Paying For Grades Pt. 01

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Slovenly professor abuses school policy to fuck students.
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Zoe couldn't believe her eyes. She read and re-read the e-mail, but the words never changed no matter how hard she wished or how many times she cleared her tear-filled blue eyes.

An ambitious and diligent student, now in her Sophmore year of college, Zoe had long ago set out her plans for the future; graduate Summa Cum Laude in engineering, turn the internship she had been working at into a job offer, and climb the corporate ladder with a goal of being head of her department in 10 years. A lofty goal for sure, but she had the brains for the degree and the looks and charm for everything else. Standing at 5'8", with shoulder length blonde hair and a set of sizable breasts on her otherwise petite 120 pound frame, she was well aware the doors her looks opened for her. And though she had had plenty of opportunity to abuse that power, she had always chosen to rely on her intelligence, dedication and hard work.

But now all those plans were falling apart. The e-mail Zoe received informed her that she currently had an F in her Solid Mechanics course, and with only the final left she had no chance of passing the class. Zoe didn't like failure, but one class on it's own normally wouldn't affect much; however, this course was a prerequisite for three other mandatory courses. Having to retake this class next semester would essentially set her back an entire year.

She wracked her brain. Tried to think of a way out, but it was no use. Zoe was fully sobbing when her roommate Amanda walked in.

Amanda was stunning in her own right, 5'11", 130lbs, with hair a reddish orange, which only amplified the green in her eyes. Amanda was smart enough to get by, but not in the same league as Zoe. Amanda chose, more often then not, to use her body to help get what she wanted.

"Oh my god! Zoe what's wrong?!?" Amanda asked with genuine concern as she moved to console her friend.

"Oh nothing...just my...entire falling apart!" Zoe eked out between sobs.

"Oh it can't be that bad! Tell me what's wrong sweetie," Amanda told her as she stood Zoe up and led her to the university provided couch, and sat the pair down next to each other.

"It's all Professor Price's fault!" Zoe exclaimed. "No matter how hard I work! No matter how hard I studied! It never seemed good enough! Any slight error he docked a ridiculous amount of points, claiming only 'perfection' is accetable!" Zoe let it all out, her saddness turning to anger as she reflected more on her failure.

"Wait...Professor Thomas Price? That fat, balding, fuck of a man?" Amanda asked, seeing her friend nod in the affirmative. "Ooooh...I see what happened...that son of a bitch...I had heard he pulled this shit, but I never thought it was true..."

Zoe's face contorted, confusion taking over, "What do you mean?"

Amanda let out a sigh, " know the school's policy right? Professors are allowed to accept payments to increase a student's grade?"

Zoe nodded again. It was a ridiculous policy, put in place to improve the school's academic record on paper. Most teacher's refuse to use it out of principle. Others, did it to earn a few bucks. Still others...

"Well if you read the policy closely, the professor can choose any form of payment...not just cash..." Amanda continued.

Zoe's already pinkish face began to turn red, "I...yes...I know...he...he handed out a rubric at the start of the year...with his...costs..." Zoe uttered meekly. "Which is why I tried so hard this semester! Not that I ever would do...that...but still...just the thought!" She said.

"Oh god! I know...just the idea, that a man that sweaty is capable of sex!" Amanda laughed while making a gagging noise. "But...what you might not know..." Amanda continued seriously, "is that he tends to intentionally grade his female students...especially the good looking ones...much more strictly. Essentially, intentionally failing them, with the hopes that they would be desperate enough..."

Zoe stared into Amanda's eyes, her face becoming disgusted as she listened to the sick man's plot. It all made sense to her now, a realization that both eased her mind, reassuring herself of her intelligence, while simultaneously making her nauseous.

"Of course you can't give in to're not that desperate right? Take the course next year with a different professor and you'll breeze through!" Amanda said with a smile trying to calm Zoe.

Zoe just stared at her, her brain obviously working through all the possibilities.

"Please tell me you aren't thinking of buying your grade from that monster!" Amanda said, not judgingly, but in sheer disbelief.

"Well..." Zoe said in a whisper "...I don't want to, but so much is riding on this! I retake this class...I'm delayed at least a semester...and that's only IF I double up on some of the courses, some of which are the hardest in this degree...and IF I can even get all those courses in a somewhat reasonable schedule! More likely I'll be a year behind...the company I'm interning with won't hold a job opening for a I'll likely have to start fresh with a new company...working up from nothing will take well beyond my goal!" she exclaimed standing back up and pacing the room as she laid it all out.

"'s just a year..." Amanda tried to plead. "With your grades you'll have job offers flooding you upon don't need to do this..."

"I do though! It's only a extra year if everything else goes right! Who knows how long it could take if I struggle with more classes!" Zoe shouted defeated as she plopped herself back on the couch and rested her head on Amanda's shoulder.

Amanda pulled her close, rubbing Zoe's arm and let out a slow breath. "Okay...before you make any rash said he had a rubric? Do you still have it? We could at least see what you have to do..."

Zoe's breathing slowed, as she calmed down, even with tears wetting her roommates T-shirt. "Yeah...of course I have it..." she said sitting up, wiping her eyes and moving off the couch to get the binder for the class. She opened it up and immediately pulled out the sheet of paper. Her eyes quickly scanned through the rubric and Zoe began to sob again, dropping to her knees on the floor, unable to hold up her own weight.

Amanda jumped to her feet and sat on the floor next to Zoe, embracing her with one arm and letting her cry into her chest, as she grabbed the paper with her other hand and read:

Welcome Students to the start of another fantastic school year! I look forwarded to working with each and everyone of you. I hope you find that I am a fair, but strict individual.

As permitted by the University, for those of you who may be unsatisfied at the end of the term with their performance and wish to change your grade, I do accept payment in exchange for improved scores. For male students, the cost is a simple payment of $1000 per letter improvement.

For the female students, however, there is a different rate:

B -> A: Student must have one session with the professor. Student will be required to be topless and perform oral sex on the professor until his completion into her mouth. She must swallow in order to have the grade elevated. She may keep on her clothing from the waist down.

C -> A: Student is required to have (2) sessions with the professor. During those sessions professor may use the student's pussy or mouth to his pleasure. Professor will use condom if cumming in her cunt, but may choose to cum on her tits or in her mouth. Regardless of where he cums, student must swallow at least of the loads given to her.

D -> A: Student is required to have (3) sessions with professor. All holes are open to the professor for his pleasure. No condom is required, but may be used at the professor's discretion. Along with places to cum previously mentioned, the professor may now cum in the student's asshole or on her face and may require ass to mouth. Student must ingest (2) of the loads deposited in or on her, regardless of where they have been.

F -> A: Student is required to have (4) sessions with the professor. Everything from D-> A is in affect with the following additions. Professor may now request rimjobs and may piss on the student at his discretion. Student must ingest (3) loads.


Professor Price

Amanda crumpled up the paper and tossed it aside. She wrapped both arms around her friend and began to rock her as though Zoe where an upset baby. "Shh shh shh...don't worry don't need'll be fine...I'm sure if you talk to your guidance counselor, you could probably take this course along with the others..." she said holding back her own tears, trying to be strong. Amanda wasn't a prude...and had done most everything on that list at least once, but that was out of willing curiousity with men she found attractive, not coercion from a fat dirty slob.

"I...I have too..." Zoe cried.

"Well...let me go for you...maybe...maybe he'll swap me for you..." Amanda said, biting back her own gags as she thought about pleasuring Price, but she figured it would be better herself than Zoe. She knew Zoe was still a virgin, and even if Price spread his twisted torment out over all the sessions, it would be too much for her innocent friend to handle.

" couldn't ask you to do that..." Zoe sighed, finally sitting back up right and wiping her tears away. She looked down at her friend's chest, Amanda's cleavage and top were practically soaked in tears. "Oh shit...I'm sorry," Zoe whimpered.

"Oh don't worry sweetie...the girls have been covered in worse..." Amanda said laughing, trying to break the tension. Standing up, Amanda helped Zoe back to her feet. "Come on...let's forget about this for now...go get drunk...and we'll figure this out tomorrow..." she offered with a smile. Zoe wiped the last of her tears away, her face still blotchy and red. She never had been more than tipsy, but knowing the series of firsts that lay ahead of her, she was more than happy to have getting fall down drunk be one of the first.


Sweat dripped down his bald forehead, falling onto the back of the brunette currently bent over his desk. Mr. Price grunted and moaned with every thrust. The girl below him moaned like a pornstar, just like the Professor had demanded. After two sessions she had learned it was easier, and faster, just to give him what he wanted.

"Fuck!" Mr. Price grunted as the girl felt his cock begin to spasm inside her pussy. He kept his grip on her hips, the weight of his gut resting on her back and pinning her down.

"So...that was our third session...right Professor...that means...that means I'm done? I get my A?" the girl panted as she fought back the need to cry.

Slowly he pulled back, his smaller than average cock falling out out her, and his thick load slowly leaking out and running down the student's left thigh.

"'ve earned it..." He said with a laugh as he took a step back to admire his work. "It's a damn shame you held onto your veto...I would have loved to watch you push all that jizz out and swallow it down," He said mockingly as he tucked his wet cock back into his stained underwear, and with a huff, pulled up his pants and redid his belt.

"Ummm...ha...yeah well...rules are rules..." the girl responded meekly as she stood up. She grimaced as she felt more of the professor's sludge leak from inside her with tge movement. " you have any clean up with..." she asked, even though she knew the answer, while she gathered the clothes that had been stripped off.

"Sorry know I don't..." he laughed as he sat down with a large huff, his face still red and sweaty with exertion. Mr. Price began tapping away on his computer, watching his latest victim dress out if the corner of his eye. " D changed to an A...just like that..." He announced turning the screen to her to confirm.

The girl was using the black thong she had worn to his office as a rag, tossing it into Mr. Price's waste basket when she was satisifed she got everything she could. Quickly dressing back into her mini skirt and low cut blouse, the Professor's required uniform for the session, she nodded to affirm the change in grade and turned to the door.

"Excuse me...aren't you forgetting something?" He bellowed out to her as she began to open the door.

She stopped dead in her tracks, and her head fell. "Just one last humiliation..." she whispered to herself before taking a breath and turning back to the professor. "Thank you Professor...for all your help...and all your...cum..." she said with a strained smile.

Mr. Price grinned hearing those words and waved his hand to dismiss her. He let out a relaxed sigh as his office door closed. This was by far his favorite time of year. The money he made from trust fund babies, desperate not to let their parents know they were flunking was one thing, but the relatively steady stream of young college pussy was the real benefit to his job.

He looked at his enrollment list. The end of this term had been fairly successful, for him at least. Two girls had received D's in his class, and both had come to him to raise their grades. Three others had received C's, but only one had approached him so far. That wasn't unusual...most girls he gives C's too don't bother with the payment, figuring the grade is good enough. His eyes scrolled the list on his screen and he stopped at one. The one he desperately wanted to come knocking on his door, the only F gave out this year. It was always a crap shoot as to if an F student would come begging for help, many preferring to retake the class than put up with Price, so he rarely gave out that grade. Only occasionally did a girl come along, that he had such a desire to completely degrade, that he risked it.

It was a few hours later and Professor Price was getting ready to end his Saturday office hours. He was just finishing a few e-mails when he heard a knock on his door. Quickly checking his schedule, he didn't see any scheduled sessions and almost no one actually came to him for legitimate help in his class, so he grinned as he hoped it was another coed. "Come in..." he bellowed, his eyes remaining on the computer screen, " and current grade?"

"Ummm...Zoe Thompson...uh...F..." came Zoe's voice as she poked her head in the doorway. Professor Price immediately stopped what he was doing and turned his attention to his prize. He already felt his cock swelling in his jeans. "Ah yes...Ms. Thompson...please come in and have a seat..." he said smiling wide enough to display his stained teeth.

Three Hours Earlier

Zoe woke up that morning, her head pounding, her mouth dry, but tasting like a mixture of overly sweet daiquires and cheap beer. She kept her eyes closed, but could tell she was only in her panties and a loose fitting t-shirt, her usual sleeping attire.

At least I was able to do that she thought to herself as she began to stretch. Her hand quickly hit something in the bed; a full head of hair that wasn't her own. Her eyes shot open and she immediately regretted the decision, as light from the early afternoon sun streamed into her as though trying to burn her gray matter. Quickly squinting to try to limit the pain, she noticed the fiery red hair of Amanda next to her.

She immediately calmed down and relaxed. Though they didn't make a habit of sleeping in the same bed, they had on occasion shared a mattress when one or the other needed comfort. Nothing sexual had ever happened between them, aside from the occasional grope and drunken make out session. Not for lack of desire on either party's side, but rather they had agreed that that was the line in the sand they didn't want to cross in fear of making things awkward.

Closing her eyes again, Zoe rolled over, to spoon Amanda's body. Amanda always slept topless, and Zoe's hand casually landed on the DD sized chest and cupping one of the soft breast as she pressed up against the warm body of her friend.

Amanda began to stir awake from the added heat and the gentle caress of Zoe's body. "Mmmmm...good morning ya feelin'?" Amanda moaned softly, her own head aching.

"Ugh...I feel like someone is trying to crush my skull with a vise..." Zoe complained as she gently squeezed Amanda's tit as though it were a stress ball.

" too..." Amanda cooed. "We just need to drink some water...we went pretty hard last night," she chuckled, "Not that I expect you remember much about it..."

"No...please tell me I didn't do anything stupid..." Zoe groaned, finally releasing Amanda's body and moving to lay on her back. Amanda rolled herself over and snuggled up onto Zoe's chest.

"Nothing too bad...though you did complain to practically the whole bar about how you'll have to lose your virginity to that fat ass Price..." She laughed. "Plenty of guys offered to beat him to the punch...but you were in no state to make that decision, so I fended them off," she sighed, obviously still sleepy.

"Fuuuuuuck...I almost forgot about Price...shit..." Zoe groaned louder.

"You still can choose to just retake it Zoe..." Amanda said finally sitting up and looking down at the blonde.

" made up my mind. He has office hours today...I'll go and make...ugh...arrangements..." Zoe said, resigning herself to her fate.

"If you're sure...but um hun...I know you're a, are you on the pill? The last thing you'd want is to let that prick get you pregnant too..." Amanda asked concerned.

"Don't worry...I never planned to have sex in school...but I also was smart enough to know it could just happen at a party...I'm protected..." Zoe replied sitting herself up and giving Amanda a light kiss on the cheek. "Well I suppose there is no point in delaying things..." she added, wincing as the additional movement made her head throb again.

Over the next couple hours, Amanda and Zoe had gotten cleaned up, gotten some food at the cafeteria and took plenty of Excedrin to fight off their pain.

They had decided that Zoe shouldn't wear anything provocative today, hoping to just get something on the schedule so she could prep more. So with just a half hour before his office hours were to end, Zoe went over to Professor Price's office dressed in loose fitting gray sweat pants and a gray sweat shirt. Underneath she wore a green sports bra and a black bikini cut panties. She pulled her blonde lockes back into a simple ponytail as she stood outside his door and breathed deeply, and finally knocked.

Hearing Professor Price call out from his desk, Zoe poked her head in the office to respond. Immediately, her nose was assaulted by a mixture of sweat, B.O., and another odor that she barely recognized as sex, having only smelled it on a few occassions when Amanda brought a guy back to their dorm. It was nearly enough to make her gag, but she choked it back. She then noticed how cold it was in his office, the air conditioner seemingly working at maximum.

It made her cringe to hear the excitement in his voice as it realized who was at the door. She walked into the room towards his desk, every step making the odor grow stronger.

Professor Price watched her every step. His face showed disappointment at his inability to make out her form under the loose clothing. "So Zoe...what can I do for you?" he asked, licking his lips hungrily as she sat down.

"I...ummm...I..." she started to stammer. "I...have an F sir..."

Price glanced to his computer and typed a few keys. "That you do...and..." he told her leadingly, taking joy at her discomfort.

"And...well...sir...I...I need an A..." she said keeping her head down, unable to meet his gaze.

"Oh I see...well, an F isn't a cheap grade to change my are aware of everything that it would cost?" he asked Zoe.