Outsiders Pt. 03


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"I'm not doing this!"

"Ben," Raven calmly said, "is this personal? Is there some reason you don't want to do this with us in particular?"

All three girls suddenly felt and looked insulted. "What the," Ben said. "No, it's nothing personal, it's that I don't want to be a slave keeper. Because that would be wrong! Ok? And, you know what? I take it back. I do mind doing anything with the likes of you! You," he pointed at Krista, "are too conniving to be trusted. And you," he pointed at Raven and then stopped himself from saying that she stood idly by while her partner went on a murdering spree. She hadn't know about it. "You're too gullible to be trusted." He looked at Lisa. "And I have no idea who you even are, Lisa, so I'm certainly not going to punish you with slavery!"

Krista spread her arms and rolled her eyes in exaggerated aggravation. "Oh, my, God," she said. "Did you break his brain when you fucked him, Blondie? Cause there is something seriously misfiring up there."

"I dunno," Raven said and shrugged. "I did smother him with my boobs, though."

Krista nodded and said, "Brain damage due to prolonged oxygen starvation. So sad. Well, that settles it. We'll just have to stick around and care for the poor tyke."

"Talking to you is a waste of breath," Ben said.

"Ditto," Krista said under her breath.

Ben ignored her and sent Lisa the order to tell him what she would most hate being ordered to do.

"I would most hate being ordered to leave your side in a manner that broke your link to my mind," she calmly said.

"What," Ben shouted. "Why on Earth would you want to be my slave?! You're a person with a family and, and you've written a novel and stuff." He sent Lisa the order to tell him the truth about who she was and why she wanted to be his slave.

"I wish to be your slave," she said, "because I have no one. I am all alone in this world. Society had rejected me and I am rejecting society in return. I have only two ambitions in this life. The lesser one is to write books that I want to write, not the dross my publisher can market and sell. The greater one is to explore my sexuality, in particular the exhilirating rush of being helpless in the bedroom. My gut tells me that you are an honorable man and that I would be completely safe exploring the limits under your command and guidance. I have no desire to be anything more than a sex object to you, but it is my ambition to fulfill such a role so well that you keep me around for a long, long time. At least until we grow bored of one another, if that is even possible.

"I lived in a small fishing town in Massachusetts, called Paradise. I use the word 'lived' in the loosest of possible ways. I existed there and my existence had been hellish. I'm the toast of the small town now, but I hadn't been while I was growing up. My mom was from Guatemala and my dad was married to a rich, white woman when he had an affair with my mom. I am the result of that affair. He wanted my mom to abort me, but she refused and, shortly after I was born, the secret broke.

"My dad got divorced and his ex-wife's family ran him out of town. My mom stuck around, I think mostly out of spite. The ex-wife and her family made sure our lives were as miserable as they could make them, but my mom actually enjoyed all the drama. I didn't. I was the town pariah, guilty of things other people did before I was even born.

"Just as my escape from my own, personal hell was staring to draw near, my mom got sick. Real sick. I had to quit school and get a full time job at the cannery so she would have medical coverage for her treatments. When I wasn't working, I was nursing her. She had always loved reading romance novels, so I started to read for her when she couldn't read anymore. She quickly became bored with them, as she had read them all before.

"I couldn't stand watching my mom give up, so I started to make up a new romance novel while I did my mindless work at the cannery. I'd tell it to her when I got home and I could see the light return to her eyes. It was as if she was hanging on to life just so she could hear what I came up with next. I started to narrate a whole novel for her and wound up writing it down to keep track of it. I honestly thought that I could keep my mother alive by telling her romance stories. I thought she'd fight it off in the end.

"She didn't. She passed away in March. I was left all alone, with no one in the world to turn to, cause I was an adult now, working a dead end job without so much as a high school degree to my name. All I had was my unfinished novel, so I finished it to honor my mother's memory and sent it to some publishers. One wrote back saying that they liked it, but that I'd have to change it to make it marketable. I did. I made the characters teenagers and set the novel in my small town. It got published and I was able to quit my job and start writing full time.

"My town was put on the map by the fans and we began to have a tourist trade again. The ex-wife's family reversed their stance on me and I was suddenly the toast of the town, as all the inns were reopened. I didn't care much for their duplicity and focused on writing my second novel. I wanted to write a Sci-Fi novel, like the things I like to read myself, but my publisher insisted I write another romance. We finally compromised on me writing a romance novel with supernatural elements, like that Twilight stuff. I started researching cults online and found a website that caught my eye this Monday and... Well, you know the rest already."

"That's horrible," Ben said, regarding her story. "After going through all that and seeing your friends die before your eyes and the rape, why would you want to be my sex slave?"

"Why not," Lisa said and shrugged. "I have no family. My dad abandoned me when I was a baby and his kin acted as if I didn't exist. My mom is dead and I don't even know if I have any family in Guatemala, all I know is that she ran away from them and never even talked about them. All my friends are dead and the only people that know I even exist are a town full of hypocrites, thousands of fans of a crappy novel that I wrote out of desperation and a publisher that treats me like I really was a slave. Now that I've been declared a loony, you could do anything to me and none of them would so much as bat an eye. The thought of being at your total mercy is turning me on so much that I'm leaking all over your couch."

Ben looked the girl over. She was petite, almost a head shorter than him and of slight build. Her face was very pretty, adorned with a diminutive, straight nose and thick, pillowy lips that were a shade darker that her swarthy skin. Her body was that of a fashion model, or it would be if she wasn't so short and endowed. Her breasts looked to be C-cups, but seemed even larger on her slender frame. Ben could see that she was squirming in her seat and, as she saw him notice, he felt her deep arousal and desire to be used. That was the last straw for him. He started to cast the spell of Break Enchantment.

Krista said, "Are you casting the spell which will set us free?"

Ben spared her a look and a brief nod while he chanted and gestured. Casting the spell took a whole minute and he would probably not succeed in freeing them on the very first try. He might need eight or nine castings to do it. He summoned his resolve and focused on doing the spell properly.

Krista leaned to whisper into Lisa's ear to give him a blowjob. He wanted to send her the order not to do it, but he couldn't send telepathic orders while he was casting so he did nothing other than screw his face up into a displeased expression. Krista then whispered into Raven's ear to follow her lead. Ben kept casting, even as Krista's hand slid ever so slowly and sensuously down the side of Raven's smooth, round face to cup her dainty jaw and turn her towards her. The two beauties rubbed their cute noses together before starting to kiss. Their kiss started to get steamier and steamier. Ben could see their tongues sliding back and forth between their joined lips. He could feel their touches were genuinely arousing one another and pulled out of his mental link with each girl's mind. He had to focus on his casting, lest he blow it.

When Krista's hands swept under Raven's T-shirt and started to maul her tits, Ben nearly lost his place in the spell. His cock got rock hard all on its own. He didn't even notice Lisa getting off the couch until she knelt before him and started to work his pants open. He shook his head at her, but decided to keep gesturing and chanting so the spell would be cast. He would have moved away from her, but Dungeons & Dragons prohibited moving or taking any action while casting spells. He had the freedom to stand up, or dodge a blow during casting, but he had to pretty much hold his ground or the spell wouldn't leave his body.

He lifted his gaze and saw that Krista had gotten Raven's T-shirt off her. She knelt on her seat and bent over to lick and suckle at the blonde's tits. Ben nearly let out a moan of arousal at seeing Raven give in to Krista's attentions. She squirmed in her seat and tossed her head back with her eyes closed.

Lisa fished out his rock hard cock and stroked it with gentle fingers. He couldn't believe he was still casting successfully. He was less than halfway there when she lowered her face to his cock and breathed on its head. Ben's voice wavered, but he kept on with the casting, despite all odds. If he had known Lisa was going to do this, he would have used his Silent Spell feat to cast. He squealed out the magic words when she engulfed his cockhead with her soft, sensuous lips and started to run her wet tongue all over it.

Ben pressed on with the casting, but he was having a hard time doing so. Lisa was starting to bob her face up and down his cock and Raven was squirming madly while Krista was suckling on her bare breasts. He couldn't believe how sexy it was to see her lips pressed against the blonde's swollen areolas. He held on to his casting by the barest of threads. His hips were bucking into the brunette's hot mouth, threatening to disrupt his gesturing and his breath hitched but he managed to finish it, despite Krista slipping a hand inside Raven's belt.

His spell was loosed and broke none of the enchantments on the girls' minds. He roared his orgasm out loud and his hips lifted clear from his seat as he shot his load into Lisa's eager mouth. She did her best to keep a tight seal on his jerking shaft, but it slipped out and his cum landed on her cheek. Some dribbled out of her open mouth to slide down her chin. She ignored it all and stuck her tongue out to lick at his glans.

When Ben sat back down and managed to open his eyes, he saw Krista kneeling on one side of Lisa and Raven on the other. Krista was licking up the cum from the girl's cheek and Raven was cleaning her chin. The three of them then snowballed his load between themselves. Ben watched in mute fascination as one girl after the other took all of his seed into her mouth and then poured it into the next one's waiting mouth by means of a French kiss.

Krista noticed him watching fascinated and broke the sequence when she saw that his erection returned. Instead of kissing Lisa and pouring the seed into her mouth, she bent down and spread Ben's seed across the narrow valley between Raven's tits. Lisa let out a small moan of disappointment but was overshadowed by Raven's exclamations of joy.

"Come on," Krista said after she finished making Raven's tits glisten. She spread Ben's knees and moved Raven to kneel between them. "Lisa, help me!" The two girls then lifted and pressed Raven's tits together over Ben's cock, effectively trapping it in the wet, fleshy sandwich. "Isn't this hot?" She and Lisa both started to tickle Raven's swollen areolas with one hand and groping her ass with the other. Raven closed her eyes and moaned as her hands sought out the groins of the other two girls.

Ben watched in fascination as his dick was completely engulfed by Raven's massive tits. His hips started to buck instinctively and his cock started to peek out between the tops of the orbs. He focused on the telepathic links he had with the girls and was overwhelmed by the lust that was consuming them. He felt Krista's finger reach Raven's asshole and start to tease it. He could feel Raven liking it. When Krista penetrated Raven's asshole with her finger, the blonde jumped and her tits, still squeezed tight around his cock, pumped it.

Krista started to use her finger up Raven's ass to dictate the rhythm with which the blonde's tits were going to go up and down his cock. Ben felt Raven's delight at the painfully pleasurable sensations Krista's finger was giving her ass and he lost all grip on reality. He started to buck in counter rhythm to Raven and his cock went from nearly sliding out the bottom of her sticky cleavage to running the length of it.

Raven responded by pressing her hands harder into the groins of the girls flanking her and the four of them started to climb inexorably towards orgasm. Ben got there first, spurred on by all the pleasure he felt in their minds. His cock twitched as his whole body seized up and clenched to expell what little seed his balls had made in the past minute. It joined the stuff that was already on Raven's tits. His overly sensitive cock started to shrink and quickly slipped out from between the big mounds. He sat back down in his chair and heaved giant breaths to keep from passing out in exhaustion.

The girls bent their heads and stuck their tongues out to thoroughly clean the blonde's tits. Raven moaned in delight, but Ben could feel she needed more. Her fingers were groping the girls' mounds, driving them to ecstasy through layers of fabric. He sent Lisa the order to slip her hand down the front of the blonde's pants and put a finger into her.

When the brunette did it, Raven's mouth fell open and she sucked in a loud breath. Her whole body went rigid before it started to shake and shiver in orgasm. Ben gleaned her pleasure and had a hard time staying conscious under the assault. Her skin turned beet red and her trembling fingers sent both the girls into paroxysms of ecstasy of their own. Ben's brain was suddenly overwhelmed by two more simultaneous orgasms and he passed out in sheer pleasure.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
How DARE he

he cheated on Krista he is DEAD to me! monster!


gkrishnagkrishnaalmost 7 years ago
A bit of a dive

The story took a bit of a dive in this chapter (not enough for me to stop reading, but this was less enjoyable than the previous chapters) due to multiple reasons. Mainly, Ben's moral compass seems weirdly oriented, being willing to take over a random screaming girl from the streets (without even much regret about it later), but allowing Raven, a known associate of an enemy and one he knew to be keeping secrets from him, to remain free and given so many chances to escape (when he's sleeping, or by running away from Krista in the mall). And he seems rather immature too, in many ways. Honestly it's hard to believe he survived through all these years without magic mind-sensing powers, when he's so gullible and careless about known threats.

JasonRTaylorJasonRTayloralmost 9 years ago

You seem to have addressed much of my concern from last ch. and then some.

Your ill regard towards Christianity remains visible, but you've at least refrained from preaching.

Meanwhile every other aspect improved. One in depth character has expanded to three and growing.

The enemy got a significant power boost yet not untenably so. Moreover it had limitations, though with a suitable application of murder that might change quite quickly.

I'm guessing that Ben will suffer from the casting of wish, yet having that and timestop as weapons in his arsenal should tip most major confrontations in his favor.

I'm enjoying your character dev most of all, but the smut was also very well done.

Thanks for the story,


jpz007ahrenjpz007ahrenover 9 years ago
That ending

Soooo perfect. Danm though, that was a seriously impressive concentration check he passed. ./bravo

Steve150177Steve150177over 9 years ago
Just great.

I like it a lot.

I like long chapters.

I like the characters and the plot.

I just wish you cranked them out 1 per week.

Waiting is killing me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Great work. Glad that Krista finally got some real depth, she had seemed kind of 2D before, just kind of there as a motive for Ben's revenge. I laughed out loud at Lisa's honest response to the thing she'd least like to do, really a great moment.

RNewtonRNewtonover 9 years ago
Worlds worst guilty concsience nightmare in writing.

All that those stat bonuses on personality etc... are definitely affecting the girls. To know your unwittingly affecting the minds of those around you... Yea I would have trouble sleeping after that. Added on to that you hit the girls with the Florence Nightingale effect multiple times, in various ways, draw to power... yea they basically don't have a choice but to love him any more. That shit would make my conscience's conscience blow a head gasket, and kill poor Jiminy cricket in the process. Great story 5 stars

Master_Of_LifeMaster_Of_Lifeover 9 years ago

The argument about keeping slaves is of course highly reminiscent of A-Cup Angst, but it still managed to feel fresh and natural anyway. In fact, it seems more... correct here than it ever did for Jamie.

I'm definitely looking forward to seeing how things progress for this group now.

I'm also curious to see how they cross paths again with the sorta-Simon. (I can only assume they'll see and recognize him from the news on that military base, and go from there....)

The story is going great, keep it up!

pariah001pariah001over 9 years ago

This was a great series find! Added to my must read selection. Thanks for the series and I'm looking forward for more in the future. Thanks sycksycko!

Lonely_readerLonely_readerover 9 years ago
Merry slavery

That's a first! :D

Loved it, can't wait for chapter 4

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