Playing with Dolly - Ch. 01


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He smiled. "Relax. I have a rubber device that will make sure that doesn't happen. But we have some way to go before we get there."

"Sorry?" I managed to say before he kissed me again. And then his hands were everywhere - not just on my breasts, which is what I was expecting, but on my arms, and over my tummy, and stroking my thighs - and his mouth kept moving from my lips to my neck to my nipples - which felt really tingly and set up some lovely sensations between my legs - and then back again. Eventually, his hand moved between my thighs, and suddenly I began to realise why some of the girls in the office were whispering so excitedly about sex. I was certain that it was my job to keep my legs apart - that seemed to be the only bit of sex that I'd been told about - so his fingers went into my open fanny and touched places I didn't realise existed. Meanwhile, his other hand and his mouth were doing some exquisite things to my breasts. I thought that, despite all his crude language, Frank was giving me the introduction to sex I'd always dreamed about.

And do you know, my dear, I wasn't wrong. If I'd been able to look at what horse-racing experts call 'form', I would have found that Frank Owens was fucking brilliant. And brilliant at fucking. Yes, my dear, I soon got over my distaste for that word, and for all the others that so aptly describe sexual activity. And I think I couldn't have chosen a better man to relieve me of my bothersome virginity.

Frank's exploration of my fanny was delicious. Oh yes, we called it a fanny in those days; sometimes a minge. Nowadays, everyone seems to have adopted the American word 'pussy'. Frank certainly knew how to stroke it, and I was soon purring with delight. His surprisingly gentle, long fingers were running up and down my slit and then probing deeper and deeper inside me. I don't know what your first experience of sex was like, my dear - I hope I can persuade you to tell me about it later - but this was, for me, out of this world. I'd genuinely had no idea what it would feel like. I'd sometimes get wet, watching a handsome film star, especially if he were engaged in what, for the time, was considered a racy scene. But I'd been taught that masturbation was dirty, even sinful - though I really didn't know what it was - so I'd never even explored my own body. When I look back, I was a totally fucking innocent.

(There was a pause on the recording as she put out her first cigarette, lit a second and took a large sip of her whisky).

Anyway, I was really enjoying what Frank was doing, when suddenly there was a jolt of pain, right inside me.

"Oh Frank," I gasped, "what have you done to me? That really hurt!"

He just smiled back and said "Relax, Dolly. That's the last pain you're going to feel from me, I promise. I just broke your hymen. It might be a bit sore for a while, but I'm going to try to take your mind off it. I thought it would be better than breaking it with my cock when we fuck, because then it might put you off being fucked. I want you to enjoy it as much as possible the first time, so that you want to do it again. Preferably with me. Now, where were we. Oh yes, I was just about to devour your sweet fanny."

"Wha.... AAAAAAH" was about all I could say. Before I knew what was happening, he'd slid down under the bedclothes, lifted my legs over his shoulders and his mouth was right there, licking my slit, nibbling the lips of my virginal fanny. I was shocked; I'd never thought about any form of oral sex. I guess I either hadn't overheard the juicier bits of conversation from my female colleagues, or perhaps their men never did that for them. But shock soon turned to delight as I realised that this was some of the most intense pleasure I'd ever felt. And within a couple of minutes, darling Frank gave me my first orgasm. And not very long afterwards, my second. The sensations were amazing - my insides felt like they'd received some highly-pleasurable electric shocks. My body just convulsed and churned, but in a way I just couldn't get enough of. Over the next however long - I couldn't keep track of time - his tongue and fingers just kept on giving me a delightful roller-coaster ride of climax after climax. He had a finger quite a long way up inside me, and after an initial period of slight soreness, even that started to be pleasurable.

Some women - poor creatures - can't take more than one orgasm. I learned, at the first attempt, that I was what they now call 'multi-orgasmic'. For as long as Frank was prepared to lick me, I could drift effortlessly along on a cloud of erotic sensations, reaching a peak, moaning and squealing and thrashing around in delight, then slowly allowing it to ebb away until he ramped-up the sensations again.

Finally, he stopped. I don't think I begged him to, so I guess his mouth just got tired. He resurfaced beside me, his face covered in my wetness, smiling broadly.

"Stone me, Dolly", he said. "That was amazing! I've never enjoyed eating fanny as much before. Judging by the noises you were making, and the way you thrashed around, I think you liked that too. You kept coming and coming. And your juices are sweet."

I was a little embarrassed. I asked him "Did I - did I make a lot of noise?"

"Yeah" he replied. "I'd say you made enough noise. I don't like the strong, silent types. I prefer girls who scream the place down. You did quite a good job of that."

"Oh, Frank, what must you think of me?" I said, feeling ashamed of what must have seemed quite wanton behaviour.

He laughed, and replied "I think you're a very sexy young lady, Dolly, and one who I'm going to enjoy fucking - if you'll let me. And if you're ready to try being fucked, I've already broken your hymen, so no-one's ever going to believe you're still a virgin."

Although he kept using that dirty, brutal word that had always revolted me in the past, it somehow didn't seem quite so awful now that he'd given me levels of sexual pleasure that, in my naïvety, I'd never imagined I could experience.

But I was still quite frightened about the size of his cock. I'd never seen an erect one before, so I said, rather nervously "You're - you're very big, and I'm quite tiny. Do you think - do you think it'll fit?"

He was wiping my juices off his face with the sheet. "Sweet Dolly," he said, "yes, I'm sure it'll fit. It may be a little snug, but that'll make it better for both of us. If you give me a moment to put this rubber on, I'll demonstrate." He fiddled around for a few moments under the sheets, then turned back to me. "Judging by how you reacted to the first phase of my manoeuvre," he said, "I think you're going to enjoy this next bit. Now it might be a little uncomfortable when I first go in, but try to relax and remember all the pleasure I just gave you. I promise I'll do my best to give you some more of that. But you need to be a good girl for me - and if you can't do that, be a naughty girl for me. Just open your legs..."

"...and think of England?" I replied.

"Forget England right now," was his reply. "No, just think of how nice it is to have a handsome man between your legs and a hard cock inside your fanny for the first time. Just think of how you'll feel when you go into the office tomorrow morning and look at all those sad virgins, and all those tragic housewives and girlfriends who've never had an orgasm, now that you know how it feels." He swung his leg over mine, slid into position and rested on his elbows on either side of me.

I'll admit, I was worried. I thought 'what if it's too big and it tears me? What if he's lying and he makes me pregnant? What if...'

But then he suddenly covered my mouth with his and kissed me again. One hand cupped a breast, and he played with my nipple, which felt so erotic. And this rubbery thing started sliding up and down my wide-open slit, which felt strange but not unpleasant. Then he shifted his weight and used his free hand to reach down and line up with my entrance.

He looked at me very seriously. "Are you ready? Ready to enjoy your first fuck?" he asked.

"I - I think so..." was all I could say.

He seemed a little exasperated. He said "Dolly, you beautiful doll, you've got a very randy bloke's cock aimed straight into your sweet, wet, virgin little fanny hole. It's now or never, gorgeous. What's it to be?"

I guess I just nodded and said "Yes. Yes, please," in a quiet voice.

He smiled and said "Right, just think of me as your doctor, about to give you an injection. Just open wide and say 'ah'."

I smiled back at him - I think I actually laughed - opened my legs as wide as they'd go under the bedding, and started to say 'aaaah'. And then it became more "AAAH!" as I felt his cock slowly force its way into my tight little virgin cunt."

(At this point, there was a noise on the tape as I spluttered in surprise at hearing this plummy-voiced woman of nearly ninety casually using the c-word. I wasn't sure whether Dolly meant to shock me or if that was part of her normal vocabulary, but I guessed she was toying with me to see how far she could go. I said nothing except "go on." I remember she smiled broadly, clearly amused by the game she was playing with me. For my part, I could feel my nipples stiffening and my pussy getting wet, listening to her story about how Frank had deflowered her.)

Of course, it hurt. Well, no, that's not true. I suppose I could say it was uncomfortable. When you're a virgin and you haven't had anything up your cunt before, it's bound to be tight. But I was young and the body is surprisingly elastic, so it stretched. I discovered in later years, when I'd had more experience of different-sized cocks, that Frank's really was a decent size - I don't know, maybe around seven and half long and rather thick - so it was quite a lot of meat ration to feed a poor, emaciated little fanny. It didn't help that, in those days, condoms weren't lubricated, so he only had my juices to glide on. But he took his time - a little in, a little out - and slowly I got used to the stretch. And once he was sure he was inside - maybe three or four inches in - he moved his hand onto my clit and started rubbing it gently with his thumb. His other hand was still on my breast, teasing my nipple gently, and he dipped his head to suck the other one. He really was an artist, keeping all of my key erogenous zones occupied and pleasured while I got used to having a cock inside me.

And it did take a while. Yes, the cunt is meant to stretch to accommodate a baby coming the other way, so it should be able to take any size of cock - and believe me I've had some whoppers in my time.

(She paused and looked wistful for a moment before continuing).

But I hadn't really thought about it very much and didn't know what to expect. I had this strange, romantic illusion that penetration would be gentle and pleasant. I really don't know what I expected, except that I had this idiotic notion that a penis was about the size of a fountain pen. I'd caught a glimpse of a boy's soft one when we were at school and I thought that was how big they were. So having Frank gradually work over seven inches of thick, hard meat up inside me was a surprise. The stretch wasn't something I was prepared for, and I suppose I was quite tense; this was all new, after all. So that first insertion wasn't the most comfortable experience.

But as I say, Frank took it slowly and gently, and by the time he'd got right inside me, as deep as he could go, I was starting to enjoy it.

"How does that feel?" he asked, once he was all the way in.

"Er, strange. But - but, er, nice," was my rather banal reply. I remember it well. I couldn't have been much more imbecilic.

Unsurprisingly, Frank laughed. "Oh, Dolly, you're priceless," he said. "You're lying spreadeagled and helpless on a mattress with a bloke you've only known a couple of weeks on top of you, pushing his cock right up inside you - your first ever cock - and all you can say is that it's 'strange but nice'. Very well, how's this?"

He pulled back much more quickly than he'd gone in, and I gasped. And then he slid back in, this time all the way in one go, and started a rhythmic thrusting, pulling almost all the way out and pushing all the way in. Well, at first this was borderline painful. My cunt had never been used before, and now it was getting properly fucked for the first time, and I was unsure what to make of it.

(Dolly used the obscenities so casually that I had to assume that was how she normally talked. I wondered whether I could even use this part of the recording. But whether or not it was going to be useful for my dissertation, the story was definitely having an effect on me).

But he was still rubbing what I later discovered was my clitoris, and he started to angle his cock so it rubbed on the front of my cunt, in a way that stimulated what they now call the g-spot. Most of us had no idea what or where it was in those days, but Frank seemed to know instinctively how to move his cock to give me maximum pleasure, because yes, after less than a minute I really started enjoying it. I was getting these sensations from all over; from inside my cunt, from my clitoris, from my nipples and from my lips, as he kept returning to kiss me. Instinctively I wrapped my legs around his, and that felt even better.

I really didn't realise what was meant to happen when a guy is fucking you, what I was meant to feel. I'd been told that women didn't orgasm, but Frank had shown me that that wasn't true. And then there was this big lump of hard meat, rhythmically invading my body, attached to a handsome, kind man, and that felt glorious, both physically and emotionally. And Frank seemed to know every button to press to make the whole experience feel better. I was finally relaxing into it, enjoying all of the glorious sensations, when he upped the pace, fucking me faster and harder. And suddenly I was breathless, and I could feel this strange friction inside me, right on a spot that felt really, really good, and he kept up the pressure on my clitoris. And then he said "Dolly, you're gorgeous, and beautiful, and a delicious, amazing girl, and I love fucking you."

And I came again. I couldn't believe it. This was different from the first time. When he was licking my fanny, I had what I later learned were clitoral orgasms. The one he gave me through fucking me was a vaginal orgasm, and I understand that a lot of poor women don't ever get one of those. It was sometime later that I had my first anal orgasm, which was different again, but I love them all.

(Again, there was that wicked smile. This posh-voiced old lady was clearly demonstrating that sex wasn't invented, or discovered, in the Sixties. It was clear that, twenty years earlier than that, grandmothers and great-grandmothers-to-be were experimenting with their bodies in ways that might feature in some pretty-extreme porn movies even today. I'd never had such a sexually-explicit conversation with another woman - and I certainly hadn't expected something like this from a sweet-looking old granny like Dolly. This was in equal parts exciting and disturbing).

Anyway, he only managed about another dozen strokes before I heard - and felt - Frank coming. I was so tight in those days that I could feel the throbbing of his cock inside me. I remember thinking 'what if the rubber splits?' But after lots of kisses and hugs, I felt his softening cock slide out of me. He sat up and peeled off the condom, and I was delighted - and, I guess, being such an innocent, a little disgusted - to see a pool of fluid, trapped inside the end or the rubber sleeve. He tied it in a knot and, for want of anywhere else, put it by the bedside.

We kissed a lot, and he held me close, and then we drifted off to sleep. Later in the night, I woke up. The storm had come back with a vengeance, and there was thunder. Even around the blackout curtains I could see the lightning. But I was here, in a warm bed, in the arms of a gentle, considerate lover, who had just 'helped me out' of my virginity with the gentlest of touches, and I still tingled with the memory of all those orgasms I had never imagined I could have. I was aware of Frank's limp cock, resting against my leg, and I reached down to cradle it in my hand. I realised that I hadn't even touched it before, though it had touched me in some very intimate places, albeit through a rubber sheath. It felt silky. I liked it.

And I was surprised that, as I held it, it started to swell and grow. Within a minute, it filled my hand and felt hot and quite hard.

"You can stroke it if you like," Frank said softly in my ear. I don't know whether he'd been awake all the time or whether my hand on his cock had woken him. It just felt so deliciously naughty to stroke him like this, as he cradled my naked body. But I already knew what I wanted.

"Frank. Would you - would you please, er, f-fuck me again?" I asked. I'd realised that once was definitely not enough. As Frank had said earlier, I felt I had to live in the moment. If Jerry flew over and dropped a bomb on the house we were sheltering in, I didn't want to be the girl who'd died having only ever had a single fuck in her entire life.

The room was almost entirely dark, but I could just make out the gleam of his teeth as he grinned. "Oh Dolly," he replied, "it would be my absolute pleasure."

This time, he mostly ensured I was wet by using just his fingers on me. And I was already quite wet from the last time, and from anticipating the next time, so it wasn't long before I was gasping "Oh Frank, please fuck me now." You can see how quickly I'd turned into a slut. I should have been ashamed, but it was like I'd suddenly opened a box of delights, and a wanted to play with all the glorious sparkly things inside.

This time I helped him on with the condom, as he knelt on the bed in front of me. He asked me to spit on my hand and then smear the saliva over the rubber, to act as extra lubricant. It seemed a bit gross to me, but having remembered the last time and the slight pull of the unlubricated rubber on the inside of my cunt, it seemed like a good idea.

And this time, he went in smoothly, and my body rose up to welcome him. He pulled my legs up so they were wrapped around his waist, and I could feel him going deeper than before. He built up the rhythm quite quickly. Again, his thumb went onto my clitoris, and I had my arms around his shoulders, kissing him and rubbing my breasts on his chest, enjoying the friction on my nipples. Before, I'd been a sweet, passive little thing, taking my medicine like a good little girl. This time, I knew what I wanted. I wanted to be energetically and unapologetically fucked by a handsome man until he made me come again. And, of course, Frank didn't disappoint. This time I managed two orgasms before he came.

The next morning, we dressed in our still-damp clothes and went into the office, deliberately arriving separately. I went home to change that evening, explaining to my landlady that I'd had to take shelter in a Tube station to avoid the storm. As that was quite a common experience in the Blitz - hiding from bombs, rather than the rain - I was believed. And then I went back to the same bombed-out house for another night of delicious, illicit and totally orgasmic sex with Frank.

Over subsequent weeks, we returned to the same place several times. One night we were nearly caught by the ARP - the Air Raid Patrol busybodies - and the next night we found that someone had boarded the place up and we couldn't get in, so we had to be inventive and find other places. Sometimes this proved too hard, and we'd have a frustrating evening, unable to enjoy each other's bodies.