Peculiar Cravings Ch. 01 Laura

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Embarrassment ensues as Laura preps for her date with Sable.
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*This is chapter 1 of this ongoing serial, but I recommend reading the prologue if you haven't. Other than that, happy reading!*

Chapter 1: Laura

He was oddly insistent, Laura thought. Not in any way that was nervous or pushy, just in a way that made her feel like she'd be missing out if she didn't. She'd already politely declined a number of times, but he wasn't seeming to take no for an answer.

'Oh come on, you must, they're absolutely marvellous,' he had said with a big grin. He held out a small, clear plastic bag. 'Trust me.'

He gave it a shake. The contents rattled.

It must have been artisan chocolate, bought from one of those special shops you got in the touristy bits of towns - you could tell from the design of the packing. It was made to look fancy, with a golden strip wrapped around the top and a black and white label furnished with calligraphic patterns imprinted on its front. She didn't read it.

'Try one,' he urged. 'Go on.'

There was such a warmth to his tone. It made Laura smile. She was a bashful creature, so this was directed mainly at the floor.

They sat at the counter at the front of the campus café, opposite the windows - the place typically reserved for people that'd come in on their own and with no one to talk to. She had just been here, minding her business, and he had sat down next to her. They'd hit it off from there, though in later days Laura would realise she couldn't quite remember how the conversation had started.

The clamour of daytime chatter surrounded them.

'Alright then,' she said, conceding to his exhortations. She fished inside the bag and picked out a chocolate button and held it up. It was the richest brown she'd ever seen. It could have been mixed today.

She briefly reconsidered the level of safety there was in accepting food from a stranger she'd only just met, and hesitated as she brought it to her mouth.

Seeming to preternaturally sense her apprehension, he reached into the bag himself and took one.

'They're surprisingly healthy actually. And organic,' he said, popping it in his mouth. He grinned disarmingly as he chewed.

She grinned back. It was a hard face not to grin back at. It made her feel all warm and tingly and stupid, like if she wasn't careful with how she next enunciated, the words would all spill loosely from her mouth in pieces like an abused Jenga tower.

She looked again at the button and took a small nibble - just to be safe. And anyway, if it was as good as he said, she'd want to savour it.

Boy was that hypothesis correct. As soon as she tasted it she knew she needed more. She stared at what remained of the chocolate in disbelief before chomping on it in one bite. The sublime flavour melted over her tongue, coating it. It was soft and creamy.

'Scrumptious, isn't it?' said the man. He looked at her approvingly. 'Would you like another?'

Laura stared at the open bag for a spell. She didn't want him to think she was greedy. She was slightly embarrassed at the thought of him seeing her become so ravenous at just one. Way to live up to the stereotype, Laura - girls all love chocolate. What kind of a feminist was she?

She stared at the bag.

But... only one more couldn't hurt...

'Er, no thank you,' she decided, breaking eye contact. 'But it was nice.'

The man's features didn't shift in a negative way - he didn't look overly disappointed - they merely altered, sliding from one precisely neutral expression to another.

He was dressed from head to toe in black, in dress trousers and a figure-hugging turtleneck. And it was a nice figure. He was more on the lean side of things, athletic looking definitely, but more dancer than bodybuilder. His eyes were obscured by a pair of completely opaque, round sunglasses, and his hair was short, shaved finely at the sides. His watch was expensive. Laura didn't need to know what brand it was to see that.

Then he chuckled softly.

'Ah, well, I can't force you.' He finished his coffee - even the way he held the cup was fancy, Laura noticed - and got up. His jacket was folded over his arm. 'I'm afraid I've got to dash. It's been charming chatting with you. Maybe I'll see you around?'

This all struck Laura as quite abrupt.

'Oh, oh yes, yes,' she fumbled stupidly. 'Hopefully.'

'Wonderful,' he chirped before turning and making his way out the door.

Laura rested her head on her hand and watched him go, keeping particular focus on his backside as it disappeared into the crowd. She continued to stare even when he had left her sight completely. She grew increasingly frustrated with herself.

He had been so charming, it had stunned her completely. She should have asked for his number. She didn't even ask his name, for god's sake. She always did stuff like this.

She wrapped her head in her hands. It was then, with her head at such a low vantage point, that she noticed something else. He had left something.

It was more buttons. Three of them, to be precise. They must have spilt out of the bag when he was sharing them out.

She took them in her palm and stared at them. She ate one.

Not all bad then, she thought as she ate. These chocolates were so nice. She ate the other two in one go. That is, she did after checking that nobody was looking at her. She didn't want to be made out as a pig.

Then, from out of nowhere, she felt a pair of hands land on her shoulders. She yelped and almost choked on her chocolate. Clearly, her surveillance was more slapdash than she'd realised.

'Oh. My. God,' said an energised voice from behind. Laura recognised it at once.

'Michelle!' she hissed, the inside of her cheeks still cemented with melted chocolate. She was mostly upset that she hadn't been allowed to savour them.

Michelle was a blur as she took up the seat next to her and leaned in close. She was grinning like a madwoman.

'I cannot believe you,' she said in a giggling whisper.


'What do you mean what? The guy you were just talking to!'

Laura blushed.

'Oh, you saw that. Wait, you know that guy?'

Michelle looked flabbergasted.

'Laura! Everyone knows that guy! Oh, yeah, I forget you live under a rock sometimes.'

Laura looked even more embarrassed. It was true she usually kept to herself and typically preferred the company of books more than people, but she didn't appreciate how Michelle always had to make that seem like a bad thing.

'So you know him?' she asked, trying to deflect the point.

'Ah well,' Michelle pulled a face, 'not know him know him. He's a bit of a recluse, socially speaking. But he's hard not to notice in a crowd! Hey-' she put her hand to her chin in mock thoughtfulness and winked, -'he's a recluse, you're an introvert. There might be something in that.'

'Shut up,' said Laura, but she was smirking. 'So what do they call him?'

'You mean other than "Vlad Dracula",' she said in an over-the-top Transylvanian accent. They laughed.


'Alright, alright,' giggled Michelle. 'He's called Sable.'

* * *

The day continued much in its usual fashion, although Laura couldn't help herself but think back to the chocolate that Sable had given her. It's taste, it's texture. It really was super nice. She'd have to ask where he got it from.

But then, she mused sadly, it was probably some super expensive foreign import only meant for the uber-rich. But that wasn't all bad. Maybe if they ran into each other again, she could buy her way into some more...

A moment of clarity lapsed refreshingly over her and she smiled, feeling foolish. What was she thinking? She couldn't try and get in good with a rich kid for chocolate. What kind of priorities were they?

The day proceeded as normal, that is except for one other belligerent, badgering addition.

'You're telling me you didn't get his number!' exclaimed Michelle in disbelief. 'Girl, what the hell is wrong with you!? Don't you see when you're in with a good thing?'

'Well, you said he's identifiable in a crowd.'

'That's not the point!'

The two were walking out of their most recent lecture and were chatting animatedly, discussing Laura's encounter.

'I hear he's rich,' said Michelle. 'I mean you can kind of just tell.'


'It's the way he carries himself. He's used to getting what he wants. And the stuff he wears is just dreamy. He's either got a really good sense of fashion or his stylist does. Either way, you screwed up.'


'Just saying. Could have been yours.'

'We just... well... the conversation didn't turn out that way. I think you've just got the wrong idea. I don't think he even knows-'

They turned the corner. The pair of them froze.

'Oh my god,' said Michelle.

Laura blinked.

'He's right there,' said Michelle, slowly.

Laura nodded, also slowly.

Indeed he was, standing nonchalantly only a few feet away on the walkway, absent-mindedly staring at his phone. They had just been coming out of the lecture building and out into the main square, and there he was, in and amongst a crowd of brightly coloured students. It was like a raven in a circus.

'I can see that,' said Laura. She was blushing.

'You should go talk to him.'

'I should?'

'Yeah, come on, get a wiggle on it. Work your magic.'

Michelle pushed Laura forward.


'No buts, except yours in front of his face.'


'Or the other way round. I'm sure he's open-minded.'

Laura had to take the next couple of steps on her own. She approached nervously and opened her mouth to talk.

'Hi-' was as far as she managed before her speech functionality short-circuited.

Sable looked up. When he saw it was her, he grinned.

'Laura,' he said in that honeyed voice of his, 'how nice to see you. Sorry, I had to dash off like that. You know how it is here.'

Laura found herself to be grinning stupidly again. She was also trying to correct her hair as she spoke.

'Oh, no, it's fine, I understand. I just saw you as my friend and I were passing and-'

Something barrelled into her at speed and she was hefted to the side.

'Hi,' went Michelle, 'I'm Michelle.'

She giggled at him and fluttered her eyes. Laura had to stop hers from rolling.

Sable adjusted to the interruption with admirable aplomb.

'Why, hello,' he said. 'I'm Sable.'

'I know,' said Michelle a tad too hastily. 'I mean, I already know. I've heard your name about campus.'

There was a pause as Sable seemed to digest this new information.

'All good things I hope,' he chuckled.

The girls chuckled too.

'Are you this friend of Laura's then?'

Michelle punched Laura in the arm.

'You didn't mention you were talking about me.'

'Only just now,' said Laura quietly.

Michelle leaned in close and whispered into her ear: 'I'm doing you a favour, follow my lead.'

Laura didn't react, but her eyes were a picture of dread.

'Well, yes I am,' said Michelle, holding Laura close by the arm. 'And me and her were just talking earlier about you.'

'Oh yes?'

'And we were hoping to see if you were free some night? Laura would absolutely lo-'

'Michelle,' hissed Laura, jabbing her in the side.

'Oh I see,' said Sable, his gaze still on Laura. They were masked by his glasses, but Laura could feel his eyes crawling over her. She didn't entirely dislike the sensation. 'Well, how about tonight?'

'Oh, er,' Laura stuttered; this was all a bit much for her, and all going too fast. 'I don't know. I-'

'Perfect!' said Michelle. 'Go with me here,' she whispered when she caught Laura's eye.

'Splendid. I'll see you tonight, at my house at 7. I'll treat you to dinner. Give me your number and I'll send you the details.'

'Ah, well-'

'Here you are,' said Michelle, bringing up her phone.

'Marvellous. I have to go now and tend to some business - busy schedule and all - but I'll see you at 7.' He grinned and looked her up and down. 'Wear something nice.'

And with that, he was off.

'Michelle!' hissed Laura. 'You know I have coursework to do.'

'Coursework schmoursework, we've got a date to get ready for.'

And with that, Michelle grabbed Laura by the hand and began to lead her away.

'Where are we going?'

She looked back and flashed Laura a smile. 'To get you something nice.'

A sudden craving took Laura.

'Ok,' she said uncertainly, 'but can we get some chocolate whilst we're at it?'

* * *

Several visits to various clothes shops and one trip to the corner shop later, they were in Michelle's doom room. Laura had tried to steer them to her own but was swiftly informed by Michelle that all her clothes were too boring for her purposes.

Laura stood in the centre of the room, wearing a dress she had owned for all of half an hour. Under duress, Michelle had her do a series of poses.

'Nah,' said Michelle eventually. 'Too boxy. We want something that makes you pop.'

'I'm not sure pop is really... me,' said Laura disheartened. It had been the one dress she'd picked.

'Well, we'll make it you. Come on, next one.'

Laura stripped, not a little conscientiously. She didn't mind terribly being in a state of undress in front of Michelle, that is, as long as she was doing something, like getting changed. But there was always some sort of delay. She would finally take off the entire garment (careful not to take the tag off with it - they hadn't landed the rich boy yet) and hand it back to Michelle, who would then take an unbearably long time to fish out the next one from among the bags.

Laura just kind of had to stand there in her underwear. She didn't want to make it too obvious she was trying to cover herself, and beyond that wasn't certain which part to prioritise, so settled on generally keeping her arms wrapped around her stomach. Every so often though, one would snake off to the bag of chocolates she'd bought from the corner shop outside Michelle's flat. She usually ate more conservatively than this but couldn't help herself but snack at an accelerated rate. She was eating them several at a time. It helped a little but it didn't compare one iota to the chocolates Sable had given her. She was worried she was developing a craving.

Maybe she could get some more later tonight, she thought. She'll have to ask where she can find them.

Michelle eventually pulled out the right dress and handed it to her. Laura took it quickly.

* * *

Sable stood in front of a full-length mirror, admiring himself. The girls were sleeping in their dog beds behind him.

He heard the door open and Ashley come into the room. He saw her through the mirror. She was still in the maid dress, carrying laundry, and was barefoot to keep the noise to a minimum.

'Ah, Ashley,' he said. She froze. 'I'm having a guest over tonight. I want you to serve us.'

Ashley waited and stared fixedly at her master for a long time. Her expression was an unreadable mask.

'Is there an issue?'

'No, master,' she said eventually, in steely tones.

'Good, good,' said Sable. 'I don't want to overwhelm the poor girl, so have the girls and the more... exotic decorations taken to the other house. And try to find something more... appropriate to wear. We wouldn't want to give her the wrong idea.'

'Yes, master.'

'Wonderful. I expect your best behaviour tonight.' There was a glint in his eye, and an altogether shark-like element to his smile when he said this.

'Yes, master.'

'I know I won't have to worry. What do you think?' He gestured to the shirt he'd just put on.

His maid's gaze was steady. She spoke with a precipitous levelness.

'I think you're a wicked, evil creature,' she said. 'Master,' she then added after a pause.

The house creaked, breaking the pristine silence, and Sable subjected her to a long, cool look before raising an eyebrow. Then he chuckled.

'I suppose that's on me for not being specific in my question,' he said, walking over. He took her by the chin and held her face in place. 'But its attitude like that makes me worry. I'm rather excited about this new quarry and I wouldn't want anything jeopardising my efforts.'

He then proceeded to steer her by the chin, turning her this way and that, appraising her face like china, as if looking for a fracture, a chip, a fault. Her breathing became suspenseful.

He pouted at her. 'Oh, but I know how it feels to no longer be the favourite. I wonder if some more behavioural correction would be pertinent. What do you think, dear? Would you like to have another trip down to the cellar?'

Ashley shook her head, the movement stiff.

'No, Master,' she said demurely. 'I'll be good.'

'I know you will.' He returned to the mirror and held up two more shirts. 'Now what do you think, black or dark blue?'

* * *

Several dresses later and Laura's situation hadn't improved in the slightest. For one, she had run out of chocolate. For another, they had moved on to sexy underwear. Unsurprisingly, Laura had never owned any before. As far as she had been aware, what made underwear sexy was the person in it. Now it seemed to be the only thing she was allowed to put on.

The current set was a dark violet colour, with love hearts cut out in strategic placements to keep modesty to the bare minimum. She felt more naked wearing this than when she was actually naked to change in and out of them. That wasn't a fun experience, either - it wasn't like Michelle had a changing room. Some of the sets ought to come with instructions; there was a lot of complex lacing involved.

'Ok,' said Michelle, head behind her phone. 'That's that one done. Onto the next. Only a few left.'

'Is this really necessary?' asked Laura again.

'Of course it is. We gotta have you looking good at every layer. That's the Michelle guarantee.'

Laura was not enthused to hear about the mission statement of the Michelle guarantee.

'But I'm not sure I want him to see every layer.'

'Not with that attitude, now strip.'


Laura slid off the garments with no difficulty. They'd been designed by the country's top underwear engineers to come off easily. It was like wrapping paper. She handed it to Michelle and waited patiently for the next set. This time she had no qualms about covering herself and didn't think anyone would begrudge her otherwise. Before today, she could mark all the times she'd been fully nude on her calendar, and even then she had kept it a swift affair.

'Honestly, Laura,' said Michelle, 'you'd take your showers in a swimming costume.'

Now there's an idea, went a section of Laura's brain.

Michelle handed her the next set. They were baby blue and seemed to have the same density as air, with more in common with a doily than anything practical. She couldn't help but feel she'd have a thicker layer to cover herself if she ripped off two small sheets of clingfilm. Or even just buttered herself.

She cringed; lord don't give Michelle ideas.

'Ok,' said Michelle, holding up her phone. 'Now strike a pose.'

Laura did her best, making do with a simple, arms-outstretched, "ta-da" pose. Her face was flushed red. There was a flash.


'Do we need to take pictures of every one?' said Laura hopelessly.

'Next one - strip,' said Michelle, busy with the settings on her phone. 'And yes. It'll help us figure out which is better. You know I think in mood boards. Speaking of...' She looked at her watch just as Laura had removed the last garment. 'We've gotta get going to the printers if we're going to make it on time.'

'Ok, well, let me just-' said Laura, but Michelle was already up like a shot, having grabbed her by the arm and begun dragging her away.

'No time,' she asserted, heading for the door.

'But I'm naked!'

'We'll be quick!'

* * *

They were at the printing shop on the other side of the street from Michelle's building. Laura was standing about, in a sour and guarded mood, as Michelle negotiated with one of the machines.