Paranormal Research Club Ch. 06


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She let out an adorable squeal of joy as she crushed her arms and legs even tighter around me, and the final barriers between our very souls shattered in an almost orgasmically pleasurable event. I could feel her joy as though it were my own as she kissed me passionately. She was panting in shallow and rapid breaths as she ground her clitoris hard against my pubic bone, my testicles slapping against her butt crack, and our bodies making deliciously wet noises that were audible even over the creaking of the aged mattress as we vigorously mated.

Heather's fair face had become mottled and red with exertion, beads of sweat sticking her soft blonde hair to her forehead. Her beautiful blue eyes were wide with emotion as they looked deeply into my own. "Fuck me, cousin! Fuck me! Pound into me, make my pussy yours! Make my pussy yours forever! You know I'm fertile! Pour yourself into me and make me pregnant! Give me part of yourself; make yourself mine and make me yours! Oh, cousin! Sweetheart! I am so yours! I will be your wife, your friend, your cousin, your soulmate! I am yours forever!" She whispered ecstatically.

My hard, muscular body slapped against her softness and our sodden genitalia made satisfying wet sounds as they merged and parted over and over again. Deep inside of her moist depths, I slammed my penis hard against the slippery opening to her cervix. If I had been thinking more clearly at the moment, I would have been concerned at how much noise we were making. Heather was squealing loudly in sexual bliss as she approached orgasm. Then, her sweet round butt cheeks trembled as they clenched tightly together, her soft white legs shuddered and crushed powerfully around me. Her toes curled, and inside of her depths I could feel her vaginal walls spasm, ripple and flutter around my hardness as her body was overcome by an astounding, almost cataclysmic paroxysm of ecstasy. I could feel the power and intensity of her shuddering orgasm through my body as well as the bond between our spirits, and it pushed me over the edge into my own tremendous climax.

I couldn't think, move, or hardly even breathe as I poured fare more of myself than a simple load of sperm into her. My hot jets of slippery semen were flooding against her cervix as her own tremendously powerful orgasm sucked my sperm deep into the depths her womb. For several long minutes, a vast quantity of my life-giving nectar gushed from my pulsing and throbbing member and spurted deep into the innermost depths of her fertile body, filling the sacred chamber within her with my offering until it flooded my beloved's pulsing insides. Soon, some of my cum was even being forced out around where her vaginal lips clenched around my hardness.

Heather's body squirmed and writhed beneath me in uncontrollable ecstasy, as though she were trying to somehow take my body even deeper within her. It was as though she wanted me to penetrate into her very womb as our climaxes continued. Heather's trembling arms and legs were pulling hard against me and crushing me into her. Her lovely blue eyes were wild with passion, her mouth slightly open as she looked into my eyes. My cousin cried out in an wildly inarticulate expression of unspeakable happiness and love as she felt the torrent of my heat and wetness filling the most intimate parts of her depths.

Deep within her body, Heather could feel my cock pulsing, throbbing, and jetting a flood of my seed within her, directly into the sacred opening into her womb. Together, we shared every delightful sensation as we procreated, the sweet sensory conflagration of our combined orgasms lasting for ages as her body demanded more and more of my semen, and my own body willingly obliged.

We held each other tightly, clenching one another tightly for long minutes as my seed bathed her inner walls and her body continued to milk me of every drop of life-giving semen I could give her. She clung to me desperately, and her trembling arms wrapped tightly around my neck as her womb hungrily accepted my offering.

As our orgasms slowly faded, we kissed sweetly before rubbing our noses together in a cute gesture of affection that we had seldom shared together since we were small children. Heather was smiling and crying at the same time. Her fair face was flushed red as her tears of joy trickled from her sparkling eyes as we kissed again, our bodies still moving rhythmically as though she was hoping that I would bathe her insides with even more of my seed.

"That was so beautiful," She whispered with soft reverence. Happy tears rolled down her face. "I love you so much!" she sobbed quietly. Heather had always cried when she was extremely happy, and I had never seen her this happy before. "I've always loved you, John. I never even thought I would get to tell you how I felt, let alone get to do this with you!" She chuckled almost nervously as she slid a soft hand down to where my penis was still embedded within her, as though she wanted further confirmation that what we had just done was entirely real.

"I love you, too," I whispered. We held each other tightly, our bodies still locked in the most intimate of lovers' embraces. My cock prevented the egress of the river of hot semen that had flooded the still-pulsing depths of Heather's tender insides.

She kissed me, the tenderness of her kisses reminding me of the girl that had grown up with me and been my beloved friend since infancy. I remembered playing in a creek near our house as a child, throwing skipping stones and catching minnows and crayfish to play with for a moment before releasing them. I remembered a million games of hide-and-go-seek, or playing cards or board games with her on rainy days. I remembered countless days waiting for the school bus with her as children. Now, here we were. As adults, sharing our bodies and making an adult decision to spend the rest of our lives together. And soon, if we and the rest of humanity survived, we would be raising children of our own and letting them build happy, innocent memories of their own.

Still elated but physically and emotionally spent, I slid out of her and we lay cuddled together on the sheets, our arms around one another and our legs intertwined. We kissed tenderly and looked lovingly at one another's face.

"I'm going to get pregnant from what we just did," she whispered matter-of-factly. We both already knew it, in the same way that a bride and groom both know that the other will say "I do" during a wedding ceremony. But hearing her say it was still magical in its own way.

I kissed her. "I know. That's kind of cool. It's kind of scary, too, in a way. But I think we're going to be great parents." I kissed her sweetly. "And you're going to be an amazing wife." After everything that the last few days had held, it seemed a bit odd to be referring to parenthood as scary. One thing that I have learned in my life is that fear has many different faces. At least charging down the muzzle of an enemy AK-47 would have been a more familiar challenge to me. Parenthood would be entirely new.

Heather held me tightly. "You're so sweet! I feel the same way. I'm excited, but a little frightened. There's no going back now." She smiled adorably. "You're stuck with me, cuz! Acratophorus said that you had the essence of two goddesses permeating you. What do you think that will do to our child?"

"I don't think that anyone really knows. Both Eris and Acratophorus seemed to think that it was a good idea, though. But neither offered me any details."

Heather became silent aside from her soft breathing, her face peacefully happy as we basked together in the afterglow of our lovemaking. I gently caressed her sweet face, brushing a sweat-dampened wisp of golden hair out of her eyes. I savored the feeling of her slightly chubby body as we lay in one another's arms, her soft breath bathing my face. I admired how the sunlight played on her delicate curves, and I imagined how beautiful she would soon look glowing from her pregnancy. If we managed to live that long. I took a deep breath, inhaling the heady aroma of sex as I placed a hand over her tummy, imagining the new life that would soon be growing there. Heather smiled and placed her warm, soft hand over mine.

My cousin and I shared a tender kiss. Her tears were dry now, and she had regained her composure. "I hope you know how precious you are to me. I really have always loved you," she whispered.

"I love you too, Heather. I've always loved you. I just never would have imagined that one day we would be lying in bed together naked telling each other that right after having sex." It was true, but my still-damp penis was already beginning to stiffen again for more of her.

She laughed and hugged me tighter. "Well, get used to it. If it had been entirely up to me, what we just did would have happened a decade ago, and it would have kept happening every chance we got together by ourselves since then. At least as far as I'm concerned, we have some serious lost time to make up for! And, if the world is going to end soon, I would at least like to get married to you first, and that means a honeymoon." She kissed me, her hand absently traveling down to my cock and gently stroking it back to full hardness. Her voice dropped to a husky whisper. "And a honeymoon means that we are going to be having sex. Lots of it." She winked at me seductively.

She kissed me. "You know, John, I wanted what we just did to be special between the two of us and I'm glad it happened the way it did. But am I a pervert for wishing that our mothers could have been here for that? You know they've always joked about what a good couple we would make, but I also think they were serious in a way. Remember how they acted in that dream that we all shared, when my mother held your cock to put it inside of me? I think that being here for what we just did actually would have meant a lot to them. I propose that after we get home we see if we can have a four-way with you, me, and our mothers. If you can handle it, you could even get our sisters involved as well if you wanted."

"What sort of girl proposes that sort of thing on her honeymoon? You really want to watch me have sex with our entire family?" I asked with a laugh.

She looked at me with a cocky smile that told me to brace myself for a clever, smart-assed answer. I felt certain that some play on the word "motherfucker" would be involved, but before Heather could speak she stopped short as she looked at my arm.

"John!" Heather said with a sudden gasp that startled me into jerking to an upright position. She was staring at my arm where the imprint of the armband was, and reaching to feel the skin. "That armband you were talking about in the basement of the church! I can see it now!"

I had previously suspected that I had caught some of the snakes moving within the design on the armband, but as Heather stroked the skin, any doubt in my mind was removed. The snakes responded to her touch, entwining around the knotwork of ivy and grapevines beneath her finger.

"I thought that Acratophorus told you all about the armband last night."

"Yes, but I couldn't see it then, and now I can! This is so cool. Do you think I'm the only one that can see it?"

"I have no idea, sweetheart." I said softly as I wrapped my arm tenderly around her. For men at least, sex is the best sleep medication ever invented, and I was feeling drowsy in the afterglow of our lovemaking.

Our conversation was interrupted when I heard a knock on the door. "John! Are you in there? Breakfast is almost ready," said Sarah's voice.

My union with Heather was far too sacred to be disrupted for a stack of pancakes, no matter how delicious. I ignored Sarah. Heather and I smiled and held one another. My bond with Heather was different from what had happened with Eris. We seemed to share an intuitive knowledge of how the other was feeling, but I couldn't sense the presence of the egg within her that would develop into our firstborn, nor could I gauge the progress of my stalwart swimmers as they explored her depths. But that was just fine as we relaxed back into one another's comforting arms and basked in our love and physical intimacy. The handle jiggled and I smiled at Heather, happy that I had locked the door.

"John! Are you in there?" asked Sarah again.

"You were definitely definitely 'in there' just a second ago!" Heather whispered saucily into my ear, quietly enough that her sister wouldn't be able to hear her. She nibbled playfully on my ear and threw a leg over the top of me. I could feel her dampness and the softness of her pubic hair against my hip, and my penis quickly began to respond to Heather's implied offer.

"Yeah, I'm in here. I'll be coming down to breakfast in a minute." I answered.

"You'll definitely be cumming in a few minutes!" whispered Heather almost silently to me as she climbed stealthily on top of me and straddled my hips, her lips beginning to work on my neck.

"Open up, Cuz! I need to talk to you." Sarah said.

Heather gave me an annoyed look and shook her head in exasperation as a metallic clicking sound came from the door. The bedroom door was of the sort that can be easily unlocked with a small screwdriver, and Sarah had proven herself adept at opening such locks for as long as I could remember.

I spoke quickly, hoping to prevent Sarah from invading the room. "Just give me a few minutes, Sarah! I'm getting up for breakfast, and..." I quit speaking as I saw the doorknob turn and the door's antique hinges creaked slowly open. Sarah's smiling face popped around the side of the partly open door, her sparkling eyes full of gleeful mischief. Heather scrambled off of me and we both rushed to hide beneath the covers, but we both knew that it was far too late for us to conceal what had been going on from Sarah. The unmistakable scent of our lovemaking would have given us up even if Sarah hadn't seen our naked bodies scrambling beneath the crumpled sheets.

The pretty brunette looked at her sister and I, and she laughed out loud. Sarah shook her head as she closed and locked the door behind her. "I didn't disturb anything, did I?" she said in playful mock-contrition. "So, you two finally did it, did you? Well, it's about fucking time, and it's about time for fucking! Don't bother covering up, John. I woke up hornier than hell, and I was hoping for a quickie before breakfast. I was still upstairs to hear you two fucking like bunnies in here because I slept late, but I think that, fortunately, everyone else in the house was already dressed and downstairs. I'm pretty sure that nobody could hear you over the racket down there. There's some old African guy in the living room talking to Erin's dad."

Sarah smiled at us as she pulled her shirt over her head, exposing a black bra. "You don't mind, do you, sis?" she asked Heather as she unbuttoned her jeans.

"You've got your nerve! John and I were just talking about getting married before the world ends, and here you are barging in wanting to screw him right in front of me! What sort of sister does that sort of thing?" Heather said, sitting up on the bed with her soft white breasts exposed.

I smiled, and refrained from mentioning that Heather had also just been suggesting an incestuous six-way orgy that would have included Sarah. Heather giggled and playfully elbowed me in the ribs. Through our new bond, I didn't have to say things out loud for us to both be amused.

Sarah slowly slid her jeans down her toned, shapely legs. Sarah's body was slim, toned, and athletic, as opposed to her sister's relatively rounded softness. "Relax, sis. End of the world prophesies are a dime a dozen these days; we've lived through the end of the world dozens of times already according to the quacks that hawk that bullshit," She stepped out of her jeans, walking towards us in matching black satin undergarments. "And, yes, I'm here to screw your man. If it really bothers you, I suppose that I can behave myself because I love you. But if you let me fuck him, I promise to make it up to you. How many times did Mom tell us to share with each other when we were kids?" she asked with a sassy wink.

Sarah climbed on top of me, the smooth, soft cloth over her warm vulva was rubbing against my already throbbing-hard cock as she kissed me full on the lips, her hot tongue invading my mouth and writhing against my own like a living thing. As we kissed, I reached around her and unfastened her bra to free her small, firm breasts.

"Heather, is this OK?" I asked, willing to shut Sarah's advances down if necessary. But I already intuitively knew that it was all right with her through the bond that our souls now shared. More importantly, through the link between our souls, Heather knew that I would have behaved myself if it had been something that she wanted.

Heather answered my question by climbing over and grabbing her sister's panties with both hands, sliding them down to expose the toned mounds of Sarah's athletic buttocks. I felt the soft hairs of Sarah's exposed pubic mound grind against my hardness.

Heather smiled, running her hands down her naked sister's body. "Like I said, I knew that the armband you're wearing meant that I would have to share you. Acratophorus needs your help, the world needs his help, and I'm strangely cool with the idea of you fucking as many other girls as you want as long as you save some of that cock for me! I never would have believed that I would say such a thing, but it's true." She laughed. "And, honestly, I think it's kind of cool that my sister wants my boyfriend. She's always been more popular than me."

Sarah wasn't paying attention to her sister as she planted a lascivious kiss on my lips. Her small, cool hand gently encircled my cock, which was still moist from Heather's pussy. She looked me wickedly in the eye and kissed me. Then she climbed down and smiled up at me, placing a sultry kiss on the tip of my penis. In a sudden, shocking movement, she engulfed my manhood, taking it deep into her soft wet throat and caressing it with the rough surface of her dextrous tongue.

Pulling her mouth off of my cock she looked at me with her eyebrows raised. "You didn't use a condom with Heather, did you? I can totally taste my sister's girl-cum all over you." She licked my cock from the base to the tip, savoring the taste of her cousin and her own sister at the same time. "Dear God that's hot!" Sarah exclaimed. She returned her mouth to my cock, sucking the mixture of her sister's juices and my own from my manhood. Sarah's head bobbed up and down, her brown hair swishing in time with her movements as she sucked me. As good as both of these sisters were at giving head, I was eager to see how a blowjob from Aunt Cindy was going to be!

I was nearing orgasm when Sarah slowed, grinning sadistically at me as she pulled her mouth from my cock.

"You won't be cumming in my mouth this morning," Sarah said with a wicked smile. "I've got a better place for you to put your load." She winked at me before turning her attention to Heather. Slowly, like a prowling cat, Sarah crawled on the bed towards her sister.

"What are you doing?" Heather asked apprehensively as Sarah pushed her back onto the bed..

"Congratulating you. You did say that you're getting engaged to John, right?" Sarah said innocently. And then she kissed Heather. It wasn't an innocent, sisterly kiss. Heather's eyes were wide as her sister's mouth pressed against hers.

"What sort of sister would I be if I didn't rejoice with you?" Sarah whispered as her hands traveled down her sister's body, caressing Heather's soft breasts and traveling down to stroke the soft, chubby tummy that would soon be swollen with our child. "So, tell me, sis. Did he cum inside of you? Am I going to be an aunt?" Sarah clearly didn't know that I had the power to prevent pregnancy now, but that was irrelevant in Heather's case.
