Page Ch. 05


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"And I'm only for you," she pants as her hands wrap around my waist to aid our coupling. "It's only ever going to be you, Ry. I don't want anyone else."

"God I love hearing that; it'll never get old. I'm only for you."

"You better be."

"Oh - I - am - I - can - assure - you," I say as I increase the force of my thrusting and press her legs a bit further back.

"Ooo, yeah, just like that," she whimpers. "Shoot it inside me. Do it and make me cum."

I can feel her beginning to quiver beneath me but resist her encouragement to cum just yet. I want her to climax fully and continue pumping away at her. She looks down between us to watch me disappear and reappear. Lusty mischief is in her eyes and I know instantly she's going for my weakness again. Her nipples are like two pebbles and the star shaped ring beckons me to suckle at her teat, but I am determined and maintain my thrusts.

"Fill your little sister, Ry. Squirt it inside me," she taunts.

Releasing her legs, I grab her waist to pull her onto me as we meet. The angle changes again slightly and my cock rubs along her clit ring to exquisite effect. I have to smile while I watch her begin to cum as she rushes over the edge. Her quaking climax has her gripping me tightly.

"Oh faa, oo fuck - please - yeah - oh yeah - rub it too," she moaned as my thumb finds her clit.

Rubbing her in time as I continued to pump, the mixture of her vocalizations and the intense gripping she's delivering pushes me ever closer to my own release. Without warning, a sudden gush of warm liquid is accompanied by a long string of unintelligible utterings. I'm sure she is telling me to fuck her harder or more or deeper, but not a word of it comes out the way I'm sure she intends it to. The result is the same, however, and mere seconds tick pass before I erupt uncontrollably within her as if we hadn't had sex in days. The amount of liquid the two of us generate seems to overflow. I continue pumping her as her eyes squeeze shut.

My cock isn't softening this afternoon and Page says, "I want it in my mouth; I want to taste us."

I pull out of her and lie back on the bed with my cock still straining for the ceiling. She moves quickly to kneel beside me to suck and lick our juices from me. Without even thinking about it I pull her hips toward me and position my mouth to sample the mixture from her. She doesn't hesitate a moment and moves herself atop me. Her beautiful hairless pussy is on display and allows me full access to her dripping wet lips. Most of our fluids are on the sheets, but I slurp at her only to discover that what is left in her doesn't taste bad, in fact the combined juices excite me.

My erection only gets harder as she continues her sucking and slurping. It's like a challenge that she'll conquer through sheer endurance. I conclude our juices must be some kind of an aphrodisiac, because we go at it again for quite a while with oral and then couple for another round of sex with her astride me. We're both a little exhausted and sweaty from the exertion, but I believe it was worth it.

After we take turns in the shower, we spend the better part of the morning getting the cabin back in order. I put the sheets and mattress pad in the wash. We remove the decorations from the tree and take it out to a yard waste pile around the back. We clean the perishable food from the refrigerator, dump the grounds from the espresso machine and place them on the compost pile as well. The remainder of the garbage is tied up in a large bag which I put in the trunk of the car. While Page reconnects the internet and resets the keypad entries, I start draining the hot tub and replace the cleaned sheets upon the bed.

Working as a team, we have the car loaded and start our trip back to DC shortly after noon. It should give us plenty of time to drop things off at the condo and fit in a shopping trip for Page's party attire. We arrive back in the DC area shortly before rush hour, but traffic is relatively clear, probably since people are on holidays.

We arrive at the condo around dusk, and I park in my assigned spot. Hopping out, we gather our bags from the trunk and head to the door. Page is carrying her duffel bag and one of the gun cases. I have my bag and the back pack with the laptops.

At the door, she reminds me, "We need to guard what we say in here. We know someone's been inside."

"Okay, and we don't want them to know we know, right?"


Opening the door, I'm hit with the faint smell of rotting garbage. "Oh, man, I forgot to take that out. I probably need to clean some items from the refrigerator too, we've been gone over a week."

We go inside, close the door and head to my room. It's a little funny that we both assume she'll just take up occupancy in my room. I can feel how happy it makes me, despite the feeling of invasion and spying.

"Where do you keep this?" she asks, referring to the gun case. "Did you leave the other one in the car?" she asks looking around.

"I keep it on the shelf in the closet, but we can keep it under the bed if you like. The other one is in the car. We can get it later or leave it there."

She slides it beneath the bed and plops her bag on top. I do the same and set the laptop backpack at the foot of the bed.

"I'll go get the garbage bag from the car and deal with the one stinking up the kitchen. You want to change before we go shopping?" I ask heading for the door.

"Don't I look okay?"

"You look fine, I'm going to change because it's been a long day."

"Oh, yeah, I guess it has - maybe I should change, too," she says heading to the guest room where the remainder of her new clothes are.

I go back to the car, open the trunk retrieve the bag and head back inside. Passing the guest room, I see Page is almost finished changing into the cute skirt, another turtle neck shirt and some matching black tights. I can't help myself and say, "Nice."

In the kitchen I seal up the trash and get out a bag to toss some produce from the refrigerator. There aren't as many things as I thought there might be. I dumped the soup and another dish I'd made a few nights before she'd arrived. It had been near the end of my fresh produce and only a handful of other items had to be thrown out, chiefly my fresh spinach and mixed salad greens. I took both bags out the side door to the big garbage bin the city picks up. Back inside I wash up at the sink, run the disposal for the item's I'd dumped out and start the dish washer running.

The disposal is still running when Page joins me in the kitchen with the refrigerator door open, "There's not much left in there. We're going to need a grocery store visit."

"We can go after we get you a nice outfit for the party," I offer as I turn off the disposal and running water.

"Maybe we can get dinner too, we've been neglecting regular meals."

I have to laugh because she's the one that's been keeping us so busy. Her drive is nearly outpacing mine, although I'm not going to admit it or ask for mercy. "We can do all three, there's plenty of time. Are you ready to go?"


We gather our coats and go back out to the car. There's an upscale clothing store just down the street from my apartment and I head straight there. Inside the store we head directly to the petite section in search of an elegant dress. She peruses several different mannequins with an array of dress styles. The breasts on them are fuller than Page's and I can tell that she isn't being very impressed. I follow her as she heads toward the back of the section and begins looking at dresses that are hanging but not displayed. She pulls out a navy one and drapes it over her front and looks at me. She doesn't ask, but I feel her questioning me and I shake my head 'no'. I see a smirk as she puts it back and begins looking again. After sorting through a couple of racks, she pulls out a unique dark black dress that has subtle undertones of dark blue. She holds it up to herself and looks in the full length mirror.

"What do you think of this one?"

"You should try it on; I think it's lovely."

A little smile and wrinkle of her nose tell me I've passed another of her tests. She heads off toward the changing room and I await her anxiously. When she returns, she's made the dress look even better than I'd expected. She's got a pair of high heel shoes that make her look a little taller. The dress is knee length with mid-length sleeves and it shows an attractive but respectable amount of her cleavage. I can feel my eyes opening wider as she does a spin for me. Her tight calf muscles are accentuated by the shoes and I feel myself stiffening slightly.

"Did you get some matching hose for the shoes you've picked?"

"Not yet; is this the one?"

"It suits you very well. I like it a lot, but you look good in everything to me."

She blushes lightly and says, "Okay, I guess this is it then."

She grabs a couple pair of hose, changes back into her clothes and meets me at the register to settle up with cash from her purse. I'm wondering how much more she has on hand as we head back out to the car.

When we are outside I whisper, "Aren't you running low yet?"

"On cash? No I've still got nearly five grand. Of course, I left the majority of it at the condo, I just brought enough to get a nice outfit."

"That dress was more expensive than most of the suits I own."

"What can I say? I have better taste."

"Yes, in every sense of the word."

She punches me as we keep walking through the parking lot. I play hurt, but I know she's not buying it. When we reach my A6, I click open the trunk and lay the garment bag flat. I finish setting the accessories bag inside when Page grabs my shoulder and points to the wet pavement and presses a finger to my lips. I observe a faint blinking blue light and instinctively bend back to the trunk to retrieve the Glock from its case. A weird feeling washes over me has I tuck it in the special interior left jacket pocket while Page kneels down to inspect where the blink of light is originating. In a moment, she's plucked a small device from beneath the car and holds it in the dim light for inspection. A faint blue LED flashes periodically until she pops it open and removes the battery.

She stands back up and whispers, "I don't think we should take your car."

"Okay - should I call a cab?" I whisper back.

"No, I'll get us a ride -"

Her words are cut short by a man jumping from the shadows of an SUV to attempt taking the device from her. Before I can even move, I watch in stunned horror as she reacts with lightning reflexes to both deflect his attack and counter with a combination of a stiff hand into the soft areas of his throat and crushing knee to his groin. The attacker slumps to the ground gasping for breath and she deals him a swift heavy kick to his nose. The man goes limp as the undeniable sound of cartilage cracking resounds between the vehicles.

"Let's go!" she screams as she takes off running.

Slamming the trunk, I take off after her, but I simply cannot match her speed. In front of me I see her take out her phone and start working the screen while periodically turning her head to watch me, but her feet don't delay in carrying her further away from me. My lungs begin to burn with the exertion I haven't felt in many years as I try to keep up with her. I'm running as fast as I can, when a sudden loud noise thunders behind me and startles me.

I slowly turn my head to watch another darkly clad individual begin to emerge from the now open car door. Resuming my original pace I hear loud footsteps follow me in pursuit and then stop short.

"Stop or I shoot you!" bellows a deep booming and heavily accented eastern European voice.

Several muffled shots are fired somewhere behind me and impact the ground near my feet. I stop and raise my arms as I watch Page reach the halfway point across the parking lot on her way toward the mall.

"Alright, stop shooting," I say. "I give up, just don't shoot her."

Everything seems to be happening at once. A dark van in the parking lot is approaching us and to my dismay, it abruptly races into Page's path and screeches to a halt, catty-corner to us, blocking her. The side door is open and two people are just visible inside. A woman reaches out toward Page, almost as if to offer her a hand, but she steps back in fear. There is something that looks like recognition in her eyes, but she hesitates for a split second as she gazes upon me with a troubled look of sadness and regret on her face. In the blink of an eye, an armed figure is beside the woman and they each grab one of her arms and pull her backwards inside.

At the same moment, she screams, "Noooo!" as her eyes lock with mine for the briefest of moments and I watch the door slide closed.

The sound of approaching steps behind me pause again and more muffled shots ring out from somewhere closer behind me in the cool night air. My Hollywood expectations of sparks flying off are met with the stark reality of the situation as the bullets simply impact the van, its tires squeal and then it speeds away. Seconds later, my hands are being forced lower behind my back by a mountain of a man.

"Stop resisting or I shoot you," the voice booms again with stern authority.

Desperation over my sister's abduction momentarily heightens my thought processes into overdrive. I realize his left hand has me very forcefully, but his right has a gun in it making his grip upon me tenuous at best. Foolishly, I wrestle my right hand free, reach inside the left jacket holster pocket, slide my fingers around the grip and curl my index finger against the cool metal of the trigger. A loud noise emanates from under my arm that is accompanied by an intense burning sensation along my ribcage and a nearly simultaneous sudden sharp pain on the back of my head -

To be continued. Please, let us know what you think.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Again, the drama and mystery keeps the curiosity going and it has my attention. And, again, i am loving the growing relationship between Page and Ryan. Very sweet, romantic and tender. Top notch dialogue between the couple. 5🌟

ScottishTexanScottishTexanover 1 year ago

I don't understand why they returned to the condo in the first place. Getting them to another safe house should have been high on Aunt Reba's priority list. 4/5

Rancher46Rancher46almost 2 years ago

Wow this story just gets better and better. Can't wait to see how it all pans out. Excellent. 5/5

UncertainTUncertainTalmost 2 years ago

This is really exciting!

DevilbobyDevilbobyover 2 years ago

So it has finally occured the whole purpose of the plot to find out just what is going on from both sides of the action may the just prevail. Looking forward to chapter 06.

SlamnukeSlamnukeabout 3 years ago

Was waiting for the inevitable fight where the 100 lb woman miraculously takes out an adult man with some “precision strikes”. Just awful and hilariously unrealistic. Maybe if she was a 220 lb behemoth of a woman it might be possible but a 100 lb woman? The average man could literally throw her across a room with ease. Women are not involved in combat and men/women do not compete in combat sports against each other for a reason. Stop using bad Hollywood tropes.

shyspudshyspudalmost 4 years ago


so, obviously from looking quickly at the next chapter, he gets Page back but, i honestly didn't see this coming.....

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
What I liked

I found your story so involving that I found myself hurrying through the sex scenes (which were great by the way) so as to return to the story.

JagnagJagnagover 5 years ago
It just gets better n better

Fantastic read 10*

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