Over The Rainbow


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"Honey," I said to Molly. "I've been heavy my whole life. I guess I eat too much and don't exercise enough. Maybe I'll try and lose weight so I can be around to see you grow up."

"Mommy and I walk every night. You can walk with me. But sometimes I ride my bike."

"You're welcome to join us, Ross," said Allie.

Maybe that was the incentive I needed, I thought as I hugged Molly before I went home that night.

We started the next day. I walked to their house and then we went another mile or so together. Molly often rode her little bike. It was nice being together.

I started watching my food portions as well. I had already lost weight, and was feeling better about myself. But Allie was treating me more as a brother or close friend than a boyfriend. I wanted to say something but didn't want to lose what we had together.

Saturday she said she wouldn't be able to walk. She was having company from out of town. I had a feeling it was Richard because I figured she would have told me who it was otherwise.

What really hurt was on Saturday morning she asked me if I could watch Mollie that evening. Her parents had a previous engagement and wouldn't be able to watch her.

What could I say? The woman I secretly loved was going on a date and asking me to watch her daughter. I said yes and went over to pick up Molly. I told her she could be my date and I would take her to the movies and to McDonald's for dinner. She was as happy as could be. I was happy on the outside but torn apart inside.

When we got back from the movies, Molly fell asleep on my couch. It was about ten when I heard a knock on the door; it was Allie. I couldn't believe she was home already.

"How was Molly? Was she any trouble? Did she give you a hard time?"

"Slow down Allie. What's the matter? You're talking a mile a minute. Molly's fine and sleeping on the couch. Why don't you come into the kitchen and we can talk. So, what happened tonight to get you so riled up?"

"The friend I went out with was Richard; an old boyfriend. I've known him for a number of years. We've been friends and dated quite a few times. Tonight he asked me to marry him. He said he missed me and wanted me back in Columbus with him."

My heart just fell down to my stomach. "So, what did you tell him?"

"I told him I didn't know; it was such a shock. I needed time to think about it. Molly and I enjoy our life here and my family even moved here for me. I don't know if I can just move back to Columbus."

"Do you love him Allie?"

"I thought I did at one time but now I'm not sure. I don't want to go into it right now."

Over the next couple of months things seemed a little different. According to Allie, she promised Richard an answer by October. Richard had been back to visit twice since he proposed. Each time he visited, my heart jumped. After all, he was a good looking doctor. What chance did a nice overweight machine operator like me have?

Allie, Molly and I were on one of our walks and Allie just blurted out, "I told Richard no. My family and friends are here and I have a great new job. I'm very happy with my life. But I just wanted you to know. And you're the first person I've told."

We stopped walking and I gave her a hug. Her refusal made me think that maybe, just maybe, I was part of her reason for her saying no. As we continued walking, she asked me what I was thinking.

"About my favorite song. I know it sounds silly, but that's what I was thinking."

Somewhere . . . Over the rainbow, Bluebirds fly, Birds fly over the rainbow, Why then oh why can't I?

I didn't mention to her that if birds could fly over the rainbow, then maybe I had a chance with her.


I had Thanksgiving dinner with the Dulings. Cutting back wasn't easy with all the good food there. When I told Allie that I was going to walk off all the calories, she and Molly joined me.

As we were walking, Molly made a statement that took me by surprise.

"Santa Claus is real. I saw him last year, but why do they all look different? I even saw a skinny Santa with a fake beard."

"Well, there are too many people in the world for one Santa to take care of. So Santa has a lot of helpers. They all report back to the real Santa so he can get the children what they want for Christmas."

"Uncle Bud said he was going to have Santa come back to our house again on Christmas Eve this year. Do you want to come and see him?"

Allie laughed as I tried to explain things in a way that a five-year old could understand. Since I couldn't play Santa and be Ross at the same time, I decided to talk to Bud about it.

"Of course I'll be there. Is there anything special you want for Christmas this year?

"Yes, but it's a big surprise. I can't tell you or it might not come true. I can only tell Santa."

Allie and I laughed over how serious Molly was. I had to remember to talk to Bud about replacing me as Santa at the Duling's house. Maybe he could play Santa since it was his idea. But Bud was skinny so that was a funny image.

I told Molly that I wouldn't be able to walk with them till after Christmas because I had to work a lot of overtime. I didn't want to tell her I was playing Santa Claus again this year.

My costume didn't fit very well, so I had to use a small pillow. My beard and glasses were still okay though.

Sitting in my Santa chair one evening, I looked up and saw Allie and Molly. I couldn't believe that she brought her to me. Even though Molly had just turned five, I was worried she might detect who I was.

When she came up to me it didn't look like she recognized me.

"What's your name, little girl?"

"I'm Molly."

"What would you like Santa to bring you for Christmas this year?"

"I want a daddy."

"What! Santa brings your favorite toys, but Santa doesn't bring daddies."

"I have a friend. His name is Ross, and I want him to be my daddy. He's nice to me."

My love for the little girl on my lap made it hard to talk. "Don't you think your mommy should be the one you talk to about this man Ross? After all, she might not want to marry him. Maybe she just wants to be good friends with him."

"No, she loves him too. He comes over all the time and mommy gets sad when he goes home."

"Sweetie, whatever gave you the idea that Santa could bring you a daddy?"

"Mommy did. When I told her I wanted Ross for a daddy for Christmas, she said we could come to the mall so I could ask Santa myself. He could get Ross to be my daddy if he thought Ross loved me and mommy.

"I know you're not the real Santa cause I feel a pillow on your belly. But my friend Ross said that you help the real Santa, so please tell him about Ross."

I could hardly talk, but I assured Molly that I would pass her wish on to the real Santa. I looked at Allie as Molly ran to her, but they both waved and went on their way.

Bud laughed when he found out I couldn't be his Santa, and asked another friend to play the part. It cost him a hundred dollars but he didn't care; his family was worth it.

I worked Christmas Eve as Santa and got off at four. At six I headed over to the Duling's for their party. The whole family was there, with some coming in from Columbus. No one ever missed Christmas Eve at the Duling's.

Molly hugged me when I got there. Most everyone was surprised that I wasn't Santa and that I had lost so much weight. They were having their Christmas present exchange when we heard the bells outside.

Molly jumped up and yelled, "Santa's here!"

All the kids were excited and crowded around their grandmother as she let him in. To help Bud's friend out, I had talked to him the day before about what I did the previous year. He spoke to each child when they went up to him, giving them their present. When he called Molly up she took the gift that he gave her, but then whispered something before sliding off his lap.

Santa laughed and then called for Alaina to come up. He handed her a present the size of a breadbox. She was surprised, but began opening it only to find another smaller package.

She continued until she got to a small package the size of a ring box. As she opened it, I went down on one knee in front of her.

"Allie, I have loved you from the day I met you. I never pushed our relationship because I didn't want to take a chance on losing you as a friend. Now I'm asking you to marry me. I'm just a regular guy, but I have a lot of love to offer you and Molly.

"You'll probably want some time to think about it, since I threw this on you without warning. But I just wanted you to know ..."

She interrupted me and said, "Yes, Ross, I'll marry you. Now stop talking and put this ring on my finger so you can kiss me."

I did exactly that. Everyone cheered us on and congratulated us. Molly came over and hugged me and then hugged Santa for passing along her wish.

All of her family began talking at once, asking when we were getting married and offering ideas. Allie looked over at me, and I could tell she was thinking of that long ago conversation we had about how she didn't want a lot of planning and work.

"If it's okay with Allie, we'll be getting married New Year's Eve," I said to them.

"Yes, that's fine with me," replied Allie smiling at me.

Everyone stopped talking, looks of shock and confusion on their faces.

"We aren't doing a lot of planning. Most of the people we want at our wedding are here right now. A minister I know said he would marry us whenever we're ready. I belong to the Elk's lodge and they aren't having a party there on New Year's Eve. That means we can rent it. If you know anyone else who might want to attend, just let them know. If any of you can't make it, we understand."

The talk changed some but I could see everyone was planning something. Everyone kept toasting us, and soon I had way too much to drink. No way was I going to drive home in that condition. Allie said she would drive me home since we lived so close. We took my car and Molly sat in the back. I apologized for drinking so much, but I was the happiest man alive.

Allie drove to her house because I told her I would walk home from there. When she pulled into her drive, I got out and carried Molly to her bedroom. She was fast asleep from all the excitement of the night.

"Ross, since you're coming over first thing in the morning to watch Molly open her gifts, why don't you sleep on the couch? We bought a hide-a-bed when we moved here. You can go into the garage and get her presents from Santa while I get her ready for bed."

I was more than happy to do that. As I put the presents under the tree, I looked over to watch Allie getting the hide-a-bed ready for me.

"Alaina, I want you to know that I have loved you from the first time I met you. I can't wait to make love to you and I'll be the best damn husband and father in the world." I used her given name as a way of showing her how serious I was.

"Ross, the reason I said no to Richard was because I was in love with you. You are the kindest man I have ever met. I could see the love in your eyes for both me and Molly. I just needed to know we both felt the same."

We kissed and she went to the bedroom. I undressed down to my skivvies and lay on the bed. Next thing I knew, Allie stood at my side wearing a shear nightgown. I couldn't believe my eyes.

"I brought you your Christmas present. Just be quiet so we don't wake up Molly. Plus, I have to be in my bed in the morning." With that said she climbed in the bed and lay next to me.

Somehow her nightgown disappeared, leaving her naked and breathtakingly beautiful. She was everything I had imagined in a lover and yet far more. Her passion matched mine in a way that took my breath away. All too soon she kissed me and went back into her own room.

When I awoke the next morning, Molly was at my side.

"Merry Christmas," she said, smiling at me.

Good thing I had the blanket on me, I thought.

"Mommy's making coffee. She told me to wake you up cause you might want a shower and to get dressed. You better hurry because Santa was here and I want to open my presents!"

I grinned at Molly's excitement, and applauded her ability to wait. After she went into the kitchen to see her mom, I rushed into the bathroom, grabbing my clothes on the way. When I returned, Allie had already put the bed back together, and a hot cup of coffee waited for me.

"Did you sleep well? Sometimes those hide-a-beds are hard to sleep on," Allie asked with a big grin on her face.

"It was probably the best night's sleep I had in my life. I had the most wonderful dream too," I said.

Allie just smiled and Molly started opening her gifts.

"Where's the present you have for Ross?" Allie asked her daughter after she finished opening hers.

"It's in my room," replied Molly. "I'll go get it."

She brought me a CD without any wrapping paper on it and handed it to me.

"Molly, what happened to Ross's present? It was all wrapped and under the tree yesterday."

"I wanted to hear it again." She looked over at me. "I'm sorry, Daddy. I told Mommy I wanted to get you something special and she said this was your favorite song. I wanted to hear it and now it's my favorite song too."

Daddy—that one word was about all I comprehended. Molly thought of me as her daddy, and that put a tear in my eye. Going over to the stereo, I watched as she played with the CD before turning back to me. 'Over the Rainbow' came on just as she crawled up on my lap.

When it was near the end, I could hear her voice singing the last couple of lines with the CD.

"If all those little bluebirds fly
beyond the rainbow . . .
why . . . oh . . . why . . . can't I?"

I hugged Molly and thanked her for the wonderful gift. This was the greatest Christmas ever.


Many people don't know that the song 'Over the Rainbow' starts out with a little poem before the singing begins. To me it gives the feeling of peace and hope just beyond the rainbow.

"When all the world is a hopeless jumble
And the raindrops tumble all around
Heaven opens a magic lane.

"When all the clouds darken up the skyway
There's a rainbow highway to be found
Leading from your window pane
To a place behind the sun.

"Just a step beyond the rain
Over the Rainbow"

Thank you for reading my story. A big thank you to Mistress Lynn for making it a much better read. Comments are always welcomed and appreciated.

DG Hear

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Oatmeal1969Oatmeal19693 months ago

good lord that was sweet.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

A trio of wonderful stories, thank you DG! I love kids and including them makes a tale twice as good! 5 stars

somewhere east of Omaha

SackettheartSackettheart4 months ago

This was a nice story line. It is definitely made better by reading the 2 previous stories regarding Russ.

tinfoilhattinfoilhat10 months ago

A nice little story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

To Nitpick, who gives a f**k, it doesn’t matter.

NitpicNitpicover 1 year ago

Where was Molly's father?.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Just to let you know, You are my favourite author. I don’t like everything you write, but that is to be expected. Keep up the good work.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

There are a number of loose ends. For instance, who is Molly's father and what happened to him? How was their wedding? Did they have a number of little rug rats besides Molly? to name but few.

I am always fascinated to see how kids ask critical questions to the interested/core parties!!! For instance, Molly asking for a daddy for Xmas.

5* in spite of the missing loose end.


NitpicNitpicalmost 3 years ago

Who was Molly's father?.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

This is a great series. Thank you.

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