Political Fervor

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A Futa congresswoman takes advantage of her position.
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"Both sides have important points, and as a nation, we should come together to hear them out." Jesse watched his boss on the screen, the words 'Congresswoman Lisa Allen' highlighted on the screen just beneath her as she addressed the media in what seemed like words designed to be as bland and inoffensive as possible.

Her outfit was designed to play the part of patriotic moderate as well: a white blouse covered by a purple blazer with a matching purple pencil skirt. Attached to the blazer's lapel was a small American flag pin, the obvious sign of a patriot. Lisa Allen herself was a woman far less bland than the ideas she espoused: standing at 5'9", she had long, straight brown hair that she kept up in a professional, tight bun whenever in public. Her skin was as exceptionally tan as she never missed a chance to lay in the sun, so much so that it was a joke that her brown eyes were really blue underneath all the tanning. While not overly muscular she was fit, the only sign of her 40 years of age the small crow's feet around her eyes, covered a bit by a stylish pair of glasses. Her plump lips curved into an easy smile as she spoke, and her face had the pleasant appearance of someone vaguely detached from the unexceptional things they rambled.

At odds with her otherwise demure appearance was the body that Lisa Allen could never have hidden. Her wide hips strained against the skirt, her bubble butt stretching the fabric. Even beneath a blouse and blazer, it was obvious how large her chest was, as well. Some had said the sexuality that she seemed to inadvertently ooze was what had helped her win a political race she had no business being in. It was hard to argue.

"Bad inflection..." Jesse's head tilted away from the television to Adrienne Chen, Lisa's Chief of Staff. It was her office that they now sat in, Adrienne typing furiously into her phone as she scrutinized Lisa's delivery. She was a small, thin Asian woman of about 35 whom Jesse could feel ambition radiating off of. Her power trip seemed to be lived vicariously through Lisa.

He fidgeted on the couch opposite Adrienne's desk, looking down at the Starbucks cup in his hand. It seemed like his only role here was to fetch coffee, or at least the only role he could put on a resume. He imagined most college freshmen would've done just about anything to secure an internship with a sitting congressperson during just their second semester, but it hadn't lived up to the billing for Jesse. He hadn't been very excited to begin with, but when his parents used the weight of their connections and money to get him here, along with telling him how fascinating it would be and how many connections he'd make, well, it was not like he could say no.

Lisa paused on the screen, listening to a question from a reporter.

"We never should've done a Monday press conference." Adrienne said to herself. "She's always so wound up on Mondays, especially in the morning."

Don't I know it, Jesse thought. He tucked a long strawberry blonde lock of hair behind his ear, looking about the mess of papers that comprised Adrienne's desk. He zoned out for a moment, wondering if his parents would make him try to continue the internship next semester as well. He didn't even have a major yet, and if he didn't go poli sci his current semester wouldn't be that valuable.

There was a banging and an audible scramble from the other side of the door into Adrienne's office. Someone important had just entered the communications room, riling up the rest of Lisa's staff who, unlike Jesse, did real work. Jesse glanced up, noticing Lisa was no longer on the screen. The commotion, he surmised, was the return of his boss.

His instinct was soon proven correct as Lisa barged through the door into Adrienne's office.

"Good God, who schedules a press event on a Monday morning?!" Her voice had none of the cordial tone she had presented over the television. She tossed her glasses onto Adrienne's desk; prescription-less, they were at the advice of a consulting company. Her sultry figure needed the glasses, so they said, to make her look more intelligent.

"Well, events happening on a Saturday or Sunday require a prompt answer." Adrienne moved quickly to close the door behind her.

"Does the world hang with bated breath on the response of a Congresswoman from bumfuck nowhere? They could've at least waited until I had my morning coffee." She turned, looking Jesse's way for the first time as she snapped her fingers.

"Here, Ms Allen." He said dutifully, holding out the Starbucks cup with both hands. She snatched it, Jesse observing her white-painted nails. The contrast made her skin look even more tan.

"And that reporter, David whatever from the Post." She continued venting to Adrienne, turning away from Jesse without answer. "Does he have to try to goad me into talking about some culture war bullshit every time? Isn't it your job to make sure the reporters ask things I have an answer for already?"

She walked to the hutch behind the desk, opened it, and removed a bottle of coffee liqueur. She hastily unscrewed the top, tossing the lid to the coffee cup in the trash and adding a generous helping of alcohol to her coffee.

"Well, it's more your Communications Director's job." Adrienne mumbled as she watched with disapproving eyes at the large gulps Lisa took. "But I'd be more than happy to go over what you said and how you said it. Like, when you were asked-"

"No!" Lisa held up her free hand and she turned away from her Chief of Staff. "It's Monday morning and I just spent 15 minutes trying not to scream at reporters. If you have notes write them down, because I'm not dealing with any of that yet." She took another big drink from the cup and opened the second door in Adrienne's office that led to her own. She turned as she did, snapping her fingers at Jesse and pointing into the office. He hopped off the couch, trotting after her. Lisa held the door, looming over the boy a few inches shorter than her, and followed Jesse into her office.

"There are some important-" Adrienne's plea was met with a shake of the head as Lisa took another sip, closing the door behind her.

Jesse stood in the middle of the Congresswoman's office, a setting that had become routine for him the last four weeks. Lisa strode to the side of the room opposite her desk, opening a cabinet.

"Clothes off except the thong. Then under the desk." Her words were said without even a glance at Jesse, but he had become used to such commands.

He had become used to the thong, as well, that was now a staple of his outfit. He had been given a collection of women's thongs, all pink and red, that he had been instructed to make his only underwear during his employment. He had found it an uncomfortable item of clothing at first, but now his acclimation to it was almost as psychologically uncomfortable.

He quickly unbuttoned his white dress shirt, revealing the slight, pale figure below. His face was just as pale but smattered with freckles. His torso, lacking these flecks, looked like a marble statue, albeit one carved without the muscles of a Greek hero in mind. His long reddish hair lay just past his shoulders, slightly covering his face as his clothes came off. Despite weeks of the same behavior he couldn't help but blush as he undressed, and with his skin tone, the blush looked like a red tower blooming across his face and chest.

Jesse unzipped his navy blue slacks, tugging them down to reveal perfectly smooth alabaster legs. Along with the thongs, it had soon been revealed to him that frequent, professional-grade waxing was required of him, and his whole body had been the target. He could hardly recognize his legs, especially with his crotch covered by the pink lace he had worn today. His body had taken on a much more feminine look than he was used to, despite already having long hair. Now, his limp penis and hairless balls covered by some pink fabric, he wouldn't be surprised if a neutral observer looking at him in this moment thought he was a girl.

Tossing away the remainder of his clothes he heard the closing of a cabinet and the overly sweet smell in the air that told him the Congresswoman had pulled out her hidden vape, not even bothering to watch him undress at her command. He wasted no time, though, in walking over to her large desk, scooting the chair out of the way, and taking his place on his knees underneath the spacious room that would've been for her legs.

He took his place on his knees, hands in his lap, facing where she would soon be in her chair. It was practically his office now, the dim lighting he was currently in to be replaced by closer to darkness as she took a seat and filled up his view. He heard Lisa take a few more hits from the vape, slowly walking over to drop herself into her office chair.

"This should be the start of all Mondays, none of that media crap." She spread her legs slightly, lifting her hips up to be able to pull her skirt up. From between her legs flopped out a large, flaccid cock from its place tucked between her legs, a fat pair of smooth balls coming after them. She was as hairless as Jesse was made to be, although Lisa clearly didn't bother covering herself while tanning: her cock and balls were as sun-kissed as the rest of her body was.

Adding to Jesse's feminine feelings was just how big Lisa's cock was. He had not thought of his own cock as small, but flaccid Lisa's cock was almost as big as his erect and probably had more girth. Fully hard she must've been almost 9 inches, enough that it seemed comical that she could keep it tucked between her legs in any meaningful way. The thong Jesse had on would've been little more than a supportive garment for the bottom half of her ballsack.

"I've been waiting for a wet hole all weekend, so make sure to make it extra sloppy." Lisa instructed as she wheeled her chair forward, blocking out a decent amount of light and filling Jesse's vision with turgid meat. Her command was ridiculous; she was so large that any meaningful blowjob Jesse gave would have to be wet. It took everything he had to just get his mouth around it, making it awfully difficult not to wind up drooling all over it.

Dutifully he opened his mouth, sticking his tongue out as he'd been instructed previously. His mouth contacted the hot head of her limp cock and he pressed his head forward, lifting it up with his mouth and taking more in. He was met with a loud exhalation of breath from above, and a pulse of excitement from what was in his mouth. Already he was working his head back and forth, the rapidly growing cock forcing his head further and further away from her crotch. Despite weeks of practice, he was still nowhere close to deepthroating the behemoth in front of him.

Fully erect, he could only get about a quarter of her length in his mouth. She was too thick, his mouth stretched absurdly trying to fit it in him as he moved down it. Wet gulping, gagging sounds slipped out of him, seeming to echo from the walls of the desk that surrounded him. Lisa made no move, no further noise that he could hear over the sounds of his own mouth. He merry worked as best he could, the minutes ticking by as his neck muscles pumped his head back and forth, his tongue running in circles around the tip of her cock.

"Sorry!" Jesse heard Adrienne's voice almost at the same time as the office door opening. He froze, Lisa's cock just barely remaining in his mouth. "I just need to fill you in on a few things real quick."

"You know, I'm more than a little busy at the moment." Lisa's words were full of irritation. Jesse heard the door close, but Adrienne remained.

"I know, I know. Just give me a few minutes. I just want to be able to give an answer to a couple things in a timely manner." Jesse felt Lisa's hand press on his forehead, pushing the cock out of his mouth.

"Fine." She said with a sigh. "I guess I'll wait for the finale." Her hand slid to the back of Jesse's head, pulling his face forward into her lap while her cock flopped across his forehead. His mouth quickly pressed up against her sack. "Work my balls for now."

Jesse's skin burned bright with embarrassment from the command made in front of Adrienne. He was obviously aware, at least somewhat, of the situation between Jesse and Lisa, but she had never commented on it explicitly, let alone been in the room when it happened. Nevertheless, he opened his mouth, slick with the spit and saliva that had been coating Lisa's cock, and lightly sucked on her balls.

"So, get on with it." Lisa's voice showed no sign of the change in where Jesse's mouth was.

"Well, Congressman Turney was very insistent on having lunch with you today to discuss welfare spending. He thought it was a priority to meet with you sooner rather than later."

"Hah!" Lisa shifted her weight, bringing the other ball into Jesse's focus. "I bet he does. That creep is so determined to get his hands up my skirt I just might let him for the surprise."

"As you can probably guess, I wouldn't recommend that. We can schedule a more public location than usual for the lunch if you want to try and keep him at arm's length."

"Fine, whatever." Lisa's annoyance was building quickly. Her cock was bouncing on Jesse's forehead, twitching as the boy coated her sack in drool. "Is that all?"

"Well, there's something else. From Congresswoman Nelson." Adrienne paused, the only sounds in the room Jesse's sucking and licking. He burned with a humiliation he hadn't felt before, wishing it wasn't so damn quiet. Lisa was clearly in no mood to prompt any talking, so after a heartbeat, Adrienne continued.

"She... wants to get better acquainted with your..." She pointed her finger down towards the desk where the noises were coming from.

"What, my cock?!" Lisa's voice was incredulous.

"No. Your... plaything." Adrienne's voice was quieter, almost embarrassed sounding.

Lisa's eyes narrowed, immediately suspicious. She pushed Jesse's head back again, this time leaning back herself a bit, readjusting her hips. She lifted a leg, pulling his face forward, below her balls, pressing Jesse's mouth up against her asshole. She pressed his head into her thigh on one side, wrapping the lifted leg around the other, covering his ears fully with both thighs. Her balls rested on his nose, her cock wagging in the air just below the edge of the desk.

Jesse was now fully unable to hear what they spoke of, along with the added difficulty of trying to breathe with a face full of balls and ass. He couldn't see, but knew from past experience her asshole was as waxed as the rest of her, had been bleached and then tanned. Still, the sensation of pressing his mouth into Lisa's asshole was as unsteadying each time as was taking her cock. He took deep breaths with his mouth, licking and huffing on her hole as his nostrils were both pressed firmly against her pouch.

"What does that bitch want with him?" Lisa growled to her deputy.

"She has a 'Meet the Interns' program that she's been running. Every month she has lunch with an intern to try to get to know them."

"Yeah, I'll bet she's really concerned with getting to know them. I'll bet the vast majority of them are men too." She winked her asshole as Jesse tongued it.

"I'm not sure about the specifics, but the last two months were male interns." She gave a wry smile to Lisa, pausing before moving on.

"So... how's Jesse working out? A fair compromise?" The 'compromise' had been Jesse's lack of a vagina. In the previous 6 months, Lisa had gone through 2 interns, getting both pregnant and having to discreetly pay her way out of it. To Adrienne it had meant dodging potential scandals, but also the requirement to come up with more hush money payments. It was like re-election payments were getting shot straight out of Lisa's cock into those interns. Jesse's parent's wealth was a useful way to fill that financial gap, and Jesse was a good stand-in for a different kind of gap as far as Adrienne was concerned.

"If you're thinking I'm going to congratulate you on taking pussy away from me you're in for a surprise." Lisa pulled Jesse's face in harder with her leg, mashing the boy's lips against her asshole. "The jury is still out on whether he measures up in that particular regard, but his mouth has been... satisfactory. For the moment."

It had been all Adrienne could do to convince Lisa not to immediately try fucking the boy. Not that boys were her thing anyway, but Lisa seemed to perpetually need to put her cock in a warm, tight hole and Adrienne was more than a little concerned that the hush money payments would just get bigger if she had her way with Jesse right off the bat.

"Well, definitely TMI. But can I say yes to Congresswoman Nelson? It would look harsh to say no, especially with this being your 3rd intern in 6 months. At some point, you'll come off as cold."

"Fine." Lisa grunted, practically willing to agree to anything to be able to get on with her dick-worshipping. "I'll prep him on it. It'll be fine."

Adrienne frowned, a foreboding feeling on just what 'prep' meant to Lisa in this case, but she wasn't about to argue with getting the answer that she needed.

"And the lunch with Congressman Turney?"

"Yes, fuck!" Lisa burst with frustration as Jesse practically hyperventilated between her legs, his lungs burning with the need for a deep breath that wasn't lacking in oxygen and hot from the flesh around him. The lower half of his face was dripping with drool, Lisa's ass and balls coated, the chair beneath starting to get slick. "Whatever! Just go take care of it elsewhere!"

"You got it." Adrienne said quickly, ducking out of the room, the door making a click as it closed.

Lisa parted her legs, shoving her seat back a few feet. Jesse's head fell forward, gasping, sucking in deep breaths of fresh air.

"God, all that wasted slobber that could've been on my cock!" Her frustration seemed to be more about the interruption in her blowjob, but it felt more directed at Jesse as she reached forward to grab a fistful of red hair.

"A whole weekend waiting for a mouth to fuck and I'm so close just because of a tongue shoved in my ass." She pulled Jesse's face forward a bit, but with her other hand jerked her cock, the tip less than an inch away from his mouth. The phone on her desk began to ring, eliciting an exasperated growl from Lisa, her hand working furiously on her cock.

"Jesus, you'd think I could get 5 fucking minutes on a Monday to dump a load in a mouth in peace." Her breath was coming fast, her words quick. Her hand tensed painfully on Jesse's scalp and he could feel what would be coming momentarily, expectantly opening his mouth and sticking out his tongue.

"No one has any fucking patience." Her hand was coming all the way up and down her cock, making a wet slapping noise at the base where Jesse's spit had soaked her balls. "No one can give anyone time to relax and just blow a load. Just have to..." Her breath caught and she moved herself closer, laying the head in Jesse's tongue without putting it in him.

"Just have to... get it over with quick... and... FUCK." Her hand tightened in Jesse's hair, forcing a quiet yelp from him before his mouth was flooded with what felt like a cup full of sperm. Ropes sprayed over his tongue, hitting him in the back of the mouth. The first shot gagged him and he instinctively tried to twist away, but the hand on his head kept him rooted in place.

More and more seemed to come, first shooting out, then leaking. Jesse gulped away, his mouth making a gurgling noise as he tried to swallow with his mouth still wide open. After a few minutes Lisa's hard breathing slowed, her cock softening, the rough hand opening to smooth Jesse's hair back down in place. Then she pressed his head back, scooting him fully back beneath the desk as she pulled her chair forward, again blocking him off from anything other than her crotch.