Pawn Travels on Vacation Pt. 01

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Nikki and Ryan spend time together away from it all.
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Nikki unlocked the door and scampered back to her bedroom. Comfortable as she might be in her skin, going about life naked wasn't her thing. Ryan's text allowed her to relax. He was coming. A sense of relief washed over her.

She laid back down on her bed. Settling in, Nikki positioned herself in what she figured was an inviting pose. The ambience was soft, or at least as soft as she could do in her apartment. It wasn't her preferred location for hooking up. Nikki much preferred fucking Ryan in his own home. Less pressure. Fewer curious neighbors to listen in. But it was summer. His kids were home more often - enough that they were present during her weekly house cleaning visits.

It had been far too long.

The loud click of the door as it opened, then closed, let her know Ryan was inside. Nikki called to him, then reached over to her bedside table. She ignored the coolness from the can of whipping cream. However, the initial shock as the cream foamed from the nozzle onto her nipples nearly caused Nikki to yelp. Containing herself she returned the can to the side before Ryan entered.

Watching Ryan's face light up at the sight awaiting him gave Nikki a jolt of energy. She could not help but wiggle in place on the bed. Her tits jostled a bit, the whipped cream dancing along with them.

"Well," he started. "This is a sight to see."

"I know you shouldn't have too many sweets before dinner. But I think you're due for some just desserts."

"No kidding," Ryan replied, loosing his clothes. "What, uh, what do we have here?"

"Oh, just some odds and ends. Chocolate syrup. Honey. Sprinkles. Whipping cream. All the fixings to enjoy the sundae of your dreams."

"Oh my. Well, you're right that I have a sweet tooth. And it, uh, it has been a while. I think I'm ready to indulge myself."

Ryan removed his dress shirt and pulled his undershirt off. For being up in age he still had a decent bod. In a way, it was a body she helped mold. Although he had been going to the gym before they met, his renewed vigor since they began seeing each other spurred him to put more effort into his workouts. According to Ryan, he was in the best shape of his life because of her.

Nikki felt a wave of tingles tickle her as he approached. "I'll lay still. I'm all yours, big boy."

She closed her eyes as he descended over her. Sure enough, his frame was a presence to enjoy. The feel of his tongue lapping at the cream on her nipples helped her little yelp escape. Nikki felt it encircle her pointy tit, encouraging it to harden further. She savored the forced inhale of air taken as his mouth engulfed her breast, eagerly sucking at the remaining sweet cream.

Then he moved to her other nipple. His gentle approach elicited both a giggle and a moan from Nikki, as once again her lover titillated her senses. As before, Ryan went in and slobbered over her breast. All too soon, he pulled away, leaving her tits exposed with a chill from the saliva that coated them. Nikki hesitated, enjoying the moment.

When she finally opened her eyes, Nikki was warmly greeted by Ryan's gaze overhead. The sight of him holding something was in the periphery of her vision. Keeping his eyes locked with hers, he brought the item in closer. The sound of a bottle cap flipping open. A little jostling on his part as he changed orientation. Then he backed away, making room for the bottle of chocolate syrup.

Nikki giggled in delight as the gooey mass drizzled over her body. Watching Ryan go to work was equally as fun. She enjoyed watching his concentration as he painted her torso with chocolate. When he seemed satisfied, he returned the bottle to the nightstand. He weighed his options for a moment. Curiosity itched Nikki to sit up and watch. But she remained on the bed. She was now her lover's canvas. She could only tilt her head and guess at his next action.

"What, no strawberries?" Ryan asked playfully.

"Nooo," she replied, a little crestfallen. "There weren't any good ones at the store."

"You know, I've noticed that too," he said, almost conversationally. Nikki might have been compelled to discuss their shopping habits further had he not returned with the container of crushed pineapple.

Nikki found herself moaning as he dabbed and spread the fruit along her breasts. The juice, coupled with the cool touch of the spoon, sent tiny shivers across her body - arching ever so slightly in response. Again she relished involuntarily drawing a deep breath. Finding herself reacting this way made her enjoy it all the more.

He put away the pineapple and came back with the whipped cream. He immediately went for the breasts, as she figured he would. But he continued beyond them. The nozzle zig-zagged over her belly. The sensation continued to thrill her in a way she never expected it would. Tiny giggles escaped with moans.

Ryan looked over her. His creation. The expression on his face was not an easy one to read, but Nikki saw it as a mix of contemplation and pleasure. She saw him reach for the sprinkles. "You know, I've never made a sundae before. What do you think? Not bad, huh?"

The sprinkles and candy bits began to fall. She barely felt them as they hit. The sugary design Ryan had created on her torso effectively absorbed the impact. What few bare spots remained announced their arrival. As silly as it was, it induced laughter from Nikki. Being aroused, wanting to explore, touch and feel ... yet forced to lay still as her energies swirled within. It was all she could do to not explode.

She watched as Ryan again stood back. The look of admiration in his eyes. He was enjoying looking at his girlfriend covered in all manner of foodstuffs. After a moment Ryan began looking around, before finding Nikki's phone on the bedside table.

"Wait, what are you doing?" Nikki asked, half amused, half concerned.

"Oh, I just want a pic."

"Don't want to use your phone?"

"Nah. Too risky. But I don't want to forget this moment. Something tells me you won't want to either."

He swiped and then began taking a few photos. At first Nikki smiled as best she could, laying down. Figuring she must look like a fool and terribly unflattering, she resorted to sticking her tongue out and flipping the bird with her hand.

"Ah, c'mon, babe." Ryan said. He seemed particularly relaxed. "You don't give yourself enough credit. You look good enough to eat."

She felt him spread her legs as he positioned himself over her. As before, he set on licking the sweets spread on her body. Only now there was so much more to enjoy. Every lick tingled mercilessly inside Nikki. She desperately wanted to act. Digging her nails into bed provided weak solace as his tongue and lips explored Nikki's nipples, breasts, navel and everywhere else he had taken pleasure in coating with sweet artistic vision. Tiny whimpers escaped her lips. Only to be met by his deep, pleasured sighs.

Several times she wanted to cum. Edged to climax. With Ryan poised right over her, she imagined his stiffened cock teasing at her pussy. His tip glistening with precum. Her wetness inviting him to press on. Until finally would sink his meat inside her, giving rise to the release she desperately craved.

Only to be denied.

If the playing field were even, Nikki would have mounted him by now. She would be riding him. Or him drilling her. No matter. So long as their primal urges were being fulfilled. Instead, she had handed him the reigns. She was subject to his indulgence of her body, and the sweetness she had provided.

His licks gave way to kisses on her skin. Somewhat abruptly, she felt him disengage.

Watching him, she saw Ryan open a bottle of water on her nightstand. With a quick swish and a swallow, he poised himself back over Nikki. Only now he was moving further down her body. Ryan lowered his head in front of her snatch.

"Time for the creamy center."

He pressed his face against her womanhood. His tongue darted about. Nikki realized just how juicy she had become. And just how close she was to cumming! Ryan had sent her over. Her whimpers gave way to cries as she likewise grinded against his mouth. With a grip of her ass, he welcomed her as she felt him eagerly lap at her juiciness.

After a moment, Nikki realized she had a white-knuckled deathgrip on her mattress. Ryan's eager licking at her now sensitive bits had slowed to a more tender pace as she rode the wave down. Sitting up, hair no doubt a mess, she stared wide-eyed at her lover.

"You're a hungry, hungry man."

Ryan chuckled. "Listen to that rasp in your voice! Something tells me you needed that more than I did."

"Oh, God," she replied, adjusting in bed. "You have no fucking idea. How long has it been?"

He pulled back and stood up. His eyes darted to the side, as if her were trying to recall. "Too long. But what can I say? You still got the knack for keeping me on my toes."

"And you've still got the knack for making mine curl." She got up off the bed and gazed at her nightstand. Already a small thing, it now lay cluttered in used condiments. "So what did you think?

"You know, I've heard about it before. Playing with food. Never have though. 'Til now, of course. Was it good for you?" he smirked.

Nikki turned toward Ryan. She wanted to say that she didn't realize just how bad she needed him. But the sight of Ryan's softening member caught her eye.

"Oh dear, but you never got off!"

Ryan gave a soft laugh. "No, I suppose I haven't."

"Well, we need to change that."

Looking over the spread, she grabbed her little bear-bottle of honey. Walking up to Ryan, she gave him a smile and a wink. She enjoyed playing the confident partner, even if she felt she had no real idea what would happen at all.

Kneeling before him, she took ahold of his cock. She felt a little twitch. The idea that his cock was ready to come back to life delighted her. Flipping the lid off the honey, she gave it a good squeeze over his meaty but only half-erect dick. Ryan gave a gasp as the honey made contact. Both her hand and his cock were soon coated in the sugary thickness.

She found it a little surreal as she stroked his cock. The feeling of the sticky coating between her grip and his dick acted as a lube while still giving her a good handle. Nikki had stroked her share of dicks in the past. Nothing had ever felt like this.

Not that she spent long contemplating the nature of stroking a honey-coated cock. Combined with the pacing of his breath, his cock had grown strong and rigid in her hand. Nikki wanted a taste.

She caught a hint of precum as her lips slowly engulfed his dick. Sure enough, the sweet taste of honey met her as she took on his length. It was a nice change. It proved to be slightly difficult to move her lips up along his shaft as she took him on. But soon enough a comfortable amount of girth was inside her.

Feeling his hand back on her head excited her. She could work him up for another fucking session - this time with the penetration she craved earlier. But she had envisioned a sinfully delectable ending when she conjured up tonight's activities. For all she might be missing out on, she wanted to follow it through.

The sounds of her slurping on his meat filled the bedroom. Ryan peppered in swears and calls to God from time to time, while Nikki's attention to duty left her only to respond in moans. She pulled off with a loud smack. Gripping his meat once more, she found the mix of saliva and honey all the more intriguing as her hands worked their magic on his shaft. The motion of her stroking likewise filled the room with the messy sounds of their intimacy. His breathing, along with the winces on his face, let her know that he was getting close.

"Let me know, baby. Let me know when you're going to cum."

"Soon, baby. Oh, fuck!"

Nikki stared up at him. Her face was one of perverse anticipation and she knew it. Not that she was putting on a show to coax out his seed. She genuinely wanted to feel it. The tightening of his body. The twitch of his cock. Her own breathing panted at the very thought. It had been far too long. Even if he wasn't inside her, she needed to feel it again.

"Oh Nikki. Fuck! Here it comes!"

Her eyes bolted wide at his warning. Throwing her shoulders back and lifting her chest, she continued stroking his cock. Aiming his cock at her breasts, she moaned a sultry affirmation to help draw out his seed. With a jerk, Ryan's cock unleashed his seed onto her. Nikki's attention shot down to the tip of his member as ropes of jizz shot out. The first went high, kissing her chin and splattering against her neck. The following shots smattered lower, glazing her tits. As the volume lessened, Nikki gave a good couple of long strokes to encourage any remaining swimmers out from him.

Disengaging, Nikki stuck out her tongue. She couldn't quite reach the jism that blessed her chin. Instead, she playfully lifted a finger to her tongue and then dragged it down along to where he had left his mark. Scraping the white mess down off her chin and onto her chest, she began to smear it over her body. As best she could, Nikki spread his seed over her body. All the while, she smiled and watched as Ryan looked over her. Soon, she felt she had covered all the relevant parts of her torso to an agreeable degree. A fit of laughter overtook her.

"Icing on the cake," she finally said.

Ryan shook his head. "You are incredible."

"I know."

"You want to shower? It's going to be fun cleaning that off."

Nikki laughed. But her spirit soon dampened. Ryan may not have said it explicitly, but he was right. They were going to have to wrap up. He couldn't stay here forever.

"Well, if you need to use the bathroom first, go ahead. I know you have to get back home here at some point."

"I suppose, if you're offering," he said. Grabbing his clothes, he made to freshen up.

Nikki remained kneeling. Thinking. Of how short their encounters always are. That they can never be together for long. How she had grown to yearn for Ryan. To be with him. How he had a wife that seemingly took him for granted at home, while Nikki was more than willing to kneel and wait for him - covered in a mess of sugar and semen while he freshened up.

Ryan returned, looking much like he did when he walked into her bedroom.

"Big plans with the wife tonight?"

"Not as such," he said, helping Nikki to her feet.

He explained how he had a business trip coming up. A client had interest in revising their product. Ryan had been selected to go and work personally with them while his team refined the product on their end. Nikki tried to feign interest, but she was still feeling down on herself. His words went in one ear and out the other. That is, until he mentioned where it would be held over the weekend.

"A little family getaway, hm?"

"No. Sherri and the troops will be staying back."

Nikki froze. Her thoughts were racing.

"That's only, like, three hours away."

Raspberries. "I'm not driving that."

"I am."

"What?" he asked, a look of confusion washing over his face.

"I can drive down there. We can have the weekend to ourselves. Oh my God, this will be so perfect!"

"Wait, what?"

"Totally! We can go shopping on the strip. Go out to dinner. Dancing! Hit up the clubs. No one to recognize us." A gleeful sound emanated from her as she began shaking her hands about her wildly.

"Whoa, whoa! You're planning to come down with me?"

"Of course! Why not?"

"Well, for starters, I can't put you up in the same room as me. They're only paying for one."

"That's fine," Nikki quickly responded. "I'll get my own place. Close to wherever you are."

"I, I suppose," Ryan said, his kind clearly trying to process this recent development.

"C'mon! Don't you want to spend some quality time with me? We've only ever been together in snippets. Just imagine if we had the whole day to ourselves."

Unexpectedly, Nikki's heart sank at the picture of just what was going on. Here she was, butt naked. Covered in a cocktail of cum and sweets. Hair mussed. Pleading with a middle-aged professional who was not her husband to let her join him on a business trip.

"Well, let's be clear here," Ryan interjected. "You won't have the whole day with me. I also have to work you know."

"That's fair. We'll still have the nights, right? Oh my God, what should I wear?"

"I'll, uh, leave that for you to figure out then." He patted himself down, making sure he had his keys and such. "I need to get home. I'll shoot you a text later tonight."

Nikki twinkled her hands at him as he walked away. Soon enough, the familiar sound of the heavy door opening and latching closed let Nikki know he had left. She got up to secure the deadbolt, then made her way to the bathroom. When the shower was up to temp she stepped in. Feeling the syrupy, slimy mess slowly wash away was practically therapeutic. But she could not dwell on it. Dessert was great, but she had much grander things to sink her teeth into now.

* * *

Nikki waited outside the restaurant Ryan had mentioned. She had gotten there a bit early, but at least she was not running late. Despite the drive taking longer than anticipated, she arrived with time to spare. Which proved a godsend - it gave her time to look her best. Aside from wearing a few outfits over their previous hookups, Nikki had never really dressed up for Ryan. Now she had a chance to really wow him.

She felt the white top she wore really accentuated her finer feminine points. It was sleeveless and while it offered a low cut on the chest, it wasn't trashy. Coupled with her handbag, it was actually pretty stylish. Her white skirt likewise brought out her form without calling attention to herself. It hugged without making her feel confined. Which was a boon in this heat and humidity. She didn't need any unnecessary discomfort.

If only he hadn't tied their dinner with his client. She wasn't keen on sharing Ryan. But it was important to him. So it must be important to her. Besides, they would have the evening together after dinner.

"Hello there, gorgeous."

The familiar voice made Nikki twirl around on the spot. Ryan was approaching, still in work clothes but looking proper nonetheless. She moved in and returned his greeting with a hug.

Together they entered the restaurant. Ryan's client had made reservations for four in advance. Although their host wasn't there yet, they were seated at the booth end of a tableclothed table. After having been seated and drink orders taken, they engaged in small talk. Nicole noticed it was early for the restaurant as well. Since they were seated away from the main crowd, it wasn't terribly busy.

"How long until you think they arrive?" Nikki asked after sampling her margarita.

"It may be a bit. I like to get to these early. Maybe a bit earlier than necessary this time. Better than being late. Big no-no."

Nikki licked her lips. "Mmm. I think I know of one way to pass the time."

Her eyes darted about the room once more. With only one other couple seated a good ways from them, she felt comfortable proceeding. She slid down underneath the table. Ryan's familiar nervous chuckle served to embolden her. Scooting over slightly, she reached between his legs to his belt buckle, unfastening it.

Ryan's legs immediately became tense. A clearing of his throat followed. It only served to encourage Nikki. She fiddled with his trousers until she freed his limp dick. Quickly, her hands went to work. Caressing its length. Teasing the tip.

Sure enough, his cock stiffened with the work of her fingers. Once it was sufficiently hard, she took it in her mouth. Nikki was careful not to make a sound. She found this surprisingly inhibiting, as she envisioned getting all sloppy and wild underneath the table when she originally dreamt this up. But alas, she didn't want to get them kicked out or ruin his meeting. Nikki just wanted to have some fun.