Peter, Prue Ch. 02


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There was no reply, so after half an hour she tried again. Her voice trembled when she asked him to please call.

When another half hour had passed, Prue rose and poured the stale coffee into the sink. She didn't want to think it, but she knew Peter had stood her up. Maybe on purpose. He was too angry with her.

They'd blown it.

Dinner time came and went, but she wasn't hungry. She poured a glass of wine, but stopped drinking halfway. Then she picked up her phone.

"Daddy? Are you home tomorrow?"

"You sound sad, lil Princess."

"I am. Can I come by tomorrow?"

"Of course, honey. Take your stuff and stay."


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DukeofPaducahDukeofPaducah6 months ago

I’m hoping this rolling snowball continues to gather momentum.

Watching Peter’s character develop is like an old-time candlemaker at work. Each dip adds another layer of D’oh!

Ocker53Ocker53over 4 years ago
No One

No one is this stupid, yes I know it’s just a story but you could have at least given them both at least one brain cell between them. Just too stupid to be readable ⭐️

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Two incredibly stupid people

Very frustrating story, daft really but 5* for the writing.

OnethirdOnethirdover 8 years ago

Well, my hopes for something positive took a turn for the worse, but maybe love will win out. Of course they are silly, and are being actively conspired against. Julia showed a bit too much of her hand- wouldn't he notice how well-timed the texts are? Planning a leaving car is pretty complicated, but heck, there's a reason these things are called fiction. More pitiful anons (and that Harry fellow who has no filter): you don't have to read submissions just so you can gripe about them. Get a nice, more productive hobby.

loveoverlustloveoverlustalmost 9 years ago
This is new.....

..... a suspense of sorts, from Angique. And I'm loving it.

I think this is much bigger than Julia alone. Daddy dearest?

Julia, 'The Devil's Advocate' ?

Anyhow, this is easily worth a 5.

Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
This is a stupid shaggy dog story

about two stupid people. Nice experiment, but dragging on. You should have begun with two fast-thinking, stubborn, cocksure people with past reason to believe their immediate puzzle-solving intuitions, and then enlarged the conspiracy to surround them. Or else dumbed them down to where their behavior is credible. Nice experiment, but end it!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
I saw this threes company episode...

It was just like this. Stupid suspicious gullible people are really not that interesting

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
so now julia has aascended to rapist status...

I'm guessing the cucumber means she did the deed and there was no drunken gang rape. Which means she violent ly sexually assaulted her friend in an over the top plot. This is not a tragic comedy, is turning into a non con with hateful characters that don't make sense.

Harryin VAHarryin VAalmost 9 years ago
yes this story is provoking strong emtions but so what.? that doesnt make it a 5

Mein kempf provoked strong emotions too... Wouldnt give it A 5.

Essentially what we have here is Over the top super contrived story of 2 people who may be amongest the 10 stupidest who have ever gotten married.

Big deal. Whoever is manipulating them...i am cheering for. At least they arent morons

maninconnmaninconnalmost 9 years ago

I like the quiet suspense in your tone. I am fascinated by the plot and love your characters. On to ch. 3!

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