrong with Wes when his cell phone rang. He had seen that it was Wes' number, so he answered it. "Hello?"

The voice on the other end had been choked up, tear soaked, as if the speaker had been crying. "Hello?" Cameron said again.

"Yes . . . Are you a friend of Wes?"

Cameron thought the question odd, but something had told him that this was important, so he had answered honestly. "Uh, yeah, who is this? Why are you on Wes' phone?"

There had been a long pause, in which the speaker had taken several rattling breath. "Wes is on his way to the hospital. He's been in an accident." The voice had finally said.

"What happened?" Cameron had asked. "Is he ok?"

"He was hit by a car," the voice had said.

"How did you know to call me?" Cameron had asked.

The voice had taken another deep breath and then had said "You were the last person he talked to on the phone." And then the line went dead.

And now Cameron was rushing to the hospital, wondering just how serious the situation was.

All of the cars on the road seemed to be going to slow, as if they were conspiring to keep him from Wes. He was frustrated, worried, impatient and fearful. He swerved around a green Mazda that was simply riding its brakes down the fucking interstate.

He heard a few horns but ignored them. They could honk all they damn well pleased, it made no difference to him.

He saw the sign that had the circled "H" on it that read "NEXT LEFT". Good. He was almost there.

Devon sat in the waiting room, tapping his foot nervously. It had been 2 hours since he had called Cameron, 2 hours since the doctors had begun their work on Wes.

Devon glanced across the room to where Cameron stood at the vending machine, trying to make a selection. Something finally caught his eye and he hit the code, and a bag of chips dropped down.

Every time a doctor walked by both Devon and Cameron would tense, hoping they carried word of Wes, but a doctor had yet to stop in.

The two guys had traded few words in the 2 hours that had passed, both focusing on their own inner thoughts.

Another twenty minutes passed and a doctor finally stepped into the waiting room. Devon and Cameron crossed to the doctor quickly, eager for word.

"How is he?" Devon asked quickly. "Is he going to be ok?"

The doctor held up a hand to stem the flow of questions Devon was about to release. "Wesley is doing well, considering, but he's not out of the woods. He's suffered a broken arm, a few cracked ribs, and most likely a concussion. He's still not conscious, which could cause some problems down the road."

"What kind of problems?" Cameron asked.

"Don't be too concerned," the doctor said patiently. "We're not going to worry about that for a few days." The doctor looked between the two boys. "If you'd like, you may go in and see him, but only for a few minutes."

The two boys thanked the doctor and went in the direction the doctor had pointed. They passed three doors before coming to the room number the doctor told them.

The door was open and the two went in.

Cameron, who had not been there when the accident took place, was unprepared for what he saw, and he had to take a step back, taking in the battered and now bruising body lying prone on the bed, an IV in his arm.

"How fast was that car going?" Cameron asked.

"I would guess about 50," Devon answered, not taking his eyes off of Devon.

The boys sat in there for a good thirty minutes, until a nurse came in and told them that their time was up. The two boys said quiet goodbyes to Wes before leaving.

Devon walked slowly down the hallway, and Cameron quickly got ahead of him. Once he saw that Cameron was gone he turned back to the nurse, grabbing her arm before she could go. He noted her name was Alexis, and filed that away for future use.

"Miss," he said, "is there any way I can stay for a little while longer? Just a little?"

Alexis frowned, but then she saw the real emotion in Devon's eyes, and her frown softened. "I'll give you ten minutes," she said, "no more."

Devon gave her a nod and walked back into the room. He sat back on the edge of the bed and caressed Wes' face. Suddenly overwhelmed with tears, he buried his face in the sheets at Wes' side.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
smut with plot ^.^ awesome

Someone who puts some plot with their smut, finally

Actaully it reads more like plot with smutty bits in it ^.^

dinkybootsdinkybootsabout 12 years ago
where is the rest of this story.. i am sat here very upset waitng

for the next intalment.? and its no where to be seen... this has really pissed me off.? when i read a story i like to se it through to the end.? now i am gutted.....

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

OMG i love it i love it alot!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please make more!!! <3 pweaseeee

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
(part 1) very good story, but . . . .

I enjoyed your story, but there were some errors that you need to correct. They are as follows: 1) there were a few instances where you meant to say 'Devon' instead of 'Wes' and vice versa; 2) you said 'Dean' instead of 'Devon'; and 3) when Wes runs out out of the room, you stated that he was wearing 'shorts' yet when he and Devon are making out at the stadium, you have Devon unzipping and unbelting Wes' 'pants' then when they are getting dressed again, Devon throws Wes 'shorts' back at him. You don't want to have any of the above inconsistencies distract people from your story, especially since you have a good one going.Looking forward to reading part II!

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

Please continue...I check everyday for the next chapter!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
really cut loose

i left my small town for college in 1981 before aids foulded things up. i knew i was bi. women were expensive and men were so easy and i loved a cock as much as apussy. i hung around parks, public toilets, theone porn theatre in town. i was always ready. in my first semester, i was fucked 32 times and sucked over 50 delicious cocks. i still tremble with excitement of the thought of hot cum filling my man cunt, of torrents of delicious cream filling my mouth and sliding down my throat. my wife is not aware that every so often i stop at an avs and get fucked. i practice safe sex and im happy but that wonderful 6 months of first freedom and unbridled safe fucking and sucking were just the very best. i am suck a good fuck and cocksucker its a shame to waste it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Write faster!

please, hurry and finish the next installment.. it is better than Days of Our Lives!

angelicminxangelicminxalmost 18 years ago

I agree with the last comment. This story was well written and has a plot. I'm left wondering if Wes will recover, HOW he will recover, if there's any lasting damage and how he will deal with it. I'm also wondering how the relationship between Wes, Devon and Cameron will develop.

I also have several character questions. Would Devon really have fucked Wes that quickly? I assumed that Devon had not had problems fucking women in the past, so why the problem all of a sudden? Is my assumption wrong? Was he already having homosexual thoughts? Is that how he recognized the sexual interest from Wes?

Where does Skye fit into the story? Obviously she's at least bisexual if not lesbian.

Anyway, love the story, the plot and the characters, as well as the setting. You drew me into the story and kept me there... Kudos! Well done. I am looking forward to reading the rest of this story as well as anything else you might come up with. ~Minx

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
very good

Your story was well written. It had a plot which is good b/c a lot of these stories don't. Your story wasn't just sex, it had a point, but the sex was interesting also. Good Job on your first submission.

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