Pleasure is Only Skin Deep

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A friendy nurse falls for an older man.
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I'm almost 60 years old and almost 6'2'' and almost staying close to 200 lbs. I take pretty good care of myself and get away with lying about my age -- more due to genetics than gym time. It also helps that I have a full head of hair and a dark enough complexion to look tanned all year. Anyway, I'm a pretty good package for an old guy. I've been single since Mary died and I get out a bit but I'm not really a player anymore. My only physical problem is the sun damage from all those years on offshore rigs and vacations in the Caribbean. I go see the dermatologist every 3 or 4 months to get checked out for weird moles and precancerous growths.

No big deal if they catch them before anything develops. I like the Doc and have gotten well acquainted with the staff after three years of visits, joking with them about the 'trophies' they collect for biopsies and crowding their schedule with my frequent follow-up visits. There is one cute nurse that I particularly enjoy. She's got long black hair, flawless skin, a nice smile, sparkly eyes, and a ready sense of humor. Maybe a bit thick-limbed for an Asian girl, but not overweight and very well proportioned, as far as I could tell through those baggy scrubs. We always tease a bit as she takes notes, applies bandages, or pulls stiches. Nothing overt or inappropriate, just casual chit-chat that often draws a giggle or a mock scolding.

Once when I was being attended by the PA, I asked the name of that pretty Asian nurse, and she said "Oh, that's Celeste," just as she came into the room. Celeste asked, "Did you call me?" and the PA said "No, Mr. Lopez just asked the name of the pretty Asian nurse, and I said your name, but everything I need is on his chart."

Celeste blushed and said "Oh, he must mean Judith..."

"No, no," I said. "I meant you. I feel like I know you but I'm sorry that I never got your name.... But it is a pretty name, and it suits you well."

She flashed her familiar smile, the dimples perhaps a bit deeper. "Now you're just trying to dodge the biopsy, but it's got to be done so roll over and let me prepare you for the doctor." And so it went. They scheduled me for two weeks hence for the follow up.

My appointment was late on a Friday, and everyone was ready to wrap it up. I was pleased that it was Celeste that came to prep me for the exam. She asked if I needed a gown or just wanted to strip down to my undies. I told her I had no secrets from them, as they had all seen my entire body in the course of several extensive skin exams.

'Yeah," she said, "most of it..." with a laugh. "The doctor will be right with you."

The biopsy was negative, so the doctor just zapped a couple spots with liquid nitrogen and sent me on my way with best wishes for a pleasant weekend. I got dressed, had a brief chat with the receptionist and headed for the parking lot, stopping by the convenience store around the corner to pick up a six-pack and some chips. When I got back to the nearly empty lot Celeste was standing beside her car looking vexed.

She saw me approaching and said, "Damned thing won't start!" By way of demonstration, she got behind the wheel and tried the starter again. It groaned and ticked and died.

"Your battery is dead," I told her. "Bummer, but I have jumper cables in my rig, and I can probably get you going."

"Oh, thank you Mr. Lopez. I hope that's all it takes."

And it was. I connected the batteries, and she started it right up, rewarding my meagre efforts with a big smile. I told her to take it around the block a few times to see if the alternator was working enough to charge it up and then come back here to see if it will start again. She drove off with a wave and a smile and was back in 15 minutes. She turned off the motor and then held her breath as she tried the ignition again. It fired right up, and she cheered as she revved the engine. "You are the greatest Mr. Lopez! Thank you sooo much. How can I repay you?"

"Well," I said, "first of all it's not Mr. Lopez but Danny, and second of all, you could join me for a cup of coffee at the bistro on the corner and we can come back and see if it is charged up enough to start again."

She flashed another grateful grin and said "You bet, and I really appreciate your help with this. I need to get to the gym by 7:00 and I didn't want to have to deal with a dead car. Let's go and I'll buy."

We settled into a booth with our lattes and talked like two friends rather than patient and nurse. I found out her parents were Filipino on the mother's side and Scottish-Chinese on the father's. She was 27 years old and wasn't seeing anyone since her former boyfriend took a job in Alaska almost a year ago. She commented that she knew my age from the office records, but would have guessed much younger, and asked, rather coquettishly I thought, if I frequented a gym. Getting a 'no' she asked what I did to stay so fit. I told her I had good genes, an active job, and then lied that I played a lot of sports. She said whatever it was it was working for me, and so after some feigned modesty followed by an awkward pause, I took my shot...

"Would you be willing to have dinner with an old man who doesn't seem as old as he really is?"

Her eyes flared a little wider and her dimples got a little deeper and her long dark lashes fluttered. "You mean like a date? I haven't been asked out for ages and I'm flattered. But yes, thank you, I'd love to..."

I said "It's hard to believe that you don't have a busy social calendar, so I'll just call it my good luck. And yes, like a date. Do you prefer Mexican, Japanese, Bar-B-Q, or..."

"I love sushi," she said.

"Great. Me too. I'll pick you up at 7:00 tomorrow." And just like that, I had a booking for Saturday night.

I showed up at 7:00 sharp and she came down from her second-floor apartment before I had a chance to call for her at the door. She looked great. Her hair was loose and hung halfway down her back. I had only seen her in the mint green medical scrubs, but now she was in tight spandex yoga pants and a loose fitting knit top. I couldn't tell what she had under that but from the waist down she looked better than ever, and I told her so.

"Thank you Mr. Lop... Danny" with a grin. "You look pretty sharp yourself, for an old guy." She made it a tease and I took it for a compliment. I was rolling with my western look, in a denim shirt with pearl button snaps, designer jeans, and my best boots. We were off to a good start. She seemed impressed that I opened the car door for her. "And a gentleman too," she said.

"Too..? As in addition to what?"

"You stylin' that sexy cowboy look."


"It's a figure of speech. Don't let it go to your head." This with a mischievous grin.

I had called in a marker to get a reservation to the best sushi joint in the county, and she was suitably impressed. We settled into a booth in the private dinning section and ordered our first beaker of sake. The evening progressed like it was scripted -- we talked job stuff, hobbies, movies, travels past and planned, and along the way I got her laughing and putting on a glow. By the time I called for the check we had a nice buzz going and were good friends and getting better. We walked to the car and I held the door for her. She gave me a quick peck on the cheek as she passed by, sliding into the passenger seat. "You're sweet" she said, and I was too surprised to respond.

We didn't say much on the ride back to her place, and it was all comfortable, but there was some subtle tension in the air. When we got there, I turned to face her, trying to think of how to make a move and she said "You know, this night has been so enjoyable I hate to see it end. You wanna come up for a nightcap?" I told her I was just trying to figure out how to get a good night kiss, and she said "Well, come on up and you can take some more time to work on your strategy," and laughed as she got out of the car. I followed her up the stairs, enjoying the snug fit of her stretch pants and wondering how far this would go. I was not disappointed...

Her apartment was small and tidy, like you'd expect of a single nurse. A pair of dim motion-sensor lights came on as we entered, and she left it at that but flipped a switch on the stereo that filled the room with a soft Latin instrumental. She said "I'm going to use the powder room, but there is white wine in the fridge and glasses in the cupboard. I'll just be a minute so please serve up a pair," and disappeared down the darkened hallway. I poured two glasses of Chardonnay and was swaying slightly to the music when she returned, looking the same but smelling better. She dance-walked across the room in time to the music, took a glass from me and sipped at the wine. We clicked glasses and toasted the evening and stood still without speaking, like completing a ritual, then she stepped up close and kissed me on the lips. "That takes care of that part," she said with a sparkling grin, and then, coyly, "Now dance with me..?"

We parked the wine on a side table, and I took one of her hands in mine, put an arm around her waist and drew her to me. She put her free hand on my shoulder and rested her head against my chest. I felt her breasts pressed into me and her thighs against mine as we swayed to the languid rhythm. I felt the warmth of her body and inhaled her sweet scent, tightening my grip on her hand and spreading my fingers across the small of her back. The song ended but we continued to sway, locked in a full body embrace. I dropped her hand and gripped her tightly around the waist. Her breathing deepened, and she pressed herself harder into my body, flattening her tits against my chest, then reached up with both hands behind my neck and pulled my face down to hers. My hands left her waist and slowly slid up under her shirt, caressing her back as she plunged her tongue into my mouth.

I ran my hands up toward her shoulders and stroked her back, looking for the clasp on her bra strap. She broke away, saying "It's on the front of this one," and turned her back to me to give me access. I reached around and disconnected the little hooks between the silky cups of her bra, and it fell away as her breasts filled my hands. I felt her nipples harden into my palms and she pressed her butt against the swelling in my groin. She raised her arms, inviting me to strip off her top, which I did. She turned again to face me, saying, "Meet the girls..."and I ducked to take her breasts in my mouth. They were beautiful: the size of grapefruit, soft but firm with youth, the nipples sticking out like fingertips from dark silver dollar areolas. I sucked and nibbled them, massaging one in each hand. She sighed and reached out to unsnap the buttons of my shirt. Then she ducked to return the favor, licking and nibbling my flat man-nipples, sending an electric current through my core. She worked her way up to my neck, found my mouth again and delivered a prolonged passionate kiss, then broke it and whispered, "Let me show you the bedroom...".

My face felt flushed, but I don't know how it could be, what with all the blood flowing to my cock. She led me down the hall, disrobing as we went and were soon on her bed, clad only in our skivvies. We kissed hungrily and I went after her tits again, avidly suckling the hardened nipples with one hand firmly clamped between her legs. She squirmed and made little animal sounds, encouraging me with thrusting hips and pulling me to her with arms around my back. I worked my way down her body, pausing at the navel, and then getting a mouthful of her moist cotton panties. She raised her hips as I stripped them down over her thighs and off her heels.

I licked the soles of her feet and nibbled her toes, then began working my way slowly up past her ankles and calves, getting serious with the inner thighs. She was mewing and writhing when I got to the Y and opened her legs to reveal a perfect little clam with a dark triangle of wispy black hair pointing the way. I paused to admire it, and she reached down to open the gates, exposing her pearly inner lips and a swollen clitoris, standing up like a little bald man in a canoe. I ran my tongue slowly up her slit and flicked at her clit, then buried my face in her crotch, licking and sucking as her hands gripped my head and pulled me hard into her groin. She thrusted her hips against my mouth, making whimpering sounds, and her breathing became a chorus of rasping pants and before long she arched her back and squealed "Yessss!" as her juices flowed and she convulsed with the spasm of an orgasm.

I got my own labored breathing under control and wiped my face against her silky patch, kissing her belly as I worked my way north. She pulled my head up to nestle against her neck, whispering "Thank you... Now fuck me." I was happy to oblige, as by now my cock was hard enough to drive nails. I nestled into position between her legs and positioned the bulb of my cock head between the lips of her snatch. She opened her legs wider and gasped as I entered her. She started to cry when I slid it in bit by bit and picked up the rhythm. Cry like really cry, with tears rolling down her cheeks. I asked if it was hurting her and she said, "Gods no! It has been so long... Please don't stop!" I drove my shaft deep into her and she hooked her ankles together behind my back and started rocking into me, mashing her clit into my pubes and clenching my dick with her pussy. I asked if she was on birth control and she said "No, but I'm in my safe days, and I have an After Pill, so give me all you've got."

I tried remembering baseball scores and thinking of people I didn't like to prolong the ecstasy, but it was a losing battle and all too soon, I made the announcement and dumped my load deep into her hot grasping snatch. Her body stiffened, she cried out, arched her back, and flexed violently with her own climax. She clenched her legs around my hips, griped me in a barrel hug and wept into my neck. "I can't say that I love you," she said, "but I love what you just did to me, and I'm going to want it again, so don't even think about leaving." I kissed her tenderly, and we fell asleep, my cock softening within her and her tears drying on my neck.

I awoke sometime around midnight, her body spooned against mine, her buttocks pressed tight to my loins. I felt my cock rising into the crack of her ass and adjusted the aim to line it up with her vagina. She came half-awake and raised her top leg to give me access. She was still moist, and I slowly eased into her. She rolled over onto her stomach and I mounted her from above, my legs clamped around hers, impaling her on the hard pole of my penis, watching the cheeks of her ass ripple with each thrust. I felt I should apologize: "Sorry Baby, this one's for me." "Take it," she said. "Rape me." Overcome by passion, I stabbed deep into her luscious body, admiring the dark curtain of hair splayed across the smooth flesh of her back. I felt the tide slowly rise until at last the wave crested and crashed as I injected her with a hot blast of sperm. I released a long, contented sigh and collapsed on top of her. She purred and wiggled the cozy pillow of her ass beneath my thighs and whispered a gracious "You're welcome..."

I woke up with the daylight, alone in her bed. I heard water running and the sweet melody of her singing in the shower. I stretched and savored the memory of a glorious night. Before long she came out, wrapped in a white terrycloth bathrobe, her hair twisted into a pile of black rope atop her head, and carrying a damp hand towel. Her eyes twinkled as she bid me good morning and peeled back the bed covers. She paused to survey my resting body, then dropped the robe, kneeled, and wrapped my genitals in the warm towel. With a gentle nurse's touch, she wiped my ball sack and delicately swabbed my penis. I was soon hard and throbbing in her warm toweled fist. She said, "Good morning indeed," and loosed the dark cascade of her hair as she lowered her head to take my cock in her mouth.

She swirled her tongue around the pulsing tip and ran it up and down the shaft before emitting a soft whimper and drawing it into her throat. She licked me like a lollypop and sucked me like she was on life support. I reached for her nearest leg, and she stepped across my face, presenting the clean seam that ran from her pubic patch to the crack of her ass. I licked the length of it, pausing to tease at her butthole, then found the gates of heaven and drove my tongue in deep, nibbling her clit and savoring the musky tang of her fluids as she gripped my head with her legs. She cried out "Oh GOD!" and flexed her thighs, gasped, quivered, and came on my face. She moaned and upped the suction, humping her cunt against my mouth and pulling my cock deeper into hers.

We ate each other ravenously, reaching the high plateau of ecstasy, but delaying the crescendo, (at least I was), wanting to make this one last forever. She showed no signs of slowing down and I was getting to where I couldn't hold back any longer. I told her I was about to come, expecting her to change positions, but she mumbled "Give it to me!" and upped the tempo. Hearing her say that triggered me, and I gave up and exploded my load into her mouth. She kept on sucking and licked up the remains of my jism before turning around and sitting on what was left of the hardness in my cock. Her eyes were gleaming, and her tits bounced enticingly above me.

I wrapped my arms around her waist, enjoying her thrusting torso, but mainly just wanting to hold her in place, it felt so good. I eventually softened and slipped out, but she wasn't through. She wrapped her slit around my semi-engorged dick, rocking back and forth to stimulate her clit. I grabbed her tits as her tempo increased and her breath came in short gasps. I could see she was on the edge and raised my hips to help her make contact. He nails dug into the flesh of my chest, her eyes rolled back, she trembled uncontrollably, and shrieked "Oh My God Yessss!" as a massive orgasm consumed her. She convulsed and went limp, falling forward onto me, her breasts pressed tight against my chest. She nuzzled my neck and nibbled my earlobe and whispered once more: "Thaaank yooou..." and melted into me.

I hugged her close, clinging to her warmth like a drowning man to a life vest. "It is I who must thank you, girl. You have made me feel more alive than I have for years."

She cuddled closer and purred into my ear, "And you brought me back to life. I haven't had anyone give me pleasure or care about mine like you have for a long... OK, forever, and I thank you for that."

"I guess we both lucked out, then," I said. "It was good for my ego to have a date with a pretty young woman, but I never expected it to turn into anything else, and certainly not this..."

"Me either," she said. "It was just a dinner date at first, but you took me by surprise, and once you turned on the charm, I was ready to see where it would go. I just never thought it would go so fast or so far. But I'm glad it did because I was overdue."

She rolled off me and we locked in a full-body embrace. "OK, so now that we're here, what do we do about it..?" I asked her if she wanted to get breakfast and she said, "Not yet..."

We snuggled and settled into a blissful half hour snooze. But eventually, inexorably, my cock started to engorge, and she grabbed it and squeezed it and brought it to its full rigid splendor. Her tits woke up too, and her nipples swelled to beg my attention. My hand reached between her legs, and I clutched the silky hair of her crotch. My fingers toyed with her pussy lips and tickled her button. "Oh shit," she said in mock dismay, "are we going to have to do it again..?"

"It looks like it, "I admitted, "but this time it could take a while..."

"Perfect," she said. "I'm feeling lazy. Go slow and make me earn it."