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"Dear Diary...Why did the chicken cross the road? She heard a big cock was on the other side. LOL!"
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Part 25 of the 29 part series

Updated 09/14/2022
Created 10/18/2018
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"You should be ashamed of yourself."

The little girls room suddenly grew up. Paige Turner having just tinkled, looked up from washing her hands. In the mirror she spots the only other girl in the room. Behind her stood the one person to ever be bold enough to speak up over her behavior of late. At least Paige presumed that was what this was all about.

"Hi Madison. Ummm, what are we talking about?"

"Don't play naïve with me Missy. I've seen your Pornstar posters in the boys lockers. They're hard to miss when guys stare at them for five minutes. I've heard whispers...and more."

"Are they photoshopping my face over Playboy centerfolds again? Awww maaaan."

"No need to lie to me Paige. I've seen videos. Did you really think you could hide stuff that raunchy?" The portly, yet quite curvaceous Madison Daily stands firm without expression. Paige merely shrugs fidgeting. Her past actions come flooding back vividly. She couldn't help but smile. Paige Turner wasn't ashamed. Unable to formulate any real reply at first, it took two efforts to reach her lips.

"Okay you caught me. I guess you plan on turning me in so I can't graduation this weekend."

"Heck no. Why would I do that?"

"Huh?" Taken back Paige felt her pulse speed up, "You said I should be ashamed of myself."

"For not confiding in me. Did I need to find out by seeing posters and hearing guys brag about having sex with you?"

"I...didn't realize we were friends and confidantes. You rarely speak to me Madison. You and I had one sleepover back in our 8th grade year. Poof gone."

"I was a bad friend. Things at home kind of stuff. I seldom talk to anyone because of those things, to which I don't want to discuss even now. I don't have any real friends either. You used to be really shy, but your confidence has soared the last few weeks. I'd give anything to be like you. Now I realize what made you change."

"Being wanted by guys does boost the ego." She snickers.

Her arrogant response saddens young Madison. The look in her eye was self explanatory, she herself had very low self esteem due to being rather short and overweight if not by any horrible measure. Madison Daily was 5'2, roughly 155 pounds, her chest a remarkable 38C highlighting her curves. Long blond hair dangling past her shoulder blades helped fill out her features. Her best trait being crystal blue eyes. The issue was not so much as being overweight and without confidence, it was in how she maintained herself. Her clothing first and foremost was far from improving her desirability. Like Paige she too wore glasses. Contacts would be a smart assist. Makeup to accent her beauty as well, couldn't hurt.

"I don't get it." Paige studies Madison, "I mean I get it. A LOT! But, I think you're beautiful Madison. You're right I used to be really shy. Really smart too. Still am smart." She giggles. "Guys don't want smart though. Guys want beauty and sluttiness. My soft voice only accents that. Yeah, I know I sound ten sometimes. I know I must come across as conceited a little, but I really like who I am these days. Just wearing the right clothes can improve things. For instance, look at your pants they're loose and baggy, the legs are too long even. All you need is pants that hug your shape. You may be overweight but you carry it really well Madison. A nice shirt with cleavage makes boys pay attention too."

"I don't own anything like that. Poor family so I get what I can afford." Madison frowns.

"Hmmm! I have moneys. How about I treat you to two outfits as long as I approve of them? I mean other than dressing better and a little makeup the only thing stopping you is confidence. I'd be glad to help you work on that too."

"You would spend money on me? I...don't know."

"Don't sweat it. I need friends and you just proved that too me. The only friends I have are boys and older men. I for one would love to have you as a friend. AGAIN!"

"Wow! Thanks Paige. I...I'm sorry I haven't tried being friends again before now. I won't use my excuses of being shy even. I just didn't think you would want to hang out with me after 8th grade."

"I'm just as guilty. I stayed to myself all through high school until I used my sexiness to reel in guys." She laughs then realizes that wasn't helping. "Too much? Sowwy."

"Your kiddy voice has to draw guys in too. It's really...cute."

"My fourth best feature after my tits, ass, and smile." She brags before patting her own cheek to check herself, "Sorry. Sometimes I can't help myself. We should get your hair done too. I bet by Graduation I can make every guy in school want you."

"I doubt that...but I'm game." Madison brightens up. "When do we do this?"

"Able to hang with me after school today?"

"Sure. I just need to tell my Mom where I'm going. Where are we going?"

"The mall. I'll get Beau to take us shopping."

"Beau is cute." Madison shyly blushes.

"Isn't he? Great in the sack too."

"WHOAAA! You've even had Beau?"

"What part of sexy slut don't you understand?" Paige throws her arms around Madison before she can react. The hug catching her off guard made the blonds eyes bulge. Once Paige backed away all bubbly she realizes Madison was beet red. "Can't contain my enthusiasm some days. Don't judge me."

"I...I'm not. You even smell good. I'm soooo jealous."

"Add sexy perfume to our shopping list. This is going to be sooo much fun."

As the next class bell rings their friendship led to one more hug and an agreement to meet after school by the parking lot. The remainder of the school day took forever too reach. During those monotonously long hours Paige suckered Beau into taking them to the mall. All it took was the promise of a blowjob anywhere he chose to whip it out for her to enjoy. She told him to surprise her. After a week of thoughts on He and Paige he was definitely ready for more. Hanging with Madison Daily not so much. His impression of the blond was less than thrilling. Paige could see it in his eyes. She kept the fact that Madison thought he was cute to herself, not wanting to jinx her transportation. By the final bell Paige Turner had convinced herself that she was going to turn Madison into her Maxi Me. Short, sexy, and hopefully open to more. Let the metawhorphosis begin. Oh, and she the song Pretty Woman was sang in her thoughts most of the day.

Walking together from the school Paige and Madison glanced over clothing ideas and beauty tips over Paige's cell. They were so into the moment that even the boys who normally stopped Paige to flirt steered clear of their giddy reunion. Mainly because most of the guys didn't care to be seen with Madison. The cruelty of awkward looks kept them at a distance. To some of them Madison Daily was referred to as Dolly Madison, Cupcake model. Oh No with a Ho Ho. That would change soon enough.

Beau Stewart was already in his car hiding from guys who might see him associating with Madison. Nervous as all get out he tended to look all around for future harassment for it. The sooner they got in and he peeled out of the parking lot the better. Once they reached his car the girls stood outside giggling over clothing lines. He was losing it over their procrastination. reaching over to roll the passenger window down Beau growled, "GET IN ALREADY."

Madison took that moment to lean down into the window with her big tits mashing up on the doors window sill, "Hi Beau." He sat back trying not to look at her with his hand up as if blocking the eyes of Medusa. She pouted at his reaction until Paige hugged into the window beside he returning friend.

"Don't you be that way toward Maddy. A few months ago you thought the same of me. Now you want me more than anything in the world. BE NICE."

"Sorry. You're right. Can we please just get in and go? I had to call off delivering pizza just to be with you."

"And who is giving you a hundred dollars and a blowjob for doing that Mister?" Paige opens the car door and tells Madison to get in. "You should be paying me a hundred dollars just for my BJ." She was sounding like a prostitute.

"I can sit in the back seat." Madison hesitated to get in swallowing dryly. "You're paying him a hundred dollars just to get me a makeover? Golly."

"Nope. I sit in back. You get the front seat to boost your confidence."

Madison eases in reluctantly as Beau cringes behind the wheel. Once inside she trembled like a flower in a beehive. Door shut Paige hops in the back slamming her own door. Beau having already started the car got the hell out of there. Once on the road the boy relaxed more. Turning the radio on helped. Before he could even change the station to fit his desires the song on the radio caught Paige's ears.

"I LOVE THIS SONG." Paige without her seatbelt on clung to the back seat between Beau and Madison. "Imperfect is the New Perfect fits our situation...well...perfectly." Paige bubbled, "Caitlin Crosby is the bomb." At the word bomb Beau's car sputters and releases a loud popping noise from the tailpipe. All three of them laughed at the circumstance. Beau was relaxing even more.

Less than twenty minutes later Beau Stewart's car miraculously makes it to the mall. During the drive there Paige had sat back, seatbelt now on and had texted a few of her admirers. Inspiration struck at seeing names on her contact list. Requests were made, replies accepted. Every guy seemed to be at Paige's beckon call. In her giddy little mind the tiny redhead bounced in seat saying, "YAY ME."

Once parked the trio head inside. Everyone was opening up better including Madison. Beau knowing that the chances of anyone from school being here short notice was slim to none. It was going to be bad enough trying to explain why he was with Madison...especially in women's lingerie. He knew they were heading there.

"You carry big money?" Madison asked after it struck her as bizarre.

"Gift cards." She declined to brag about the money Mister Frank paid her for a day of love making. Her Father Lonnie had given her an allowance of a thousand dollars over five gift cards. It was easier than her carrying cash. Madison shrugged it off as early graduation gifts. It still nagged her that Paige was using it on her. She felt badly until the word makeover inspired her. She just hoped that her parents wouldn't question her too hard over her changes. That could end her rekindled friendship immediately. Her parents were not good people. Topic for another day.

"Hair." Paige halts in front of a styling center. Dragging Madison against her will into the salon she pays to get the girls hair trimmed. Her split ends were violent. While Madison got her hair done Paige treated herself to a manicure. Beau stepped across the way to a GameStop to kill time. His payment of one hundred bucks would be in video games.

After forty minutes both Paige and Madison rejoined him, Madison having also gotten her nails done. The girl's spirit was already soaring. Even Beau noticed the difference as Paige paid for the new Kingdom Hearts and Mortal Combat 11. The cost went over the hundred bucks but Paige merely said Happy Graduation. He loved her dearly.

"Your hair looks nice Madison." Beau attempted to show change of his own to make Paige happy.

"I love it. I've been cutting my own hair. Badly." She winces, "I'm glad they could rescue me."

"MACY'S next." Paige took her by the hand and the two skipped along. Why was Beau enjoying Madison's bouncing tits as much as he was? Grimacing after a grin he wondered that himself. Ewww! Madison Daily. Following them in Paige hit the makeup center where employees were racing to their aid. Nudging Madison into a makeup chair Paige began offering suggestions. The artist, a lovely black woman in her late twenties with a similar build to Madison added her own opinions until the process actually evolved. Beau actually thought the woman was gorgeous until he suddenly compared she and Madison. Thoughts were changing. The woman's tight black dress might have had something to do with her appeal. Beau skulked the perimeter while the makeover took place. Thirty minutes later Madison wearing make up made her stunning. Her glasses removed showing off gorgeous blue eyes did the trick.

"PRETTY WOMAN looking my way...PRETTY WOMAN..." Paige sang shifting her shoulders goofily as Madison stared at herself in the mirror in awe.

"Those aren't the words to that song." Maddy snickered blushing.

"Sweetie?" The artist leaned over Madison's shoulder to share in her amazement, "Don't knock it. Orbison was the man. You are beautiful."

"Thanks." Madison shied a bit trying to accept her evolution. Gathering supplies as the artist Chantelle had used into a bag the girl then assisted them in selecting the perfect perfume. Marc Jacobs Fragrance Daisy Eau de Toilette her choice. A bottle of mango body spray was also added. Paige herself snatched up Ariana Grande's Sweet Like Candy. Scenting up they paid for everything and located Beau looking at jackets. He was trying on a Tommy Hilfiger Barracuda that appealed to him. Paige thought he looked nice so bought it too.

"No more stud outfits." Paige grinned scolding Beau with a devious freshly painted nail. "Unless it's a speedo."

He rolled his eyes, "Not gonna happen."

"We'll see. I can be persuaaaaaaasive." Paige beguiled him as Madison admired her effect on Beau. He shook his head praying to God he wasn't being sucker punched later. Giddy Paige pivots swiftly, "UNDIES." Madison's eyes bulged as she was tugged along squealing. Her too long jeans nearly making her trip. Beau felt bad for the girl. Huh? Why? Dammit Beau.

"Vicky's Secret?" Madison shivered upon being drug along into the frilly store. "Are they even going to have anything in my size?"

"Let's find out." Paige went without blinking as her eyes flared with excitement. Maddy was breathless at the girls enthusiasm. It made her regret all those years of distancing herself. She was remarkable these days. "Oooo! Royal Blue to match those blue eyes." Paige shows her a bra and panty set. They were nearly see through save for thicker lace in just the right place. Madison was used to traditional white bras, her mind was having a hard time imagining these on her body. Looking at the tags she discovered the bra at least was indeed her size. Unable to try on the panties due to store policy to protect it's customers health she could at least try on the bra. Paige found a second set that was black. Holding them up to her in front of Beau made the boy hold his breath. "Don't you think she would look good in these Beau?"

"Why are you asking me?" He turns away in a hurry hiding his thoughts.

"He likes them." Paige chuckled.

"Paige?" Madison whines, "I think you embarrassed him. Me too."

"Get over that. I did. You want guys to squirm. Follow me." Paige leads Maddy into a changing room and goes inside with her. Maddy froze up.

"You're going to watch me change?"

"Of course. My opinion is everything. Just do it."

Whimpering as she removed her t-shirt and bra Paige held the new set in ready, separating the outfit for Maddy when ready. Hiding her nipples from Paige became necessary. The girl was a tad too shy. Slapping her hands Paige insisted on seeing them. Nervousness led Paige to forcibly lower the girls arms. "There! Your girls are gorgeous. Stop being a wuss and learn to like your body." The bra was pushed toward her to try on. Once donned Maddy smiled at her reflection in the mirror. Blue certainly made her pretty with the new makeover. Her 38D's bulged high at the cleavage into almost perfect melons. She needed a tan for sure, milky white flesh revealed veins through her flesh tone. Nothing grotesque but challenging. While she stood absorbed she hadn't seen Paige take a picture of her in the mirror. Until she looked up to see the cell. Panic mode!!

"What are you doing?" She turned to try and top Paige. Wrestling away Paige darted from the changing room saying, "You'll thank me later. Try on the black." Madison nearly pissed all over herself. What was that redheaded bitch doing?

Outside the room Paige sent the picture to Beau whom stood outside unaware. Watching his reaction to the texted photo was priceless. His jaw dropped and he spun in step trying to act grossed out, until he took time to stare at the photo. Paige danced in step, "GOTCHA." She knew he liked what he saw. Looking at the store he spots Paige blowing him a kiss. He had to sit down.

As Madison cringed she did indeed try on the black one. The blue was more her she thought. It was then Paige brought in a lavender and an orange set. Stunned by the girls arrival Maddy pouted, "What did you do?"

"I just showed Beau how you looked in blue."

"WHAT? OH MY GOD." She waved her hands dramatically while accepting her fate. "I'll need cab fare to get home. I can't face Beau now."

"Chill out. He liked the blue."

"He...said that?"


"He...liked my...tits?" As if a pale blond could get even more flushed.

"His eyes bulged out and he smiled. I take that as a yes."

Thinking it over Madison fanned herself, finally looking up with a decision, "I'm breaking the rules and trying on the panties."

"That's the spirit." Paige grinned.

Whining as she unzipped and took her pants off Madison took a deep breath and let Paige see her body further. Paige glared down at Maddy's white granny panties. Wincing Paige points, "We burn those before you go home."

"Sounds good to me." Maddy chuckled regaining her composure. That is until Paige swoops in and drags her panties to her knees. It became a wrestling match that Paige ended up winning. Spotting pubes Paige scowled.

"Oh we're waxing that rain forest. I can hear parrots."

"Bitch." Maddy laughed, "Who was I ever impressing by not shaving?"

"Yourself? Total makeover I say. Those legs could use a lawnmower too."

"I hate you Turner."

"For now." She makes her try on the blue panties. Even with her pudge her muscle tone carried the added weight well. In Paige's mind Maddy had a pretty hot body, even with a larger than normal ass. The panties actually made even that look amazing. Awaiting her opinion Maddy studied Paige's expression.


"Turn around." Maddy obeys as Paige snaps a picture of Maddy's ass.

"You didn't." Maddy stomps her foot as Paige fires the picture off to Beau. Moments later Beau actually texts back with a shocking response, "Niiiiice!" Showing Maddy the girl dropped her chin. Beau Stewart liked her ass. She felt faint. Paige smiled brightly with a smug look.

"See? You're beautiful. Even Beau thinks so."

"Take a full frontal." Maddy suddenly insists.

"Not until we landscape. We're buying shaving cream and razors before we leave. No time to make an appointment for a wax. We have clothes to buy. and the lavender?"

"YES." Maddy greedily accepted removing the undies.

"Good. Get dressed I'll go buy these. Y'know what? I'm buying you all of these." Leaving her speechless Paige took the purchases to the counter. In five minutes Maddy rejoined Paige at checkout. The girls couldn't stop smiling. Not until they left the store and faced Beau. He appeared shy suddenly. Maddy took that as he was afraid to admit that he liked what he saw. Good enough for her.

"There you are." A voice rallies everyone into a turn to see two men walking over.

"MY BOYS." Paige went spastic dancing and darting over to throw her arms around them. Beau and Maddy merely looked at one another then just as fast looked away. Too cute. "These are my friends Beau and Madison. These handsome studs are my foot lovers." Whispering further, "They suck my toes." Maddy was stressed immediately.

"This is your girlfriend that you mentioned?" Jason Gerber eyes Madison.

"Yessss! We're giving her a makeover. You guys wanted to buy me more shoes. Instead I want you to buy her a sexy pair of shoes. I'll make it worth your money."