Playgirl's Obsession Ch. 03

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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 04/13/2022
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The next morning, Josh wakes up in his bed feeling quite refreshed. He blushes madly as he thinks about his passionate deflowering last night and smiles softly, seeing Christine's face in his mind. The boy can't believe he let her fuck him in the back of a moving car without even having drapes over the windows. It is easily the most insane thing he has ever done in his entire life, far crazier than how he went up to sing on the stage just minutes before that. It makes his heart beat wildly in his chest and Josh grabs his phone, checking for messages from last night. He switched it off when he was at the club with Christine.

Josh is surprised to see a long string of texts from Elizabeth begging for him to forgive her. He ignores these and looks for anything Christine might have sent him and finds none, much to the boy's disappointment. After what they did last night, he expects the two of them to start going out. She did say that she likes him, before they had wild sex in her limousine. He only hopes that she meant what she said and wasn't only using him for his mouth and dick. Josh has already been disappointed once and doesn't wish to have to endure that kind of pain ever again.

Deciding to be the one to call her, Josh quickly dials her number and patiently waits for her to pick up. He feels giddy to call Christine after how he lost his virginity to her last night. Josh only has to wait for about a few minutes before she picks up and answers. "Hi!" he says to her eagerly. "Listen, I had a really great time last night and was thinking about going to get some coffee. Want to go together?" He notes his lower lip, holding the phone up to his ear as he waits for her reply.

Christine wanted to call him. But the blonde beauty feels unworthy of such a good, innocent soul. She has engaged in various hedonistic acts, objectifying men and using them for pleasure. Yes, they've always been willing and she took care of them, but she is still just a player. So Christine says "Yeah, it was fun, too. You are much better than my other whores. Are you sure you were a virgin before me? You are pussy like a seasoned slut." Her words sting Josh a lot and he gasps in disbelief, shocked that she would say this to him after how she comforted him earlier.

He can feel the tears stinging his eyes as he takes in all that she's said to him. After how they cuddled in the car after fucking, and the way she kissed him goodnight, he is still no better than one of her hookers? Really? "So you just think of me as one of those prostitutes you've hired," he surmises in a trembling voice, breaking Christine's heart. But she has to do this, because she knows no other way, after spending all her time putting on this playgirl exterior. She has never had feelings for anyone before. The girl is legitimately scared of having a relationship with him, knowing how much of a better person he is than her, and that it would break her all over if he realizes that and leaves her.

She clears her throat, feeling herself choke up with tears of her own. But she has to do it. To protect him from herself, because he deserves much better than a man-eating playgirl who throws men away like used Kleenex. "Of course! Actually, you're even better. I didn't even have to buy you a drink to get you to drop your pants. You're so easy, like one of those dogs that really need to be fucked. A bitch in heat. All I had to do is say that I like you."

Now Josh is scoffing bitterly. He shakes his head in his room, almost dropping his phone from how faint he feels right now. This is incredible. He can't believe he is listening to this right now. It's bullshit! "If you keep acting the way you do, you'll have spent your entire family fortune by the time you turn 30 when you could have had all the things you wanted without having to pay for them," he tells her sharply, trying to sound as if he isn't about to break into tears again.

Feeling like she might have made a terrible mistake, Christine listens from the other end of the line and thinks about what she just said and heard. She has never had to deal with something like this before. Usually it was fuck the handsome guy, sleep and then send him off with a wad of cash in the morning. "Good! I'll be having a piece of you again later," she says to him when he suddenly hangs up, not bothering to say goodbye. Christine is shocked but realizes she has no right to be upset when she just talked to him that way.

Over the next ten minutes, Josh tries to take deep breaths to calm himself down in his bedroom. He is humiliated at having been used so callously. He doesn't know what to do about it and tries to find a way to stop himself from thinking about her, but Christine is now constantly on his mind. It hurts so bad to be told he means nothing more than one of her hookers and he has no idea how he can even begin to recover from that. He has forgiven Carter but the two of them still haven't gotten back to speaking terms like before.

Eventually, Larry enters the room to check in on him. He finds the boy, sitting on the edge of his bed, clearly weeping. The butler sits down next to him like he did the day before. "Any further developments, Mr Josh?" he asks. "More girl problems you want to share with this old man?" Josh looks at him gratefully. Talking to Larry about this would be easier than his own mom and dad, who just tried to pimp him out to his cheating girlfriend last evening so they could get promotions and bigger checks.

He thinks about how he can tell Larry what happened and get the advice he needs. Josh trusts the man but still doesn't want to confide his sexual life to anyone. He ends up deciding to just give him a very brief outline of the events, with none of the details. "After finding out that Lizzie tried to cheat on me again," he says, making Larry gasp. "Yes, you heard right. She tried to go behind my back for a second time. After that, I went to Christine and lost my virginity to her, and in the back of a limousine too. I called Christine five minutes ago and she said that she only sees me as a plaything."

Larry stares at him in shock and Josh smiles lightly. He can't blame the older man for his reaction. Who would have thought that Josh would end up getting deflowered in a moving car? That is just something no one expected, least of all Larry, who has known him for Josh's entire life and knows fully well how reserved the boy is. "Well, if she really said that, then she doesn't deserve you, Mister Josh," he finally says.

"Thank you, Larry," Josh says to him. He thinks about what happened over the past 24 hours and ponders over it all. The boy thought he could move on and be with Christina but she just said he is nothing more than a whore to her, so obviously that won't work. "I think I'll go back to Elizabeth," he says to the butler and then leaves the room, heading outside quickly, deciding that it would be better to stay with a cheater who still loves him than someone who only wants to add him to her collection. He'll only give Elizabeth one more chance though. If she cheats on him again then he'd simply be alone.

He quickly travels to Elizabeth's house, which isn't far away, wanting to talk to her and get back together as quickly as possible, hoping that it would work out well enough this time around. On his way there, he thinks about how he is going to face her again and gets very nervous. Thankfully, more than ten hours has passed since he was deflowered, so his face probably no longer smells of Christine's pussy.

As he is standing outside her house, he waits after knocking, thinking about what he is going to say to her when she opens the door. He is still not sure if this is the right decision or not, when Elizabeth shows up to open the door. She looks pretty but couldn't even hope to compare to Christine. "Honey!" she says to him. "Look, I'm really sorry about what happened yesterday, but could you please, pretty please, give me another chance? I swear I will never cheat on you again." She looks at the boy pleadingly, hoping he would be kind enough to got out with her again, really desperate for what is now the third chance.

Josh looks at her. He waits before nodding. Elizabeth squeals, excited, flinging her arms around him in a massive hug. She feels so glad that he is here for her again and decides not to make the same mistake she did before. "If you cheat on me again I'm leaving you for good," he warns her and she quickly nods, hugging him tightly. She isn't going to mess up this time, she thinks to herself. "I mean it. No more chances. This is the absolute last one that you will ever get, got that?" Elizabeth nods in acceptance.


"What?!" Christine shrieks at Josh when she finds out what happened. She didn't expect that he would end up going to Elizabeth and is now feeling very jealous, despite being the one to tell him that she can't be with him. It pisses her off to no end and her expression clearly shows this. "How could you be with that slag again after she cheated on you? She tried to do it again too and you're still giving her a chance?"

Josh went straight to her place after seeing Elizabeth. He really wanted to be with Christine after what they did last night but the way she told him he's just a whore really killed that thought and he knows better than to expect romance after that. It's just unrealistic and wishful thinking. He sighs and says to the leggy blonde that "Elizabeth didn't compare me to a bunch of prostitutes." Christine's face shows regret as she takes in how she messed up with what she said to him earlier, before it becomes replaced with resolve.

"You can't be with her," she says to him as he is about to leave. Josh looks at her curiously, now wondering what she is going to say to him. "I don't want to see the two of you together. If you go out with her, I am going to tell dear Elizabeth that you lost your virginity to me in the back of a moving vehicle." She stares him down fiercely. "I've never been possessive over any of my sluts before, so you should feel special for being the first one." Josh looks at her intently and tries to see deep into her eyes, thinking carefully.

"Say it," he finally utters, making her frown in confusion. He then steps towards her, surprising the girl with his movement. "If you can tell me you feel the same way about me as I feel about you after last night, I'll never talk to Elizabeth again. But don't call me a whore and expect me to still be around, because I'm not one of your prostitutes and I will never be one of them!" Josh lingers for a moment, expecting her to say something, but when she doesn't he leaves and goes home, thinking about how things are going to be from now on.


Josh feels very upset after what happened. If only Christine would give in and admit her feelings for him. He thought that she meant it when she said he's just a toy but when she reacted in that way to the news of him resuming his relationship with Elizabeth, it's clear that he was wrong. But she wouldn't accept it. She wont' tell him that she likes him, even though it is blatantly obvious to both of them. He exhales in frustration, closing the book he's been trying to read for the past half and hour and settling it down next to him on the bed. It's all giving him such a massive headache!

One good thing is that his birthday is coming up the next week. Elizabeth insisted on hosting a large party at her place and his parents told him that that is what they will be having. It seems they are planning to have him and her engaged there in front of everyone. The thought feels so messed up on so many levels and he wants to tell them that it will never happen. He now knows that he no longer wants to be with Elizabeth and will always choose Christine over her now, if Christine is willing to be with him. He is only leaning onto Lizzie as an emotional crutch, which he knows is horrible of him, but he is in this much pain in the first place because of her.

Finally the party arrives and he goes to her place, surprised by the crowd there. She must have used magic to get everybody in their year to attend. That's the only explanation, looking at the huge amount of people hanging out. But the girl herself is nowhere to be seen. Josh wonders where the girl in question is right now. He walks outside the house, thinking she might be sitting on the porch like she does sometimes when she feels that there is a little bit too many people inside.

To his surprise, he finds her with Carter. Deciding that he is going to eavesdrop, he sneaks up and places himself against a tree, hiding behind it. Focusing intently, Josh could make out the words they were saying to each other. "Are you out of your fucking mind?" Carter is yelling. "You want to fuck me again after promising Josh you would be faithful to him? And on his birthday?" Josh doesn't feel as enraged as he would have back then, since his feelings for her has pretty much already gone away.

Elizabeth is now trying to hush Carter up. Josh smiles lightly, thinking about how unnecessary her being so secretive it. He was already planning to break up with her and then go to be with Christine anyways, so there is no point. "Be quiet! Look, the whole point of inviting loads of people over is to make sure he won't find out. My other friends would keep an eye on him and intercept him. They'd talk to him and make sure that he isn't able to leave the living room. No way is he going to find out about us getting it on for a third time. I do love him and don't want to lose him. Hence why I took these precautions.

"Your friends aren't doing a very good job right now," Josh says as he emerges from his spot behind the tree, making Elizabeth gasp in horror. "If you wanted people to keep an eye on me while you cheat with my best friend, it would be wise not to give those people access to strong liquor, especially when they have a proclivity towards getting shit-faced drunk. I won't be too surprised if the girls you've tasked with watching me are now passed out on your various couches."

Elizabeth feels fear grip her heart and knows that this time around, she has probably fucked things up completely beyond repair. There is no way that she didn't, after trying to cheat on him for the third time, and at his own birthday too, no less. "Baby, please. Let me just explain this," she tries desperately. "It is not what it looks like." She knows how lame that is and tries to follow him as he steps back, slowly getting the hell away from her. The way he does so in such a detached way makes her heart ache.

Josh heads straight back to the living room where he sits down on a couch and waits for the party to die off. Once everyone's left, he goes back home. He would have left the place much earlier but it would have been rude of him to do so, since the party was thrown in his honour. The boy feels a bit down since Christine didn't show up. He hasn't spoken to her since the day she called him a whore but still really wants to see her again.

And then she enters his house. The blonde walks in with a box in her hand and gives him a warm smile. Josh looks at her curiously as she sits down next to him. "Are you here to have some fun with me, your favorite prostitute?" he snarks at her, before she astonishes him by opening the box and revealing a gold watch inside it. "Christine, I can't accept it. This is too expensive," Josh protests as she clasps it around his left wrist, smiling at him.

"You can, baby. It's your birthday and I want to give you the best present that I can," she says, cupping his warm cheek and gazing at him with adoration. "I'm so sorry I lied to you. You mean much more to me than all those prostitutes combined. I really do have feelings for and want to be with you, Josh. I've actually been in love with you for a while now. Will you give me a second chance?" Josh can't believe that Christine is finally saying what he's been wanting to hear for so long. With tears of happiness in his eyes, he nods and the two of them share a passionate lovers' kiss.

"I'll give you a second chance," he says to her. The two of them make out on the bed passionately when suddenly there is the sound of knocking at the door. They pause and look as someone opens in and walks in. Elizabeth stands there with a shocked expression on her face.

"You bitch! How could you do this? You know I love Josh," she screams at Christine and lunges at her. Christine easily knocks her down with a kick to the chest and then turns back to kiss Josh again. Josh kisses her back just as roughly and gropes her large ass, right in front of Elizabeth's disbelieving eyes.

Elizabeth leaves the room with tears in her eyes. Many years later, when Christine and Josh send her an invitation to their wedding, Elizabeth still couldn't get over him.

The End.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

An abyss of shite.

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