Outpost 2: Snowed In - Bisexual


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It was time for the main course apparently, and Schaffer wasn't sure exactly what that would be, she liked to open with some oral and then finish by fucking him until his hips went numb when they made love under normal circumstances. He hoped that she didn't expect Runt to just sit to one side and watch them. She waved them both forward, spreading her thighs, parting her lips with her fingers and exposing the glistening flesh beneath. She was drooling nectar, it hung from her opening in fat ropes, dripping to the mattress as the two males looked on. They crawled closer to her, and once in range she took a cock in each hand, the two of them gasping in unison as her fluffy fingers closed around their still sensitive members.

She tugged them closer, their hips bumping together as she drew them in, and she rolled over onto her side. She caught Runt in her tail, wrapping it around his waist and pulling him over to that he lay behind her, and then she guided Schaffer down to lie to her front. She closed her arms around him, pushing his face into her downy cleavage, burying him in soft flesh as she nuzzled his hair. Maybe she wanted him to know that he was still her favorite, and he took the opportunity to sink his fingers into the meat of her weighty boobs in response, feeling her grip on him tighten as he delved for the firm breast tissue that lay deeper and glanced her erect nipples with his palms.

He felt her grip his shaft again, angling it between her thick thighs, as round as tree trunks and almost as hard beneath the insulating fat that gave them their cushy lining. He felt his glans graze her slippery vulva, feeling her familiar warmth as she pushed him inside her. He winced, groaning into her bust as her slick walls wrapped around him in invitation, silken and delicate with a slippery texture that set her passage apart from Runt's. She left him there to soak for a moment, the two of them squirming as his member beat inside her like a heart, and her walls shifted and undulated against his skin.

Not forgetting the little alien, she reached a hand around behind her and took his member in her palm, guiding it closer as he gripped her wide hip for purchase. She was almost shivering with anticipation, she was eager and excited, and Schaffer considered that due to her solitary nature she might rarely get a chance to join in on the usual Polar orgies. The instincts were still there, clearly, the desire had not left her and the alcohol seemed to be bringing it bubbling to her usually stoic surface.

Schaffer expected Runt to take the back, and he the front, but his heart skipped in surprise as he felt something brush against the underside of his shaft. It was hard and hot, smooth and polished if not for the subtle bumps that lined its surface, and he heard Runt loose another helpless whine as Scarface's passage squeezed their members together inside her.

Schaffer had never tried anything like this before, both males were sharing the same hole as the huntress wriggled and shifted in order to find a comfortable position. Schaffer was of average human size, and Runt was no dramatically more endowed, despite her tightness Scarface seemed to have little trouble accommodating the both of them. Her syrupy juices flowed around them, glazing their members in her slimy essence, lessening the friction as the two frotted against each other.

It was incomparable, Schaffer had never experienced anything of the sort. The sensation of Scarface's smooth, velvet walls pressing around him and massaging his length like a thousand tiny tongues was enough to make his head spin, and now Runt's alien organ was rubbing against his sensitive underside and adding to the sensation. It was firm and warm, he could feel the Polar's heart beating through it as it throbbed, squashed together like two hotdogs in a bun as her powerful muscles enclosed them.

It was a tight fit but he started to move, points of light dancing in front of his eyes like sparks as Runt's dull barbs grazed him and harsh pleasure stabbed at his senses, its tapered glans tracing his frenulum like the tip of a tongue. Scarface felt them moving inside her, her passage contracting, as if his member were resting in a sleeve made of damp velvet and a fist was squeezing it from the outside.

It took a lot to get to Scarface, even when she came she was usually aloof and in control, but now she was more excited and more affected than he could recall seeing her. He could hear her heart hammering in her chest as she pressed his face into her bust, her breathing already labored and irregular, her insides clenching and quivering as her two lovers fought for space.

Schaffer was unsure of what to do, should he and Runt try to synchronize and thrust together? Should they alternate? Scarface never spoke a word to anybody, even Schaffer, and so she couldn't communicate what she expected of them. As if to answer his unspoken question, Runt began to move, sliding deeper into Scarface with a slow rhythm that caused his bumpy member to rub against Schaffer's. It was made slippery and wet by her overflowing juices, the friction might have been too much to stand otherwise, the pleasures of her silky walls and Runt's slimy member blending into a haze of sensations that dulled his mind.

Unable to stop himself, he moved his hips reflexively, bucking into Scarface as the trio clung to each other in a sordid pile. Questing hands roamed over the huntresses' body, Runt's furry fingers taking liberties with the pliant meat of her ass and her hourglass hips, Schaffer's naked digits delving into her bust and weighing the basketball-sized globes in his palms. She wriggled and twisted, sucking one of Schaffer's fingers into her mouth and coiling her long tongue around it as he reached up to cradle her cheek, her tail wrapping around Runt's body like a boa constrictor so that she might dictate his pace.

It was getting to her, too. Having two males lodged inside her, both of them moving erratically, their organs flexing and shifting as they pressed against her sensitive walls and filled her to capacity was enough to make her fur stand on end. She couldn't decide how to move, her instincts telling her to thrust her hips in search of further stimulation, but she was being taken from both sides. She elected to lie still instead, distinctly un-Scarface-like noises escaping her lips as she clung to Schaffer with her furry arms and gripped Runt with her tail. Little by little her control over them waned, her grip loosening as she let them set their own pace, too absorbed in her own pleasure to bother with staying in command of the situation.

Runt and Schaffer couldn't seem to synchronize their thrusting, it was hard enough to concentrate on what they were doing without the added stimulation of their members sliding against each other, slimy and wet as their own leaking excitement mingled with the viscous emissions that Scarface's quivering tunnel exuded.

The dull bumps that lined Runt's cock were driving Schaffer to distraction, as if the alien had beads lodged under his skin, rolling across the underside of the human's member as Scarface's leaking honey made them slippery. There was so much heat and friction, it was like a furnace inside her, Runt's erection forcing his own against her smooth walls in new and exciting ways.

Schaffer tried to drive his throbbing shaft deeper inside the twitching huntress, hearing girlish cries escape her lips, sounds that he had never heard the usually stoic female make before. She was so wet, her juices were leaking from her opening as the pair moved inside her, her fluffy thighs were absolutely sodden and their members were glazed with the stringy mess.

Their combined girth was clearly hitting her sweet spots, Runt's beads scraping her satin flesh, tearing at her nerves like cruel fingers as Schaffer's motions jammed it against her. He could feel her muscles contract, as if her body was trying to contain them, every ripple and quiver of her tight passage massaging his aching erection as their coupling grew more frenetic.

Scarface buried her face in Schaffer's hair, breathing in his scent as she nuzzled and crooned, her gasping breaths followed by low sighs and soft yelps as her two lovers pushed her higher and higher. The sensations were so intense, Schaffer doubted that he could last much longer, they had only been inside her for a couple of minutes and already he could feel an orgasm creeping up on him. Scarface wouldn't release him from her silky bust, her arms wrapped around him with renewed urgency, her claws pricking his naked back as if she was afraid that he might escape her clutches.

Runt was latching onto her like a baby monkey, his eyes closed as he pushed his face into the downy fur of her back, fingers clutching at the subtle paunch of her belly as he gripped her narrow waist for leverage. He was rolling his hips harder and faster now, perhaps nearing his limit as he lay locked in a union with the huntress that he had lacked the courage to approach, and the human that he so adored.

Scarface began to shudder more violently, her massive body quaking as Schaffer and Runt's movements became more desperate and fervent, her claws leaving red welts in Schaffer's skin as they dragged down his back. She let out a pained cry as Runt's bumpy member grated across her sensitive inner walls, Schaffer feeling her clench around the two organs like a vice as her powerful muscles tensed and squeezed them together.

The trio fed into eachother, every twitch and pulse felt by the rest, a relentless feedback loop forming as they drove eachother towards an inexorable climax. Runt's member jumped and throbbed as it rubbed against Schaffer's, flexing and probing as if it had a life of its own, rigid but with a flexibility and give that made its contact pleasant and enticiting. It was fever hot and drenched in Scarface's seeping honey, gliding against Schaffer's most sensitive spots as it battled for space in the narrow passage. He could feel the alien getting close, the clear fluid leaking from his glans, adding to the obscene mixture of their bodily emissions that swirled inside Scarface as they fucked it deeper.

Her body began to shiver, taut muscles tensing, yielding fat deposits shaking as Scarface started to come. Her orgasm rolled over her in wracking waves, her long spine arching and her tunnel contracting around their members like an angry fist, her two companions gasping and groaning in unison as her powerful loins wrung them. Runt couldn't hold on, wrapping his arms around her waist as if afraid that he might somehow float away into the sky, reflexively jamming his member as deep inside her reaches as he could manage. She tightened her tail around him, holding him against her, eyelids fluttering as she felt his warm ejaculate fill her tunnel and a fresh wave of pleasure set of fireworks in her brain.

Schaffer felt it too, a flood of warmth around his erection, as thick as jelly as it spread around his twitching shaft and forced itself into every crease and fold of Scarface's walls. Runt's member swelled and pulsed, pressing up against Schaffer's so that the human could feel every load as it traveled up and out of him, the human's thrusting quickening as he pushed into the thick soup of alien fluids. He was close too, tingling jolts of pleasure running up his spine, his body seeming to melt into hers as he lost control and moaned into her bosom.

His ejaculate joined Runt's, leaving his body in great, heaving spasms as Scarface clung to him. He felt as if someone was pulling a knotted rope out of him, he scarcely had time to take a gasping breath before a fresh surge of blinding pleasure spread through his body, and his aching muscles pumped more of his emission into her. He was on autopilot, his conscious mind taking a back seat to his animal lust as he thrust and ground his hips against his shivering partner, the mess they had created together leaking from her twitching opening to spill onto the mattress in fat globs as the pressure forced it out.

The three of them lay locked together, wallowing in their post-coital euphoria, stray sparks of pleasure tickling their senses as the occasional aftershock pierced the haze. Schaffer felt Runt slide out of her finally, and he followed suit, profane fluids sloughing out after them to matt Scarface's thighs as she purred contentedly. It was as much noise as Schaffer had ever heard her make.

Sensing that Runt might be feeling left out, she lifted him off the mattress with her dexterous tail, depositing him between her and Schaffer as she caught him in her long arms and pressed her cleavage around his head. Schaffer followed suit, delving his fingers into the Polar's silky fur and resting his head in the nape of his neck. Runt's excited shivering soon subsided, as it was almost impossible to stay awake under such circumstances, his exhaustion and his satisfaction getting the better of him as his body relaxed and he started to breathe deeply.

Schaffer listened to the rhythm of Runt's heart, feeling Scarface's warm breath blowing on him from above, letting sleep take him as the three friends lay together and the snow hammered on the windows outside.


Riya stood at the door of the outpost, looking out through the porthole at the mountains of snow that the storm had deposited the previous night, the air was clear now and she could see one wing of her shuttle protruding from the powder as the vessel lay almost on its side. Schaffer arrived from the corridor behind her, already pulling on his environment suit, fastening the seal on one of his gloves as he marched towards her. He came to a stop beside her, tapping the suit monitor on his wrist to check the battery charge as she waited patiently.

"The storm has blown over," he said, "looks like we can get outside now and dig up your shuttle. Think it'll be ok? I can't imagine that it would have taken any damage, as long as the engine intakes were closed so that no melted snow could leak inside, and I doubt you need me to remind you of that."

"It's a combat dropship," Riya replied as she began pulling on her own suit, dancing on the spot as she shuffled inside the tight-fitting garment. "Or at least that was its original purpose before they tasked me with being a glorified delivery service, I doubt the weight of the snow will have done the chassis any damage but I'd better give her a once-over to be sure before I risk taking off."

Schaffer nodded as she zipped up her environment suit and twisted on her helmet, there was a hiss of air as it pressurized.

"That reminds me," she said, "how are you planning on digging it out? It must be buried under two or three feet of snow at least. Won't that take all day?"

"Not with a little help from my friends," he replied as he grinned at her through his open face plate. He put his fingers to his mouth and whistled, then waited for a moment, and before long half a dozen of the furry Polars were crowding the hallway behind him.

"That'll do it," she laughed, then gestured to the reinforced metal door. "After you..."

Knowing that the door would be stuck fast due to the snow that had piled on the other side, Schaffer waved forth Zagza, the enormous male taking a moment to greet Riya with a sort of Eskimo kiss that left a wet smear on her visor as his nose rubbed against it. She didn't speak their language and so she couldn't tell the alien to keep it casual, her face reddening as it brought back memories of their encounter the day before, and he stepped past her to take the door handle in his massive hand. He twisted it and grunted, jamming his broad shoulder against the metal, the humans stepping back to give him space as his claws scarred the deck. He heaved, forcing the door open and pushing back the pile of snow on the other side, much of it spilling into the hallway along with a gust of freezing air that stung like knives even through their insulated suits.

They marched out in single file, the humans sinking up to their knees in the crisp snow, the tall aliens wading through it with relative ease as they followed Zagza over to the delta wing that protruded from a snow drift like the mast of a sunken ship. When they arrived the Polars immediately began to dig, using their enormous hands like shovels and breaking patches of ice with their hard claws, the two humans soon abandoning their efforts to contribute as the Polars outpaced them. They stood aside and watched as the pack worked, slowly unearthing the buried vessel like it was some forgotten archeological structure on a dig. Schaffer chuckled to himself as he imagined them using the ends of their fuzzy tails like brushes to clean artifacts of dirt and debris.

They got it done remarkably quickly, it couldn't have taken them more than half an hour, and Zagza had even instructed them to clear a small area around the dropship as he knew more or less how it worked. They stood back to admire their handiwork, the navy blue hull of the vessel now almost completely clear of snow, but it still lay at an odd angle as it rested on the snow drift that it had originally crashed on. Zagza was hesitant to have his people attempt to right it for fear that it might fall on them, and so he deffered to Schaffer who walked up and down the length of the craft as he examined it.

"What do you think Riya, can you take off like this?"

"I still have to unload the cargo," she said as she walked up beside him, kneeling to get a better look at the landing gear that lay partially submerged. "I think the best option will be for me to idle the engines for a while, see how much of the snow I can melt with the thrusters, then take off and attempt a proper landing nearby."

"Yeah, if you can melt most of that drift and get the wings mostly level, you shouldn't have too hard a time getting into the air again."

"She's a little bottom heavy because of the crates in the hold," Riya mused, "but I reckon I can get her righted. I don't see any damage to the airframe, I'll do an engine and hull integrity check once I'm inside, make sure she hasn't sprung any leaks. Have your friends keep their distance, unless you want to see what a steamed Polar looks like."

Schaffer waved the pack back to a safe distance as Riya lowered the landing ramp and struggled inside, making her way to the cockpit and getting seated. Schaffer could see her moving around through the cockpit windows as she flipped switches and pressed buttons, a loud whine emanating from the ship's engines as they came to life. She turned on the thrusters, keeping them at low power so as not to actually lift the craft, jets of blue flames appearing under the wings and belly of the dropship as the snow beneath began to melt under the heat. It created steam as the water vaporized, clouds of it billowing out from under the ship, Riya careful not to melt it away so quickly that she simply dropped.

Under normal circumstances landing in snow was not a problem, the intense heat of the thrusters would burn away a level surface upon which the vessel could set down safely, but it was the wind that had caught her and had dashed her against the drift before her engines had gotten a chance to do their work.

Slowly the dropship started to right itself, leveling out as the drift shrank, until it looked as if she might be steady enough to attempt a take off. Riya fired the main engines briefly, ensuring that their internal workings had not been frozen. The low temperatures of space were one thing, but having water seep into the engine and then freeze was quite another, if it somehow reached any of the electronics it could cause a catastrophic short-circuit. Everyhing seemed fine though, and Schaffer watched as the thrusters flared more brightly and the vessel began to rise off the ground. She was using manual controls, he could see the intensity of the flames changing as she did her best to control her pitch and roll, the craft slowly drifting right to avoid what was left of the snow pile.