Parallel Lives Pt. 02


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"Y'know, if it were possible to always feel you inside me like this, I would die a happy woman," Kat mused aloud once their lips parted. "We'd be like some kind of conjoined twins, permanently fused with your cock inside me."

"Wouldn't that get a bit awkward after a while?" Cal asked her lightheartedly. "I mean, how would we get around? And what about, y'know, bodily functions and stuff?"

"Huh! You men! Always so focused on practical matters!" Kat chuckled.

Reluctantly, she gently pushed him away, causing his still slowly throbbing penis to slip out from the warm confines of her vagina. One thing she felt she couldn't get used to was the immediate sensation of emptiness that resulted every time he withdrew himself from her - she wondered if it would feel the same for every man she had inside her from now on. And she knew that from then on there'd be others - even if she never had the good fortune of having a boyfriend or husband all to herself, and her only dalliances would be in return for her hard earned money. But before that there was the very real prospect of having unprotected sex for an altogether different purpose, which reminded her that her new friend Claire would likely be done with the "masseur" she'd taken.

She looked at the clock on Cal's bedside table and noted the time - two hours had elapsed since she'd first come into his room, and it was high time to call things to a close.

"I'd better get going," she said with a mournful sigh. "My friend will be waiting for me."

"I hope I have lived up to your expectations, Madam," Cal said as he sat up.

"You have, and then some!" Kat assured him as she got up and sought out her underwear. "Thank you, Cal, you've made my first time something I will never, ever forget."

"It has been a genuine pleasure to be your first, Madam," Cal said with a heart-melting smile.

"I'm definitely coming back here one day," she said as she slipped her panties on. "It might have to wait until after I've had a baby, but I am totally coming back for another session with you!"

"I shall be happy to serve you again anytime you want me to, Madam," Cal replied as he watched Kat putting her clothes back on. "Before you go however, there is the small matter of the fee for my services."

He took a Chip & PIN device from his bedside table, tapped on the device's keypad for a few moments and then held it out towards her, its little LCD screen displaying the sum of two hundred and fifty pounds plus the extra charges for having bareback sex several times and an optional twenty pound tip. Kat did not hesitate in paying the full amount, gratuity and all, and as soon as she'd tapped in her PIN number and the transaction was completed, she resumed making herself decent.

"I'd like to wish you the best of luck for when you go to Parkhurst, Madam," Cal said as he stepped over to bid her goodbye. "I shall be here for you waiting for whenever you want me."

He gave her a hug as she prepared to depart, his still naked body against her now fully clothed body. Kat couldn't resist reaching down and giving Cal's circumcised penis one final squeeze.

"Until next time," she addressed his organ. "And mark my words, there will be a next time!"

She released his penis from her grasp and gave him a brief kiss before making her way to the door and back up towards the entrance hall where she would rendezvous with her new friend. What an unbelievable day it had been - firstly with the examination and the news that she'd been accepted as a volunteer for the Repopulation Program, meeting a new friend with whom she had gelled instantly over their shared admiration of the nude male body, and now after the most pleasurable two hours of her young life.

As she ascended the narrow flight of stairs that many years ago would have taken the house's servants up into the opulent realm of their employers, she wondered just how to convey to her new friend how incredible her time with Cal had been. However, when she arrived back in the main entrance hall where Yannick had welcomed them earlier, the other girl was nowhere to be seen - just another woman, an older lady dressed in smart business attire, sat in the same armchair she'd earlier sat in, choosing between two attractive young men as Yannick looked on from the corner of the room. Both of them were dressed simply in the now familiar silk Japanese style yakuta gowns held in place by a single silk sash, and both of them were, like Cal and Nathan, very handsome examples of masculinity.

"What the hell," the woman said after a while. "It's been a good month - I'll take both of 'em!"

Kat looked on as the older woman accepted the hands of the two "masseurs" and was led away up the gracefully curving staircase. It was as the older woman and her two young men ascended that she saw Claire coming down the stairs, looking about as blissed-out as it was possible to be. The two new friends exchanged knowing smiles, conveying to each other silent communication of just how amazing the past couple of hours had been.

"Yannick, please pass on my compliments to Nathan," Claire addressed the older male. "He was absolutely wonderful -- I will definitely be coming back to see him again sometime!"

"It will be my pleasure to let him know, Madam," Yannick answered with a smile. "And how about you, Madam, did Cal live up to your expectations?"

"Definitely," Kat answered with a broad smile of her own. "He was absolutely fantastic -- I feel like I'm floating on air right now!"

Just then, the doorbell rang and Yannick politely excused himself to go and answer it.

"Mrs. Carter, how nice to see you again," the older male said with a welcoming smile as a smartly dressed woman entered the room.

"I know I don't have an appointment, Yannick, but is Nathan available, by any chance?" the smartly attired lady asked. "I've had a pretty stressful day and I could really use a nice hour or two in his company right now!"

"Well he has only just finished serving a client a few minutes ago, but I am sure he will be able to accommodate you shortly if you don't mind waiting for a little while," Yannick replied. "If you'd just like to take a seat I shall call him up for you and see when he can fit you in -- he's always willing to serve his favourite clients."

"Pub?" Kat suggested.

"Pub," Claire confirmed with a nod and a broad smile.

And so the two new friends left Criterion House behind and stepped out onto the street outside, feeling like completely confident women compared to the naïvely innocent girls they'd been when they entered.

Comparing Notes

The two new friends spoke very few words as they made their way towards the nearest drinking establishment for a couple of much needed beers - both of them were too preoccupied with processing their thoughts on what they'd experienced during their time with Nathan and Cal at Criterion House. They sat themselves in the far corner of the pub where they could converse without too many of their fellow patrons overhearing.

"So," Kat opened the discussion. "Did you do it? With Nathan?"

Claire looked around the room briefly to make sure nobody was eavesdropping on them.

"Yeah," she whispered. "How about you?"

"Oh, hell yeah!" Kat enthused. "So? Don't keep me in suspense, girl, how was it? How was he?"

"It was amazing," Claire answered with a wistful sigh. "And as for Nathan, he was so beautiful! So gentle and patient and... holy fuck, Kat, such an amazing body!"

"What about his cock?" Kat asked.

"Utterly amazing!" Claire enthused. "Pictures and videos really don't do the things justice! And as for how it felt, well, I never knew how soft and smooth it'd be. It was like touching velvet, and so warm too."

"And how about when he... y'know... entered you?" Kat went on.

Once again, Claire checked that nobody was within earshot before answering in a hushed tone.

"Better than any sex toy I've ever tried!" she whispered. "I mean, holy crap, Kat, it was like the biggest adrenaline rush ever! So come on, tell me about yours. Was he, y'know, as advertised?"

"If by that do you mean was he circumcised? Then yes, he was definitely as advertised!" Kat replied gleefully. "And you know what, it definitely confirmed that I prefer them that way."

"I'll just take them any way they come," Claire shrugged. "Cut or uncut, it makes no difference to me. I just think all penises look amazing."

"What, even the really teeny-tiny ones?" Kat asked.

"Well, maybe not the really, really tiny ones!" Claire giggled after a moment's consideration. "Anyway, once we find ourselves in Parkhurst I expect we'll just have to settle for whatever we're given."

"Yeah, maybe," Kat responded. "What did your mum say about how it all works there?"

"I haven't really asked her," Claire answered truthfully.

"It's going to be a bit weird I reckon," Kat mused aloud. "I mean, we'll basically be going to get ourselves pregnant in the very same place our mothers got themselves pregnant."

"Hmm, I suppose so," Claire responded thoughtfully. "I wonder what the odds are of us conceiving in the very same rooms we were conceived in?"

"No idea," Kat answered. "But I expect some sad person out there has crunched the numbers!"

Both young women paused in thoughtful reflection as they contemplated what lay ahead of them when they were to be admitted to the Fertility Centre. Of course, they both reasoned that they ought to ask their respective mothers about their experiences in Parkhurst when they'd attended. Not wanting to dwell too much upon that point, Claire raised her voice.

"I promised Nathan I'd give him a good review," she said after taking a sip of her pint of ice-cold lager.

She picked up her tablet from her bag and quickly logged into the pub's WiFi. Though she'd visited sites such as "CockAdvisor", "ManFinder" and "CockCompare"on many previous occasions, she'd never had cause to leave a review. She usually visited those sites in order to read all the salacious reviews of Mascularium men that customers had left - some of them being very graphic indeed. She opened up the most popular site of all, "CockAdvisor",but in order to leave a review, she had to first set up an account. But that only took a couple of minutes, and so under her new username of ClaireFair96 she found the relevant page for Criterion House and tapped on the on-screen button that took her to Nathan's reviews.

Pretty much all of them were glowing and extolled his virtues as a professional provider of pleasuring services. Scrolling down the list of reviews (over a hundred in total) she noted that not one client had awarded him less than four stars. She tapped on the "post a review"button, and a text window appeared on the screen.

Following Claire's lead, Kat likewise was busily tapping away on her tablet, having herself set up an account on "CockAdvisor". For the next ten minutes or so, both young women sat busily typing on their various devices, pausing now and then to summon up a suitably descriptive word from their inner lexicon.

"Aaaand, done!" Kat announced triumphantly as she tapped the "submit review"button.

Claire finished her own review a few moments later, and added a flamboyant wave of her right hand before submitting it.

"What did you say about Nathan?" Kat asked her.

"Read it for yourself," she replied, and gave her new friend her new username so that she could quickly locate the review.

Kat in return gave Claire her new username, and together they sat and read each other's words.

Username: ClairFair96

Mascularium: Criterion House, Southampton

Name of masseur: Nathan

Review title: Nervous first-timer

I visited Criterion House on a total whim, after never having visited a Mascularium before, and to say I was nervous would be an understatement! I asked for Nathan personally after seeing his profile page on Criterion House's website, and much to my joy I learned that he was available. He took me into his room, and almost at once he put me at ease. His massage skills are second to none, and as for his body, it was like being in the presence of an athlete from Ancient Greece! Beautiful doesn't even begin to describe his naked body! And such a wonderful penis - exactly the right proportions: not too big, not too small, just absolutely perfect in every way!

I'd definitely recommend Nathan to all my friends, so the next time you find yourself in Southampton, be sure to head straight for Criterion House and ask for Nathan - you will NOT be disappointed! Easiest five stars ever!

Kat smirked as she read her friend's words.

"Sounds like someone's in love!" she chuckled.

Claire decided to ignore Kat's remark for the time being, and instead focused her attention on what her new friend had written about her masseur.

Username: KatLuvsCutCox

Mascularium: Criterion House, Hants

Name of Masseur: Cal (probably short for Calvin)

Review Title: I f***ed a boy and I liked it!

If your ever in the Southampton area and you want to find yourself a nice young guy with an absolutely stunning circumsized cock, look no further than Cal at Criterion House. I'm not gonna lie, but his cock is an absolute stunner! He's cut nice and high and tightly with absolutely no remnants of nasty foreskin anywhere, and as far as size goes I can definately say that he was perfectly okay for me! Plus, the rest of him is damned fine too! Cal has a bum that just begs to be spanked, and he definitely takes pride in his appearance! Those muscles! Ooohh!

Five stars! Can't wait to come again! ;-)

"God, did you not learn English at school, Kat?" Claire chuckled, referring to Kat's spelling and grammatical errors, especially amused by her incorrect spelling of "circumcised" considering how fascinated she was by it. "It's supposed to be "you're" with an apostrophe, short for "you are", not "your"as in, "this is your pint of beer.""

"Grammar Nazi!" Kat responded, poking her tongue out playfully. "Anyway, what do you think of it?"

Well, it was certainly more graphic than her own review.

"Good," Claire answered her friend. "You definitely summed him up nicely! How about mine?"

"We-ell," Kat mused aloud. "It's okay, I guess. I mean, I would've been a bit more... candid if I was reviewing him. I suppose you could've gone into a bit more detail about what his cock is like - after all, the site is called "CockAdvisor"for a reason."

"I hear you," Claire responded as she tucked her tablet back into her bag. "I just thought, well, he was so sweet that using, um, colourful euphemisms to describe him didn't seem right somehow. The most important thing is how wonderful he was, and how he made my first time such an amazing experience, so I focused on that mainly."

"To each her own," Kat shrugged as she put her own tablet away.

Claire consulted her watch and realised that time was getting on - as much as she would have loved to stay and chew the fat with her new friend, she had a bus to catch. With some reluctance the two young women had to part ways, but not before exchanging contact details and social media accounts.

"I'm so glad we came across each other, Claire," Kat said gratefully as they headed towards their respective bus stops. "I don't think I'd have had the nerve to go in that place without you there."

"Me too," Claire responded truthfully. "Even though it wasn't exactly cheap, it was totally worth it!"

"Oh, amen to that!" Kat chuckled.

"So, I'll give you a call, yeah? We could meet up somewhere for coffee or maybe a movie sometime?" Claire suggested.

"Could do," Kat mused. "Isn't that new Batwoman movie out soon?"

"I'll check online when I get home," Kat pledged before they finally went their separate ways.

As Claire boarded her bus and once more took a seat on the upper deck she reflected upon what had been a momentous day in her young life. She was on the road to becoming a mother, a feeling which became apparent as she felt the presence of the data logging patch affixed to her skin just below her naval that even as she sat there was monitoring the fluctuations in her body temperature and slowly building up a picture of her monthly cycle.

She'd lost her virginity too, something she'd always anticipated but had never had the opportunity to contemplate before meeting her new friend. And Kat, How fortuitous it was that they would meet each other - she knew without a doubt in her mind that they would be friends for life.


Over the months that followed, Claire and Kat became firm friends, enjoying their time together on shopping excursions and meeting up for trips to hairdressers and beauty salons. They also went on several trips to the cinema to see various movies (especially if they featured a scene or two that involved a handsome young man in various stages of undress to enjoy ogling at).

Following their experiences at Criterion House they'd both become much more adventurous about approaching members of the opposite sex, and were eager to experience casual sex at least once more before they had to go to across the Solent to the Parkhurst Fertility Centre. The only fly in that ointment however was the dearth of suitably attractive young men on offer. In a world where only one in five boys survived to adulthood and be considered sexually available, hooking up with a young guy was a frustrating endeavour. They both soon came to realise that where sex is concerned, it was men that held all the aces - they were the gatekeepers to the sexual world, and they loved to play hard to get. They could of course have visited the city's red light district and procured the services of an unlicensed prostitute, and though it would undoubtedly have sated their pent-up desire for sex, it came with the potential risk of picking up a sexually transmitted infection, which was the last thing either of them wanted in the run-up to their time at the Fertility Centre. In fact, at the very top of the information pack that had been emailed to them the day after their appointment at the maternity assessment centre, was a stark warning not to engage in any kind of sexual contact with any man unless he was either a spouse or partner in a long term relationship, or a fully licensed provider of sexual services.

A second visit to Criterion House also had to be ruled out, simply because of how much it would cost. And so it was that regrettably neither young woman had managed to once again enjoy the exhilaration of sex before reporting back to the maternity assessment centre for their follow-up appointments when the temperature readings collected from their data logging patches would be downloaded and used to calculate the ideal three day window of opportunity when they would be at their most receptive.

Since they'd first attended the assessment centre on the same day, it came as no surprise that their follow-up appointments were also scheduled on the same day. Once more, the two friends found themselves sat in the same waiting area together. As she sat and waited, occasionally nervously conversing with Kat as she waited for her own appointment, Claire hoped that Simon, the handsome technician who'd conducted her initial assessment, would be performing her follow-up, but alas she was to be disappointed. As he stepped into the waiting room, her heart fluttered and she hoped that he would be calling out her name, but it was not to be.

"Martina McGregor?" he addressed the room.

Claire's heart sank as a woman in her late thirties stood up and followed him away down the corridor to his assessment room. A few minutes later Kat was called by another technician, a woman in her fifties, and a few moments after that her own name was called by a woman who appeared only a couple of years older than herself.
