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The contrast made his breath once again catch in his throat, she sat there smiling, basking in his gaze.

Then she got up and climbed on top of him, expertly opening his slacks and reaching in.

It was all so sudden, so completely erotic that Mike's head was spinning. Partly because again the Marijuana made everything a slow motion blur.

He had hoped for sex, that was clear from Patty's earlier request, but not like this. Usually there was some foreplay, some teasing, a few kisses and then the move to the bedroom.

There was little foreplay, Patty got on top and reaching down, she grasped him and guided his cock to her opening, then she sat down on him.

The first time was right there in the beanbag chair, his slacks pulled down barely far enough to manage.

"You have such a beautiful cock! It's perfectly straight, most guys are bent." Patty told him later as she lay naked on his bed, fondling him.

That should have been Mike's second clue.

They had started on the beanbag chair, ended up on the carpet. Then Mike rolled her over. The way her legs were widespread caused her to push back at him oddly, he had to keep scooting forward to stay inside her.

They were both giggling madly when finally they hit the cool floor of the kitchen, they had crab walked that way clear across the living room floor and in there.

At one point his slacks had slipped farther down, he managed to kick his legs and leave them in a pile behind them. At one point he had lifted her forward, tugging her skirt over her head without even slipping out of her.

She did let out a gasp when her naked back touched the cool floor, but she never missed a beat.

Now in his bed, she had insisted on having the lights on so she could see him. She also never let go of him, each time Mike began to go soft she worked furiously to get him hard again.

Then she hopped up, telling him she was going to take a shower.

"I want to get really clean so you can lick me, would you like to do that?" Patty purred.

"OK." He told her. Patty was back in five minutes, her body now pink from the hot water. She hopped onto the bed, grabbed some pillows to prop up her back, and spread her legs obscenely wide.

It was the craziest, wildest, most erotic session of sex Mike had ever known in his life.

She spent the night, waking him once in the middle of the night to go again. Mike had been dreaming of someone's hands on him, he woke up to her doing exactly that.

The next morning he drove her to work, noticing the large bag she carried had a change of clothes in it.

It was clear she had planned on spending the night with him, and when he didn't make a move right off the bat, she made her own move.

Patty was amazing, he had never met a female so open and easy about her sexuality.

The next day after she got off work, she drove onto the gas station lot. The pink panties she wore came into view as she got out of her car.

Martin saw her coming and shook his head.

"Man, you don't listen, do you?" He told Mike.

Mike ignored that, went out to talk to Patty.

She followed him home and stayed the night again, it was a crazy repeat of the first night.

Two days later was a Saturday and Mike asked her if she wanted to go down to the river, there nearly always was a party going on down there on sunny weekends.

"I can't, I have a date." She told him.

"What?" Mike was floored by that, and his upset showed.

"This guy asked me weeks ago, we are going to a movie, then a party down at high rocks. I promised him, so I have to go." She said.

"But...? I thought you and I...?" Mike said.

"We are, but this guy asked me before you and I hooked up so don't be upset. It's just a date. I would have canceled it but Jack is a truck driver so I had no way to reach him." She smiled.

Mike had no clue at all of what to say to that.


Crazy with jealousy, Mike was parked where he could see the area and was fairly sure they would not notice. He was there nearly an hour when he saw Patty and a husky young man arrive. They were holding hands walking down the path to the river. For nearly two hours he watched as they both stripped down to bathing suits, hers was tiny and lime green.

Then she lay down on a blanket to get some sun and undid the top, lying on her stomach. It wasn't long before she turned over, baring her breasts. Several of the women down there were topless, many often were but that still pissed Mike off.

But they didn't kiss or touch at all that Mike saw.

Finally they left, he started his car and went on home, deciding that was the end of that. If she wanted to date other guys, she could but he wasn't going to put up with it.

Two days later she called him at his work, wanting to know why he hadn't been by.

"Because you are dating some other guy, that's why."

"Oh, don't be silly. I told you I had promised him way ahead of time, he is a truck driver so that's why it took so long."

"Well, I didn't like that. I suppose you took him to bed, too?" Mike really didn't think so but he was still pissed off at her.

Patty didn't answer.

"You did, didn't you? You let that guy fuck you?" Mike raised his voice.

"Mike, it's not anything important. He wanted to so I let him. It was a nice date, we had fun and he did spend some money on me. But he wasn't anywhere near as good as you are, I didn't even get off."

"Jesus Christ!" Mike said, and hung up. Patty called right back, he didn't answer.

After a half dozen calls, Martin came in.

"Aren't you going to answer the fucking phone?" He growled.

"It's Patty, I don't want to talk to her."

Martin picked up the phone.

"He isn't here, he left."

He listened for a second.

"Beats the hell out of me, lady." Martin hung up.

"Told ya so." Martin said, and went back to work.


Two weeks later Mike stopped at a light, someone pulled up along side and blew their horn. He looked over, there sat Patty. She signaled for him to pull over, so he turned into a G.I. Joe's parking lot.

Patty drove up and got out, walked over to his car. She had on another one of those short skirts with matching bottoms, and the same type top that crossed over her breasts. When she leaned in the window, it was clear that she had no bra on.

But then that was not unusual, he had never seen her wear one.

"Where are you going?" She asked, smiling when she saw his eyes drop to her exposed breasts.


"Can I come over?"


"You know why!" Patty grinned.

"Hey look, Patty. You slept with some other guy."

"What's the matter with you, Mike? We didn't make any promises to each other, we aren't married. Maybe he would be upset because I slept with you, did you ever think of that?"

Mike didn't answer.

"Besides, I won't go out with him any more, he was lousy and way too quick and his thing was only about four inches. Now if I promise to not sleep with anyone else but you, would that work? I really do like you and think we could be good together." Patty told him.

"Patty, I don't think...."

"Mike, you have been with other women, I know you have. So what's the big deal? Let's give it a try, at least."

Mike gave in, another mistake but by now he had long since lost track of them when dealing with Patty.

They were barely into Mike's house before Patty was naked and they were going at it.

Later, as they lay there basking, she worked her fingers over one nipple while lightly nipping at the very tip of the other with her teeth.

"You can forgive me, right?" Patty asked, one hand reaching down to fondle Mike's now soft cock.

"You mean for letting that truck driver...?"

"Yea, and..well, I don't want any secrets, I went with Terry, too."

"Who in the fuck is Terry?"

"Just a guy that comes in for lunch. I thought you didn't want me, is why. But then I waited until you left work and got you stopped. I really do like you, honey." Her hand was very busy now.

"I suppose he only has a four inch dick, too!" Mike raised his voice.

"No, actually he is as big as you but he didn't know what to do with it, not really."

"Jesus Christ!" Mike pushed her hand away, but she put it right back.

"I want to make it up to you, so I have an idea, honey."

"Make what up to me?" It took a moment for what she was saying to register because like always around her, he was again completely stoned.

Somehow Mike felt out of control, he just could not get his feet set with this woman.

"Because I...fucked with that Jack guy. Hell, he was sure hard but it was kind of little and he went off so fast it wasn't even fun. So you don't have anything to worry about there. Terry was no fun either, not like you are. Anyway, I know that upsets you."

"So what is your idea?" Mike sighed.

"Something special. I want to let you...put it in the other..you know, up my behind? No one ever has, so then I will be all yours, and that will be proof, OK?"

Mike found that funny as hell, he roared with laughter.

"You want me to screw you in the butt?" He asked, still snickering.

"Yea. I guess we have to use lots of lube and really get it..slick? So if you use some baby oil and your finger first that will help, because I think it might hurt."

For the first time in his life, Mike managed to fuck a woman in the behind. It was surprisingly easy, Patty grunted and groaned, each time she let out a moan he stopped, then when she relaxed he began again.

"Yuk." Patty told him when she came out of the bathroom giggling. Mike laughed again.

"Well, what do you think? Did you like that?" Patty asked him.

"It was OK, but I like your pussy better." He grinned.

"Me, too, but now I am all yours, I will never ever fuck with anyone else again as long as we are together." Patty purred as she snuggled into his arms.

Mike should have paid attention to how she said that, but he didn't.

The next day Patty moved in with him.

"You really are one dumb son of a bitch, aren't you?" Martin told him when he mentioned it.

"Damn it Martin, I know what I am doing. I love her and she loves me, it will work out." Mike said.

"Yea, sure." Martin said. They really didn't talk much more about it after that.


That lasted just two months.

Since Patty and Sara were close friends, they often took his little Orange Honda that Mike used sometimes for a shuttle car, and went places.

Mike had found an old Volkswagen beetle for her to drive, since the Mazda she had was on it's last legs. That had lasted just three days before she lost control of the stick shift and rammed it into a steel pole that was in front of the big windows at his shop.

She wasn't hurt but the Volkswagen sure was, so he had it down at his shop fixing it.

The tiny little Honda 600 was hard to miss going down the street, Mike looked up saw it a block away at a stop light when he was on a run to the parts store.

Patty turned down a side street, he jumped into his Nova and followed since he saw four people in the tiny car.

She drove a block over, another two blocks down, then back onto the main drag, obviously avoiding going by his gas station.

As he suspected, the other two people in the car were guys, plus Sara of course. They pulled into an apartment complex, parked and went inside one of the upstairs units.

Pissed off again, Mike went back to work. He had to since Martin was waiting for the parts.

"What took so long?" Martin asked him.

"They had trouble finding the right part." Mike answered sourly.

"What in the hell is wrong with you?" Martin looked at him oddly.

"Nothing." Mike answered.


"We didn't do anything, those were just a couple of guys we went to school with, they gave me some dope, is all." She told him when he confronted her with what he had seen.

"Well, why drive out around my shop if it's nothing, then?" Mike asked her.

"I don't know why, I was afraid if you saw us you would get upset, just like you are doing. And why were you spying on me, anyway?" She threw that back into his face.

The argument got worse, ending when she told him he could go to hell if he thought he could dictate to her who her friends would be.

Then she called Sara, grabbed her bags and they left in Sara's car. Mike was pissed off, he didn't even go outside.

Mike had had quite enough of her, especially since he left work early and had been waiting at home when she walked in the door. She had instantly gone to the bathroom and took a shower, not normal for her at all at 4 in the afternoon.

Over the next couple of weeks Mike mostly pouted, he wanted Patty and hated her at the same time.

"Damn, you need to get over that bimbo. I swear, she is poison!" Martin told him finally after Mike's mood was getting on his nerves.

"Yea, you are probably right." Mike answered.


At a party over at his brother's house a few weeks after Patty left, Martin introduced him to the woman named Kathleen. She was 28 and single with one small child, a girl named Trina.

His brother told him that Kathleen had been married to one of his buddies in the military, and they had lost him out on a mission a few years back. After that, Martin's wife Tina and Kathleen had become fast friends.

That was about as much as Martin ever said about his years in the service, Mike knew there was no point in asking for anything more.

"She is a fine woman, pretty and you two would be perfect together." Martin told him. Mike finally gave in and agreed to meet her.

There had been no sign of Patty at all, he had driven by the trailer house and talked to Patty's mother. She answered the door in a housecoat, her hair a mess and it was obvious she had nothing at all on under it, holding it together in the front.

"How in the hell should I know, I haven't seen her for days." Patty's mother told him.

Mike was going to press the issue but a big guy wearing just briefs appeared behind her.

"Who the hell is this asshole?" The guy asked, puffing himself up as much as he could. He was rather obviously drunk.

Mike left, there was no point.


When Mike asked Kathleen out, she seemed pleased.

She was pretty and the date was pleasant, things progressed normally over several dates. Mike found himself enjoying her company, but he made no move to try and seduce her.

They did go out to a local park, sitting and talking until nearly 3 in the morning. She told him about her life with her husband, how it had been so hard after he was killed on a mission overseas.

Kathleen sounded so sad when she mentioned it that he reached out and held her in his arms.

"You are just a nice guy, aren't you?" She asked him. Then she tipped her head up for a kiss.

After that they kissed a lot.

Patty was almost forgotten during that period, he went nowhere near the cafe where she had worked, since several times he had gone there but there was no sign of her or Sara. There was an older on the matronly side woman working there now.

"They both quit." The old woman told him when he asked.


It became clear one day that Mike and Kathleen would go to the next step.

She was the one that made it clear.

"I haven't been with anyone at all since my husband. I was wondering if you liked me enough?" Kathleen asked him one evening, her face flaming. By then they had been petting a little bit, just through their clothing.

Mike still had Patty on the brain, he was fighting that and trying to move on but it was a struggle for him.

It had been well over two months, Mike found that as he was making love to Kathleen that all he could do was compare her to Patty. Her breasts were larger but very soft, with some sagging, her stomach was covered with stretch marks. Patty's young body was tight and unblemished, Kathleen was mature.

But Mike poured all he knew into making love to her, building her slowly into an intense orgasm. For a brief period he even managed to get the troubles out of his mind, losing himself in the sweet softness of shared pleasure.

Kathleen seemed to really like him, but Mike just could not shake the vision of Patty, he finally broke it off which made Kathleen very unhappy.

She didn't really say anything, but Mike could see it in her eyes.

He knew she had feelings for him, so he was honest about that, explaining that he still had issues to deal with. It bothered him, he saw the tiny tear she tried so hard to hide.

"I wish you had told me before." Kathleen said quietly to him after he tried to explain.

"I'm really sorry, I don't know where my head is at." He told her.

"OK. I guess I understand. I really do like you but if that is what you want, then it's OK." She got up, looked at him with a sad expression and left.

Mike felt like shit about that. Bad enough everything was going all to hell, now he had hurt someone that he really did like.

"You are a stupid ass, aren't you?" Martin told him when he mentioned he wasn't seeing Kathleen any more.

Mike ignored him, sighing, he just went back to work.


"So who is that older lady you have been dating?" Patty's voice said on the phone a few days later. That was a surprise, Mike had not seen or heard a word from her in over two months.

"How do you know about that?" He asked her.

"I get around, besides, Sara said she saw you going into that country and western place over on Foster."

"Oh." That was true, Kathleen liked country and western music so Mike had taken her there several times.

"So what do you want, why are you calling me?" Mike asked her.

"I miss you, Mike. I love you, I think I always have and I realize it now. I just needed to get it all out of my system, I guess. You can understand that, can't you?" Her voice sounded sincere.

"So how many guys have you slept with since you took off?" Mike demanded.

"What does that matter? We weren't together. Besides, you are messing around with that older lady, I bet."

Mike sighed. That almost sounded like it made sense.

"Patty, the only way you and I can ever work is if you are honest with me, and faithful. I am not someone who can stand sneaking around."

"I will be, honey. I told you I would never sleep with anyone while we are together and I didn't, I promise. Please, can I come home? I want to be with you." She asked.

"OK." Mike sighed.

"Good, let's get married then. That way I will really be all yours."

"OK." Mike said, giving in.

That was another of Mike's mistakes.

Deep inside, he knew that, but he wanted that woman.


The trip to Reno was uneventful, Patty wore a pretty light green dress as they stood in the wedding chapel. Back at the casino hotel they made sweet love for well over an hour, then cleaned up and prepared to head downstairs.

They played a few machines, Patty found a funny game that had free spins. It was only a dime machine so Mike figured she couldn't lose too much money, he wandered over to some dollar slots and gave them a try.

After about an hour he was still even, so he gave up and went looking for her. He finally found her in one of the bars, sitting at a table with two guys, drinking. The two guys were large, wearing muscle shirts, tattoos on their arms. One of them was sitting right beside her, the other was across the table, and she was laughing and carrying on.

The one sitting beside her had his arm draped over the back of her chair, he was leaning in towards her and she did not appear to be putting up any resistance.

Mike walked over and got her, she stood up and went with him. The two guys appeared to be unhappy at his arrival, one of them began to protest but Mike just looked at him and told him that they had just gotten married earlier that morning.

Mike felt himself flush slightly when the guy just snorted and waved his hand.

Completely pissed off, he took Patty back up to their room.

"What the fuck was that? I leave you alone for just an hour and you pick up two goons?" He yelled at her.