Pawn Travels on Vacation Pt. 02

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Ryan's business trip with Nikki becomes a handful.
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The sound of the door opening caused Ryan to awake with a snort. That unique, forceful sound of the hotel door closing made him sit up in bed. He was greeted with the sight of Nikki walking through the room. She carried a pair of coffees with her. A smile lit up her face once she saw him awake.

"Oh good! I wanted you to be able to sleep in. I was hoping I didn't wake you up when I stepped out."

"No, no," he sleepily replied. "I don't remember you getting out of bed."

Nikki set aside the cups and made her way towards him. He watched her as she walked along the side of the bed, leaned over him and kissed him on the forehead. "Good morning!"

Ryan sat up. This young woman, who was not his wife, went out and got some coffee for the two of them. Using his hotel room key, evidently.

On top of that, she seemed fully changed. Last night they had sauntered home, sand still falling from them. They had fucked on the beach, fulfilling a need of his that had been building for weeks. He had thrust into her on the sand with such ferocity that there was a sizable divot once they arose. Her white clothes had been browned - he hadn't afforded her the opportunity to disrobe. Not that she argued. Nikki clung to his arm with contented sighs the better part of the walk back to his apartment. Hell, she crawled into bed with him that night. Now she stood before him refreshed and sporting a different wardrobe.

"Good morning," he replied, snapping out of his trance. "Been out long?"

Nikki was walking back to her drink. She still sported that mischievous smile of hers. "Well... I wanted to get some coffee. Sorry, that continental breakfast crap doesn't cut it. And I figured, since I'm a few blocks away, I can just head to my place and quick change. Seeing as we kinda sullied my cute little outfit from last night."

Ryan chuckled. "Yeah. I'd like to think it'll come out."

"It's not a problem, dear. I think of it as a mark of honor."

Ryan got up, pulled on his shorts and joined her. The first sip of coffee helped give I'm a jolt. "Mmm. This is good."

Nikki had been watching him eagerly. Her elbows were on the table, hands clasped to support her chin. "I thought you might like it. It occurred to me in line that while I may have a sense for what you like, I don't totally know how you take your coffee."

"Spending my morning with a beautiful, thoughtful young lady? I think that's how everyone likes their coffee."

He shot Nikki a look as he took another sip. A smile shot to her face. She then turned her head playfully to the side, as of to say, 'You devil.'

"You are something though. I mean, one moment your underneath a table, sucking my cock, the next your making friends with my client's wife. We're doing it on the beach, and then next morning you're getting me some damn good coffee."

"Hmmm," she started, slowly enjoying a sip of her own. "It's almost like I enjoy spending my time with you."

"This must be a culmination for you. You and I, spending a moment together. No rush to satisfy our urges. Work isn't for a bit, being the weekend and all. Just you, me, and what's shaping up to be an incredible day outside. Simply us."

Nikki's eyes lit up as he spoke. She nodded somewhat maniacally.

They both enjoyed quiet sips from their coffees. As Ryan watched Nikki he got a sense that he was seeing a different side of her. She had always been bombastic. When they were together, she would not hesitate set the pace for the day. Now she was laid back. Almost vulnerable.

Ryan eventually broke the silence and asked Nikki what her plans for the day were. He was pleasantly surprised to hear that Nikki and Lisa were planning to get together.

"You're nothing short of amazing. You know that?"

Nikki flashed a smile as she took another sip. "What time do you think you'll be done? It is Saturday and all."

"I'll be at it all day. Rakesh won't take anything half-baked. But, with any luck, it'll be wrapped up by tonight. Then it'll just be you and me, babe." He downed the last of his coffee. As much as he wanted to savor it, time was ticking. "Speaking of which, I need to shower. Gotta call the wife yet and get some grub."

He got up and made for the bathroom. He felt a little sheepish about leaving Nikki behind. Thoughts of whether he should have given her a peck on the cheek or other signs of affection washed away as he showered and changed. Nikki was still at the counter in the middle of the room with her cup of coffee. She was definitely savoring it.

Ryan pulled out his phone and video called his wife. "Hey Sherri."

His wife looked as if she had just woken up. She was on their bed. He couldn't blame her. It was the weekend. "Hey dear. How's work?"

"Well, as I expected, they're really pushing the graphics on the interface. I keep telling them it's functionally sound and tailoring the engine to their needs is more important. But it's the same old story. Flashy lights. How're things at home?"

"Hmm. Kids are mulling about. I've still got a lot to do for that presentation next week. I forgot how mind-boggling this line of work can be. But, ugh... I want to spend some time outside too. Before it gets too hot."

She was using that nasally, whiny tone again. "Gardening?"

"Yeah." Sherri moved the camera as she sat up. "Hey, how's your room? Give me a tour."

That she had changed the subject and dropped her tone perked Ryan straight up. "I don't know. It's a pretty typical room. Windows. Bed. A little dining nook over here..."

As he moved the camera around, his caught Nikki in his peripheral vision.- still standing there at the counter. His jaw dropped and heart sank. The girl he had been cheating on Sherri with. Right. Fucking. There.

For a brief instant, Nikki simply stood there. It looked to Ryan that she was simply enjoying their little conversation. Then he saw her eyes light up with the realization that he was circling the phone camera around her way. In a blink, she ducked behind the counter.

At a loss for words, he continued his panorama of the room. His mind swirled. Did Nikki get down in time? Would Sherri suspect anything from the extra coffee cup on the counter? In either case, then what?

"Hmm. Looks a bit better than your last room," his wife commented nonchalantly.

Ryan chuckled. Coming full circle, he kept the camera fixed on him, using the window as a backdrop for the rest of the conversation. They discussed the kids summer plans and what needed to get done the next day when he returned. At some point Nikki emerged from behind the counter, her eyes still wide and wearing a smirk suggesting she was holding back a good laugh.

Soon enough, time came to say goodbye. "I love you, honey," he said with a smile.

"Mm hmm. You have a good day."

The call ended. As if on cue, Nikki let loose a fit of giggles. She started making her way over to him. "Oh my God. Do you think she saw me?"

"I don't think so. Still, that was closer than I like."

Nikki wrapped her arms around him and rested her head on his shoulder. Being this close, Ryan could catch whiffs of ocean spray and the beach. Of sun induced sweat trapped in her hair. He supposed he expected the floral scents he would faintly pick up when they began meeting at his house months earlier. Or that vanilla perfume she wore from time to time. But what he smelled now was as distinctly Nikki as all the other scents. And he rather enjoyed it.

"My little secret."

Ryan returned her embrace. A gentle coo rewarded him as she nuzzled him further. Nikki was pressing her full body against his. There was no pretense of temptation or teasing. Just tenderness. A side of Nikki of which Ryan was not wholly familiar with. Knowing she was opening herself up even more to him warmed his heart.

"Your dirty little secret," she said after a moment. "Speaking of which, I was hoping to shower here. I know you have to head out to work soon. Mind if I hold on to your keycard?"

"Um, yeah, I suppose. If you'll be in the area. Not that I can imagine a need to come back during the day. But, so long as you'll be around to let me in if I need to.'

"Of course, sweetie!"

Ryan gave himself one last good look in the mirror. Nikki had taken the opportunity to gather his laptop and necessities. He found her waiting by the door, smiling. She struck him as reminiscent of a fifties housewife trope - with the trappings a young modern woman brings. He thanked her as he made for the door, gave her a peck on the cheek and was on his way.

Once with Rakesh at his office, he settled into the rhythm of the workday. He had his own space to work, which he appreciated. A good number of his crew back home were working with him, submitting updates to keep the project flowing. From time to time Rakesh would pop in to go over things in person.

Still, Ryan's mind wandered. What if Nikki had been spotted? Maybe that was her intent the whole time? Perhaps the look of terror on his face made her reconsider. But he could totally see Nikki tackling Sherri with a mindset of 'I'm with your hubby now and there's nothing you can do about it.' In some ways, he was surprised she had not made such a move earlier. Then again, maybe she really enjoyed being a dirty little secret?

Nikki sure was being more affectionate with him though. From how close she was to him during last night's walks on the beach to her morning nuzzles and coffee. It was almost like they were a couple.

The two met for lunch not far from the office. He didn't have long - he wanted to finish as much as he could that day. The fast food ordered reflected this hurried state. Still, Nikki was all smiles. She mentioned that although they had been texting, she wasn't expecting to meet with Lisa until later. Their shopping date was still on, and that made everyone happy.

Work trudged into the evening. Progress came readily. By the end of the workday, both he and Rakesh were happy with what they had. Ryan could put some polish on it, but at least he could give his crew the rest of the weekend off. Heading off to a coffee shop, he grabbed a bite to eat and set about refining his work.

He texted Nikki to let her know he'd be a bit later than hoped, and not to wait up. Then he video chatted with his wife. He had hoped to see his kids, but they were out and about.

It was twilight when he made it to the hotel. Nikki had texted that she was back in the room. He looked forward to a change and getting refreshed before spending another night on the town with Nikki. She had mentioned clubbing - he didn't know how he would hold up. An older man with his arms around a younger lady. But he was feeling young and ambitious. He need only leave his inhibitions at the door.

He knocked on his hotel room door to let her know he was back. It opened to the vision of Nikki wrapped in white, see-through lingerie. She was posed with one arm over her head to brace the wall. Her head was cocked slightly, allowing her hair to dance as it dangled. The outfit teasingly cupped her breasts, accentuating the softness of her cleavage. Her little number hugged her body down to her waist. A matching pair of panties was the only other piece worn. It both highlighted her hips and bubbly ass. Yet it was those eyes that caught his gaze. Coupled with the smile greeting him, Ryan found himself both speechless and enraptured.

"Hi, sexy. C'mon in..."

Her soft voice lingered in his ears as she turned and sauntered back to the room. Ryan was quick to follow. Only in his dreams was he ever greeted like this. He sheepishly worried that a passerby might have caught a glimpse. Regardless if one had, the door clicked behind him. That would no longer be a concern. He made to put his laptop and belongings on the counter, where he briefly noticed two bottles of wine. Loosening his tie, he made to catch up with his sultry girlfriend.

That was when he beheld the most incredible sight his lust-driven mind could imagine. Nikki had taken a seat on the bed, turning to face him. One hand had patted a space on the bed for him. The other came to rest on the thighs of Lisa. She too donned a matching white number. It left nothing to the imagination. The shape and contours of her body were now known to him. Her tits, although subject to the passage of time, still complimented her body underneath the thin fabric. The smile she wore was inviting. Yet there was also an inquisitiveness to it, as if Lisa were sizing him up.

"You're right Nicole, he is a hard working man. Have a seat, Ryan. You could use a little R&R."

No sooner had he sat down that Nikki got to work, unbuttoning his shirt. She had leaned in to do so, making moans akin to purrs as she did so. Once the last button was unclasped, she lifted away his collared shirt and quickly went to work pulling his undershirt over his head. A smattering of kisses soon fell upon Ryan's exposed chest.

Lisa stood up and leaned in with the two. Her hands were placed on her thighs, allowing for her breasts to dangle in full view. "That's a good little kitten, Nicole. She knows how to treat you right, doesn't she, Ryan? Although, from what she's told me, tonight is going to be a night for you to remember."

She perched herself behind Nicole, softly kissing her shoulder. Nikki pulled back from Ryan's chest, arching her back and her neck. Lisa replied in kind by softly kissing the side of her neck, before lifting her hand to Nikki's far cheek. With a gentle turn of her head, the two kissed. Nikki's hand likewise made for Lisa, coming to rest on her forearm.

Ryan watched bewitched as his girlfriend made out with Lisa. The tenderness of their kisses, combined with the audible smacking of their lips aroused his senses. His cock grew hard as he saw their feminine graces make out.

He also found himself at a disadvantage. He had never made out with two chicks before. And one was his client's wife! If Rakesh found out about any of this, it would be the end. He'd be out of a job. Sherri would drop his sorry ass for sure. Would Nikki still want him if he weren't married anymore? If he failed so epically?

The sound of someone clearing his throat behind him startled Ryan. He turned around. To his horror, he saw Rakesh sitting in the corner. He stood up with a jolt.

"Baby," Nicole quickly interjected. Both her hand and Lisa's came to rest on his chest, their gentle touch straightening him. He looked down at them both. A sense of lust and desire flowed from the scene. Their breathing and the energy between them did not lie. Looking back to the corner, he was able to observe Rakesh. He was seated lackadaisically. As if to watch a show. His pants were unbuttoned, but very much still on. He nodded to Ryan, as if it were his way of encouraging him to partake.

Ryan looked inward. If he was to leave his inhibitions at the door, then he needed to do just that.

Reaching down, he began stroking Nikki's hair. She moaned once more. He felt her hand trail down to his belt, joining the other. Unclasping it, the sound of his belt sliding through hoops and off his waist signaled in the air what was to come.

Lisa stood up. Ryan motioned an arm towards her. She met it and helped guide it to her chest. His hand feeling her breasts, she encouraged him to explore her curves. He noticed her close her eyes as his fingers found her nipple, already hardened in arousal.

Nikki pulled his pants and shorts down. Her hands gripped his dick. With long strokes she worked his cock. Ryan felt himself growing longer and harder with every tug. He thought back to his previous erections. Nikki was a clear winner in making him hard. Only now, he felt as if his stiffness might get painful if it were any more engorged.

"Mmm. You've already had some. It's my turn," Lisa said in a sing-song voice. She knelt down in place of Nikki, who had stood up and positioned herself behind Ryan. The sensation of his girlfriends' tits pressing against his back delighted him as Lisa positioned herself.

Looking up at Ryan, Lisa swallowed the length of his meat. A delighted moan escaped as she reached the hilt of his member. She began motioning on his cock, her lips keeping a seal on his meat.

"God, do I look that sexy when I suck you?"

Nikki began kissing his shoulder and forearm. Ryan figured she was watching Lisa as she downed his cock. Reaching behind with his arm, he found Nikki's thighs. Following them between her legs, he began fingering Nikki through her panties. A greedy groan escaped from Nikki, accompanied with a deep breath and a calming moan.

"How wet is she?" Lisa asked a moment later.

"Oh, she's getting pretty wet, I'd say."

"Yeah," Nikki chimed in.

"Good. On the bed, little girl. Mommy wants a taste."

Nikki did a little strip tease, slowly pulling her top off over her head and then shimmying her panties to the floor. Ryan got a sense that she might be a little hesitant as she crawled onto the bed. Her ass and tits were on full display for the others in the room to see. She came to the edge of the bed and leaned back, coming to rest with her elbows propping her up on the sheets. Instinctively her legs spread as Lisa approached.

"So cleanly shaven. You young kids are always so impeccably smooth. I'm going to enjoy this."

Lisa dived in, her hands grasping Nicole's hips as she began eating her out. Nikki released a muffled moan as Lisa's head bobbed between her thighs. Ryan observed her facial expressions for a moment as Lisa went to work. He appreciated how her body gently writhed in reaction to the tongue lapping at her pussy. She was a beauty to behold.

Fully erect, Ryan walked behind Lisa. Her ass simply jutted out, begging to be used and fucked. He had half a mind to do so. Yet he decided to savor this moment and not peak too soon.

Kneeling behind Lisa, he was welcomed with a raise of her hips to the air and slight spread of her legs. Ryan grasped a cheek, allowing his middle finger to feel for any dampness. With an impression that she was getting juicy, he used his hands to slide off her panties. Lisa's exposed pussy awaited him. It wasn't cleanly shaven like Nikki's, trimmed and ready to be enjoyed. He spread her cheeks for better access. Closing his eyes and taking a breath, he dove in.

Ryan was pleasantly surprised at the sweet taste that met his tongue. Lisa pushed gently back against him. He responded by burying his face against her snatch. The sound of coos and moans, stemming from this woman and his girlfriend getting their pussies eaten out tickled his ears.

"He's a very hungry boy. Maybe we should feed him," Ryan heard Lisa remark. He heard Nicole respond with a light giggle and panted breath.

Lisa pulled forward from Ryan. His mouth was left dripping with her juices. Nicole remained laying on the bed, her head on the side, already consumed in rapture. Crawling on the bed, Lisa settled alongside Nikki. She turned to Ryan and gestured with a finger to approach.

"Slide your dick in. I want to watch you fuck her."

He saw Nikki straighten her head as he approached the side of the bed. That mischievous smile he had seen so many times was partly hidden behind strands of hair dangling over her face. Her legs were already splayed. Waiting for him to lie over her.

Instead, Ryan grabbed her ankles and pulled her toward him. Nikki's gasp filled the air as he brought hoisted his capture up to his shoulders. Freeing one hand, he guided his erection to her slit. Giggles of genuine surprise gave way to moans of pleasure he sank his cock inside.

"God, Ryan," Nikki whimpered. "Finally. You're mine. All mine."

Lisa stood up alongside Ryan. In swift motion, she disrobed and came to help keep Nicole's feet hoisted. "Look at her tight, young pussy swallowing your cock. You must like them young."

"Being young has nothing to do with it," Ryan replied, burying his cock balls-deep inside Nikki. "It's about not getting old. Enjoying life. And the pleasures that come with it."