Panitus Maiden

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Panitus lose the war.
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This one comes with a big old trigger warning. It is a non-con fantasy. If that bothers you, please just don't read it. -Harp


Panitus Maiden

Chapter 1

Ione Avena Canosh stood on the gallows, her heart pounding, the rope around her neck. All around her below it was quiet, people watching, the great hush of a crowd waiting. Ione was breathing fast, but she kept her face calm and proud.

Kye Min stood at the bottom of the stairs, looking up at her. The Tatus rebel smiled directly at her, a satisfied, hateful smile. Ione looked away. She hoped he was enjoying himself.

Actually, she hoped he choked.

Ione was a Panitus Maiden. She was promised to Beshiel Dvorak, Captain of the Panitus Legion. When Beshiel found out what had happened to her, he would never stop until these Tatus rebels were dead and Kye Min with them.

The Panitus were the ruling class, the elite. The Tatus mob surrounding her who jeered were commoners, inferior. A worker class, servants. It was the way of things, how it had always been. Panitus were benevolent rulers, shepherding the less civilized Tatus people, helping them to be more productive, keeping them safe. Tatus couldn't possibly be trusted to govern themselves.

Tatus knew this, accepted it. A good Tatus was grateful, humble, willing to be directed. They were a content, homely people who understood their place. Only a few violent criminals like Kye Min stirred up the rest with their lies. She hated him. Tatus like him had always envied Panitus.

Panitus were more intelligent, better in every way in contrast to the dirty, ignorant Tatus. Tatus looked roughly the same, but Panitus were stronger on average, more agile, much smarter, more pleasing to look at. Her own beauty was Panitus beauty. It was the natural order.

It wasn't the fault of the Tatus that they were born naturally lazy. Unattractive and unintelligent. Most of them were so stupid you couldn't even educate them. Of course they were natural workers. They only understood simple directions. But some of them didn't like that. They didn't want to do honest labor, always demanding more comforts.

Her father had said at dinner last week that the Tatus workers had threatened to stop working in the mills he managed, making demands. Her father hadn't even had them arrested. Instead, he had given Tatus an extra three days of rations, but they hadn't been grateful. No, they had rioted, violence in the streets. They only understood a firm hand, her father had said, direct consequences.

And now they had just come and taken everything.

She and Beshiel Dvorak were to be married within the month. She had watched from her father's estate in the city as Beshiel had ridden out with the Panitus Legion to put down the Tatus uprising. But he hadn't come back. There had been terrible noise in the city, explosions and gunfire, yelling, so much yelling. Tatus men had shown up at her father's residence and directed she and her father into a carriage, her father pale.

The carriage had rattled through the streets, buildings on fire, Tatus everywhere, pounding on the doors of the carriage, yelling at them. Ione hadn't known where they were being taken, and her father wouldn't answer her questions, seeming dazed. Out of the window, she had seen a man running across the street, looking terrified, and then three pursuers. It was shocking, the man in Panitus dress.

The driver had brought them to the center of the city, to the place reserved for the very worst Tatus offenders, people so violent they were more like animals and there was simply no other option. Ione had realized as they stopped, seeing the gallows.

Her father had exited the carriage and walked up the stairs, his eyes full of blank, dim horror, Ione following to stand at the bottom of the stairs. They had put a rope around his neck, the crowd yelling horrible things, their faces full of hate. Kye Min had nodded at the executioner and there had been a scraping sound and then her father had just dropped and been gone, the space under hidden from the watching crowd, a small mercy.

They had brought her straight up the stairs after him, Ione's heart pounding, terror going all through her. She was going to die. She could see the thick crowds of Tatus. She could hear what they yelled, calling her terrible names. Right now, here, she was going to die, this fast.

Kye Min nodded to the executioner, his eyes returning to her. Ione stared back, drawing a sharp breath. She realized she had spent her last moments thinking about them instead of everything else she could have thought about, that there was no more time for thinking. She had a moment of deep, mortal terror, flashing on the birds kept in a cage in the corner of the Maiden's Courtyard, their bright colors, the sounds they made—.

There was a loud scraping sound and the floor dropped from underneath her, gone. Ione waited for blackness to take her, hoping it would be fast, and instead she continued to fall, nothing bringing her up short.

She fell through a hole and the hole became a scoop, rounded, her hands still tied behind her, the rope following, going down and then flattening and then curving sharply up. Her body arced and then dropped onto soft sacks full of meal, a great waft of dust coming up, Ione on her side hearing the dim echoes of the cheers from above her. She looked straight up into a shaft of light that fell, feeling winded.

"Hello, little maiden," a voice said.

There was a form above her, a cloth over her face, and she didn't remember anything after that.

Ione woke. She opened her eyes. She felt awful. She was lying on a metal table, the head of it raised. She tried to move and couldn't. Her arms were restrained to her sides, her legs straight and together, her ankles in cuffs. She lifted her head to look down at herself and realized she was naked. She fought a sense of unreality. She had thought she was dead, but now she didn't think she was. She dimly remembered falling, the muffled sound of people cheering. The gallows. It all came back to her. Someone had taken her.

She heard a step and from the shadows in the corner, Kye Min emerged, a large man, tall and solid, wide shoulders, huge hands, brown hair to his jaw. A Tatus male, a worker. Ione had never seen one up close, not that she remembered. She didn't understand. Ione felt her face go hot. She had never been naked like this in front of a man. She faced forward, not looking at him, feeling like her breasts were on display under the lights, unable to look at herself, her body just there, so much skin.

"Let me out of these restraints. Get me clothing, Tatus," she demanded to the ceiling.


Like he was part animal, just a grunting syllable. Panitus scientists had conjectured Tatus might not be fully developed, a lesser race. Ione turned and looked at him. Kye Min had taken her, she realized, tricking everyone. Stupid but cunning, like all Tatus.

"Why didn't you execute me, Tatus?"

"Because I'm not done with my revenge yet," he said, his eyes roaming over her body.

She looked at the ceiling again, her heart pounding.

"Don't look at me, Tatus. Turn your eyes away."


It was like he couldn't hear her. He stepped toward her, standing over her. His eyes went to her shoulder, to the Maiden's Mark there. Did he even know what it meant? He was never supposed to look to her directly, never.

He reached, putting his large hand on the pale skin of her bare belly, spanning the whole area. Ione looking down. She made a short sound, her mind struggling to accept it. He had touched her.

"You can't, Tatus," she breathed, his hand warm, her skin flinching and jumping.

"I can."

His hand moved, his fingers tracing up until he found her breast, his hand moving to cup it, the shape of it filling his hand. His fingertips ran over her nipple lightly, a touch she felt all through her, the perversion of it too much. Her nipple tightened, rising.

She gave a sharp cry, unable to believe he'd done it. He couldn't touch her, he just couldn't, much less her breast. His fingers brushed across her nipple again. Ione made a sharp noise again as he brought his other hand up, both hands now. She glanced down. He was slowly squeezing her nipples between his thumb and fingers, plucking at them.

The sensations were wrong, so wrong. Nobody was allowed to touch her except the matrions. She was a Panitus Maiden. She was promised, no man could touch her. And a Tatus. She shuddered with revulsion. This couldn't be happening. She felt dirtied, fouled. She realized she was breathing fast, the feelings too intense.

"Stop, Tatus," she said.

"No," he said, his breathing slow and heavy. "I'm going to touch you, Panitus. I'm going to touch your breasts, your belly, your ass, between your legs, anywhere I want."

Ione went still. He couldn't mean it. Her eyes shifted to him, the sensations so distracting. Kye Min. He was far too beautiful to be a Tatus, tall, broad shoulders, his features bitter and strong, intense eyes. He looked like Panitus men were supposed to look.

Well, like they did look, obviously. Beshiel did, although she had wondered about some of them, if Panitus were supposed to all be so perfect, remembering Marco she'd only just met, who had worked for her father and was always staring at her, his weak chin, his strangely nasal voice. She realized her mind was scattering, going in every direction.

Kye Min's fingers on her nipples kept touching, the feelings so strong. She didn't want it. She faced forward. Her breath choked.

"Don't, Tatus," she said.

"Is it true that your marriage to Beshiel Dvorak was not consummated?" he said.

She was breathing fast. She turned and looked at him, trying to ignore what he was doing, failing.

"Of course it's true, Tatus," she said. "I had not yet turned twenty."

"But you are twenty now. You were promised to him when you were eighteen. He hasn't fucked you in all that time?"

She made a small face at his crudity, disgusted, looking away again.

"We were to be married this month," she said coldly, wishing he would stop touching her, her breathing uneven.

"Has he seen you before?"

"Yes, Tatus."

"Well, he must be a strong-willed fucker," the Tatus said, his eyes on her body again. "Are Panitus Maidens really untried, or is that just a name?"

She didn't answer. Stupid Tatus. He shouldn't even be speaking to her. His fingers changed, suddenly not gentle. He took her nipples and pinched, twisting. Sharp pain went through her and she cried out.

"Yes, Tatus!" she said, tears forming in her eyes.

"It's true?" he said, twisting again.

She wailed.

"Yes, it's true! We aren't touched by men."

His fingers stilled, to her relief, her eyes tearing up with the pain. Her chest was heaving under his hands, realizing her situation. She was alone, abandoned to them, nobody to defend her from Tatus barbarism.

"You are now," he said, his hands leaving her.

She watched as he walked down to her feet. He worked the mechanism, stomping, changing something, the machine making a sliding thump. Her ankles weren't freed but they moved. He maneuvered the table with his hands, which split into two parts at the bottom, sliding outward. He pushed and her knees began to come up at the same time that they opened, her thighs spreading.

"What are you doing, Tatus?" she cried.

"This table was used by Panitus to rape Tatus women they took."

"You're lying, Tatus," she said. "A Panitus would never touch a Tatus."

"I am not lying," he said, still pushing, the apparatus clicking into place, locking. "Does this look like a Tatus mechanism to you?"

It didn't. Her legs were spread open.

"Don't look, Tatus," she said helplessly.

"I'm going to do more than look," he said.

"You're an animal," she said, closing her eyes tightly.

"I am an animal, yes," he said, leaning in. He was over her. Her eyes opened, staring into his, appalled at the vicious hate she saw there. An aroused Tatus male was dangerous. "Panitus made me one. A Panitus man took my wife on the table you're lying on right now and then he murdered her to hide the truth of it."

The Tatus couldn't possibly be telling the truth. But the look in his eyes. Ione was staring at him. It was too awful to imagine. Terrible, of course.

"But she was still just a Tatus," she told him.

It wasn't the same. Tatus women were naturally oversexed, everyone knew that. Many of them were prostitutes, lying with anyone who would pay for the comforts they craved.

He grinned at her, stepping between her spread legs.

"As I am just a Tatus. And now you are going to be just the whore of a Tatus," he said, working the buttons of his trousers.

Ione felt a blossoming of horror in her chest, disbelief. He couldn't be serious. She was a Panitus Maiden. He couldn't think he could—. No. She struggled in the restraints. He absolutely could not do this.

She cried out like he'd hurt her when she felt him touch the inside of her knees. She heard him laugh softly. She could feel cold air on her sex, the parts only touched by the matrions who shaved all the Panitus Maidens after they were eighteen.

"So it's true you remove your hair," he said, his eyes shifting.

She felt so exposed. He could see everything about her sex, crudely displayed. The light above was relentless. His hands ran down her thighs. His thumbs went to her outer lips, spreading her. She cried out again, unable to stop, his Tatus fingers on her most private place. Her face was burning with humiliation. She thought she would die of shame.

"Your pussy is as pretty as the rest of you, I must say, but it looks just the same, Panitus," he said.

He met her eyes and his fingers came down and touched between her legs, exploring. She went rigid, breathing fast. He licked his finger and returned, spreading her again, rubbing gently all around, his eyes on her face. The sensation was too much. It was like what the matrions had always done while they were shaving her, leaving her with those awful feelings, but this was worse.

"Stop, Tatus," she said shakily.


The sensations began to build, his touch light, everything feeling even more sensitive. She couldn't escape it. He would pause and then come back to touch again, beginning to rub, watching her face, interested.

"What are you doing, Tatus?" she said, breathing fast.

"It feels good, doesn't it?" he said. "I can't believe you're getting wet."

He touched her entrance, Ione jerking. It was wet all around where his fingers went, returning higher, rubbing again.

"It doesn't feel good, Tatus," she denied. "It feels awful. Stop."

His finger was making small circles, the feelings brought by his touch tormenting her as they always did when she was touched there. She felt like between her legs was swollen. The sensations were so sharp.

He leaned down and to her disgust put his mouth on her nipple, licking it and then drawing it into his mouth, sucking gently, his fingers still stroking between her legs. Sharp pleasure went through her.

"You filthy Tatus," she said sharply, trying to make him stop, saying the words, saying anything. "You are sickening. Get your hands off me."

He laughed softly again, coming up and putting his mouth by her ear.

"Look at you panting and flushed, your little pussy getting all slick. Panitus whore. I'm not even going to need the oil I brought. Maybe I'll hurt you between your legs instead of giving you pleasure. It's all the same to me."

She was flinching with what he said, her humiliation forgotten when his fingers began to pinch her sex, digging in, little sharp tugs. She cried out sharply, again and again, her voice echoing in the room. He did it until her eyes were tearing up, her cries getting desperate. It hurt.

He stopped, watching her face closely. He reached. She flinched in anticipation, but he touched her lightly again. She was so much more sensitive, blinking, her eyes getting heavy.

"So that's also true," he said, his fingers still gentle on her. "I heard Panitus Maidens were trained to please men."

It was an awful feeling, getting stronger, bad pleasure, his fingers between her legs. He grinned at her slowly, seeing something in her face.

"You have to stop, Tatus," she said, her breathing stuttering.

"I'll make you a bargain, Panitus Maiden. I'll stop if you can keep yourself from coming."

She didn't know what he meant. She cried out as his finger pressed into her entrance and then slipped slowly into her, the place she had never felt anyone touching her, even as his thumb found that same place he had touched before.

She heard herself and shut her mouth, biting her lip. Pleasure shot through her. His thumb was rubbing now as he bent again to suck her nipples. He began to sometimes bite them, painful, pleasurable bites. She couldn't possibly slow down the sensations, her eyes unfocusing. He drew back.

"You are so tight you have to be untried," he said, breathing fast. "I'm going to enjoy this."

She focused. She was panting. His fingers were still moving, every stroke more intense than the last, building to such keen sensations.

"Come for me, you stupid spoiled bitch," he said.

It happened. Pleasure began between her legs as she made a surprised sound and strained against his fingers, his mouth returning to her nipples, biting them, the pleasure getting so much worse. She cried out, good, feeling herself spasming around his finger, against his thumb, waves of pleasure. She'd never imagined feeling anything like this.

She reached a height, trembling against the restraints, and then crashed over it, pulsing wildly, finally feeling it begin to slow, the pleasure leaving her, coming back a little and it was gone. She had wanted that for so long, her whole spine warm, that terrible need finally met. Her heart was pounding, hot shame replacing it.

She focused again, his eyes on her face. Ione began to cry, turning her face away as his fingers left her, the whole area throbbing and sensitive.

"Like the rest of the Panitus, you lose really fucking spectacularly," he said, his breathing heavy. "Now it's my turn."

She saw him doing something under his shirt as he stepped closer, felt him between her thighs, felt something hard against her entrance, seeking. It was his sex. He wasn't even going to bother taking off his clothing.

"No, Tatus," she said, her voice muffled with crying.

"Oh yes. I've waited a long time to do this. I want you to look at me, Panitus,d" he said. "Don't stop looking at me, or I'll bring three other Tatus men in here to do the same to you."

She faced him, terrified, crying.

"Please don't," she said.

"There's the begging I was looking for," he said, giving her a satisfied smile. "Don't look away."

He reached down and put his hand on himself, rubbing the tip of the hardness all over her sex, his eyes shifting to her Maiden's Mark and back to her face.

"In all the times I imagined this, I never thought you'd be so ready for me, so fucking wet. You really are whores."

She cringed, still looking at him, afraid not to, afraid he would bring other Tatus men to defile her. It wasn't true, what he said. He positioned himself and looked deeply into her eyes. She wanted to look away. He had beautiful eyes, green and brown, heavy sweeping brows, his gaze intense. He pressed into her.

She felt herself opening impossibly wide and then he thrust his sex into her and grunted. She tensed, crying out. It hurt. She wanted to look away so badly. He pulled back and thrust again, working himself into her. There was more of him, so much more.

"Fucking tight," he grunted, staring straight at her.

Ione cried out again, the sound of her cries changing as he rocked in her. He thrust again and she cried out sharply with pain, not able to stop from breaking her gaze, her head shaking from side-to-side and then thrashing. His hands came down, immobilizing her head, huge hands, forcing her to look at him as he began thrusting into her faster.