Payback: The Beginning

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Will discovers who trashed his house.
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As Will walked up the sidewalk leading to the house the first thing he noticed was that the front door was ajar. He was sure he hadn't left it open when he left for work that morning, so as he approached the open front door, he had a bad feeling. He pushed the door open fervently hoping that he had mistakenly left it open the day before. But as he stepped in and caught sight of the interior his heart sank and his worst fears were confirmed. The place was a disaster. Furniture had been over turned, anything glass had been broken and a fire extinguisher had been emptied over everything.

Will felt sick and angry. Someone had broken in and vandalized his house.

Slowly Will walked through the house checking for damage. The kitchen was a mess. Everything from the 'fridge had been taken out and scattered about. There was even margarine smeared on the light fixture where someone had thrown it.

He checked the rest of the house, it seemed untouched. He returned to the living room and as he stared at the mess a thought hit him. His eyes sweep the room, looking for and finding the object of his quest, still on the book shelf where Jim had left it.

Will walked over and picked up what looked like a book. He turned it over, pressed a small hidden catch and popped open the bottom. Concealed inside was a small video camera. He checked the small device and found everything in order and to his delight it was turned on. He had bought it a month before when he had suspected that the cleaning service he used wasn't doing the job they were suppose to.

Will smiled, then a frown crossed his face. Had he left the computer in the basement running yesterday after he had used it, or had he shut it off? If it was running, everything that had happened in this room had been recorded. He hurried to the basement to look. As he opened the computer cabinet he saw the light on the CPU was on, indicating that the computer was running.

He sat down and quickly brought up the program for the video camera. The camera was sound activated so it wouldn't record unless someone was in the room. The first image Will saw was a young blonde boy walking through the livingroom door. He was followed by two girls a few moments later and they were followed by another boy. Will didn't recognize the boys, but both girls seemed familiar. He just couldn't remember where he had seen them. It wasn't long, a minute or two, before the boys were smashing things and laughing.

Finally the blonde one said holding a glass candy dish out towards the girls, "Casey, here help us out."

"Sure Johnny, why not." The brown haired girl said.

Will watched as Casey stepped forward and took the dish. She looked to be tall, around six feet and slim. Anger welled up in him as he watched her slam the dish into the fireplace and break it, but another part of him admired the round firmness of her breasts and the smooth lines of her hips at the same time.

The other boy called to the black haired girl still standing in the doorway, "Crissy, come on in and have some fun. No one is going to know."

Will said, "That's what you think bub. I've got your smart ass caught in a crack and you don't even know it."

Crissy stepped hesitantly forward and Will got his first look at her. She was short, probably a hair less then 5 foot and petite. She wore a tight tank top and Will could see her firm breasts outlined buy the fabric.

"An A cup." He said, "But very firm and nice. And damn look at those nipples!"

He also noted that she was very well proportioned. Small but very well built and her face, full pouting, bow shaped lips, a small chin and blue eyes, was mesmerizingly beautiful. And familiar. As with Casey, Crissy also looked familiar, but again Will couldn't place where he had seen her. "Warren, come over here and help me." Frank yelled as he pulled a knife out of his pocket.

Warren pulled one from his and the two boys proceeded to cut up the upholstery on the chair and couch. When they were done, they looked around and howled with laughter.

"I don't know who lives here, but the ass-hole is in for a surprise when he gets home. Let's get out of here smoke a joint and go have something to eat." They filed out and the camera stayed on for a two minute, showing the destruction they had done, before shutting down.

Will sat staring at the screen for several minutes, trying to swallow his anger. Finally he got up and stomped over to the phone and started to dial the police. Just before he dialed the last number it hit him why the brown haired girl looked familiar.

He slammed the phone into it's cradle and ran back to the computer. A half minute later he had the web site for the local newspaper up on the screen. Another minute and he was looking at Casey's face on the sports page.

"She's a highschool girl's team basketball player! That's where I've seen her!" He said to himself.

He thought for a minute then clicked back through the links of the earlier sport stories until he found the one on gymnastics. To his delight, there was a picture of Crissy.

Will brought the two pictures up on the screen together, leaned back in his chair and stared at them.

'So girls, shall I let the police handle this, or shall I give you an option?' Will thought. After several minutes he grinned and said out loud, "I think I'll give you an option, because if you take it, which I think you will, it's going to be one heel of a lot of fun for me."

Will spent the evening cleaning up the mess after he had video taped every inch of it. He then made several calls to a couple of people he knew from work, another to an out of town friend, then spent the remainder of the evening looking up information and placing orders on the Internet for some things he was going to need.

The next day at work seemed to drag on forever. But finally it was time to go home. Will hurried home and at 5:30 PM placed his first call. Will dialed the number and after several rings a female answered with, "Hello?"

"Is Miss Casey Gustufson at home?" He asked.

"That's me. How can I help you?" Casey ask.

"I know what you did yesterday." Will aid.

"What do you mean? I didn't do anything! I was with some friends and we just hung out! I don't want to talk to you!" Casey said, fear and panic showing through in her voice.

"Don't hang up or you'll regret it!" Will growled, "I've got you, Crissy, Johnny and Frank on tape destroying my house. If you don't want me to give it to the police you will do exactly as I tell you! Do you understand?"

After a few seconds of silence Will said again, "Do you understand what I just said? If you don't answer me I'll hang up and my next call will be to the cops!"

"I-I understand." Casey stammered.

"Then answer this; are all of you over 18?" Will ask.

"Uh, uh, y-yes. Crissy's birthday was last week, she was the last of the four of us to turn 18." Casey stammered.

"Good. Then listen closely, for I will tell you this only once. You and Crissy will be here at my place Friday night at 6:00 PM sharp. You will arrange it so your parents think you are staying with a friend for the weekend. Bring an over night bag with what ever you need for a sleep over. You will come dressed in a sexy outfit. A tight top would be nice, but no pants. I want skirts on both of you, preferably short. You will not, under any circumstances talk to or tell anyone, especially Frank and Johnny about this. If you break any of these rules, if you don't do exactly as I ask, I'll take this tape straight to the cops and all four of you will go to jail. Adult jail. What you did is Breaking and Entering and Vandalism. You could also be charged with burglary, so keep that in mind when you decide what you are going to do. I will call Crissy and give her the same instructions."

Will hung up the phone and grinned. A moment later he was dialing Crissy's home number.

"Hello?" A young male voice said.

"Hi. Is Crissy home?" Will ask.

"Yea. Hang on a minute." Then in the background she heard the young man yell, "Crissy! Phone call!"

A moment later Crissy said, "Hello?"

Will went through the exact same speech he had given Casey.

Crissy was silent for a minute then said, "W-What are you going to do to us?"

"You'll find that out Friday night. You just be here, or jail will be your next stop."Will said, then abruptly hung up the phone. He grinned to himself and whistled as he prepared the large rec room in his basement for his guests.

* * * * *

Friday evening the door bell rang at exactly 6 PM.

"Right on time." Will said to himself as he opened the door.

Crissy and Casey stood on the porch looking frightened.

Will said,"I'm glad you decided to come. Please..." he waved, motioning them inside.

As they walked past him he took note of Casey's firm C-cup breasts standing out under a tight halter top and marveled at the length of her tan legs showcased by the black mid-thigh length skirt she wore. Will was struck with just how tall she was. He stood 5' 10" and she was at least two inches taller.

His mouth watered as Crissy walked by. Her firm little A-cup tits pushed out against the tight, white silk blouse she wore. Her small but perfect legs were encased in white thigh high stockings and she had chosen to wear a plaid school girl skirt.

"This way." Will said as he lead them to the stairs and down to the huge room that he had made into a rec room.

The basement was one large room and Will had added a lot of recreational things for his enjoyment. In the middle was a large couch and entertainment center, including a large screen TV. On one end was a pool table which converted into a ping-pong table as well as all his computer equipment tucked into a corner desk. On the other end of the room was a large mat for work outs and his other exercise equipment.

"Please sit down." He said indicating the large couch.

Both girls sat on the edge, looking like they were ready to flee at any moment.

"Do either of you have any questions?" Will ask.

"A-A....Yea,"Casey said,"How do we know you have the tape you say you have?"

Will grinned and picked up the remote for his DVD player which was connected to a wide screen TV. A few moments later a look of horror crossed the girls faces as they watched themselves destroying Will's livingroom. Will turned off the tape and said,"Satisfied?"

"Uh-huh ." Crissy said.

"Ok then here's the deal. If you agree to my proposition I will give you the cd and we forget about this incident. If you don't agree, or if you refuse to go through with any part of what I propose, I turn this over to the cops and you and your friends go to jail. Understand?"

Both girls nodded, but Will said,"No I need you to say so. Do you understand the consequences of not following my directions?"

This time both girls said in low voices,"Yes, we do."

"Good. Ok. Then here's my proposition... But I'm being a bad host, here have a drink. It will help to relax you before we continue."

Will got up and brought the tray sitting on the bar to the girls and offered them a drink. Each took a glass and both took a tentative sip. The drinks were fruity and sweet, but held a strong kick. They also had some THC mixed in to relax the girls even further.

Will pulled a joint form his pocket and lit it. He held it out to the girls.

"Go ahead." He said,"You might as well get feeling good."

Will took a glass and sat down in the chair opposite the two girls. "Now where were we...Oh yes the proposition. For the next month you two will do anything I ask, without question. At the end of that time I will give you the cd, destroy all other copies of the it, and you can go on your merry way, no one else the wiser about what you did here."Will said, as he watched for a reaction.

The two girls looked at each other puzzled, then looked at Will.

"What do you mean by do anything?" Casey ask.

Will grinned and said,"Most of it will be sexual in nature. You two will be my not so willing sexual play things. To put it bluntly, I intend to fuck your sweet little pussies raw!"

Both girls looked shocked and Crissy jumped to her feet yelling,"No Way! That's disgusting! Your not going to fuck me! I'm not going to fuck some old pervert!"

Will said nothing, but got up and walked over to the VCR. He plugged in a tape and picked up the remote control.

He walked back to the couch, looked at the girls and said,"I thought you might say that, so I want to introduce a friend of mine." He turned on the tape. The image that came up was a middle aged blonde haired woman dressed in prison blues.

For the next 10 minutes the girls were treated to a description of prison life told by someone who was there.

The drinks were starting to take effect, because both girls looked a bit glassy eyed.

As the tape ended no one spoke until Will said, "Time to chose. Do as I say or get up and leave and go to jail. CHOSE!" He said the last in a loud hard voice.

The girls looked at each other, then Crissy said,"Please, I don't want to go to prison. I'll do what you want. But please don't hurt me."

Casey nodded her head and add,"Me too. I'll do anything you want, but please don't be mean."

"Great!" Will said with a grin,"Finish your drinks and the few tokes left on that joint. The fun is about to begin and don't worry, all I want to do is fuck you not hurt you."

The girls gulped the last of their drinks and both took one last long toke on the joint.. Mean while Will was setting up a sybian machine in front of the couch. The girls looked on, both curious as to what the thing was. Will had bought all the attachments, but for now had the smallest clit stimulator, not much more then a nub on the saddle, attached and ready for use. He finished his set up and turned to the girls.

"Are either one of you a virgin?" He ask.

Casey shook her head, but Crissy sat staring at the floor, saying nothing.

Will grinned, thinking,'Damn! A bonus! She's a cherry! I'm going to love slamming my cock into her tight virgin snatch.'

He sat down on the couch and said,"Casey, come here. Stand in front of me."

Casey got up and walked slowly over to Will. She stopped a few feet in front of him.

He grinned and said,"No. Closer."

She stepped closer.

"Closer yet." He said.

She stepped a few inches closer. This time Will said nothing, but reached out cupped her ass cheeks and jerked her towards him until she stood between his out stretched legs with her shins against the couch. Will leaned forward and pushed his face against her skirt until he could feel with his lips the heat from her pussy under the fabric.

He leaned back and said,"Pull your skirt up."

Casey grabbed the lower edge of her skirt and slowly pulled it up. Will watched as first her smooth upper thighs were exposed, then the bright green of a pair of bikini pants. Again Will leaned forward and placed his mouth on the mound of her womanhood. He could feel the heat from her snatch, smell the sweet, exotic smell of her sex. He nibbled her pussy through the bright green cloth and was rewarded with a soft gasp from Casey.

He hooked his fingers into the waistband of her panties and slowly pulled them down.

He pulled them to her ankles, then, by placing a hand on one of her ankles and gently pulling upward, silently urged her to lift her foot, which she did. He pulled her panties free then repeated the process with the other leg. He looked at her panties in his hand and on a whim buried his face in them and inhaled deeply.

He looked up at her and grinned, then said,"Spread your legs, shoulder width."

Casey slowly moved her legs apart.

"Now lift your skirt back up, slowly." Will said.

Again she grasp the hem and slowly raised her skirt. Will relished the sight of first her smooth thighs, then the curly brown of her sparse bush.

He reached forward and stroked his fingers through her soft pubic hair, allowing his middle finger to slip between the lips of her snatch and trail across her clit as he did so. A soft gasp came from Casey as his finger slid over her clit. Will grinned again when he felt how wet she already was.

"Your pussy is getting wet, little slut. Let's see if we can help that along. Go over and sit on the sybian."

Casey walked over and straddled the machine. A moment later she was seated.

"Crissy," Will said,"Come over here."

Crissy got up and slowly and walked over to Will. He pointed to the spot that Casey had occupied a few moments before. Crissy moved slowly until she was standing where Casey had been. Will marveled at the difference between the two girls. Casey's pussy had been level with Will's face as he sat on the couch where as Crissy's tits were now in that position. Will reached out and stroked a finger across the nipple of her left breast and was delighted to see it grow hard. He slowly undid the buttons on her blouse, when the last one was undone, he slowly pulled her blouse open, exposing her firm A-cup tits. He was surprised, but pleased to find she didn't have on a bra. He leaned forward and took one nipple in his mouth, again he was delighted as it grew instantly hard at the touch of his tongue. As Will sucked her nipple he stroked his fingers up along her inner thighs, first one leg then the other. After a time he allowed his fingers to travel farther up and stroke across the fabric of her panties. He moved his mouth to her other breast and as he did he slipped his fingers under the leg band of her panties and into her cunt. As his finger brushed across her clit he grinned as he heard a gasp come from her.

He pulled back and motioned her to sit beside him. As she sat down next to him, Will reached for the sybian controls.

As he turned the machine on low, Casey squealed and started to jump up.

"SIT DOWN!" Will commanded.

Casey looked startled but sat back down on the machine.

Will turned his head and said to Crissy,"While your friend is getting all turned on and wet, undo my pants and take out my cock."

Crissy hesitated, then slowly reached over and undid his jeans. She unzipped them, reached in and fished out his hard cock, then looked up at him. "Stroke it." He said.

Crissy began to stroke her tiny hand up and down his hard shaft. Will turned the machine up a notch and was rewarded with another squeal from Casey.

"Suck it." He said to Crissy.

"I-I-I've never done that before." She said.

"It's time you learned." He replied.

He placed his hand behind her head and pushed her face down to his hard cock.

"Open your mouth, put it in and suck on it." He said.

"I-I-I don't know if I.....gaaaaa!"She said as Will slammed her head down, ramming his cock into her mouth and part way down her throat.

"When I say suck it, God damn it, SUCK IT!" He roared.

For a minute or two he could feel her gag, then she began to stroke her mouth up and down his hardness.

"That's it you little cunt." Will said," That's the way to suck a cock! By the time I'm through you'll be the best little cock sucker in town."

Will looked over and noticed that Casey had her eyes closed and was sliding back and forth on the machine, obviously enjoying the feel of it. He grabbed the control and turned it all the way up to high. Casey's eyes flew open and again she squealed, then jumped up off the machine.

"You were enjoying that too much." Will said,"Come here."

Casey walked over to him and Will motioned to a spot on the couch next to him.

"Sit." He said.

Casey sat and Will pulled her legs up, draping one over the back of the couch while leaving the other hanging off the front edge. This put Casey laying on her back with her legs spread wide. Will pulled her ass close to him so he could reach her pussy. He slipped two fingers into her sopping snatch.

He grinned and said,"The sybian really did it's job! You're sopping wet! Lay back I'm going to sit here and enjoy you both."