Payment In Kind

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Jessie can't wait until tomorrow night after all...
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"So I know I said I'd pay you in full tomorrow night, buuuuut...."

Cloud had barely taken his boots off by the time Jessie had knocked on his door, "But you just couldn't wait?" he asked, his expression betraying the fact that it wasn't even a question. He had to admit he was surprised that she'd made it here so quick without catching up to him, but not really that surprised that she had turned up at all. Especially after the way her sarcastic innocence had drawn out her open ended conjunction.

"I hope that's not a bad thing?" Jessie replied, and made a motion to be let in. Conscious of that fact that Marle, or indeed anyone, could easily see his guest knocking on his door if they were awake at such an hour, Cloud quickly stepped back and let her enter the single room which was as sparsely decorated as his usual outgoing persona. "Ok, so I'm gonna be straight with you" she added as soon as Cloud had closed the door.

"Have to admit though, I thought that was all just an act" retorted Cloud as he interrupted what she was about to say next. Despite being able to stare down any enemy in battle her sudden appearance had made him nervous, which in turn was making him more articulate than normal. Well I certainly got his attention at least, Jessie mused.

"Well if I'm gonna be straight" she continued as Cloud began to shift somewhat uncomfortably, "I guess I might as well be completely straight. Yeah, it is an act." She had the full attention of her intimate audience of one as he pondered what else couldn't wait until tomorrow if her flirting hadn't been serious. "...But also it isn't", she finished with a shrug. With Jessie stood in front of him in the privacy of his room, her proposition now more enigmatic yet somehow also more honest, not for the first time Cloud looked at her armour as he studied her, and the fact it took the role of being a breastplate a little too literally.

He wondered what she was trying to say by wearing it and whether the ample curves in the thick metal plating were nothing more than a facade, an extension of her flirty personality used to hide the real her underneath? Or were they really there to accommodate her own voluptuous build? He also began to wonder if they were there to act as a distraction before the realisation that if they were, then they were certainly working. He brought his eyes back to Jessie's face with a start.

"That's why I love acting so much" she added. Having gladly allowed Cloud all the time he wanted to look her over, her response was once more filled with enthusiasm and confidence as though it was meant to be all the explanation Cloud needed.

"So you can hide behind being someone else?" Cloud asked. Though he posed the question out of curiosity as to what was happening in Jessie's mind, his loins were already beginning to stir thanks to his continued thoughts about the body she was hiding under her armour.

"So I can hide myself in plain sight" she replied simply. "When I flirt with people, I go over the top so they see it as an act."

"I guess that makes sense?" Cloud confirmed, his questioning not so much at what she said but at how to take it in.

"With something like acting, you can truly show the world those parts of you that you can't express elsewhere," Jessie continued, dropping her amorous demeanour but keeping her focus firmly on Cloud, "and it doesn't matter because all anyone else ever sees is just another character."

Cloud's mind began racing with thoughts of how this evening could progress now that his suspicions were finally confirmed, something which made him even more nervous than before. The gorgeous woman he'd come to know and appreciate in such a short time was offering him something he desperately wanted but didn't know how to accept.

"And when people call you on it?" he asked his companion who'd picked up on his hint of doing just that, but who was also taking care to note his attempted subtlety.

"Oh don't worry," she replied, unsure as to whether he got its double meaning, "there's always enough artistic license in there to mix it up. Even Biggs, and Wedge know what I'm like with no idea about the real me."

Hearing Jessie talk about her friends so casually brought Cloud back from the moment he now found himself in, and made him think about his own. He felt Jessie's gaze piercing through him as she waited for him to reply, and he had to look away. His eyes found the wall although they were looking at who was sleeping soundly on the other side. He couldn't help but feel guilty at the way he'd even thought about getting this close with one of her friends so soon after finding her again.

"I completely understand if you don't want to." Jessie said quietly, berating herself for being so impulsive. "But Tifa always said how she got over you when you never went back home, and so I..." although it wasn't until it was too late that she realised what she'd said as Cloud's eyes returned to her once more, she chided herself again for inserting herself too deeply between childhood friends who still hadn't fully caught up after so long apart.

"Look, I'm just here because I wanted to have some fun and let off some steam." All pretence and even her intensity was dropped as Jessie belatedly continued her being straight with Cloud. "I figured there was no harm in asking, but getting between you and Tifa is the last thing I'd want to do. I'm sorry."

"It's ok, I get it." Cloud reassured her. He imagined Tifa being on this side of the wall and standing where Jessie was now, and wondered how she'd be feeling. What it was that she'd offer, and what she'd want in return. "To be honest, I don't think think I could give anyone anything more than just letting off some steam right now anyway." Jessie gave him a reluctant smile, one that understood where he was coming from. "So you and Tifa talk a lot then, huh?" Cloud asked.

"We may not go back as far as you two, but we've grown close and gotten to know each other pretty well." Jessie explained with an expression that apologised for already having given away one too many of the secrets that had been entrusted to her. Cloud looked into her eyes and could finally see the real Jessie that would never do anything if it meant betraying their mutual friend, and how she wanted nothing more than tonight just being tonight.

In return she looked back into his own eyes as they reflected the look of sympathetic longing, and the only thing that she could see even more than how much he wanted this, was that his reluctance was more than just whether he should, it was whether he could.

"How about this," Jessie asked, as she brought her hands to the clasps that kept her sturdy protection in place, "I'll take off my armour, if you take off yours?" She freed her arms from its shoulder pads and lifted its bulk over her head before placing it on the floor behind her. Although she realised that she was instinctively bending over in a way which was most likely teasing Cloud, she also figured that if they were going to do this then they might as well embrace it. Still bent over she continued to take off her heavy boots, her posterior still facing the impassive mercenary that she could feel her passion stirring for.

As she turned round slowly she caught Cloud gazing at her rear. Combat khaki's weren't exactly the sexiest of bedroom attire, so she figured he must really be interested. The thought that she wasn't here in vain made her want him all the more, but his swift look away when she caught him meant that his hesitation was still so obvious. She took a step closer and brought a hand to his cheek as she looked him in the eye.

"You know I'm more than willing for the rest to come off. But now it's up to you. Let's see if it doesn't soften a few of those hardened edges of yours shall we?" She glanced down as she finished speaking, and saw what she was expecting at the sight of the bulge in his trousers.

"Glad you're still hardened in all the right places though" she smirked, as she stepped back, allowing him to take in her full body once more. Cloud looked down too, if only to see how obvious his body's reaction was, and realised it really was unmistakable. With nothing left to lose, he took a step towards with her, and reached out to lift Jessie's chain mail over her head.

"That's more like it!" she exclaimed with her biggest grin of the evening so far, and when his hands were above her head, she placed her lips against his. As soon as her arms were free she wrapped them around his waist, and used the leverage against his body to strengthen her lips resolve as she brought her tongue into the mix. Once Cloud had returned the gesture, she lessened her grip and began to remove her gloves.

Cloud falteringly reproduced the movements her tongue was making, as Jessie revelled in the clash between his enthusiasm and hesitance. Until now Jessie had presumed that being a first class member of SOLDIER would have meant Cloud having his pick of women, even if it was just for the physical thrill, but the way he kissed her back made her think otherwise. The way he'd placed his hands on her hips showed he was eager, but Jessie switched things up with her kiss, and began to take her time with her tongue.

She made her movements more distinct, more obvious, and was pleased that this made it easier for Cloud to get into the right rhythms. A few subtle moans also helped him along, and it wasn't long before they had both picked up the pace again, and when she had removed his gloves Cloud's confidence had extended back to removing her own clothes once more.

"Don't worry, this one's a little tricky" she said, as it was only after he found her body suit's zip that he realised it was a full leotard. "How about you get my belt instead?"

Cloud undid the buckle of her belt, and loosened it around her waist, but it wasn't until Jessie gave her hips a little shimmy that he realised exactly how loose they had become. Jessie made sure her trousers slid down her legs with ease, and stepping out of them with a hop, she kicked them deftly behind her. A move which, whether alone or with company, had been practised a thousand times over.

With her hips and legs having captured his attention, it wasn't until Cloud looked back at her in surprise admiration that he realised she had already begun to pull her body suit down, and was beginning to reveal her cleavage. She held it in the perfect position to show off enough of the tops of her bosom; just the right amount to tease Cloud before he made the final decision.

"This is it, point of no return" she affirmed, "your call."

Slowly Cloud took hold of her hands and brought them lower. Jessie followed his lead, but was able to guide his hands to make sure she was manoeuvred out of her top in a way which was both comfortable and triumphant. Jessie paid special attention to notice Cloud's reaction to the bounty of their joint effort of fully uncovering her breasts, and was pleased to see how transfixed he was.

Cloud marvelled at her bare chest, his eyes taking in the sight of her pert round bust, and watched in fascination as he could see her nipples compose themselves thanks to both the chill of being exposed, and Jessie's desire unveil even more.

Cloud's reaction left Jessie herself to completely remove the rest of her garment, and she bent down low, but kept her eyes on Cloud as she did so. Casually exaggerating her movements, making sure her breasts deliberately swayed with the flow of stepping out of her clothing, she made a not so subtle motion towards Cloud's sword as she couldn't resist teasing him further.

"See, I'm not just overcompensating like other people." Cloud's face made it obvious that he was more annoyed at hearing the same joke for the hundredth time than taking it personally, but Jessie still felt the need to comfort him, "Relax, I'm just kidding. Here..."

Jessie grabbed both of Cloud's hands, brought each one to her respective breasts, and then clung to him once more in a passionate kiss before he even had time to respond. It took Cloud a while to rearrange his hands in such a close embrace that she'd brought their bodies into, but eventually managed to free one arm with which he returned her grasp. As their bodies became tighter, and with her skin more exposed, Jessie felt the pressure of Cloud's rigidity against her stomach growing. The hand still at her breast had found something that it obviously considered to be pleasing.

She could tell Cloud was as eager to please her as he was to please himself, but she also began to change tactics before his fumbling became too much. She pulled his braces over his shoulders and set to work on the buckles around him in a way that reminded him she was now free from hers.

Allowing Jessie the access she needed, he caught sight of the black knickers which were now the only piece of clothing she still wore. Hardly the practical utilitarian chic conveyed by the rest of her attire, the more intimate part of her underwear was much more provocative than the thicker material around her hips which was always slightly on show. His now unencumbered view showed the true Jessie that remained underneath, in more ways than one; depicted through the lacy patterns that were normally hidden, but which hid very little themselves.

"Sometimes knowing you look good helps you feel good, you know?" Clouds eyes remained at her crotch as she took a step back to give him a better view. By standing more in the light she also allowed the modest damp strip that had formed in the middle to catch his attention.

"That means they're ready to come off" Jessie whispered as she moved back closer, and brought his hands to her hips, expertly placing his thumbs at the top of their waist band where they also caught the waist of her silky skin. He pushed his hands in further, and as he leaned in to kiss her once more they curved round to feel the soft cushioning of her buttocks. Jessie placed her hands under Cloud's shirt, and savoured the feel of his muscles as she began to lift it higher, breaking their kiss only for an instant as she brought it up to his face, and considered the parting of their lips was a sacrifice worth making to reveal his muscly torso.

When their lips found each other again, Cloud found his courage and took this opportunity to bring his hands, and Jessie's knickers, down her thighs. With her undergarments firmly in Cloud hands, and his face moving down her chest and closer than ever to her crotch, Jessie stepped out of them, and performed a twirl as soon as they had been removed from both of her legs.

"You like?" Jessie asked as she watched Cloud take in the full view of her naked body. She moved her hips to show off her smooth pussy, modelling for him in different positions so he could take it all in. "One of my room mates works at the Honey Bee Inn and brings home some make up and beauty stuff for the rest of us every once in a while. Only I haven't figured out anything past the 'all or nothing' stage yet..."

"You don't have to explain," Cloud responded. "I like."

His vocabulary might not have expanded much, but even that one small compliment was enough for Jessie to tell that he was finally beginning to properly unwind. And all it took was the sight of my naked body.

"Although I have to say it's rude to stare, Mister", she jokingly exclaimed, "especially when there's something I could be staring at too." She paused just long enough to give Cloud a sly wink, and quickly brought her hands back to his trousers which would soon be joining hers on the floor.

She knelt down in front of Cloud and finding two pieces of material at once, she pulled them both down together to fully expose him. With her face level with his groin, Jessie bit her lip as she revealed his rock hard penis in front of her, and revelled at the exhibit finally in front of her. She fantasised about taking it into her mouth there and then, but as Cloud uneasily shuffled his feet free to stand there completely naked, she returned to a standing position in front of him, and took hold of nothing more than his hands.

"Well it certainly looks like you're enjoying yourself as much as I am," she began, unable to resist another peek at his cock which stood to attention so close to her own throbbing loins, "but I'm not gonna take anything for granted" she reassured him.

Cloud watched as Jessie made a show of taking her time to make herself comfortable as she lay herself down on his bed, and noted how much her striking red bandana stood out even more against her completely naked body. She paid particular attention to how much her legs were parted, and brought her arms against the wall and above her head which she rested on his pillow. She made sure her body was mostly neutral, but still open to what she hoped would be Cloud's imminent advances. Her breasts had naturally receded now she was horizontal, though her nipples still stood to attention, as enticing as the single finger she was using to beckon him to join her with. As much as she looked at Cloud in a way that reminded him that where the evening went from here was still his choice, there was also no mistaking how much she herself wanted this to happen.

Unsure where to begin Cloud made his way towards the bed, his body level with Jessie's chest where his dick was within easy reach. With the same hand she had used to summon him, Jessie again reached out and made contact with the weapon to which the merc for hire had granted her sole access.

"Mmmm, I can hardly wait," she moaned as she softly wrapped her fingers round his shaft, keeping her eyes on the tip as her delicate strokes elicited a single drip of his growing desire. She watched it trickle down until it reached her fingers and was unsure who she was teasing the most, Cloud or herself. "But let's not get ahead of ourselves, shall we?"

Having studied him throughout the evening she was slowly figuring out the nuanced reactions of his indomitable features. She began to see more and more of the Cloud that he kept hidden, and the token expressions of his comfort became easier to register. This was hardly an everyday occurrence for him, and Jessie would never forgive herself if she pushed him too fast, nor would she allow the night to be over any quicker than it needed to be. She shuffled over and allowed him to join her, something he did by sitting with one cheek on the edge of the single bed, his face and cock angled towards her.

"Well hi there stranger", she playfully acted, her hand settling on his knee "you wanna lay down here with me?" Her hand began to stroke his leg and her fingers delicately made their way to his inner thigh. While she felt him initially tense at this unfamiliar sensation, she saw him easily warm to it once the jolt had abated. It made her smile to see him savour the closeness of someone else's touch somewhere seemingly so innocent, but really so private. Her fingertips began to lightly skim his skin until he cautiously picked up her hand, but only to move it as much as was needed to position to himself next to her completely. She allowed him as much space as she could manage, and as he joined her in the confines of a space intended for one, forgave him for making sure that his most intimate features kept a respectful distance from her own.

Once he had settled she took her hand, still being held by his, and brought it to her breast, her fingers grazing her nipple. This time she could feel Cloud's pulse quicken at his hand just being so close to her chest, and without her tight embrace to keep it there she chuckled as he withdrew it. Not out of panic, or doubt, but almost out of reverence. As though despite being naked together in their current cramped conditions, despite guiding his hand with hers which still bore his slick mark, he was courteous enough to wait for a formal invitation.