Penny's College Years - First Semester


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Myrthe wasn't having it though. She didn't like he wimpy little roommate trying to stand up to her so she decide to teach her a lesson. As Penny edged past her, Myrthe grabbed a fistful of her hair and gave her a good shake.

Penny dropped her basket of toiletries as she felt Myrthe roughly grab her hair. She screamed as Myrthe started shaking her head before throwing her face first onto her bed. Penny found herself bent over Myrthe's bed with her face pressed into the mattress by Myrthe's hand still holding her hair. She tried to shake her off but yelped as she felt the first SMACK land across her bare butt. She realized she must have lost her towel when Myrthe grabbed her.

By the third SMACK, Penny was sobbing into Myrthe's mattress and begging her roommate to stop. But with her face pressed into the mattress, she knew no one else would hear her and come to help. She was entirely at Myrthe's mercy. Penny kicked her legs furiously but that didn't seem to bother Myrthe at all. She tried to cover her poor bottom with her hands but Myrthe just slapped them away and kept spanking.

Penny had never been spanked like this before. Her mother hadn't spanked her since she was little and even then it had been nothing compared to this. She begged Myrthe to stop and offered to do anything her roommate wanted if she'd just let her go. But to no avail.

Suddenly the rhythm of SMACKs on her poor butt faltered. Penny hoped for a moment that it was over and she was going to be released. Her whole body relaxed, releasing the tension it had been building since she first spoke up against Myrthe. That relaxation was short lived thought.

"What the hell is this, girl?" Penny wasn't sure what Myrthe was talking about until she felt a single finger tracing her pussy lips and realized with horror that she was wet. In the midst of all the humiliation and pain of the worst spanking in her entire life, Penny was dripping wet.

Myrthe let go of Penny's hair and instead grabbed her shoulder and flipped her over onto her back. Then she moved her hand to Penny's throat to hold her in place and keep her from screaming. She could still take shallow breaths but not breathe normally. Certainly not enough to scream.

Penny wasn't sure why Myrthe had flipped her over. She had no idea what was about to happen.


Penny would never in a million years have expected it but Myrthe had smacked her exposed pussy as hard as she could. Penny couldn't scream or raise her head but the whole rest of her body instinctively tried to curl up to protect her most sensitive area.


Penny's legs fell back to the floor as she realized she couldn't protect herself with her legs. She covered her pussy with her hands but that only earned her a hard punch in the stomach. "Hand at your sides, girl." As much as she wanted to protect her sore pussy, she knew she had to obey or things would get much worse.


It hurt so badly. Much worse than the spanking or their first fight. Tears streamed from her eyes down the sides of her face but the hand on her throat kept her from screaming. And despite all that, she could feel the heat swelling inside her like never before. She'd never been so aroused in her entire life and she knew she couldn't hold on much longer.


The floodgates opened and Penny came like a broke hydrant. She'd never squirted before but she did then. She sprayed her pussy juices across the room and thoroughly covered Myrthe's hand. And Penny was oblivious to all of it as her mind was awash in wave after wave of pleasure. She didn't even notice that Myrthe had let go of her throat for several moments.

When she finally realized she'd been released, Penny raised her head to look at her roommate. Myrthe looked back with nothing but disgust at what she'd just seen. Myrthe reached out our and wiped the juices from her hand on Penny's stomach. Then she ran her fingers through Penny's hair to get the last remnants from between her fingers.

"You better have my dress clean by tonight, girl," she said over her shoulder as she left the room. "And clean up this mess too," she added as she closed the door.

Penny was left sore, naked, and panting on Myrthe's bed in a puddle of her own making. Never before had she been so humiliated. It was one thing to masturbate to the adrenaline rush of standing up to her domineering roommate but to have an orgasm while having her most intimate parts brutally spanked was completely different. She wasn't sure what to make of it. Did this mean she got off on pain? Or maybe it was the humiliation? Either way, now that Myrthe knew about it she knew things were going to be a lot different. She'd definitely have to get a new room now. She didn't think she could face Myrthe every day after this.

On the other hand, maybe Myrthe would think it was just the stimulation to her pussy that caused it. Maybe she wouldn't figure out the real reason why Penny had cum everywhere. But if she ran away and got a new room, Myrthe would almost certainly think she was the cause. She'd assume Penny was a lesbian or something. Penny didn't want that. She didn't like Myrthe by any stretch of the imagination but she did respect her and she didn't want Myrthe to think less of her. Not that there was anything wrong with being a lesbian but she simply wasn't one.

Plus, she had to admit, that had been the most intense orgasm she'd ever had. And she knew staying close to Myrthe was her best chance of getting a repeat performance of that. That in and of itself was reason to stay.

It took Penny several minutes before she managed to catch her breath and collect her thoughts and she was finally ready to move. She got up and saw just how much of a mess she'd made. There was a big puddle of her juices on the floor and Myrthe's bed was soaked in a combination of her cum and sweat. Penny was a mess as well. Her thighs were slick with her juices as was her stomach where Myrthe had wiped her hands off. She was drenched in sweat and her hair was matted with sweat and sticky with the cum Myrthe had wiped there.

She grabbed the towel she'd lost when Myrthe had grabbed her and used it to wipe up the puddle on the floor and wipe the juices off her belly and inner thighs. She knew she'd need another shower to get rid of all the sweat and the cum in her hair and really get clean. But she didn't know how much time she'd have before Myrthe would come back expecting to find a clean dress. Penny couldn't waste the time it would take to get clean.

Penny gathered up all Myrthe's dirty laundry and stripped the sheets off her bed to clean. She was so focused on getting things cleaned up for Myrthe, she almost forgot she was naked but remembered at the last second. She knew she'd just ruin any underwear she tried to put on so she settled on just a simple sundress and some flip-flops. She'd just have to hope no one noticed the cum in her hair and hope her juices didn't start dripping out of her pussy.

Luckily, Penny found the laundry room empty so no one got a good look at the state she was in. Only a handful of people saw her in passing and Penny was pretty sure none of them got a good look. She finished the laundry as quickly as she could but by the time it was done her thighs were slick with her juices again just from thinking about what had happened.

Penny returned to her room and quickly folded and put away everything. She hung up the dress Myrthe wanted so she'd see it as soon as she returned. Then she put new sheets on Myrthe's bed and looked around the room to make sure there were no traces of the incident left.

Satisfied, Penny stripped out of her sundress and wrapped herself in her cum-stained towel. It was pretty gross but it was her only towel and she needed a shower. She'd just have to clean it tomorrow when she did the rest of her laundry. Penny returned to the communal showers and took a long hot shower.

She was sore and exhausted when she returned to her room. All thought of going to the party were forgotten. She didn't even have the energy to put on some pajamas. Penny simply lay down in bed naked and, after finding a position that didn't hurt her red-butt too much, fell fast asleep. She didn't even stir when Myrthe came back for her dress.


Penny and Myrthe's relationship changed significantly after that. Penny continued to do all the chores and anything else Myrthe demanded of her but now she did it with pleasure. She found that she loved making Myrthe happy and began working harder to try to earn a compliment from her roommate.

Myrthe for her part, became much more physical. Nothing sexual, but she wasn't shy about pushing Penny out of the way or slapping her ass in passing. Penny quickly learned the difference between a firm smack on the butt for a job well done and a sharper, painful smack when Myrthe was upset with her.

Penny knew it was her imagination but she imagined that she could feel a sort of warmth in her cheeks after the first kind. She knew it was the closest thing to a compliment she was ever likely to get from Myrthe. She learned to crave that sort of attention and started sticking out her rear when Myrthe passed hoping to receive it. She also learned to fear the second kind and would hurry to fix whatever Myrthe was upset about.

Penny had no illusions as to her role though. She didn't pretend they were friends. She knew that Myrthe thought of her as nothing more than a servant. That's why she was surprised when Myrthe sat her down one day in early December and told her they were going to exchange Christmas presents.

Penny wasn't sure what she could get Myrthe that she'd really like. After all, she knew Myrthe's family was wealthy while she could barely afford her tuition and housing. What could she possibly get her that she'd actually appreciate? She scoured the mall and desperately searched online for something good enough for Myrthe but cheap enough that she could afford it.

As Christmas approached, Penny started to get desperate. The thought of disappointing Myrthe was unacceptable to her. She NEEDED to show Myrthe how much she appreciated her. With her deadline approaching, Penny doubled her budget for Myrthe's gift hoping the extra money would let her afford something good enough for her roommate.

Finally, on the last day before they both left for Christmas break, Penny finally found the perfect gift. It was a small, jeweled, volleyball charm that could go on Myrthe's charm bracelet. It was a bit pricey though, well over what Penny had planned on spending on the gift even after doubling her budget. But once she saw it, she knew that nothing else would suffice. Myrthe deserved the best and Penny would give it to her.

Penny returned to her dorm room with the freshly wrapped gift eager to see what Myrthe thought of it. She couldn't wait to see the look of joy and excitement on her roommate's face when she saw how much thought Penny put into her gift. But when she arrived, she found Myrthe already packed and ready to leave for Christmas break.

Suddenly Penny felt a little shy. Wordlessly, she held out the present to her roommate and waited for Myrthe to take it. Penny felt like an idiot standing there holding out the present while Myrthe didn't even seem to nice her. And then when Myrthe finally looked up and saw her, she looked confused for a few seconds before her face brightened. "Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that..."

Myrthe went to her desk and rooted around in the drawer for a moment before coming up with a slightly crumpled looking envelope with Penny's name on the front. "Here you go."

"Thanks," Penny said happily exchanging presents with her roommate. Penny couldn't wait to open he envelope and see what her roommate had gotten her. She knew Myrthe didn't think of her as a friend or equal or anything like that but she was pretty sure she made a good enough servant to warrant a good present. Plus, she figured, it would be a good benchmark of what Myrthe really thought of her. But she would wait until Myrthe opened her present first. It just seemed like the right thing to do.

Penny watched her roommate closely hoping to see the moment of excitement on Myrthe's face when she saw the present. But to her disappointment, Myrthe simple tucked the unopened present into her suit case and walked out the door without a backwards glance. She didn't even bother to say goodbye or wish Penny a Merry Christmas.

"Merry Christmas," Penny whispered to the closed door Myrthe had just left through. Penny sat down on her bed and began to sulk. She'd really been looking forward to the gift exchange. It had been all she could think about for weeks. But now she wouldn't even get to see Myrthe unwrap it.

She debated opening the envelope anyway but decided against it. Myrthe obviously wanted to open hers on Christmas so Penny would wait as well. After all, it was just another week away, surely she could wait that long.


Penny woke up bright and early Christmas morning. It was going to be a great day she just new it. Her family would all open Christmas presents, and have a huge meal, and sing Christmas carols, and have snowball fights and it would all be wonderful. And she could finally open Myrthe's envelope.

She'd spent the last week wondering what was in it. It didn't feel like a gift card but there wasn't much else she could think of that would fit in an envelope. Could it be a check? Or maybe like a coupon to a spa? The wait had been agony but now she would finally know.

Penny rolled out of bed and grabbed the envelope from her bedside table. She couldn't even wait to open it with her family. Besides, she didn't want to share this with her family, it was just for her.

Penny eagerly ripped open the envelope and turned it upside down to let her present fall onto her pillow. It was just a single piece of paper, an index card, with some writing on it.

Slightly confused, Penny picked up the card to read. Whatever it was, it didn't really seem like a gift but she still wanted to know what Myrthe might have written on the card. Maybe it would be a scavenger hunt or maybe a promise to be nicer to her...

The card read, "This coupon may be exchanged for the chance to service Myrthe orally. One time use." Penny was shocked. Her gift was...getting to go down on her roommate?

Penny's shock slowly turned to anger and she crumpled the coupon into a ball and threw it across the room. How could Myrthe think so little of her? Hadn't she been the perfect roommate? Hadn't she done every little think Myrthe told her to do? Didn't she deserve better than this?

It suddenly dawned on Penny how she's been tricked. Myrthe had never actually wanted to exchange Christmas presents, she'd just wanted a present from Penny. And like an idiot, Penny had done just that, spending way more money than she should have to get the perfect gift for Myrthe and getting nothing but an insult in return.

How could Myrthe possibly think this was a real gift? It's not like Penny wanted to go down on her. She wasn't a lesbian, or even bi. Why would Myrthe think she was?

Wait, why wouldn't she think that? Penny suddenly realized. After all, Myrthe had given her the best orgasm of her life without even trying to. She'd cummed all over her roommate's hand. And not only that, Penny had been masturbating to the thought of Myrthe abusing her all semester. What if Myrthe hadn't really been asleep all those times...what if she'd heard Penny whispering her name as she touched herself.

Feeling ashamed of herself, Penny slowly came the realization that Myrthe would have every reason to believe that she was a horny dyke who'd like nothing more than to go down on her. And with that realization came another, since Myrthe thought she'd really like it, it was actually a really thoughtful gift.

Penny got out of bed and retrieved the crumpled up coupon from where she'd thrown it and carefully smoothed it out as best she could. She felt guilty for crumpling it up. She should have treated it with a lot more respect than that. After all, it was probably the most thoughtful gift she'd ever received.

To be continued...

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SesbationBressonBVBSesbationBressonBVBover 2 years ago

I think this is a very good story.I quite like the physical aspect of penny and the dutch woman's relationship. I know its 5 years old but if you could continue that'd be grand.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Great start

Great start to this story i definitely would like to read more maybe the roommate doing more punishment and humiliation maybe making her stay nude at all times in room and make her dress as she wants and maybe have others involved in doing things to her and maybe outside games!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Really liked it. Please do more. Your writing voice is really different and enjoyable.

KidG1000KidG1000over 7 years ago
i hope there is a follow up chapter

good story and is getting really hot. would love to read more

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Love the story

When are you going to write the next chapter?

WebmeanderWebmeanderover 7 years ago
I liked the story

I liked this story because I have no idea how it will progress. Not gonna lie, I hope it turns out to be sincere confusion at this point and that they fall in love. Can't help that I love happy endings, and so far, this journey has been different. Thanks for writing. I look forward to the next installment.

verbicideverbicideover 7 years ago

There's not much else to say. The story was written with such a lack of drama or gripping tension that I scrolled through entire paragraphs and found I really didn't miss any developments. It was so perfunctory it may as well have been a grocery list.

Bob_AganoushBob_Aganoushover 7 years ago
A small quibble

A 20' x 40' dorm room would be huge, not small, by any college's standards

rml65rml65over 7 years ago
Great story!!

Looking forward to reading more! Thanks for sharing!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Wow Penny is really pathetic. Poor delusional girl.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

well I basically cringed through out this story, it's obviously not your typical lesbian erotica, I kept waiting for Myrthe to stop being such a twat, when that didn't happen I figured Penny would do the smart thing and run for the hills, but I'll wait for the next installment before I say it's a bad story, it's different and things that are different should always be given a chance.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
no more

if this is what college life is about then no wonder no one wants to go this is just bad and you should leave it at just this one story

astuffedshirt_pervastuffedshirt_pervover 7 years ago
YAY! Lesbian domnation

I actually enjoyed it. But...I have some criticism here. Take it for what it is, just my opinion.

1) The reader can identify Penny by the second paragraph as a doormat. Hasn't had a good life, trying to work her way up. Her submission is therefore not dramatic or interesting. Further, we know more about Penny than Myrthe, who is only 2 dimensional, so I felt like I was just watching a train wreck. Much more fun, IMHO, for Penny to have a backbone but succumb anyway. See the author Couture for examples.

2) Wow, the spanking scene! Scorching! But..."Then she moved her hand to Penny's throat to hold her in place and keep her from screaming. She could still take shallow breaths but not breathe normally. Certainly not enough to scream." How tight is this grip? Sounds more like she's practicing auto asphyxiation. A simple one hand choke is not going to stop one from screaming. Further, who get flipped on their back and leaves their legs so open like that? Seemed unlikely without further inducement.

3) the present exchange is just depressing, but is leading in a good direction.

1Dazedman1Dazedmanover 7 years ago
A great start on an interesting story

Thanks for sharing your work with us here. I'm looking forward to new adventures! I'm surprised that a reader so critical of your writing is confused about the use of passed and past. Thanks again.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Can't wait

Great story, love the detailed build up. Can't wait to see the next part !

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Sorry but I could not get passed page 1. Please do not continue writing if this garbage is all you can come up with.

Mymantoy999Mymantoy999over 7 years ago
Good start

Hope there is more to come

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