Peter's Promise


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Pete hadn't even thought about the fact he was naked. He was home. His house was not in sight of the road and he was used to sitting naked. He heard the door open and turned to see an equally naked Fiona move out of the house. She stood beside him, her hip just touching his arm and ran her hand across his back to rest on his shoulder. Her eyes were glistening. Her face was shining and soft looking. Pete felt his cock twitching as he took in the beautiful swell and sway of her breasts. He was captivated by the rising and falling of them as she breathed.

Pete forced himself to look higher and he said quietly, "You are so beautiful Fiona. God I love you."

Fiona choked back a cry. She felt her eyes water and said, "No I'm not. I'm covered in scars now but I love you for saying that."

Pete wrapped his arm around her beautiful butt and pulled her gently to him. He said, "Yes, you are beautiful Fiona. You're all woman and put together perfectly. I am really getting tired of you complaining about your honorable markings. Even with those scars you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. They just add to your beauty. They show your inner strength and dedication to those in your care. They show the kind of woman you are and I love you all the more for them. Now why don't you sit here with me for a while? I want to relax and enjoy my peace and quiet until I finish this beer then we'll go to your folks."

During the trip to Fiona's parent's farm Pete reconnected with his home area. He was sickened by the devastation still apparent from the tornado. Trees were horribly disfigured. Many were still down in tangled piles rotting away. It was so saddening to see nature destroyed like that. Pete knew it was nature's way but it still hurt to see.

When they drove into the yard at Fiona's parent's home Pete was impressed. He could still see the destruction from the tornado but the farm was already recovering. The barns were all rebuilt as was the house. The trees that remained had been trimmed and were showing new growth. He thought the house looked strange. It was a metal shoebox with a roof and small porch over the door. He missed the older well maintained two story house the tornado had blown down.

Pete was met in the yard by Seth and Bridget. Seth stood back grinning while Bridget wrapped Pete in a hug. After she moved back Seth stepped in and shook Pete's hand then said, "Welcome home Sergeant. We're all glad you made it back safely. Now maybe these women folk of mine will quit worrying so much about you and get a full night's sleep for a change."

After a wonderful meal the four friends sat in the yard visiting while night fell. Finally about 9 p.m. Pete was about to pass out from exhaustion. He said, "It was great being here with you all but I'm just dead. I need to get home and sleep for about a week. Thank you for the wonderful meal and the nice welcome home."

Pete stood and moved to shake Seth's hand. When he stepped back Bridget wrapped him in another hug then said, "Now you don't stay away Pete. We want you to come back real soon." To Pete's surprise she gave him a quick kiss on the cheek then stepped back. Her eyes were glistening.

Pete smiled then turned to walk toward his truck. Fiona hugged her mother and father then moved to catch up with Pete. She wrapped her arm around him and leaned her head on his shoulder. When they got to his truck he opened the door and pulled Fiona to him for a deep kiss. She moaned and pressed her crotch against his rising cock. She stepped back and began to climb into his truck. He watched her with surprise on his face.

Pete asked, "What are you doing Fiona?"

Fiona looked worried, upset. She said, "Pete I'm going with you Honey. If you don't want me I'll understand but I want to go with you and be with you. Please? I told Mom and Dad..."

"Of course I." Pete paused and gathered his thoughts. Finally he began speaking once more. He said, "Fiona you know I love you but is this what you really want? I would love to take you back home with me tonight. Nothing would please me more than to have you move in with me but we have to think about what would happen to your reputation here. What will your parents think? What will the neighbors think? Worse, what will everyone say and how will they treat you if you do this. I want you to be with me more than I've ever wanted to be with a woman but I want it to be right with you too."

Fiona smiled at Pete and said, "Pete this is right. I knew before you left that I loved you fully and completely. I wanted to have this conversation before we got here tonight but we got busy doing other things and I never found the way to ask. Pete I told Polly today you were MY man. I meant that. I love you. I want to spend time with you if you'll have me. Hell, I want to spend what is left of my life with you. I am complete and serene when you are with me. I feel like some of me is missing when we are separated. I know I'm not perfect but I'll try to be anything you want me to be for you."

Pete looked at Fiona for a long few seconds then got into the truck without a word. He looked up toward the house after he closed the door. Seth and Bridget were standing where they could see the truck. Seth had his arm around Bridget's shoulder. They were just watching Pete's truck and the two young people. When they saw him looking at them they both raised their hands and waved. Bridget turned slightly toward Seth and wrapped her other arm around him then laid her head on his chest.

Pete started his truck and drove down the Morgan's driveway. He stopped at the road to check for oncoming traffic then turned toward his home. When he started moving Fiona scooted closer to him and rested her head on his right shoulder. She put her left hand on his thigh near his crotch and looked up at him.

When they got to Pete's house they walked arm in arm to it. Pete opened the front door and let Fiona enter before him. Fiona turned the overhead light on. He looked at her for a moment and moved to his duffel bag. It was resting on the couch where he dropped it when they got home that afternoon. Pete began pulling things from the bag and throwing them onto the floor. Finally right at the bottom he pulled a set of combat boots from it. He turned the right boot upside down and shook it until a small box fell into his other hand.

Pete dropped the boot he was holding, stood and walked to a puzzled Fiona. He opened the box and took a ring from it. He looked at Fiona. Her eyes got larger and she gasped. Pete said, "Fiona I love you. I've told you that several times. I wanted to do this soon but I was hoping for a special time to do it. I suppose if you're going to sleep here with me we need to make it sort of official anyway. Fiona will you marry me?"

Fiona was pressing her lips together. She nodded her head yes and held her left hand out. It was shaking slightly. She watched with her face glowing while Pete slid the ring slowly onto the left ring finger. After he let her hand go Fiona wrapped him in her arms and whispered, "Yes Pete Johnson. I'll marry you. I've wanted to spend my life with you almost from the first time I met you. You are the first person who has treated me normally since I was shot up. I fell in love with you for that and because you treated me like an equal instead of a piece of meat to fuck and leave or an air headed female. My love for you grew when I realized you cared about what I thought and listened to what I said. You treat me like a friend, a partner and yet you treat me like the most precious thing you have too. I love you for all you are and for the way you treat me."

Fiona smiled and continued, "Now, let's get showered off and get you to bed. We have to go over to Dad's tomorrow and show off my ring and get more of my clothes."

Pete looked at Fiona while he digested what she had just said. He said, "More of your clothes?"

Fiona blushed and nodded her head yes. She said, "I hope you don't mind but I have been spending a lot of my time here. I have already come to feel as if this is OUR house. I feel more comfortable here than in Dad's new house. Since I was watching your place for you I just brought a lot of my clothes here so I would have them when I needed them."

Pete laughed and finished undressing. He pushed Fiona toward then into the shower with him. They took a fast but thoroughly enjoyable shower with each other. Each made certain all the interesting parts were squeaky clean. They stumbled toward the bed in a high state of arousal. They were so needy of sexual release that they were frantic when they fell into bed together. There was no foreplay after they fell into the bed. Fiona moved to the center of the bed and Pete fell between her splayed thighs. He moved to hover over her. He lowered his crotch slightly and felt his cock nudge against her well lubricated pussy. He lunged and felt his cock slip almost all the way inside her molten core. Fiona moaned and wrapped her legs around Pete locking her heels behind his thighs. She pulled strongly and forced the rest of his cock into her pussy then began wildly thrusting against him. She moaned and groaned with every insertion.

Even as wonderful as Fiona felt wrapped around his cock Pete was almost too tired to take care of her before he dropped off to sleep. He did his duty though and managed to make her scream her happiness into the dark before he collapsed beside her in total exhaustion. He was asleep almost before the bed stopped bouncing. Fiona smiled and rolled onto her side beside her man. She threw her injured leg and the corresponding arm over Pete and followed him to sleep. The next morning as dawn was breaking they woke in the same position, still uncovered.

Pete had to piss bad enough he was afraid he would leak onto the bed. He carefully moved out from under Fiona to head to the latrine. When he got finished he walked back into the bedroom to find Fiona missing. He turned and walked into the main part of the house and found her in the kitchen preparing coffee. Fiona looked up at Pete and smiled. She said, "Why don't you go out on the porch and enjoy the morning while I finish the coffee Honey? I'll bring you a cup when it's finished."

Pete did as Fiona suggested. He sat and watched the sun come up over the trees. He could see the rays of light lancing through the fog rising from the stream. He felt himself relax as he listened to the neighbors' livestock and the birds. Pete was surprised when Fiona walked up and handed him his coffee. She was naked as he was. She smiled down at him and moved to a chair beside him. To his surprise she pulled the chair toward the edge of the porch and sat in it facing him. She pulled her feet up in the chair and sat facing Pete with her legs splayed apart. He could see her pussy gaping open winking at him. She looked in his eyes and smiled then began flexing her pussy. Her pussy lips were deep red. Her nipples were hard little points either from her arousal or from the slight chill in the air. Fiona smiled at Pete again and licked her lips. After she had her first swallow of coffee she smiled once again and said, "You see anything you like here Soldier Man?"

Pete grinned and said, "Oh, yeah! I've really missed looking out over the stream at your folk's hayfield."

Fiona looked shocked for a moment then grinned back at him and muttered, "You asshole. I ought to go in and get dressed. That'd teach you a lesson I bet."

"NO! There's no need to do that. I do see some other things worth looking at now that you mention it." Pete leered at Fiona and very obviously looked at her crotch. He felt his cock twitch. There was a steady stream of clear liquid draining from her pussy and running down the cheeks of her ass. His cock came fully hard.

"You know it's dangerous to tease a man who's been without pussy and in the wilds of Afghanistan as long as I have been. It could go really hard on you ya know."

Fiona laughed and said, "I sure hope so. Remember pussy's been without cock as long as cock has been without pussy. I think we need to drink our coffee and reintroduce them to each other before we have breakfast and go over to the folks."


After a robust reintroduction of cock to pussy Pete and Fiona took a little nap before she prepared and they ate what Pete refers to as a 'real breakfast'. Fiona made biscuits, ham and eggs and hash browns. Of course there was more coffee to go with the meal. She quickly loaded the dishwasher before they threw on their outer clothes and took off for her parent's home. They arrived just as Seth and Bridget were sitting down to lunch.

Bridget looked up when the young couple walked into the kitchen. She jumped up and began setting two more places at the table for them to eat. Fiona looked guilty and said, "Don't do that momma. We just finished breakfast about fifteen minutes ago. Neither one of us is hungry."

"Fiona Morgan! Whatever were you doing that you made Pete wait until noon for breakfast? I thought I raised you better than that." Seth snorted, and then laughed. Bridget turned to glare at him then she blushed. She looked hurriedly toward Fiona to see her covered in a deep blush. Her mouth dropped open in shock then she too turned deep red. "Oh," she whispered. She rapidly turned to her lunch and began eating.

Fiona moved to the cabinet and took out two glasses. She put ice in them then filled them with ice tea. She walked up to Pete and handed him one. Before she stepped back she gave him a quick gentle kiss. She sat at the table beside her mother and stuck her left hand out over her mother's plate.

Bridget looked down at the hand then squealed. She grabbed Fiona's hand to steady it while she looked at the engagement ring. After her parents finished their lunch Fiona helped her mother clear the table and do dishes. Seth took Pete out to sit in the yard and visit.

Pete and Fiona took a load of her belongings back to his home when they left that day. They continued to work his little 80 acre farm. He stayed in the Reserves. Additionally they helped with the work on Fiona's parent's farm. As the years progressed they took over complete operation of both farms. After their second child was born the two families traded homes and Seth and Bridget lived in Pete's old cave home until they both passed away.

Pete retired from the USAR after 40 years as a Command Sergeant Major. His and Fiona's youngest son continued to operate the combined farms. In their turn Pete and Fiona moved back into the cave home and let their son and his family have the larger main house. During his life Pete made and kept three major promises. He promised Polly if she left to whore around he would never be in her bed again. He promised to love honor and cherish Fiona until death did them part which he did. He promised her father that he would care for his daughter which he did.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
OvercriticalOvercriticalabout 1 month ago

You have this "down home" sounding style which makes it sound authentic for the setting you gave us. More importantly you built the story around the values that made this country strong and maybe will again. Good people doing the right things and working together to make families, communities and friends. Thanks for making this sound real and valuable. 5*

LechemanLecheman4 months ago

I must while enjoying the story, I did miss not hearing how Polly blundered with her pregnancy, she was too smug.

muddman74muddman749 months ago

Very nice story. 5 star material for me and thank you for posting it here to share with us.

oldtwitoldtwitabout 1 year ago

Nicely written, nice clean plot, good character development just a very good story from start to finish

tonyneatotonyneatoabout 1 year ago

Perfect American patriot soldier story, Ex-fiance was a fucking delusional cunt and she needed her ass kicked by Fiona. 5 Stars

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