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"What is this?" Patrick growled, his hands trembling.

"Why, Patrick," Kevin Hanson said, standing next to Alice, "we heard about this interesting challenge and thought that we'd come watch. The very idea of your son beating you was just too much to resist."

"I didn't agree to any spectators," Patrick said, spittle flecking his lips, he was enraged as he saw the smirk on his son's face as he stood there with his hand on his mother's shoulder.

"There's nothing in the agreement that precludes spectators," Jane Goodhead, Jimmy's attorney said. "And since the club has no objections -- I asked -- you have no grounds to approve or disapprove. Unless you'd simply like to concede and not suffer the ignominy of losing in front of your peers."

"I'm afraid that she is correct, Mr. Ryan," Jim Renshaw, his attorney said. "Only the terms of the agreement are relevant to this situation."

"What are you doing?" Patrick snarled when he saw Alice with her Handicam in front of her pointing at him.

"Mrs. Ryan has asked me to memorialize this," Alice replied, glaring daggers at him. "We've worked together in the past and she's liked my work, so I was happy to do this for her."

Patrick's eyes opened when he realized that his woman -- he couldn't tear his eyes from her huge breasts -- had probably done the filming for the video that he had seen.

"The agreement says 10:00," Jimmy said, looking at his watch. "Either we start or you concede. I'm ready."

"You are toast!" Patrick hissed at his son as they walked to the 1st tee. "Not only am I going to beat you, I am going to make it my life mission to ruin yours. You've got a lot of nerve."

"Whatever," Jimmy laughed. "Let's get this over with already," he said, raising his voice. "I've got a couple of hotties just waiting for my cock."

Patrick's face purpled as the group of people laughed. Glancing over at them, he gasped when he saw Sally leaning back against Carl Wester who had a hand over her shoulder, fondling her breast, Jenny standing right next to them. He thought that he might have a stroke when Sally reached down and pulled the front of her miniskirt up, flashing her naked pussy at him as she laughed.

"You can go first," Jimmy said, a big grin on his face.

Even though he managed to calm himself enough to hit the ball and keep it in the fairway, Patrick inwardly groaned when he saw that he was just short of the dogleg and was going to have to lay up in order to attack the green. Jimmy then took his place, wriggling his hips to settle himself the way Ernie had taught him, taking a big breath, then slowly exhaling before he swung at the ball, meeting it perfectly, watching as it sailed straight down the fairway and landed, bouncing, then rolling to a stop perfectly positioned in the dogleg just 130 yards from the hole.

Patrick scowled as their gallery applauded Jimmy's shot, then followed them down the fairway to his ball. Easily knocking his ball 30 yards to a perfect position to attack the green, Patrick's eyes bulged and his mouth dropped in shock when he saw Sally bent over at the waist, her ass and pussy totally exposed while she sucked the cock of Carl Wester while Jimmy stood with his arm around his mother's shoulders as they watched, Alice kneeling nearby with her camera in front of her and the other men watching.

"Ah, if only watching a golf match was always this pleasurable," Carl sighed when Sally finished sucking him off, standing up and wiping a blob of cum from her chin into her mouth.

"I never knew that golf was so much fun," Sally said, everyone laughing as they followed Jimmy to his ball, Sally blowing her father a kiss as she laughed.

Jimmy took his stance at his ball, eyeing the green as he settled himself, then hit a perfect 8-iron that bounced on the front of the green, then rolled to 4' from the cup. Patrick saved his par, but Jimmy ended the hole with a birdie and a one-shot lead. Playing the next four holes even, Patrick realized that Jimmy's game had improved, considerably, and that he was going to have to play his best to defeat him.

As much as it upset him, made him feel utterly humiliated, Patrick was able to gather himself enough to hit his shots, even though he was unable to tear his eyes from Sally, who each hole sucked the cock of a different member of the gallery, Jenny always managing to catch his eye, a smile on her face as she rested a hand on Sally's head as she sucked.

The 6th hole was a par-5. Even Patrick was impressed when Jimmy's tee shot sailed 320 yards straight down the center of the fairway. Trying to overpower the ball, Patrick pulled his tee shot and it ended up in the short rough on the left side of the fairway. Even though he managed to get on the green in 3, Patrick missed a seemingly easy 5-foot putt and had to settle for par, while Jimmy sank a 12-foot putt for a birdie. He now had a 2-shot lead.

"Damn, that girl can really suck a cock," Patrick heard someone from the gallery say as he set up for his next tee shot, causing him to step away from the ball and look over to where Sally was vigorously face-fucking herself on Kevin Hanson's cock, Jenny standing next to him watching while Kevin rested a hand on her shoulder, Alice kneeling nearby filming everything.

Patrick wanted to kill every single one of them, he realized, unable to tear his eyes from the scene, watching as cum shot from Kevin's cock onto Sally's extended tongue and into her mouth.

"Mmm, I really like sucking your cock, Mr. Hanson," Sally said when she had finished sucking him off and stood up licking her lips. "You really cum a lot."

"And I never tire of seeing you sucking my cock, Sally," Kevin replied, looking right at Patrick with a smirking grin on his face when he saw the purple rage on Patrick's face.

The next hole, a 140-yard par-3, Jimmy used a perfectly struck 7-iron to leave the ball 2' from the hole, while Patrick faded his shot slightly, though enough to bury it in the green-side sand trap, leaving him to scramble for a bogie, while Jimmy easily made a birdie, making his lead 4 shots, which is exactly where they stood when they finished the front 9.

They agreed to a 10-minute break and everyone gathered around Jimmy while Patrick pulled Jim Renshaw over to the side, quaking with fury.

"As soon as this farce is finished, I want a divorce," Patrick hissed at his lawyer.

"On what grounds?" Jim asked. "If you divorce her like this, you'll have to give her 90% of everything."

"But what about..." Patrick started to say, then stopped, his mouth dropping open when he looked over at the groups of people, Sally bent over with her hands on the bench where her mother was standing while Harold Kranston fucked her from behind to the cheers of the others.

"She is incredibly brazen, isn't she?" Jim said, clearing his throat, but not looking away. "But she's your daughter. You can't divorce your wife because of your daughter's behavior and not have to give her 90% of everything. Oh, my!" he gasped when Sally suddenly turned around, dropping to her knees and taking Harold Kranston's cock into her mouth and sucking him off as the others applauded.

"Isn't being an unfit mother grounds?" Patrick asked.

"She's an adult," Jim replied. "If she was under 18, we might be able to make a case, but as it is..."

Jimmy's attention flagged, resulting in mistakes on consecutive holes that allowed his father to cut the lead in half, 2 strokes. Another mistake on the 15th reduced his lead to 1 stroke and it was now a match that either of them could win. Patrick was so determined to teach Jimmy a lesson, that he was able to watch without being upset, though it disgusted him, as Sally continued to suck a different cock on each hole. By the time they got to the final par-5 hole, she had sucked all of them and been fucked by Harold Kranston.

"Okay, Jimmy, do it," Sally said as he teed his ball up for the final hole. "You win and I'll suck your cock for you," she said, everyone bursting out laughing. "If you win, Dad, I'll suck his cock anyway, just for you."

"If I were you, I'd start packing my bags," Patrick replied, glaring at his daughter. "You're a slut and always have been."

"You're just pissed off because I'll suck anyone, let anyone fuck me but you," Sally replied with a laugh. "You have no idea what you're missing," she said, pulling up the front of her skirt and showing him her pussy. "Just ask any of them how tasty my pussy is, how good it feels to fuck."

Patrick's face was flaming as everyone roared in laughter, different voices speaking up to support what Sally had said.

"I've even let them fuck me in the ass," Sally added, seeing the fury in her father's face.

"You have no shame," Patrick said, glaring at Jenny.

"My only shame is that I was stupid enough to marry you," Jenny replied, smiling. "Can you picture it, your own daughter fucking all of your business associates?" she asked, knowing that he had seen both of them doing exactly that. "At least when she fucks someone, it's for their mutual pleasure, not like you. You're a failure as a man, as a husband, and as a father."

Taking a deep breath to calm himself, Jimmy hit his tee shot.

"You blew it," Patrick chortled when he saw it roll to a stop on the left side of the fairway 80 yards from the slight dogleg right.

Jimmy's face was expressionless as he moved aside for his father to take his tee shot which sailed down the middle of the fairway to roll to a stop 20 yards short of the dogleg.

Jimmy remembered the many conversations that he had had with Ernie about this hole. Ernie had pointed out that most golfers wanted to get as close as possible to the dogleg to give them a better angle to attack the green, but that if they didn't hit it far enough, their second shot would be compromised and they'd have to hit it at less than full strength. He had explained that if he could master a fade, that he could attack the second shot fully and be in a better position than the golfer who was going to have to pull his second shot a bit.

Being the farthest from the hole, Jimmy took his second shot first, calming himself with several deep breaths as his father scoffed at his choice of a 5-wood.

"What the..." Patrick said when he saw Jimmy's ball leap from the club face, staying low and fading just right around the trees at the dogleg, finally dropping and rolling to stop just on the edge of the green, 28' from the hole.

Just like Ernie had explained, Patrick was forced to ease up on his second shot enough so that his ball was 30 yards shy of the green, necessitating that he use a wedge for his third shot, which landed beyond the hole, then back spun, ending up just over 8' from the hole, leaving Patrick with a nervous smile on his face. He needed to make his shot and also have Jimmy 3-putt in order to force a tie and extra holes.

Everyone was silent, the only sounds the soughing of the wind in the trees and the twittering of birds as Jimmy lined up his putt. There was a ridge and then the green fell off to the right. Taking a deep breath, then slowly exhaling, Jimmy stroked the ball, holding his breath as it just made it up over the ridge, then began to roll to the right towards the cup, stopping 3" away.

"You want me to putt out or not?" Jimmy asked, a big smile on his face.

"Go ahead," Patrick replied, his face ashen as the gallery applauded and shouted as Jimmy easily tapped his ball in, negating the need for Patrick to even finish.

Everyone mobbed Jimmy, who had tears in his eyes. All of the hard work had paid off. He had finally beaten his father.

"Mr. Ryan," Jim Renshaw said. "I'll work with Ms. Goodhead and see that the $10 million is transferred to your account before the end of the day. Congratulations."

"And I'd like your signature on this, Mr. Ryan," Jane Goodhead said, thrusting a piece of paper into Patrick's shaking hands.

"Wha-what is this?" Patrick asked as he quickly scanned the document.

"May I see that?" Jim Renshaw asked, taking the piece of paper from Patrick's hands. "I don't think that you should sign this, Mr. Ryan," he said to Patrick. "This is a divorce decree without cause. If you sign this, you'll have to surrender 90% of your joint assets."

"That'll still leave you with a few hundred million dollars, Patrick," Jenny said. "Enough to crawl under a rock and live comfortably."

"What could possibly induce me to sign this?" Patrick asked, once again rage suffusing his face. "I'm going to divorce you all right, but for cause."

"What cause would that be, Patrick?" Jenny asked, a smile on her face.

"Infidelity!" Patrick snarled. "You've been fucking around and all of you know it," he practically screamed, staring at the group of men surrounding them.

"I'd be very careful about slandering Mrs. Ryan if I were you," Jane Goodhead said. "Unless you can prove infidelity, you're opening yourself up for a lawsuit."

"There's a video and you know it," Patrick raged.

"I'd like to see that video," Jane Goodhead said. "If you can't produce it, it's slander."

"Maybe I can be of some help here," Alice said as she stepped forward, her huge breasts swinging on her chest. "Let me introduce myself more formally," she said, handing her business card to Patrick. "I am a senior production manager for Vivid Productions. We have been in talks with Sally about starring in a series of videos. There's a great demand for glimpses into the lives of the rich and famous, of which you are most definitely one. We've been trying to come up with a title, but the best we've got so far is The Sexual Adventures of Sally Ryan, daughter of the world-famous stock market short seller Patrick Ryan. We'll create a short compilation video, perhaps 15 minutes or so, as a tease to get people to order the series of videos. We'll also allow the major online platforms, PornHub, xHamster, etc., free access to the short compilation video to help us drum up sales."

"Tell me, Patrick, how do you think that would affect your business, your reputation, when the whole world gets to see your daughter having sex on screen?" Jenny asked.

"You fucking bitch," Patrick said, the veins on his neck and forehead standing out and throbbing.

"That kind of talk will get you sued for verbal assault, Mr. Ryan," Jane Goodhead said. "I'd be very careful what you say. There are plenty of witnesses present."

"You use my name on something like that and I'll sue you out of existence," Patrick said, the first feelings of panic beginning to be felt in his gut.

"You cannot stop your daughter from telling people who her father is," Jane Goodhead replied.

"Jim!" Patrick said, turning to look at his attorney.

"This is very neat," Jim Renshaw said, sweat beading his forehead. "You have no basis to divorce for cause and Ms. Goodhead is correct that you cannot stop your daughter from telling people who her father is."

"Of course, if you sign that paper, Sally won't be forced to make a living and there won't be any videos for the world to see," Jenny said, her smile even wider.

"You'll be a laughingstock," Kevin Hanson said, laughing. "I'll make sure that anyone I know has a copy of any videos," he said, others agreeing to do the same.

"I-I need to think about it," Patrick temporized.

"No," Jenny said, shaking her head emphatically. "We settle this one way or the other, right here, right now."

"Yeah, and hurry up already," Sally said. "I promised Jimmy that I'd suck his cock if he won. I think that I'll even let him fuck me."

"Give me that," Patrick said, beaten, broken, defeated, taking the piece of paper and quickly scrawling his signature on it, then shoving it at Jenny. "You fucking ungrateful bitch."

"Oh, I'm not ungrateful," Jenny said, signing the paper, then asking for witness signatures, Kevin being the first, then Carl. "I appreciate every single one of the billions of dollars that are now going to be mine. Please take care of this, Jane," she said, handing her the signed document.

"We can meet tomorrow afternoon to start on the details," Jane said to Jim. "My office, 2:00?"

"I-I'll be there," Jim replied.

"Why did you have to do this?" Patrick asked, his whole body trembling.

"Payback, Patrick, payback," Jenny said, turning her back on him and holding out her arms. "You're all invited to a party back at the house," she said. "I'm sure that the three of us can keep you entertained," she said, one arm around Sally's shoulders, the other around Alice's.

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AnonymousAnonymous20 days ago

What ToughSailor said. More specifically, cut out page 14 and make the appropriate segue and the story would be tighter.

THANK YOU for a fun story nontheless.


ToughSailorToughSailor4 months ago

Nicely crafted piece of prose...Author obviously a golfer. The follow-on sex scenes with each of the protagonists got to be repetitious to the point of becoming trite. Oh yeah; dad's worth billions and yet Jenny still cooks dinner?

sucksexfulsucksexfulover 1 year ago

I’m so sorry that we are going to miss the party. 😂😈

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This is, by far, your very best piece. Just WOW!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Ridiculously fun!!

Loved it. Would have loved some variety with some of the later men. Some more cutting comments from mom. More about how the marriage started okay and broke. How Patrick thought he could get away with all his affairs.

The ending was too quick. Could have played the video at the after party for all to see.

Would really like to see a continuation or sequel.

Thanks for a fun read!!😆 👍

CSXaviCSXaviover 3 years ago
This was ridiculous :)

You should put a warning in the begining....

All characters in this story are completely insane and unrealistically so..

Also I kind of thought, through out the story, you kind of hinted that Jenny might have had something to do with Patrick becoming the cold bastard he is....

Like that she says that Patrick wasn't always like this and that he changed around the time the kids were born... And the contract that only prevented her from cheating, that kind of sound like something he would make her sign if she had already cheated and something that she would only sign if she was desperate to get him not to leave her. She even avoids answering her children when they ask what made her sign it in the first place.

Maybe she cheated and kind of broke him, so he turned cold, but then nothing... I wonder if that was the idea originally and if you then just changed your mind.

Also the amount of needless sex is pointless... After the first "humiliating sex scene" is recorded the rest is kind of pointless and boring. Could have halfed the story by cutting it.

Hard_andy23Hard_andy23over 3 years ago

This is so fun! Reminds me of “Service” and it’s got so much more emotion.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Good story but a Little too long for me,

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
While certainly not boring...

it was repetitious and formulaic. By halfway through I was craving the ending. There was plenty of opportunity to introduce more variety and kink in a tome of this length. Instead, what lay beyond each new corner (dogleg?) became pretty predictable. Not your best endeavor.

skippydamnskippydamnover 3 years ago
Are there six stars?

What a romp! I can’t wait to see how the fuck with Patrick (and fuck each other) next!

laughdruidlaughdruidover 3 years ago
5 stars

Great story line, well written now tell us how Jenny and family go on with their billions.

5 stars

JJTW77JJTW77over 3 years ago

Really enjoyed the story, good suspense throughout. I was thinking as I was reading it that a possible ending or sequel could be Patrick being up a full blown cuckold.

scipioparkinsscipioparkinsover 3 years ago

You sustained the action well, the characters were well developed and the mucky bits well written.

nalla7123nalla7123over 3 years ago

Great story! Loved it.

c4vetteman94c4vetteman94over 3 years ago

Too many outside people for an incest story.

ceelaaceelaaover 3 years ago

Multiple sexual relationships do not have the same impact of one sexual relationship built ground up. One loses track of multiple relationships. Never the less I enjoyed reading Try Anything.

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