Pas de Deux


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I shook my head. "Not even then. I am not that easy." Antonia giggled then burst into laughter. It was time to go, we exchanged telephone numbers both land-line and mobile. I paid the bill and we walked out. Taxis were frequent at that time of night, yet neither of us hailed one as we chatted. It had been warm earlier and Antonia had not bothered with a wrap. Now it had turned cool, so I took my jacket off and draped it around her shoulders. She didn't say anything but her eyes thanked me. We remained on the pavement talking for another ten minutes when at last she flagged a taxi. The last thing she mentioned before getting into her cab left me speechless again.

"I am still a virgin, you know. I have been saving it for you." She handed me back my jacket and then she was gone.


On Monday morning I arrived at the laboratory and went into my office to find my white coat. As if she had been waiting for me, Shelley burst in. "So, what have you got to say for yourself?"

"About what?" I enquired mildly.

"Vanishing from the reception with Miss Berwick. Henry had arranged that she sat at his table and when no one could find her he had to re-arrange things." I noted that it was the fact that Antonia being missing was cause for concern, not me. I also doubted that I would have been sitting at Henry's table.

"Antonia had a head-ache. So, just as Henry would have wanted I escorted her home."

Shelley was suspicious. "A likely story. Especially when only five minutes before she was quite happy chatting with Henry."

"It's a strong probability that chatting with Henry brought on the head-ache." I couldn't resist a little dig.

Shelley smiled now. "It's more probable that you whisked her away so that you could renew your acquaintance." She said this in a way that imbued 'renewing our acquaintance' with overtones. "Anyway, Henry wants to see you when he gets in."

"On the carpet again?"

"I expect so. Probably a spanked bottom as well."

Henry was quite happy when I saw him. Antonia had suggested that I use the head-ache excuse and had left a message on his voice mail apologising. Henry had designs on using my friendship with Antonia to seek out more donations.

"Simon, one of the reasons I wanted to talk with Miss Berwick, was to ask if she would consider taking part in a charity Gala performance for us. Something I have been thinking about for some time. But with the happy circumstance of your being an old friend it may come better from you."

I thought quickly. If our possible relationship was to go anywhere, I did not want to start it by asking her for a favour. "To be honest Henry, I think that Antonia would feel under an obligation to agree if I were to ask her. She was my sisters' friend, not mine. So I would be pushing the acquaintance to its limits. Perhaps the request would be better received if you made it."

Henry was disappointed but accepted my reason for refusing. "I understand, in retrospect it probably will be better if I write to her and ask officially rather than using your acquaintance to ask favours." That was Henry all over; no one ever rejected his ideas. He would turn them round and take another tack. We talked for a while about the research. We had been examining some plants from South America which folk tales suggested could be efficacious in the treatment of osteoporosis. That was our main reason for existing, examining old wives tales and treatments with natural ingredients to see if they could be synthesised to help us in the modern world.

Later that evening I had a call from Antonia. "Did you get into trouble?"

I laughed. "Only from Shelley. Sir Henry didn't even mention it, possibly because he wants to ask a favour of you."


"Yes. He is going to write and ask if you would take part in a charity Gala he wants to organise."

"I suppose I could, depending on dates. What do you think? Should I do it?"

"It's nothing to do with me, Antonia. I told Henry that I wouldn't get involved. I didn't want to be seen as asking for favours, presuming on you after so little time."

"Presume away, Si, but I appreciate the sentiment. However what is important to me is when am I going to see you again."

"When are you free?"

"I'm in rehearsal most days and performing most evenings at the moment. I am free next Sunday if you are."

"I will make sure I am. Would you like to take the trip up river to Hampton Court?"

"Sounds good to me. Shall I meet you at Westminster Pier?"

"Good idea. Let's make it about eleven. Then we have the time to get up river and get some lunch at Hampton."

"I'm looking forward to it already. See you then."

"It's a date."

I heard her giggle down the phone. "A date with my dream man, what more could a girl ask for."

The weather Gods gave us the perfect day. A blue sky, just a gentle breeze and a beaming sun to warm the air pleasantly. Antonia was made for jeans; she was slim with a rear that must have made every other woman green with envy. Her short dark hair was simply brushed and decorated with a pair of bright yellow sunglasses that were permanently parked on top of her head, more of a fashion statement than utility. Our day was good, full of banter and conversation in equal measure. She walked close to me, her hand hovering near mine offering me the opportunity to hold should I wish. She was good company, yet I felt an inhibition. Antonia and Becky had been an indivisible couple. You saw my sister and Antonia was there beside her. I had always found it difficult to view Antonia as a person in her own right, more an extension of my sister and thus any intimacy with her would be akin to incest. There were times during the day when I forgot that and just enjoyed being with this pretty, fun girl, yet the inhibition would return from time to time.

We were boarding the boat which would take us back to Westminster when Antonia slipped on the gang plank. I instinctively grabbed her. I still held her when she turned to thank me and my hand made contact with her breast. She smiled, and then grinned. "I told you. Two or three dates before you get lucky. But thank you for helping me." She held my hand to take the last few steps boarding the boat, and wouldn't let go even as we took our seats in the Bows. She was breathing quite heavily and I thought that it was because of her slip.

"Antonia, did you hurt yourself?"

She had lowered her face but looked up to answer my question. She was blushing. "I'm fine." She hesitated then went on. "It's just that when you touched me it was like an electric shock. I have fantasised for years of you holding me in your arms and touching my breast, in my dream it was exciting, but the reality was completely overwhelming." She smiled. "Don't be angry with me Si, please? I know I am pushing things but I can't wait for you to do it again." I was not averse to that. Any man would enjoy the experience. My action had been instinctive, yet I had no sense of it being wrong. I was happy to do it again.

As the boat started its journey down river I turned Antonia on the bench we shared so that her back was to me. She relaxed as I supported her and my arms held her. She took my right hand and lifting her arm placed my hand close to her body. The invitation was obvious and as my body and her arm covered the action as she guided my hand to where she wanted it. She squirmed in pleasure. "Thank you my darling. That feels wonderful." I kissed her cheek.

"Yes. It's beautiful."

"How do you know? You haven't seen them ...yet."

We stayed like that all the way. Our heads were so close we didn't need to speak any louder than murmurs. Our talk was desultory as you would expect from two people who were old friends. Even so we arrived at Westminster Pier far more quickly than I would imagine or wanted. Antonia skipped down the gangway lithely, I smiled asking myself if her slip before was intended rather than accident, not that it mattered.

We walked up to the bridge. Antonia turned to face me as I asked if she would like to go to dinner somewhere. "I would love to, Si. But I have to say not now. It has been a lovely day, one of the best in my life, and I would enjoy the evening just as much. But there is a distinct possibility that my hormones would overrule my head and I would ask you to take me to your home tonight, so I shall say no whilst I have a semblance of control. I do want to see you again soon though."

"I want to see you again soon. Are you involved in rehearsal and performance this week?"

She nodded sadly. "Yes I'm afraid I will be." she sounded disconsolate and then suddenly brightened. "Would you like to see me dance? I can get you a ticket."

"Aren't they like gold dust?"

"Usually, but we always have complimentary tickets for important guests. Do say yes, please Si. We can meet after the performance and spend a little time together."

"What theatre and what night?" I asked.

"Thursday at the Coliseum. The performance starts at eight-thirty. Go to the ticket office and they will have the ticket with your name."

"I'll be there."

We parted then. Antonia took a few steps then turned back to me. With a little run she came into my arms and we kissed. This was not a kiss of passion; it was a kiss that two people who may possibly become lovers would give each other. An experimental kiss to see if emotions could be stirred, to see if the lips of their potential lover would excite, a kiss that would ask questions. The kiss answered all those questions very well.

It had been tradition to wear formal dress when attending the Ballet or the Opera, a tradition that over the last few years had waned. When we spoke on the phone I asked Antonia if I should wear a Dinner Jacket. "Don't bother, Si. If you were in the Stalls or Dress Circle perhaps you should, but I'm afraid that the only comp ticket I could get you is in the Grand Tier. Sorry about that."

"No problem, I would rather sit there and not have to wear formal. What is the piece you are doing?"


"Are you playing Coppelia?"

"Yes and no. It depends on the choreography and interpretation, in some productions no one dances Coppelia; she is a life size wooden doll. But another character Swanilda dresses in Coppelia's clothes and dances as if she was Coppelia."

"It sounds bloody complicated. So what part are you taking?"

"I'm dancing Swanilda."

"So in effect you play both parts, Coppelia and Swanilda?" "In this production I do. Now after the performance shall we meet? There is a little place just round the corner in William the Forth Street. It's called Greengage. We could meet there."

I have to say that the whole thing went over my head. I understood that in ballet the actual movements and position of the arms were the language used to tell the story, but only an aficionado would appreciate that. What I did enjoy was watching Antonia dance. It was useful knowing what part she danced as all the ballerinas seemed to be clones. Their make-up and lack of facial expression making recognition a very difficult task. Antonia on stage was a revelation. I didn't realise that she had such long legs, or such shapely ones. She was graceful in all her movements especially when she went up on her toes. Later she told me that was known as 'en Pointe'. The programme told the story of Coppelia which was very useful; otherwise I would not have known what was going on at all.

'Greengage' was a little late-night bar, catering mostly to theatre, opera and ballet patrons. I found a small table and ordered my usual mineral water. The tables were quite close so listening to other's conversation was not eaves-dropping, it was unavoidable. I was amused to hear others talking in effusive language about the play they had seen also the ballet that I had just attended. How people could create so much drama in describing their experience that evening I did not know. But then they would probably not understand the excitement I would experience in seeing a culture grow that I had not expected. Antonia arrived round about eleven-thirty. I was amazed. The people next to me had just been discussing her performance, generally in glowing terms, yet when she sat down with me they didn't give her a second glance. I doubted they would recognise her without make-up. I did. Even without make-up and freshly scrubbed, wearing a pair of jeans and a sweat shirt, she was lovely. Her smile was addictive and I smiled in response. "What did you think?" She asked as if my opinion was important.

"It's difficult to answer that. I have never been to the ballet before and did not know what I was going to see so I didn't have criteria to judge by. I wasn't really watching properly anyway."

"Oh." She was disappointed.

"No. I couldn't take my eyes off you." She was caught for a moment and then slowly a smile widened her mouth. I went on whispering. "I didn't realise that ballet was so athletic or that you have such shapely legs"

She giggled. Then she leaned forward also to whisper. "You would be surprised at how agile I can be. Wait until we go to bed together."

"As a Doctor I should be advising you not to undertake anything that strained the joints and ligaments." I was smiling as I said this.

Antonia came back straight away. "I understand that Doctors shouldn't enter into relationships with their patients." I nodded knowing what she would say next. "So you are not my doctor and I don't have to take your advice; and you may enjoy my flexibility." Her smile was full of promise.

I learned in our conversation that in ballet they do not 'play' a character, they 'dance' the character. Antonia was explaining the terms for some of the movements when a girl of similar age to her came into the 'Greengage'. She waved to Antonia as she glanced around as if looking for someone and upon not finding that person approached us. "Toni. Would you mind if I sat with you for a while. I said I would meet Martin here, but he's late as always." Antonia agreed, not too happily I thought, and introduced me to Pippa. Pippa looked at me boldly then without breaking her stare said to Antonia. "Nice."

"Yes and he's mine." Antonia told her firmly.


I had made my mind up about Pippa very quickly. I didn't like her. She had boldly held my eyes ever since she sat down, even when she spoke to Antonia. I let my dislike show. "Toni and I have known each other for ten years or so. And if you talk to Toni at least have the grace to look at her when you do."

"Oh!" At that moment her date must have come in as she got up saying. "See you." And left us.

Antonia smiled broadly at me. "Thank you my gallant Knight. That was the third time you have come to my aid."

I was perplexed not knowing what she was saying. "When have I come to your aid?"

"Last Sunday when you rescued me from falling overboard and then there was the day that Becky and I had tagged along with you when you went swimming. You were messing around in the deep end with your mates trying to distance yourself from us. Some lad was larking around and had bumped me deliberately so I fell in the pool. Becky helped me out and the lad thought it was tremendously funny and was getting close to do it again. Suddenly you were there. You grabbed him and said something to him which scared him. Then you pushed him in. My heart was pumping like anything; my Sir Galahad had rescued me from danger. I just wanted to throw myself into your arms and kiss you. You just stalked away." Antonia said with mock anger.

"I think I remember that. Christ! That was years ago."

"I know, but it is stored in my memory, one of those little mementoes that deepened my love."

Antonia had said this was the third time and for the life of me I could not remember another occasion so I asked. "I don't think you were in any danger of falling overboard last Sunday. I believe that was more deliberate than accident. However, what was the other rescue?"

Antonia had the grace to blush, ignored my comment and answered the question. "You will have to think about that." She replied mysteriously. "You'll get there in the end."

We left 'Greengage' in the early hours and slowly walked back towards St. Martin's Lane where taxis would be more plentiful. Antonia would take a taxi for Bloomsbury where she had a room. She explained that the Ballet Company owned three large houses split into bedsits, the whole complex referred to as the Nunnery where the Corps De Ballet would live. The accommodation was close to the rehearsal rooms and the theatres. My journey would be by Tube to Hampstead where I had bought a flat. It was close to the research centre and easy to get to the University Annex where we would carry out some trials. Back outside the Coliseum we stood and chatted. I put my arms around her and she snuggled into me happily. "This is heaven." She murmured. "Being held in your arms. I shall have to let you go soon otherwise I shall be making improper suggestions to you." She paused, thinking. "Hey! Is this our second date?"

"I suppose it is."

"Damn. I can't take you back to the nunnery; the concierge has a sixth sense if a man even gets within six feet of the doorway."

"Antonia I am not ready for that yet. When it happens it will be a commitment. You are not a casual fling. It will be an important step in my life."

She raised her head and looked at me and nodded. "You don't know how happy that makes me. And you said 'when' not 'if'. Now kiss me and let me go." Our lips met gently to start then her mouth opened and our tongues slipped together. She moaned and clasped me even more tightly. She drew back, breathless. I was amazed that a kiss could generate so many feelings. She offered her lips for another kiss. If anything this had more to say than the first. "Oh Simon!" She cried breathlessly.

"You had better go before I get carried away."

She nodded. "I never realised that a kiss could do that." She said softly, her eyes swimming with emotion. She stepped back out of my arms. A taxi had drifted to the kerb, the cabbie obviously alert to the possibility of a fare. "Call me." She got in the cab and closed the door. As it started away she sat forward holding my gaze as long as possible.


I thought a lot about Antonia over the next few days, trying to rationalise my feelings. In my teens I had tried to avoid Becky and Antonia as much as possible, although I hadn't been nearly as successful as I would have wished. Nonetheless having been saddled with them I was protective of them. The remnant of that guardianship was still with me. Yet I was now viewing Antonia as a woman rather than the innocent I was tasked to protect. She had grown from that gangling girl to a rather beautiful young woman, assured and successful in her chosen field. More than that I enjoyed her company. I looked forward to our meetings and was sad when we parted. Kissing her was wonderful and made me yearn for more. Was I, without realising falling in love?

Over the next few months we did the usual things together, cinema, going out for dinner those evenings she wasn't performing although it was more a case of I dined and Antonia would pinch little morsels from my plate. I would go to watch her performance from time to time and became more knowledgeable of the ballet, although I had to confess to her that it wasn't really my cup of tea. I asked her once what got her into ballet.

As always she was very honest. "It was something that I could do. Mum had started me when I was five and I danced well, although at that time I couldn't say that I was keen on ballet. As time went by I progressed. I was eleven when I first saw you. I had known Becky for years but her brother was a mysterious stranger. Then I met you and fell head over heels, even though I couldn't talk to you. You were so clever and everyone said you would go to University and become a Doctor. I was a complete dunce; the only thing I could do was dance, so I concentrated on the dance so that I had something I could do well and not seem such an idiot around you."