Possessing Bella Ch. 08


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"Why the sudden change of heart?" Stephen's voice was still hard and uncompromising.

"Bella is quite a good listener, did you know? She never actually says very much, but she has this ability to make people look at the world around them in a different way just by being in it. It is a testament to her that she lives in the moment rather than remaining stuck in a cycle of...," he smiled softly, "the past. She chose to live when so many would surrender."

"Yes," Stephen agreed. "She is a unique girl. I expect that is why Mel loved her so deeply. She has an intelligence and thoughtfulness that is unexpected for a girl as young and experienced as she is."

"Perhaps," Hunter acknowledged hearing the pride in Stephen's voice though his face showed no emotion. It was obvious that Stephen had feelings for the girl though Hunter was not sure that he had properly acknowledged them yet, even to himself. "One thing she did say was that rivalry, no matter how friendly, can cause harm. Even unintentional harm." He paused as Stephen raised his eyebrow and looked at Bella.

"Yes, she sensed the issues between us and it caused her great concern when she first arrived. She came regardless because she had agreed to the commitment before she realised the danger. Were I another man, her worries would have been founded, and I may not have listened to her concerns and taken them on board. I am even willing to admit I was wrong, though my list of excuses for my behaviour is long. I would like it if we could be the friends we once were again."

Stephen turned directly to Bella then, "You did not tell me you had concerns about coming to Hunter. Do we need to go over the meaning of the word honesty again?" he growled at her, and she sat in shocked silence that he was angry with her.

"Speak Bella," Hunter urged.

"It was obvious that you, Sir Stephen, seemed unhappy that I was coming here, but neither were you happy that I went to Sire. I had assumed that you did not like the idea of me seeking training with various people in the way that I wanted. I did not even think about your rivalry until that day that I asked for the release because of it," she explained quietly.

"She asked to be released!" Stephen growled surging to his feet.

"Oh, sit down, what sort of bastard do you think I am," Hunter groaned and rolled his eyes. "She called Rob not you, that was her choice, because of our rivalry she didn't think you would give her the best advice. How's that for a slap in the face you arrogant prick? She wanted him to come, not you, because you hadn't been honest with her. It's a two way street and you weren't on it with her."

Stephen sat and stared at Bella; his anger now turned on himself. He of all people had let her down and put her in a situation that scared her. He saw her drop her head and look at the floor as if unable to look him in the eye anymore.

"Rivalry causes pain even if it's unintentional," Hunter said in a calmer voice. "Stop berating yourself Bella, this is not your fault," he said softly. "For god's sake Stephen, no one can live up to those lofty standards you set, not even you. You can try but," he sighed, "We all make mistakes."

Stephen stood again and picked Bella up to her feet and tilted her face up to his to look into her eyes. He could see the concern laced with fear, and he hated himself for that. "I am sorry," he said sincerely. "It was not my intention to cause you any pain," his deep voice was flat and husky. "I will talk to Jake when we return about taking over as your watcher."

"No," Bella said softly, "Please don't do that." She reached up and touched his cheek gently sensing his inner turmoil. "It's all worked out for the best now," she assured him. "I have very much enjoyed my time here on the island." She found it disconcerting that he would suggest such a thing over this issue.

Stephen leaned into the small hand against his cheek for a moment and then abruptly let her go. The truth was; he was torn; he hated watching her go to Hunter when he had handed her over at the pier, and he doubted he would have enjoyed it had it been another man of any description, but he felt an overarching need to look after her, care for her and protect her. In the city, it was much easier to deal with his feelings toward her. Here, with Hunter, it was becoming too difficult, and he realised he shouldn't have come to this weekend gathering.

"Bella, Jack wanted to see you when we were done, and I think this may take a little longer than expected," Hunter said seeing the look on Stephen's face. "Why don't you go see him and comeback when you can, so we don't keep him waiting for you in the salon all afternoon."

Bella nodded sadly feeling like she had done something wrong and turned to leave the room. She stopped at the door and looked back at Stephen knowing that Hunter's words had cut him deeply but not knowing what to say or do to make it better she left closing the door behind her.

"Now can we talk about when you are going to tell that girl that she belongs to you?" Hunter smirked.

"What makes you think...," Stephen rounded on Hunter and saw the knowing smile. "When she is ready to hear it," Stephen scowled at Hunter.

"Don't look at me like that," Hunter laughed. "You put yourself in the middle of it all and just to show you what a nice guy I am I am gonna let you take her home a week early."

Stephen looked dubious and sneered, "Yeah, didn't think she was your type."

"On the contrary, that girl is addictive. I could fall in love with her if I kept her another week. That would make it that much harder to give her back. So we have an out here, because I was serious about getting the help Flora needs and making sure she and Keyon are set up in a nice little place on the mainland," Hunter sat back in his chair. "Then I plan to take a page out of that little girl's handbook, deal with my grief and start living again. So catch me up on all the club gossip, and I may just start showing my face around there again."

Stephen finally relaxed a little and sank back into his chair, "This could take a while, got anything to drink?"

Hunter was enjoying himself seeing the human side of the great white knight; he opened the sideboard bar and pulled out a bottle of Glenfiddich and poured them both a good belt.


Bella descended the stairs, the short journey was as close as she had come to being by herself since arriving on the island, so she walked slowly. She was nervous about seeing Jack on her own and felt she owed him an apology for her actions.

Jack looked up and smiled as she entered the comfortable salon and stood from his comfortable position to greet her. "Hello girl, I have missed being able to see you as often as I had been able to when you were at Rob's beach house," he said easily gathering her into his arms. "Come, let's walk for a while, the island is beautiful at this time of year."

"Have you been here before Master? Bella asked quietly.

"Yes, though not often," he admitted. "So from what I can tell, you spoke to Hunter's man, Leighton, about being so busy you had not had a chance to see us and the other friends of Mel, in a relaxed setting. So Hunter took it upon himself to organise just such an event."

It wasn't really a question, and Bella was unsure how to answer as her friends arriving today had been as much of a surprise to her as were Jack's words. She chewed her lip thoughtfully and wondered if she had overstepped her position.

"I wasn't aware Leighton had said anything to Hunter," she almost whispered unsure of herself and not wanting him to see her as spoilt or manipulative. Jack steered her along a trail that led back up into the rainforest rather than down to the wharf and beach where she could see others playing on the sand.

"Always so worried little one," Jack murmured in his own quiet voice. "I am glad Hunter acted on your words. I believe we have all worried about you since Mel left us. First we worried that we would lose you to your grief, and then to the world you came from and now to the punishing schedule you have set for yourself. It is good that you recognise that you need time to relax and be among friends and family."

"I am happy being busy," she said cheerily to allay his worry.

"It is better than languishing away in your grief at Rob's beach house, I would think," He nodded and they lapsed into silence as they walked toward the small waterfall.

"I had forgotten how pretty it was here. I am used to the open plains surrounding my ranch. You will like it there, when you visit. It can be very peaceful," he looked at her as if looking into her.

"I am sorry I didn't come when you first offered," Bella blurted.

"You would have, had it been decided that way, of that much I am sure. If nothing else, you are an obedient girl. You will see it soon enough. For now I wish to know you are well taken care of," Jack said gruffly. "I owe that much to Mel; he loved you like no other, and I do not want what he held most precious treated like some common slut on an auction block." His tone had turned harsh, and it took Bella by surprise, his words making her think about her actions.

"Dusty has offered her council to me on your choices and requests but I have to admit I am less than happy or convinced it is in your best interests. I am not your guardian though, and the decision is not mine to make. Stephen is a good man, at any time that you feel you are being mistreated he will bring you to me, all you have to do is ask. I will protect you from those who seek to abuse your trust," he paused and stared into her eyes, "Regardless of who it is." There was a heavy meaning behind those words, and she felt uncomfortable by the insinuation that someone close to her would abuse her trust.

"I am looked after very well thank you, Master. I do appreciate everything you have said and done for me. I'm very happy at work and with each small amount of training I learn more not only about the lifestyle Mel gave me but about myself," Bella said carefully.

"Then I will say no more for now," he nodded and lapsed back into silence again. They sat watching the waterfall both lost in their own thoughts. The sound of feet came to them long before Leighton jogged around the bend.

"You are being missed at the lodge," he said in greeting. "Another member of the party has arrived and is asking to see Bella Bunny."

"Then we must go," Jack said pleasantly despite the gruffness in his voice. He stood back and let Bella precede him as they followed Leighton back to the lodge.

Bella grinned widely as she walked in and saw Rob and Leon standing and talking with Keyon and Flora. She took a breath not wanting to seem as excited as she felt inside to see Rob standing there. She slowly made her way toward him but could not hide her smile of delight.

"There she is," Flora laughed happily, catching sight of her, "Our little Bella Bunny. See I told you she wouldn't be far away."

"Ah, I have missed you little brat," Rob grinned as he took large steps toward her and enveloped her in a crushing embrace. "Jack," Rob held Bella to him with one arm and extended a hand in greeting.

"Rob," Jack said equally as stiffly and Bella frowned noticing the neither man smiled wondering if the tension between them was her fault.

"We're having a bonfire tonight down on the beach it's gonna be so much fun," Flora chattered excitedly drawing everyone's attention back to her and breaking the tension.

"It's so good to see you," Bella returned Rob's embrace. "And you Master Leon, it seems you are always rushing off somewhere, and I have only caught glimpses of you since... well since Italy really," her voice trailed off, and she saw her own pain almost mirrored in Leon's eyes.

"You're looking as beautiful as ever Bella," he gave her a tight smile. "I am going to go check out our digs and make a quick phone call, why don't you show me the way sweet Flora." He turned not noticing the frown on Bella's face as he made his way out of the room.

"He still hasn't recovered from the events in Italy and blames himself for not getting to you and Mel earlier," Rob said quietly. "He will come around just give him some time."

It had never occurred to Bella to blame anyone other than the gunmen for Mel's death. Jenny too felt responsibility for the actions of her father, but Bella never once blamed her. "Poor Leon," she thought, if anything he saved her, he was there in the hospital at her bedside, not leaving her side until she was safely with her family. How could he still feel guilt over something he had no control over. She determined to speak with him that weekend and tell him how much she loved him for everything he had done for her.

Hunter and Stephen appeared in the room, and Bella realised she should have gone back to them after greeting Rob rather than delaying the few minutes she had. Mindful of how she should act within the lodge Bella padded to Hunters side and stood quietly. He smiled down on her approvingly and petted her hair as he greeted Rob and asked after Leon.

The party eventually moved to the beach where a large marquee and several barbeques stood against the stone ledge that acted as a windbreak. A little further away from the stone ledge a bonfire roared to life as they each settled on comfortable loungers. It was as the evening wore on, and the small party began to relax and enjoy each other's company when Bella was suddenly swooped up from behind, and jostled around until she faced a smirking Kurt.

"Well, what do we have here, a little bunny?" Kurt smirked and kissed her forehead, making her giggle softly and blush. It was only when he had placed her back on the ground that she realised he wasn't alone, and she immediately greeted Mike Millar and smiled at her friends Dianne and Nyx.

Bella was overjoyed to have all her friends gathered in one place, and she felt her cheeks begin to ache from the amount of smiling and laughing the evening brought. Each of the men's personalities complimented each other so that despite them being alpha types they accepted a similar arrogance in their peers with good-natured ribbing and joking.

It was the wee hours of the morning when Bella and Hunter finally returned to his domain, and he placed her in a small basket beside his bed, she was asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.


Bella blinked her eyes open the following morning and looked into the smiling face of Flora, "Get up sleepy head today is the day of the hunt!"

"The what?" Bella shook her head and rubbed her eyes.

"The hunt, silly," Flora rolled her eyes as if speaking to a child then suddenly paled, "Maybe I wasn't supposed to tell you that," she looked vague for a moment and lines creased her brow as if she was thinking hard about what she had just said. "Well, it won't matter soon enough, let's get you ready."

Bella went through the motions of her morning ritual at the lodge enduring the constant chatter good-naturedly as Flora lamented that she would miss having such a cute little pet to look after. To her surprise Bella was dressed in a body suit and given soft flat shoes to wear. As if attuned to when they were eating breakfast Hunter arrived as he always did while they were eating. He smiled at the two women as he went to his customary seat at his desk.

"Did you sleep well?" he asked.

"Yes thank you, Master," Bella said softly, unsure of whom he spoke to.

"Did you tell her all about the hunt we have planned, Flora?" he eyed the suddenly quiet woman.

"I might have mentioned it in passing," Flora sighed. "I didn't know you hadn't told her," she whined.

"As long as you have not given much away," Hunter frowned at her but Bella could see the turned up corners of his mouth as he nodded.

"No, never," she shook her head vehemently. Then almost immediately began packing up their breakfast dishes to leave.

"What did she tell you about today?" Hunter chuckled as Flora slipped out of the door and got up walking to where Bella knelt.

"That today there would be a hunt," she chewed her lip. "She didn't elaborate though so I am still no wiser than when I woke up," she smiled nervously.

"Treat it like a game of hide and seek, the Masters will be the hunters, and you my precious pet, and your friends will be the prey. There is a proviso though," he looked at her as if measuring her small form, "Should any girl make it back to the lodge without being caught there are rewards." Bella tilted her head inquisitively at his words, but he said no more on the subject. Instead, he leaned forward and kissed her. "I am already missing our morning training sessions," he smirked and ran his hand over the mottled body stocking she wore.

Bella purred and leaned into his kiss and caress, thinking that she too would miss the attention he gave her once she returned. She had considered his words of the last day carefully and had admitted that her motivations for taking on this training may have been that of a girl seeking a no strings attached affair with someone who she knew she could trust. It had made her consider carefully what she would do when this time with Hunter came to an end, and if she could make a commitment to another as she had to Mel. She had loved Mel so deeply in the small amount of time he had taken her as his own that she could not imagine finding a relationship like that again.

"We need to go and meet with the others before the day begins," Hunter said suddenly standing and retrieving a leash from his desk. "You may walk, today," he waited for her to stand before attaching the length of soft leather to her collar. Hunter pulled her close and kissed her deeply again taking her breath away before releasing her and leading her out with the one-word command, "Heel."

They walked down to the salon where the others had gathered and were chatting amiably, the women of the group all dressed similarly to Bella. Hunter greeted them all warmly and took his seat with Bella kneeling beside him quietly. She had found that last night and again this morning Mike Millar was watching her intently, and it made her more than a little uncomfortable. She considered finding some time to talk with Nyx and find out if she had offended him in some way.

"Ah, good everyone is here at last," Hunter said loudly gaining everyone's attention as Leighton, Keyon and Flora arrived with two of the lodge girls. "It was a bit of a late start this morning so we won't waste any time." He stood and addressed the group, "Charles will accompany the girls on a cruise around our little piece of paradise as we men talk tactics for the hunt. Keyon and Flora will accompany Charles to explain the rules of the game and drop them at their starting points." He looked around at the small group.

"The winner or winners," he inclined his head to the girls, "Of the day shall receive rewards and those that fail will face the penalties." His voice had lowered ominously as he eyed each of the girls. "Gentlemen if you will follow me," he grinned and left the room. He paused to pet Bella's head and turn his wide white grin on her.

"All right, that's our cue to depart as well," Charlies said cheerily and led their party out of the lodge and down to the pier. They sailed around the island and over to another close by where wild dolphins came close to shore to be fed by visiting fishermen. It was there that they had a light picnic lunch and Bella found time to speak to Nyx.

"Have I done something to offend your Master," Bella asked quietly as they sat on the sand with small plates of food.

"Most women offend him in some way if they do not understand the natural order of things. Why do you ask?" Nyx tilted her head and looked at Bella curiously.

"He seems to be constantly watching me and almost glowering, as if he is angry about something," Bella said nervously and chewed her lip.