Perchance To Dream Pt. 02


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Leaping back to Melanie, and hoping we hadn't lost our momentum, I resumed my position in between her raised legs. Mel looked at me expectantly. I bent down and kissed her luscious, delicate folds of skin, and then spoke to her between kisses.

"Melanie... (pussy kisses)... I've only known you for a little while... (kisses on her rectum)... but I've been waiting... (tonguing her opening)... for you forever... "

I doused her entire area with the lube, then rubbed her gently with my fingers, probing here and there at her opening. I licked and made love to her clit, sucking it into my mouth and straining all her flesh back through my teeth. My finger sunk deep inside her ass. I continued to orally molest her vagina and forced a second finger inside her backside. She accepted it with no trouble.

"Get up here and kiss me, goddamnit!" commanded Mel. "If you're going to take my ass, at least kiss me first!"

I withdrew my fingers from inside her and happily climbed back up on her. I kissed her hard and she kissed me back hard, my rigid cock bounced around down there. I guided myself inside her pussy for a few more strokes to lube myself up. Then, finding the little Astro-Glide bottle again, I gave him a thorough soaking of lube.

I re-positioned myself and Mel pulled her legs up and apart, widening herself to her maximum. My hand guided my cock to her sensitive opening, I pressed in slightly.

Tight, I thought. Ever so tight. And good and slippery, too. God, it felt good on my cock. I checked on Mel; she nodded at me, her lips pursed. I pressed on, slowly. The entire head slipped in. Pleased with myself, I let him sit there for a few moments to let her adjust to having a cock where it isn't supposed to be.

I kissed Mel as I inched back and forth over the span of a minute or so, taking my time as I stretched her fully, millimeter by millimeter. I was about three-quarters inside when I slipped a bit and fell all the rest of the way in and hit 'bottom'.

She whimpered a little bit, then grit her teeth for several moments, let out some "oh my Gods", and finally relaxed in agony/pleasure as my cock sunk all the way inside her asshole. Jesus, I thought. It had been more than twenty years since I had fucked a girl in the ass. And now I'm fucking Melanie's ultra-tight ass. My "Insensitive Prick" began regaining his sensitivity, thank God. I wanted to cum in her ass so badly.

I kissed Mel again and moved slowly back and forth inside her. She mewled with pleasure as I rose up on my hands and stroked her slowly. My pleasure was nearly at its maximum. I drove into her faster and harder. I just needed a little more...

Mel reached down to touch herself as I stroked her ass hard.

"No," I commanded. Not sure why I said that.

Shocked, she stopped for a moment, then continued playing with herself. I raised up a bit and grabbed her right arm and pinned it on the bed. She then moved her left arm to play with herself.

Exasperated with her, I slapped her right tit. Not terribly hard, but enough to get her attention.

"Wait your turn!" I said jokingly.

"Fuck that!" she laughed. "I need to cum now!" And she quickly shoved her hand back to her wet sex.

Just as quickly, I grabbed her arm, then slapped her tit again. Harder this time.

"You've already cum like, ten times!" I reminded her. "It's my turn!"

And I slapped her tit again, in time with the bottom stroke of my cock in her ass. Her amazingly tight ass. I could get used to this, I thought.

"You wouldn't," Mel gasped. "You wouldn't *dare* slap my tit again!" Her eyes twinkled at me with lust and desire.

I stopped fucking her ass for a moment as I looked into her lovely green eyes. Once again, I almost couldn't believe that I am making love to this fantastic woman. I just wanted to hold her gently, caress her lightly, make it all better... then why am I slapping her tit and nearly raping her ass?

Oh yeah, because I love her. Which doesn't make any sense as I've known her for all of about twelve hours now.

I grabbed her breast in my hand and squeezed it hard, distending her nipple upwards. Bending my head down, I licked, then kissed, then sucked on her hardening nub. I kept fucking her ass, of course. I was so close, so fucking close.

Finally, I relented and told Mel to go for it. She quickly mashed her palm into her clitoris and sank I don't know how many fingers inside her hot folds. With her other hand, Mel grabbed and squeezed a breast.

"You want to slap my tits?" she teased. "Huh? Tough guy? Like this?" And she gave her own breast some decent little smacks.

That was it.

"Oh God!" I shouted as my cock shot my hot cum deep inside her. I dropped down on my elbows, I couldn't hold myself up anymore. Mel finished herself off with her hand and arm still trapped under my stomach. I felt the convulsions from her sex emanate through her pussy walls as she came. I fell completely on top of her as my cock drained itself of cum. Mel withdrew her arm from under me and we lay in a single panting, sweating heap. Spent.

I became aware of my weight on her, a gentleman would get off her and let her breathe, I thought. I began to disentangle myself.

"Wait, babe," she whispered in my ear. "You can roll off when he falls out by himself."

= = =

At around four in the afternoon, I texted my wife about an 'emergency' meeting with my boss, told her I wouldn't be home until much later. Yes, it was Friday night, but this wasn't all that unusual. My boss had emergencies on a regular basis.

At a little after five, I clicked the tablet off and wiped my eyes with a tissue from Mel's nightstand. Wow. I couldn't believe she let me read this, it was so personal, so revealing, so sexy, and then so terribly tragic.

In a very small nutshell, Mel had been a 'kept woman' to a very wealthy man much older than her. About as old as I am, in fact. They were engaged in a Dom/sub relationship for nearly two years, but I wasn't sure of the exact timeframe. Mel was completely in love with this guy; he was appreciative and gave her all kinds of very expensive gifts, including paying off her student loans, but he wasn't in love with her. They had lots of adventures that were damn sexy to read about, but then he broke her heart, horribly. I know next to nothing about that kind of relationship, but for a submissive to be cast adrift, it's devastating.

Being a 'kept woman' might bother some people, but I didn't give a shit. Shoot, if some lady wanted to pay me to fuck her, I'd do it in a heartbeat!

"Hey, Mel?" I called out to her. She was in the kitchen doing some lawyer work. "I'm finished."

"Okay," she quietly answered back. Then I heard the chair scrape across the floor as she left her seat.

Now dressed in some gray sweatpants and a white T-shirt, she entered the bedroom but stayed in the doorway. Arms crossed over her chest, slumped against the doorjamb, she stared out the window. She seemed much smaller than she was.

"Come here, honey" I coaxed.

She ambled over as I patted the bed next to me. I held back the covers and she slid in next to me. She still hadn't really looked at me yet. Was she ashamed? I didn't think so. Afraid of what I thought, maybe?

"It's okay, honey," I reassured her as I pulled her close to me. She lay on her side, hands clasped under her chin. "It's okay."

She sniffed a little and nodded her head.

"I'm not 'him.'" I continued. "I'm not that guy."

"I know, I don't want you to be 'him'." Mel sniffed a couple more times.

I teased her a bit. "I mean, you know, my private plane... well, it's in the shop right now. Somebody bent the wing and we're waiting for a part."

Mel chuckled a bit.

"And that Ford Fusion I drive?" I continued. "That's just so people won't think I'm stuck up."

She shook her head and giggled a little more.

I held her closer. "Nothing's changed, sweetheart. Not for me."

Mel relaxed a little, then shifted her body as her left arm reached across my chest. "Are you sure? I just wanted... I wanted you to know what you're getting into." She looked up at me with damp, reddened eyes. Who could ever break this girl's heart?

I pulled her even tighter to me and smiled. "I still love you. Probably more, now."

"Do you?" she asked. "Because, I love you, too."

I kissed her, then smiled. "Yes, most definitely."

"But," I continued. "Do you know what *you're* getting into? I'm, uh, a little bit older than you."

"I hadn't noticed," she answered me.

"I mean, I'm so old that I know who the Beatles are. In fact, I know most of their songs by heart, and I sing them loudly in the car."

Mel perked up. "Sing me one now!"

"What? No! That was just an example! I, uh, I sing like shit! And there's no music..."

Mel raised her eyebrows and looked expectantly at me. I may be old but I sure ain't wise. Okay, think of one, think of one...

"Alright. I got one. It's an old one but not real popular." I sat up so I could breathe a little bit. "You're really gonna make me do this?"

Mel nodded.

I took in a breath and proceeded to embarrass myself.

You say you will love me If I have to go. You'll be thinking of me Somehow I will know. Someday when I'm lonely Wishing you weren't so far away, Then I will remember Things we said today.

You say you'll be mine, girl Till the end of time These days such a kind girl Seems so hard to find Someday when we're dreaming Deep in love, not a lot to say Then we will remember Things we said today Me, I'm just the lucky kind Love to hear you say that love is luck And though we may be blind Love is here to stay and that's enough

To make you mine, girl Be the only one Love me all the time, girl We'll go on and on Someday when we're dreaming Deep in love, not a lot to say Then we will remember Things we said today I shrugged. "There is another verse and chorus, but, you get the idea." I kind of thought I didn't sound half bad, for an old man.

Mel didn't move for a few moments, then she threw her arms around me and kissed me a few hundred times.

"That's probably the most beautiful song I've ever heard!" she said between kisses. "Things We Said Today, is that the title?"

"Yes," I managed to get a word out. "Paul wrote it. Paul McCartney."

"I know who Paul McCartney is, silly" she teased. "I'm not as old as you, but I'm not stupid, either!"

"No, you definitely are not stupid. A lawyer, bucking for a partnership, right? You've got to be pretty fucking smart, I'd say. Oh, and the way you write, God Damn! You're like a professional! You could write novels, movies, something. When you were with Gina--"

"Gianna," she corrected.

"Sorry. Gianna. Hell, I could totally picture you two, it was so hot. So... real."

"You're just being nice," she demurred.

"No, I'm serious. You're really, really good."

She smiled and we kissed some more.

"Hey," I said, breaking the kiss. "You hungry? I've been banging this wild chick all day and I'm starving!"

"I know what you mean!" she replied. "This old guy has been buggering the crap out of me and I'm basically malnourished!"

We got out of bed and I led us to the kitchen. I wanted to see what she had on hand.

"Oh," Mel said, surprised. "I thought, maybe, we could go out somewhere?"

"Are you kidding?" I asked, laughing. I saw we needed some things. "And waste all that time in a damn car! No way. I saw that market downstairs, I'll be back in, like, fifteen minutes and make you something good. You're not a vegetarian or anything or you?"

She shook her head no. I dressed and headed to the door.

"Hey," Mel called. "You're coming back, right? This isn't some kind of bang and run thing, is it? Because just tell me if it is and--"

I pulled her to me and kissed her passionately as I dug my hand into my pocket. I pressed my car keys into her hand.

"Get out some pots and pans, and set the table? Back in a few."

= = =

It took twenty minutes, but I was back with several bags of goodies, including chilled wine. Melanie had put on black yoga pants and a purple tank top. It was obvious that she wasn't wearing a bra because I could discern the faintest outlines of her nipples through the thin material. With her blonde hair tied up in a ponytail and no makeup on, she looked gorgeous.

"Chicken?" she asked. "Wow, I thought you were more of a steak guy."

"Be nice! I love steak, but this dish is my specialty. You might love it. Set the oven to 375, and start chopping me some of that cilantro? Por favor?"

I seasoned and then sauteed the chicken breasts while she chopped the veggies. I couldn't help it, though. I had to ask about 'The Guy' from her diary. I poured us some cold Cakebread chardonnay that I brought back from the store.

"So... uh... when did you guys break up?" I asked.

Mel just skipped a single chop, then quickly resumed.

"Oh, you know. Awhile ago."

She was being evasive. Then she took a few gulps of the wine.

I kept browning the chicken. "Is it over? Are you... done? With Him?"

"Yep," she answered. I've never heard a lawyer talk so little.

I took off the chickens and started making the cream sauce. Fresh garlic, heavy cream, chicken broth, red pepper flakes, onions. And the cilantro.

"Here," I continued. "Can I have some of that cilantro now?"

"Yeah, sure, whatever you need." Mel was definitely fidgety.

I scraped the choppings into the sauce and stirred firmly.

"Mel. Just be truthful with me. Please? You showed me your diary for a reason, you wanted me to know about you. So just... let me know."

"Alright," she said quietly. "It's over. But I'm kind of afraid of him. I was so... attached to him... back then. Maybe dependent is the better word. I don't want to go back to him, to that. But at the same time... Jesus... at the same time, I miss some of it. Oh God!"

I turned off the fire under the pan and hugged her. She melted into me as I held her head against my chest.

"So that explains you wanting the spanking last night."

Mel nodded.

"Okay, honey. Well, again. I'm not 'him'. I loved last night, though! But at the same time, I felt bad about spanking you too hard."

"It wasn't too hard," she reassured me.

"Still, I left marks on you...!"

"Sometimes," Mel started. "Every once in awhile, I... like to get... torn up a little bit. Not always. But sometimes."

Mel reached down between my legs and felt my hardening member. She smiled up at me.

"You sure you're an old man? Damn, this thing is almost ready again!"

"Ahem! Yes. Well. In the spirit of full disclosure, I must admit to taking a Viagra this afternoon. So that wasn't all 'me' today."

"Why?" Mel asked. "You didn't need it last night!"

"Yeah well, I just didn't want any issues today! Last night was incredible, you're incredible! But the last couple years... things don't always go the way I want them."

"I see. Well, let's try not to use it in the future. If there's any issues, no harm, no foul. Okay, old man?"

"'In the future'. I like the sound of that." We clinked our glasses.

I fired up the stove again to resume making the creamy cilantro sauce. It's the best. You know what else is good in it? Bacon. Little bits of chopped bacon--

"Um," Melanie began. "Since we're telling our secrets. I've got one more. You want to know how I know so much about you?"

"Yeah, sure. I just figured you overheard some of Alice's conversations. Or you're a big snoop."

"Not exactly," Melanie countered.

I stirred the sauce, making sure none of it stuck to the pan.

"Your daughter... Alice... well... despite what she may have told you, we're pretty good friends, actually.

"In fact," continued Mel. "You see... we're sleeping together."

The sauce bubbled quietly on the stove, filling the kitchen with delicious smells. I'm a pretty good sauce maker, I thought.

"And I invited her to dinner tonight," Mel said quietly.

I set the stirring spoon down.

= = = = = =

To Be Continued in Chapter 3.

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rightbankrightbankover 7 years ago
still not a Romance

Mature? closer

Erotic Coupling? somewhat

Cheating Husband? yup

Hints of Incest? indeed

Lesbian? Sounds like it

Group? Stay tuned

Romance? not even

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
The wife.

Wow, what a development!! What a cliff hanger! This is a great story! But I am starting to feel a little sorry for the wife. If she is semi-crazy now what is she going to be when she loses her entire family??

Crusader235Crusader235over 7 years ago
Oh holy hell!

Lord this series is hot!! Can't wait for chapter 3!! Hurry please. Wonderful writing, thank you.

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